The left does not respect the opinions of American citizens

There is no circumstances under which an illegal or visitor should ever be allowed a vote in this nation FOR ANYTHING

Illegals are THE replacement "crew". Politicians do nothing without personal or party gain of some kind. Open borders and alien resettlement equals deciding votes.

There is no circumstances under which an illegal or visitor should ever be allowed a vote in this nation FOR ANYTHING
Does this apply to state or federal elections? Why does not. :heehee:
are you trying to say dem leaders in DC would not support it ? would you support non citizens voting in national elections ?
Then why haven't they attempted it? They hold both houses and the white house. So...maybe you are in the grips of paranoid delusion? Do you ever consider that?
Then why haven't they attempted it? They hold both houses and the white house. So...maybe you are in the grips of paranoid delusion? Do you ever consider that?
start local and work up from there ! frog in the boiling pot dem tactics .. take down statues of confederates first then statues of Presidents later ....
Do you "gotta belong to party" folk of both parties have any tolerance to those of us who do not buy into political parties? Those of us who will not buy into what you are selling and just want to live in peace? Do you fully support our positions?

There is no circumstances under which an illegal or visitor should ever be allowed a vote in this nation FOR ANYTHING
i disagree. I have no problem with legal residences voting in things like school board elections. They have children, some of which are citizens, that are involved with the school.

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