The left are terrorizing the United states of America

Have you EVER responded in a thread with anything other than hyperbolic bullshit?

^^^ Triggered.

Trump cultists are terrified when the cult tells them to be terrified, which is all the time. They're terrified when anyone outside of the cult tells them to man up. They even make threads like this bragging about how terrified they are. It's a form of status in the cult, to be the cultist who is the most terrified.

We can't save them. Mentally, they're too far gone into their victimhood cult, and they're never coming back. They'll stay in their SafeSpaces, and beg for DearLeaderTrump to come save them from all that terrifies them.
I don't think you understand the meaning of triggered lol.

For a hint read your responses in this thread.
Have you EVER responded in a thread with anything other than hyperbolic bullshit?

^^^ Triggered.

Trump cultists are terrified when the cult tells them to be terrified, which is all the time. They're terrified when anyone outside of the cult tells them to man up. They even make threads like this bragging about how terrified they are. It's a form of status in the cult, to be the cultist who is the most terrified.

We can't save them. Mentally, they're too far gone into their victimhood cult, and they're never coming back. They'll stay in their SafeSpaces, and beg for DearLeaderTrump to come save them from all that terrifies them.
That's some deep bullshit!
Is governing against the "will of the people" terrorism?
Trumpcare, against the "will of the people", Trump's "tax reform", against the "will of the people", dropping out of the Paris Accord, against the "will of the people", travel ban, against the "will of the people", reversing our policy with Cuba, against the "will of the people."
Trump, 35% approval, 64% disapproval. Trump's base is shrinking, currently it has shrunk by 25%. (Trump got 46% of the vote, do the math.)

How the fuck is Trump care, dropping out of the Paris accord and all the rest against the will of the people?

The Left Are Terrorizing The United States Of America

The Left, the gays, the liberals, the tranny's the Trump haters all in one notice how they all fit the same categories.

We have Canada threatening to put people in jail for using the wrong pronoun and yet the sheep can't figure out what's wrong with this picture.

They have no notion of what Psychological warfare is. How it is used , how it can be used . They just roll with their list of Truth Gods who fills in the blanks for them never wondering if it is true, or if it's even their own thoughts. But rather those thoughts being put there for them via the Media
God what a joke of a broad brush painting to pigeonhole...

The Left Are Terrorizing The United States Of America

The Left, the gays, the liberals, the tranny's the Trump haters all in one notice how they all fit the same categories.

We have Canada threatening to put people in jail for using the wrong pronoun and yet the sheep can't figure out what's wrong with this picture.

They have no notion of what Psychological warfare is. How it is used , how it can be used . They just roll with their list of Truth Gods who fills in the blanks for them never wondering if it is true, or if it's even their own thoughts. But rather those thoughts being put there for them via the Media
Poor little baby. Now clean out those shitty diapers and suck in that quivering lower lip. You will probably survive to see sundown.
The Left Are Terrorizing The United States Of America

The Left, the gays, the liberals, the tranny's the Trump haters all in one notice how they all fit the same categories.

We have Canada threatening to put people in jail for using the wrong pronoun and yet the sheep can't figure out what's wrong with this picture.

They have no notion of what Psychological warfare is. How it is used , how it can be used . They just roll with their list of Truth Gods who fills in the blanks for them never wondering if it is true, or if it's even their own thoughts. But rather those thoughts being put there for them via the Media
Frightened, eh?
Is governing against the "will of the people" terrorism?
Trumpcare, against the "will of the people", Trump's "tax reform", against the "will of the people", dropping out of the Paris Accord, against the "will of the people", travel ban, against the "will of the people", reversing our policy with Cuba, against the "will of the people."
Trump, 35% approval, 64% disapproval. Trump's base is shrinking, currently it has shrunk by 25%. (Trump got 46% of the vote, do the math.)
Fuck Obamacare

Bring on the tax cuts

Fuck job killing climate regulations

Fuck foreigners, they've no RIGHT to come here

Cuba? Really? You want to throw yourself on that sword? Ignorant

You forgot to mention the wall. Build it

You people seem to think YOUR opinion is the be all end all. It is not. It is no more valuable than the opinions I expressed above.

Trump won, the bitch lost. GET OVER IT
All this whining....I mean winning.....
Have you EVER responded in a thread with anything other than hyperbolic bullshit?

^^^ Triggered.

Trump cultists are terrified when the cult tells them to be terrified, which is all the time. They're terrified when anyone outside of the cult tells them to man up. They even make threads like this bragging about how terrified they are. It's a form of status in the cult, to be the cultist who is the most terrified.

