The Left Has Denied the Legitimacy of Every Single Republican President Since the Elder Bush in 1988

Oh... sorry... I thought you were talking about rioting connected with the 2020 campaign... never mind... my bad...

Connected? What kind of connections would you expect from a campaign and riots that occur during it?

Would you expect the rioters to be paid office workers? Perhaps you expected the campaign of one side to formally take responsibility for the riots?
Connected? What kind of connections would you expect from a campaign and riots that occur during it?

Would you expect the rioters to be paid office workers? Perhaps you expected the campaign of one side to formally take responsibility for the riots?
If you have evidence that those BLM and AntiFa a$$hole$ were inciting riots designed-to or timed-to influence campaigns and outcomes, present it.
If you have evidence that those BLM and AntiFa a$$hole$ were inciting riots designed-to or timed-to influence campaigns and outcomes, present it.

Evidence? LOL, Sure, they riots just happened to end with the election.

You don't care. Why should I waste my time?
To better yourself... test your understanding of the issue, see how you handle my questions and scrutiny... Ya know, engage in a debate... unless youre on here just to troll or find an echo chamber.
So you just confirmed the OP........Al Gore lost FL, we all knew it election night....he MAGICALLY got more that time in the country they said NOPE.
Those votes should have counted. Same principle as the recently decided on SC case for PA where undated ballots could be counted. Those votes were going to be tossed, but the SC ruled them to be counted regardless. If there was a hole poked in vote for Gore, I don't care if the chad was hanging, loose, roughly detached. The vote counted. Bush was installed, not elected.
To better yourself... test your understanding of the issue, see how you handle my questions and scrutiny... Ya know, engage in a debate... unless youre on here just to troll or find an echo chamber.

I prefer to debate with people that are listening. Otherwise I get false data.
Ummmm...excuse me...but...

On January 6, 2001 did Vice President Al Gore certify the election he lost?

Or did he attempt a coup and foment an attack on the Capitol? Did he gin up illegal fake electors?


On January 6, 2017 did Vice President Joe Biden certify the election Trump won?

Or did the Democrats attempt a coup and foment an attack on the Capitol? Did thy gin up illegal fake electors?


So you see, tard, your pathetic attempt to draw some kind of moral equivalency between Trump's BIG LIE and the Democrats implodes under the weight of its massive stupidity.
No, Gore did not certify the 00 election and yes he did attempt a coup via using Leftist judges. Thankfully Bush went to the SCOTUS
No one younger than 52 has voted in a Presidential Election where the Republican winner was not considered illegitimate by the Left and Press (I repeat myself).

But it’s a wild conspiracy and dangerous talk to discuss the legitimacy of Joe that’ll get you banned on every social media platform.

Okay, what's your point? Your side didn't consider Clinton legitimate because he didn't get a majority of the vote and you didn't consider Obama legitimate because he was black he was supposedly born in Kenya.

Bush-43 wasn't considered legitimate because he didn't win the popular vote and there were some PRETTY CLEAR misconduct going on in Florida.
Trump wasn't considered legitimate because he didn't win the popular vote and there was clear evidence the Russians tampered with our elections.
Connected? What kind of connections would you expect from a campaign and riots that occur during it?

Would you expect the rioters to be paid office workers? Perhaps you expected the campaign of one side to formally take responsibility for the riots?

No, I didn't expect Trump to take responsibility for the riots caused by his overt racism.
If you have evidence that those BLM and AntiFa a$$hole$ were inciting riots designed-to or timed-to influence campaigns and outcomes, present it.
The election was stolen. The evidence is just that. The violence in the cities was the Progs "oppressed" agenda. And the fools took the bait. COVID was the "control" agenda. And the fools took the bait. The mail in system along with some questionable voting machines was the "abuse the voting" agenda. No one showed up to Prog rallies. That was telling and proof enough right there.
The election was stolen. The evidence is just that. The violence in the cities was the Progs "oppressed" agenda. And the fools took the bait. COVID was the "control" agenda. And the fools took the bait. The mail in system along with some questionable voting machines was the "abuse the voting" agenda. No one showed up to Prog rallies. That was telling and proof enough right there.
60+ court cases dismissed say otherwise. Mail in voting has been used by states for decades with no issues raised. Why was it only an issue when your savior lost? Again, crowd size at rallies is NO indicator of voter popularity.

