The Left Finds Religion

It's no church, let them pretend we know better
It's Disciples of Christ (I looked at this church's webpage). Probably not your denomination. This is why I want people to identify their denominations instead of just saying "Christian." Your version of Christianity is your version. Other people have other versions of it. You don't have any right to say that you alone represent the Supreme Being.This is just being pompous and arrogant.
There is only one version of Christianity.
Any group diverting from Scripture is simply a cult.

Any group that believes in biblical infallibility and inerrancy is simply a cult. These were dumb ideas from the Reformation Calvinists. Then came that screwball Darby. And then nutcases like graham, jeffress, the falwells. There are many, many versions of Christianity.

This anti-gay shit was created by a bunch of emotional monkeys. Nobody has to buy into it.

They’re all cults.

The difference is the number of members and the craziness of their made up stories.
The biggest cult being atheists.
Mr Clean ain't as clean as he thinks
It's no church, let them pretend we know better
It's Disciples of Christ (I looked at this church's webpage). Probably not your denomination. This is why I want people to identify their denominations instead of just saying "Christian." Your version of Christianity is your version. Other people have other versions of it. You don't have any right to say that you alone represent the Supreme Being.This is just being pompous and arrogant.
There is only one version of Christianity.
Any group diverting from Scripture is simply a cult.

Any group that believes in biblical infallibility and inerrancy is simply a cult. These were dumb ideas from the Reformation Calvinists. Then came that screwball Darby. And then nutcases like graham, jeffress, the falwells. There are many, many versions of Christianity.

This anti-gay shit was created by a bunch of emotional monkeys. Nobody has to buy into it.
If your cult wants to ignore Scripture that’s you’re right.

And you attacking God only shows what a pathetic creature you are.
You do not represent ANY Creator/Supreme Being/God. You have no right to this.
Usual PROJECTION from the tards
As it was in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah

Pro-gay church plans to build worship space/brewery, donate profits to Planned Parenthood

A building in Santa Cruz, Calif., is being converted into a worship space and public brewery by a pro-gay church that plans to donate some of its beer proceeds to Planned Parenthood, according to reports.

Members of the Greater Purpose Community Church now meet on Sundays at a food lounge to pray, listen and drink beer, KNTV reports.

"There’s nothing in the Bible that says you can't drink alcohol in a responsible manner," Pastor Chris VanHall told the station.

Planned Parenthood has offices in the former bookstore VanHall plans to turn into a brewery by next summer, The Santa Cruz Good Times weekly newspaper reported.

“A church that serves beer and gives the profits away to places like Planned Parenthood is really exciting to me,” the pastor told the paper.

Santa Cruz’s recent Pride Parade included a contingent from Greater Purpose, the paper reported.

Pro-gay church plans to build worship space/brewery, donate profits to Planned Parenthood
The left have always had religion.

They don't have one agenda that is not anti God.

View attachment 210331

It's no church, let them pretend we know better
Like their pretend "marriages." They want to believe God sanctions all this.
This anti-LGBT thing is an affectation of some "Christian" cults. It's not everybody. The so-called "Christians" who push this anti-LGBT thing unfortunately have an emotional hang-up.

Yeah and that hangup is that kids were never consulted on whether or not two mommies are an appropriate substitute for a mother and father. Think boys might want a say on that? Your cult doesn't care. Kids raised by gays tried to submit amicus briefs to the USSC for Obergefell. They were flatly ignored. The only reason for this is that the Court had already made up its mind and the following argument from Children Of Gays (COGs) was a monkey wrench in that predetermined Hearing (Ginsburg gave an interview to the press just weeks before declaring how she would cast):

...children of gay parents (COGs), such as myself. We have not been given adequate attention in same-sex-marriage jurisprudence. Until now courts presumed that whatever gay couples wanted automatically would benefit the children placed in gay couples’ homes. No serious discussion has occurred in the courts with a focus on points where children and their gay guardians have divergent or even conflicting interests....the impact on individuals raised by gay couples who are grown, independent adults has yet to receive any serious consideration from the courts at all...It appears to me that when the Court decided Windsor, the Justices had heard testimonials almost completely from COGs whose statements aligned perfectly with the political goals of the same-sex marriage movement. These testimonials were extremely one-sided and lacked critical independence from gay guardians...

...In truth it is gay marriage that will create a suspect class of children targeted for the denial of essential civil and human rights. Gay marriage will allow adults to acquire custody of other people’s children and deny those children connections to their original mother and father. Other problems flow from this initial denial of the basic human right to be connected to one’s origins. What the Court must weigh now is the competing application of the Fourteenth Amendment to two distinct classes: [a] gay and lesbian couples who want children, and on the other hand, COGs.

So a church is being made that doesn't overtly hate gays -- why does that bother you?

In fact, gays being accepted in church is not some new thing -- just ask this guy:
A "church" that celebrates sin. Think it thru. I know you can get this
One man's "sin" is another man's "sacrament".
As it was in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah

Pro-gay church plans to build worship space/brewery, donate profits to Planned Parenthood

A building in Santa Cruz, Calif., is being converted into a worship space and public brewery by a pro-gay church that plans to donate some of its beer proceeds to Planned Parenthood, according to reports.

Members of the Greater Purpose Community Church now meet on Sundays at a food lounge to pray, listen and drink beer, KNTV reports.

"There’s nothing in the Bible that says you can't drink alcohol in a responsible manner," Pastor Chris VanHall told the station.

Planned Parenthood has offices in the former bookstore VanHall plans to turn into a brewery by next summer, The Santa Cruz Good Times weekly newspaper reported.

