The Left Finds Religion

I know that some people laugh at the idea of "social justice" and openly mock the higher ideals of all faiths.
The higher ideals are generally great. It's the petty little prejudices that give god botherers a bad name.

Yes I know. We have to celebrate that gay marriage is just like marriage.

Except that it's not, and we don't accept it, even if we're allowing gays to live in peace. That's not enough.

We know, believe me, we know.

You have your cult. You have your fantasies. Civil marriages are open to all at the courthouse. No one has the right to "allow" anything. No one is in a position to "allow" a civil right. Whatever you people in your cults do is up to you.
I know that some people laugh at the idea of "social justice" and openly mock the higher ideals of all faiths.
The higher ideals are generally great. It's the petty little prejudices that give god botherers a bad name.

Yes I know. We have to celebrate that gay marriage is just like marriage.

Except that it's not, and we don't accept it, even if we're allowing gays to live in peace. That's not enough.

We know, believe me, we know.

You have your cult. You have your fantasies. Civil marriages are open to all at the courthouse. No one has the right to "allow" anything. No one is in a position to "allow" a civil right. Whatever you people in your cults do is up to you.

Open to everyone, are they? Really? So a mother can marry her son? Three people can marry four of their neighbors? Really?

Wow, who knew? And why are you discriminating anyway?
I know that some people laugh at the idea of "social justice" and openly mock the higher ideals of all faiths.
The higher ideals are generally great. It's the petty little prejudices that give god botherers a bad name.

Yes I know. We have to celebrate that gay marriage is just like marriage.

Except that it's not, and we don't accept it, even if we're allowing gays to live in peace. That's not enough.

We know, believe me, we know.

You have your cult. You have your fantasies. Civil marriages are open to all at the courthouse. No one has the right to "allow" anything. No one is in a position to "allow" a civil right. Whatever you people in your cults do is up to you.

Open to everyone, are they? Really? So a mother can marry her son? Three people can marry four of their neighbors? Really?

Wow, who knew? And why are you discriminating anyway?
And here comes the pro-incest/pro-polygamy crowd........
I know that some people laugh at the idea of "social justice" and openly mock the higher ideals of all faiths.
The higher ideals are generally great. It's the petty little prejudices that give god botherers a bad name.

Yes I know. We have to celebrate that gay marriage is just like marriage.

Except that it's not, and we don't accept it, even if we're allowing gays to live in peace. That's not enough.

We know, believe me, we know.

You have your cult. You have your fantasies. Civil marriages are open to all at the courthouse. No one has the right to "allow" anything. No one is in a position to "allow" a civil right. Whatever you people in your cults do is up to you.

Open to everyone, are they? Really? So a mother can marry her son? Three people can marry four of their neighbors? Really?

Wow, who knew? And why are you discriminating anyway?
And here comes the pro-incest/pro-polygamy crowd........

Not at all. Anti-incest, anti-polygamy and anti-gay marriage, for that matter. But since gays can marry, you know it's just a matter of time before the polygamists and incest-practicers have their cases make it up the chain.
I know that some people laugh at the idea of "social justice" and openly mock the higher ideals of all faiths.
The higher ideals are generally great. It's the petty little prejudices that give god botherers a bad name.

Yes I know. We have to celebrate that gay marriage is just like marriage.

Except that it's not, and we don't accept it, even if we're allowing gays to live in peace. That's not enough.

We know, believe me, we know.

You have your cult. You have your fantasies. Civil marriages are open to all at the courthouse. No one has the right to "allow" anything. No one is in a position to "allow" a civil right. Whatever you people in your cults do is up to you.

Open to everyone, are they? Really? So a mother can marry her son? Three people can marry four of their neighbors? Really?

Wow, who knew? And why are you discriminating anyway?
And here comes the pro-incest/pro-polygamy crowd........

She never said that. You're making stuff up again
The higher ideals are generally great. It's the petty little prejudices that give god botherers a bad name.

Yes I know. We have to celebrate that gay marriage is just like marriage.

Except that it's not, and we don't accept it, even if we're allowing gays to live in peace. That's not enough.

We know, believe me, we know.

You have your cult. You have your fantasies. Civil marriages are open to all at the courthouse. No one has the right to "allow" anything. No one is in a position to "allow" a civil right. Whatever you people in your cults do is up to you.

Open to everyone, are they? Really? So a mother can marry her son? Three people can marry four of their neighbors? Really?