What was it about Trump that made you feel safe? :)
The election was stolen. The evidence is just that.
The evidence is the evidence?

That makes about as much sense as most of your Orange Baboon-God's 2AM tweets...

You have zero evidence of election -centric wrongdoing on a scale sufficient to overturn the presidential election of November 3, 2021...

You lie...

Joseph Goebbels would be proud of you.

The violence in the cities was the Progs "oppressed" agenda. And the fools took the bait. COVID was the "control" agenda. And the fools took the bait.
Oh, there's no doubt in my mind that the phukking Democrats and their hyper-leftist allies had a hand in inciting the riots of summertime 2020.

So... the next time you get-hold of power at the Federal level, investigate the backstory and crucify a few Libtards... won't faze me in the slightest.

But that has zero - zero - to do with whether or not the election of November 3, 2021 was "stolen"...

It wasn't.

The mail in system along with some questionable voting machines was the "abuse the voting" agenda.
Mail-In Voting has been around for a very long time.

It increased considerably in November 2020 owing largely to a once-in-a-century pandemic that by then had already killed over a half-million Americans.

You a$$hole$ keep harping on mail-in voting but you have diddly-squat to put before the courts... and you had sixty-two chances to do just that.

You lost. Get over it. Grow up. Do better next time. If you can.

No one showed up to Prog rallies. That was telling and proof enough right there.
You clearly lack the intellectual capacity and logic and common sense to see that there is zero connection between the two, in a legal context.

But that's OK... your Orange Baboon-God once said that he loves the Uneducated (and those who behave as if they're uneducated, by extension).
Teabaggers have lost the last SEVEN of EIGHT elections since 1992.

So, instead of improving their message and policies, it just easier.

Instead, after losing the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections going all the way back to 1992, Republicans are laser-focused on restricting voting access. Brennan Center is tracking all the state bills aimed at restricting access to the polls. Their list includes 253 bills introduced, pre-filed or carried over this year in 43 states.”

Democrats have long accused Republicans of restricting access to the ballot because Republicans are likelier to win when fewer people vote. On Wednesday, the GOP leader in the Senate appeared to admit that they’re right.

On the Senate floor, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced his opposition to a relatively uncontroversial measure that would make Election Day a federal holiday in order to make it easier for people to get to the polls. He called it a “power grab” that would help Democrats win elections.

We can't have that, just restrict access of the people......................MINORITY rules.

Like an authoritarian, communist regime does.
Okay, what's your point? Your side didn't consider Clinton legitimate because he didn't get a majority of the vote and you didn't consider Obama legitimate because he was black he was supposedly born in Kenya.

Bush-43 wasn't considered legitimate because he didn't win the popular vote and there were some PRETTY CLEAR misconduct going on in Florida.
Trump wasn't considered legitimate because he didn't win the popular vote and there was clear evidence the Russians tampered with our elections.
Fact is, Democrats have challenged the legitimacy of every Republican President in the last 52 years.
Teabaggers have lost the last SEVEN of EIGHT elections since 1992.

So, instead of improving their message and policies, it just easier.

Instead, after losing the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections going all the way back to 1992, Republicans are laser-focused on restricting voting access. Brennan Center is tracking all the state bills aimed at restricting access to the polls. Their list includes 253 bills introduced, pre-filed or carried over this year in 43 states.”

Democrats have long accused Republicans of restricting access to the ballot because Republicans are likelier to win when fewer people vote. On Wednesday, the GOP leader in the Senate appeared to admit that they’re right.

On the Senate floor, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced his opposition to a relatively uncontroversial measure that would make Election Day a federal holiday in order to make it easier for people to get to the polls. He called it a “power grab” that would help Democrats win elections.

We can't have that, just restrict access of the people......................MINORITY rules.

Like an authoritarian, communist regime does.
I’m going to have fun with that post in 4 months.
I’m going to have fun with that post in 4 months.
Good luck with that moron.
Your dear leaders, future RHINO's will start eating their own to save their own ass.
Like they are now.

A bloodbath of their own making, teabagger tears will flow.

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