“A church that serves beer and gives the profits away to places like Planned Parenthood is really exciting to me,” the pastor told the paper.

Santa Cruz’s recent Pride Parade included a contingent from Greater Purpose, the paper reported.

Pro-gay church plans to build worship space/brewery, donate profits to Planned Parenthood
The left have always had religion.

They don't have one agenda that is not anti God.

View attachment 210331

It's no church, let them pretend we know better
It's Disciples of Christ (I looked at this church's webpage). Probably not your denomination. This is why I want people to identify their denominations instead of just saying "Christian." Your version of Christianity is your version. Other people have other versions of it. You don't have any right to say that you alone represent the Supreme Being.This is just being pompous and arrogant.
There is only one version of Christianity.
Any group diverting from Scripture is simply a cult.
So, which of the dozens of Christian sects is the true one?
As it was in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah

Pro-gay church plans to build worship space/brewery, donate profits to Planned Parenthood

A building in Santa Cruz, Calif., is being converted into a worship space and public brewery by a pro-gay church that plans to donate some of its beer proceeds to Planned Parenthood, according to reports.

Members of the Greater Purpose Community Church now meet on Sundays at a food lounge to pray, listen and drink beer, KNTV reports.

"There’s nothing in the Bible that says you can't drink alcohol in a responsible manner," Pastor Chris VanHall told the station.

Planned Parenthood has offices in the former bookstore VanHall plans to turn into a brewery by next summer, The Santa Cruz Good Times weekly newspaper reported.

“A church that serves beer and gives the profits away to places like Planned Parenthood is really exciting to me,” the pastor told the paper.

Santa Cruz’s recent Pride Parade included a contingent from Greater Purpose, the paper reported.

Pro-gay church plans to build worship space/brewery, donate profits to Planned Parenthood
The left have always had religion.

They don't have one agenda that is not anti God.

View attachment 210331

It's no church, let them pretend we know better
Like their pretend "marriages." They want to believe God sanctions all this.
Who's to say he doesn't? Why would he give a shit one way or the other?
People who claim to represent the Supreme Being are so full of shit. Somehow THEY represent the Creator and a Disciples of Christ does not? Give me a break!
Are all Christian churches fundy? Oh, not even close. But the Church of Social Justice is not only fundy, but unrelentingly self-righteous, unmerciful and judgmental too.

America has seen nothing like it since the Pilgrims hit Plymouth Rock, complete with pursed lipped scolders and angry mobs. Are you kidding me? Look around.
Wtf are you talking about?
Calling themselves a church is sickening. ... :puke:

Yes, no one should be able to call themselves a church if they don't agree with your bigotry.

I went to church in Philadelphia once, with a couple of gay guys. Weirdly they played the English national anthem too......
Are all Christian churches fundy? Oh, not even close. But the Church of Social Justice is not only fundy, but unrelentingly self-righteous, unmerciful and judgmental too.

America has seen nothing like it since the Pilgrims hit Plymouth Rock, complete with pursed lipped scolders and angry mobs. Are you kidding me? Look around.
Wtf are you talking about?

Social Justice, the new American Religion.
Zeus give me strength. Or are you an atheist who denies Zeus?
These cultists who call themselves "Christian" seek some way to marry their laughably "Christian" views with both some weird hatred of LGBTs and with their love affair with the economic system of capitalism. None of this has anything whatsoever to do with believing in the teachings of Jesus.

I know that some people laugh at the idea of "social justice" and openly mock the higher ideals of all faiths.
As it was in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah

Pro-gay church plans to build worship space/brewery, donate profits to Planned Parenthood

A building in Santa Cruz, Calif., is being converted into a worship space and public brewery by a pro-gay church that plans to donate some of its beer proceeds to Planned Parenthood, according to reports.

Members of the Greater Purpose Community Church now meet on Sundays at a food lounge to pray, listen and drink beer, KNTV reports.

"There’s nothing in the Bible that says you can't drink alcohol in a responsible manner," Pastor Chris VanHall told the station.

Planned Parenthood has offices in the former bookstore VanHall plans to turn into a brewery by next summer, The Santa Cruz Good Times weekly newspaper reported.

“A church that serves beer and gives the profits away to places like Planned Parenthood is really exciting to me,” the pastor told the paper.

Santa Cruz’s recent Pride Parade included a contingent from Greater Purpose, the paper reported.

Pro-gay church plans to build worship space/brewery, donate profits to Planned Parenthood
The left have always had religion.

They don't have one agenda that is not anti God.

View attachment 210331

It's no church, let them pretend we know better
Like their pretend "marriages." They want to believe God sanctions all this.
Secular marriages don't involve anyone's so-called god.d
I know that some people laugh at the idea of "social justice" and openly mock the higher ideals of all faiths.
The higher ideals are generally great. It's the petty little prejudices that give god botherers a bad name.
These cultists who call themselves "Christian" seek some way to marry their laughably "Christian" views with both some weird hatred of LGBTs and with their love affair with the economic system of capitalism. None of this has anything whatsoever to do with believing in the teachings of Jesus.

I know that some people laugh at the idea of "social justice" and openly mock the higher ideals of all faiths.

Wrong again. 2 Corinthians 9:7--God loves a cheerful giver

Social Justice: give me all your stuff, you don't deserve it. Someone else does, hater.
I know that some people laugh at the idea of "social justice" and openly mock the higher ideals of all faiths.
The higher ideals are generally great. It's the petty little prejudices that give god botherers a bad name.

Yes I know. We have to celebrate that gay marriage is just like marriage.

Except that it's not, and we don't accept it, even if we're allowing gays to live in peace. That's not enough.

We know, believe me, we know.

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