Wow, who knew? And why are you discriminating anyway?
And here comes the pro-incest/pro-polygamy crowd........

Not at all. Anti-incest, anti-polygamy and anti-gay marriage, for that matter. But since gays can marry, you know it's just a matter of time before the polygamists and incest-practicers have their cases make it up the chain.

How do you link same-sex marriage with polygamists and people who commit incest?
Yes I know. We have to celebrate that gay marriage is just like marriage.

Except that it's not, and we don't accept it, even if we're allowing gays to live in peace. That's not enough.

We know, believe me, we know.

You have your cult. You have your fantasies. Civil marriages are open to all at the courthouse. No one has the right to "allow" anything. No one is in a position to "allow" a civil right. Whatever you people in your cults do is up to you.

Open to everyone, are they? Really? So a mother can marry her son? Three people can marry four of their neighbors? Really?

Wow, who knew? And why are you discriminating anyway?
And here comes the pro-incest/pro-polygamy crowd........

Not at all. Anti-incest, anti-polygamy and anti-gay marriage, for that matter. But since gays can marry, you know it's just a matter of time before the polygamists and incest-practicers have their cases make it up the chain.

How do you link same-sex marriage with polygamists and people who commit incest?

Why should gay people have the right to marry but not polygamists and people who want to marry relatives?
How do you link same-sex marriage with polygamists and people who commit incest?

Because all three ignore the impact on children involved without a single care as to how these improper arrangements affect them. 1. Gays deprive children involved with a contract binding for life of either a mother or father. 2. Polygamists water down father-contact by creating massive numbers of children which he cannot possibly provide for emotionally. 3. Incest harms the DNA and viability of children created by linebreeding.

The only thing that helps children are one mother and one father not too closely related by blood.

If you can use a contract to deprive children for life of either a mother or father, then really the barn door is kicked open. Once you set a precedent for completely ignoring the impact of strange marriages on children, your argument has no more teeth against the other unacceptable types.
I will never under why anyone from the LGBT community insist on being apart of any religious organization.

Religion is very cruel to them.

Especially the far left religion..

And Islam....which the left adores. Come to think of it Islam in ideology pretty much goes against everything the left supports.

It's a mystery

there's not a lot of difference when it comes to fundie christianity & fundie islam especially when it comes to females.

As they used to say: derp.

Get back to me on honor killings, acid attacks, and stonings why don't you. Or don't bother, I've heard all the pitiful fails. You ought to be ashamed but I know you won't be.

There's a reason you have issues with or maybe even actively hate Jesus Christ, but you probably won't be brave enough to confront that either.


As it was in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah

Pro-gay church plans to build worship space/brewery, donate profits to Planned Parenthood

A building in Santa Cruz, Calif., is being converted into a worship space and public brewery by a pro-gay church that plans to donate some of its beer proceeds to Planned Parenthood, according to reports.

Members of the Greater Purpose Community Church now meet on Sundays at a food lounge to pray, listen and drink beer, KNTV reports.

"There’s nothing in the Bible that says you can't drink alcohol in a responsible manner," Pastor Chris VanHall told the station.

Planned Parenthood has offices in the former bookstore VanHall plans to turn into a brewery by next summer, The Santa Cruz Good Times weekly newspaper reported.

“A church that serves beer and gives the profits away to places like Planned Parenthood is really exciting to me,” the pastor told the paper.

Santa Cruz’s recent Pride Parade included a contingent from Greater Purpose, the paper reported.

Pro-gay church plans to build worship space/brewery, donate profits to Planned Parenthood
Great. That’s where Planned Parenthood should get all of its money, by donation rather than from folks who pay federal income taxes.
I donate every year on behalf of Sean Hannity, until he does the waterboarding he promised. I used to donate to Wounded Warriors, but they turned out to be dodgy.

i donate every year in honor of my uterus who had the right to choose.
Anytime you want to go to the mat on Christianity let me know....I'll wipe this forum clean with you.

Far better than you have tired, atheists are the most fun, they know so much they really don't know. They always get hung up on Testaments and Covenants.
Your chosen moniker alone disqualifies you from "going to the mat on Christianity" with, well....anyone.



I'd take you on in a hearbeat. You're another one who blabbers and nobody pays much attention to.