We can't save them. Mentally, they're too far gone into their victimhood cult, and they're never coming back. They'll stay in their SafeSpaces, and beg for DearLeaderTrump to come save them from all that terrifies them.

/--- Victimhood?? you're projecting again Spanky.

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/--- Victimhood?? you're projecting again Spanky.

Does that mean you've left your victimhood cult, and you're going to stop making endless weepy posts about how the meeeeeeeaaaaaaaan liberals have made you the biggest victim evah?
Have you EVER responded in a thread with anything other than hyperbolic bullshit?

^^^ Triggered.

Trump cultists are terrified when the cult tells them to be terrified, which is all the time. They're terrified when anyone outside of the cult tells them to man up. They even make threads like this bragging about how terrified they are. It's a form of status in the cult, to be the cultist who is the most terrified.

We can't save them. Mentally, they're too far gone into their victimhood cult, and they're never coming back. They'll stay in their SafeSpaces, and beg for DearLeaderTrump to come save them from all that terrifies them.

/--- Victimhood?? you're projecting again Spanky.

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Did you miss the OP, clownshoes?

It's all about victimhood. Do you feel "terrorized"?
cellblock is a victimized terrorized snowflake. Stop your weeping, and man up, please.
It must be horrible to live in terror like you do. If you would just quit listening to those nutjobs who are filling your head with such crap, life would be so much better for you.
The ones that don't want a grown man, showering with a little girl? Oh nevermind that's what you support.

That's exactly what I;m talking about. If I believed all the crap they convinced you of, I would be right there with you, Fortunately, I believe in reality.
It must be horrible to live in terror like you do. If you would just quit listening to those nutjobs who are filling your head with such crap, life would be so much better for you.
The ones that don't want a grown man, showering with a little girl? Oh nevermind that's what you support.
Are you insinuating that Bulldog is a pedo or supports pedo politics? Are you? Really?
It must be horrible to live in terror like you do. If you would just quit listening to those nutjobs who are filling your head with such crap, life would be so much better for you.
The ones that don't want a grown man, showering with a little girl? Oh nevermind that's what you support.
Are you insinuating that Bulldog is a pedo or supports pedo politics? Are you? Really?
Does he support The liberal agenda? Then you get your answer. Do you? You support the transgendered agenda? Yes or no.
Who needs a terrorist from another country when we have those who are American made?

God bless you always!!!


Hollywood indoctrination , using social engineering to brainwash the rest of their sheep. LOL
Is governing against the "will of the people" terrorism?
Trumpcare, against the "will of the people", Trump's "tax reform", against the "will of the people", dropping out of the Paris Accord, against the "will of the people", travel ban, against the "will of the people", reversing our policy with Cuba, against the "will of the people."
Trump, 35% approval, 64% disapproval. Trump's base is shrinking, currently it has shrunk by 25%. (Trump got 46% of the vote, do the math.)

How the fuck is Trump care, dropping out of the Paris accord and all the rest against the will of the people?


Polling Data
Poll Date Sample For/Favor Against/Oppose Spread
RCP Average 3/12 - 6/11 -- 49.4 43.6 For/Favor +5.8
PPP (D) 6/9 - 6/11 811 RV 44 38 For/Favor +6
CNN/ORC 4/22 - 4/25 RV 49 47 For/Favor +2
Gallup 4/1 - 4/2 1023 A 55 41 For/Favor +14
CBS News 3/25 - 3/28 1088 A 49 45 For/Favor +4
FOX News 3/12 - 3/14 1008 RV 50 47 For/Favor +3
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

More favor the ACA than Trumpcare.

Most oppose Trump decision to withdraw from major climate agreement
Q: Do you support or oppose Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the main international agreement that tries to address climate change?

No opinion
Source: Washington Post-ABC News poll June 2-4, error margin +/- 5 percentage points among 527 adults


The survey also finds broad skepticism toward Trump’s argument that leaving the Paris agreement will benefit the U.S. economy. While 32 percent of respondents say his action will help the nation’s economy, 42 percent say it will hurt and 20 percent say it will make no difference. On a separate question, slightly more people surveyed say that exiting the climate accord will cost jobs, such as those in renewable energy, than it will create jobs in traditional energy sectors such as coal, oil and gas.

Seems you are also wrong on the Paris Accord. You miserable 'Conservatives' just cannot seem to get anything right, now, can you? How many miles of the wall was built today? LOL

Hollywood indoctrination , using social engineering to brainwash the rest of their sheep. LOL

Tasteless, as were all the pictures of President Obama in a noose. Or all the claims that he was born in Kenya. So both extremes are guilty of this kind of bullshit. But if you supported the bullshit about Obama, you have no reason the cry about the bullshit about Trump.

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