You're so beneath me

oh please- you would have that cross all aflame if you knew you could....
I know that some people laugh at the idea of "social justice" and openly mock the higher ideals of all faiths.
The higher ideals are generally great. It's the petty little prejudices that give god botherers a bad name.

Yes I know. We have to celebrate that gay marriage is just like marriage.

Except that it's not, and we don't accept it, even if we're allowing gays to live in peace. That's not enough.

We know, believe me, we know.

You have your cult. You have your fantasies. Civil marriages are open to all at the courthouse. No one has the right to "allow" anything. No one is in a position to "allow" a civil right. Whatever you people in your cults do is up to you.

Open to everyone, are they? Really? So a mother can marry her son? Three people can marry four of their neighbors? Really?

Wow, who knew? And why are you discriminating anyway?
You know the rules: no incest and one to a customer. Incest and bigamy have always been against the law. Who is discriminating except for those who refuse to issue a marriage license to those legally free to marry? Why would you care, anyway?
As it was in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah

Pro-gay church plans to build worship space/brewery, donate profits to Planned Parenthood

A building in Santa Cruz, Calif., is being converted into a worship space and public brewery by a pro-gay church that plans to donate some of its beer proceeds to Planned Parenthood, according to reports.

Members of the Greater Purpose Community Church now meet on Sundays at a food lounge to pray, listen and drink beer, KNTV reports.

"There’s nothing in the Bible that says you can't drink alcohol in a responsible manner," Pastor Chris VanHall told the station.

Planned Parenthood has offices in the former bookstore VanHall plans to turn into a brewery by next summer, The Santa Cruz Good Times weekly newspaper reported.

“A church that serves beer and gives the profits away to places like Planned Parenthood is really exciting to me,” the pastor told the paper.

Santa Cruz’s recent Pride Parade included a contingent from Greater Purpose, the paper reported.

Pro-gay church plans to build worship space/brewery, donate profits to Planned Parenthood
The left have always had religion.

They don't have one agenda that is not anti God.

View attachment 210331

It's no church, let them pretend we know better
Like their pretend "marriages." They want to believe God sanctions all this.
Who's to say he doesn't? Why would he give a shit one way or the other?

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These cultists who call themselves "Christian" seek some way to marry their laughably "Christian" views with both some weird hatred of LGBTs and with their love affair with the economic system of capitalism. None of this has anything whatsoever to do with believing in the teachings of Jesus.

I know that some people laugh at the idea of "social justice" and openly mock the higher ideals of all faiths.

Wrong again. 2 Corinthians 9:7--God loves a cheerful giver

Social Justice: give me all your stuff, you don't deserve it. Someone else does, hater.

lol... isn't it 'TWO' corinthians? your 'christian' president thinks so. :auiqs.jpg:

I know that some people laugh at the idea of "social justice" and openly mock the higher ideals of all faiths.
The higher ideals are generally great. It's the petty little prejudices that give god botherers a bad name.

Yes I know. We have to celebrate that gay marriage is just like marriage.

Except that it's not, and we don't accept it, even if we're allowing gays to live in peace. That's not enough.

We know, believe me, we know.

allowing? you're ALLOWING? sounds like you would support a vice & virtue force like they have in them thar mooooslim countries. remember when i said there's not much difference between either fundie religion? lol....

thanx for proving it.
The higher ideals are generally great. It's the petty little prejudices that give god botherers a bad name.

Yes I know. We have to celebrate that gay marriage is just like marriage.

Except that it's not, and we don't accept it, even if we're allowing gays to live in peace. That's not enough.

We know, believe me, we know.

You have your cult. You have your fantasies. Civil marriages are open to all at the courthouse. No one has the right to "allow" anything. No one is in a position to "allow" a civil right. Whatever you people in your cults do is up to you.

Open to everyone, are they? Really? So a mother can marry her son? Three people can marry four of their neighbors? Really?

Wow, who knew? And why are you discriminating anyway?
And here comes the pro-incest/pro-polygamy crowd........

Not at all. Anti-incest, anti-polygamy and anti-gay marriage, for that matter. But since gays can marry, you know it's just a matter of time before the polygamists and incest-practicers have their cases make it up the chain.

^^^ :cuckoo: ^^^
You have your cult. You have your fantasies. Civil marriages are open to all at the courthouse. No one has the right to "allow" anything. No one is in a position to "allow" a civil right. Whatever you people in your cults do is up to you.

Open to everyone, are they? Really? So a mother can marry her son? Three people can marry four of their neighbors? Really?

Wow, who knew? And why are you discriminating anyway?
And here comes the pro-incest/pro-polygamy crowd........

Not at all. Anti-incest, anti-polygamy and anti-gay marriage, for that matter. But since gays can marry, you know it's just a matter of time before the polygamists and incest-practicers have their cases make it up the chain.

How do you link same-sex marriage with polygamists and people who commit incest?

Why should gay people have the right to marry but not polygamists and people who want to marry relatives?

The reason you should not be allowed to marry and have children with close relatives is because of the high incidence of birth defects due to limited gene selection. I am against marrying and having children with close relatives. By the way, did you know it's perfectly legal to marry your second cousin?

As far as polygamy? If you have the money and are able to support them, have as many wives and kids as you can stand. Interestingly enough, there are some places in this country where polygamy is practiced even though it's not legal.

Gay marriage? If you want to share the same misery as hetero couples, be my guest.
As it was in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah

Pro-gay church plans to build worship space/brewery, donate profits to Planned Parenthood

A building in Santa Cruz, Calif., is being converted into a worship space and public brewery by a pro-gay church that plans to donate some of its beer proceeds to Planned Parenthood, according to reports.

Members of the Greater Purpose Community Church now meet on Sundays at a food lounge to pray, listen and drink beer, KNTV reports.

"There’s nothing in the Bible that says you can't drink alcohol in a responsible manner," Pastor Chris VanHall told the station.

Planned Parenthood has offices in the former bookstore VanHall plans to turn into a brewery by next summer, The Santa Cruz Good Times weekly newspaper reported.

“A church that serves beer and gives the profits away to places like Planned Parenthood is really exciting to me,” the pastor told the paper.

Santa Cruz’s recent Pride Parade included a contingent from Greater Purpose, the paper reported.

Pro-gay church plans to build worship space/brewery, donate profits to Planned Parenthood

Hey Bitchy Irish DO know that there are lots of monasteries that also brew beer, right? And, it's not a new thing, it's been done for centuries.

Oh...................I get're not bitching about the beer, you're bitching about donating to Planned Parenthood and gay marriage.
You have your cult. You have your fantasies. Civil marriages are open to all at the courthouse. No one has the right to "allow" anything. No one is in a position to "allow" a civil right. Whatever you people in your cults do is up to you.

Open to everyone, are they? Really? So a mother can marry her son? Three people can marry four of their neighbors? Really?

Wow, who knew? And why are you discriminating anyway?
And here comes the pro-incest/pro-polygamy crowd........

Not at all. Anti-incest, anti-polygamy and anti-gay marriage, for that matter. But since gays can marry, you know it's just a matter of time before the polygamists and incest-practicers have their cases make it up the chain.

How do you link same-sex marriage with polygamists and people who commit incest?

Why should gay people have the right to marry but not polygamists and people who want to marry relatives?
As I comes the pro-incest/pro-polygamy crowd. Make your case for both.
As it was in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah

Pro-gay church plans to build worship space/brewery, donate profits to Planned Parenthood

A building in Santa Cruz, Calif., is being converted into a worship space and public brewery by a pro-gay church that plans to donate some of its beer proceeds to Planned Parenthood, according to reports.

Members of the Greater Purpose Community Church now meet on Sundays at a food lounge to pray, listen and drink beer, KNTV reports.

"There’s nothing in the Bible that says you can't drink alcohol in a responsible manner," Pastor Chris VanHall told the station.

Planned Parenthood has offices in the former bookstore VanHall plans to turn into a brewery by next summer, The Santa Cruz Good Times weekly newspaper reported.

“A church that serves beer and gives the profits away to places like Planned Parenthood is really exciting to me,” the pastor told the paper.

Santa Cruz’s recent Pride Parade included a contingent from Greater Purpose, the paper reported.

Pro-gay church plans to build worship space/brewery, donate profits to Planned Parenthood

Hey Bitchy Irish DO know that there are lots of monasteries that also brew beer, right? And, it's not a new thing, it's been done for centuries.

Oh...................I get're not bitching about the beer, you're bitching about donating to Planned Parenthood and gay marriage.

Gee paper pusher ya finally got one right. Why is it you get all bent out of shape when homosexuality is attacked? Hmmmmm? Yes...I'm questioning your manhood

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