The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

You know shit is really bad when hard-left Bill Maher is starting to call out the left for going too far left.
"California just passed a law requiring large retailers to have a non-gendered toy section," Maher stated. "We need a law for that? Do you have to inject yourselves into everything?"
The answer to that is “yes”. And do you know why? Because the left has absolutely embraced fascism in its purest form.
You know shit is really bad when hard-left Bill Maher is starting to call out the left for going too far left.
"This is why so many people, by the way, were triggered by COVID policies. They were already sick of rules," Maher asserted.
Do you know why we are over-regulated and over-legislated? Because the left has absolutely embraced fascism in its purest form.
Joe Biden openly engages in the most egregious form of racism - stating he will appoint someone based solely on their skin color. When he is called out for that racism by a conservative, the fascists pounce to silence their opposition and attempt to cover their crimes.
I've said it a zillion times and I'll keep saying it: the left has embraced fascism in its purest form:
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. Their entire mindset is: either bow to our ideology, or we will do everything in our power to destroy you. No tolerance for any thoughts or views other than the progressive thoughts and views.

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Very funny I don't understand your screwy logic and how you possibly can think the Democrats are Facisits like Hitler, but hey it makes for some great comedy so I enjoy reading the post for a lot of laughs while I get drunk. I think some people missed their calling and should of tried out for Saturday Night Live.
Very funny I don't understand your screwy logic and how you possibly can think the Democrats are Facisits like Hitler
I told you how in that post and in this entire thread. Are you saying you're illiterate? Because it's all right there, Nazi.
so I enjoy reading the post for a lot of laughs while I get drunk.
Show me a leftist, and I'll show you an immature, incapable, fuck'n jerk that abuses substances because they are incapable of being a responsible adult, every time.

Even when I was 15, I didn't talk about "getting drunk". Even then I got douche-chills at the immaturity of that statement.
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. Their entire mindset is: either bow to our ideology, or we will do everything in our power to destroy you. No tolerance for any thoughts or views other than the progressive thoughts and views.

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What you just said about the left sounds a lot like what trump is all about. But with trump of course it's believe my lies or I'll crush you.
What you just said about the left sounds a lot like what trump is all about. But with trump of course it's believe my lies or I'll crush you.
And yet, oddly, there you are, uncrushed.
What you just said about the left sounds a lot like what trump is all about. But with trump of course it's believe my lies or I'll crush you.
And that does not tell you something about the left moving hard to authoritarianism?
Very funny I don't understand your screwy logic and how you possibly can think the Democrats are Facisits like Hitler, but hey it makes for some great comedy so I enjoy reading the post for a lot of laughs while I get drunk. I think some people missed their calling and should of tried out for Saturday Night Live.
Because the terms Fascism, Communism, Authoritarianism, Totalitarianism and the like all have the same meaning for 1 dimensional political thought.

However, they are indications of the left moving, quite rapidly, towards authoritarianism, a much more catch all term. The left seems to be able to recognize the move on the right but is utterly ignorant of it doing the same thing itself.

The real political danger right now is not that one side or the other is moving closer to authoritarianism but rather that the entire political discourse is moving that direction.
Just a quick reminder that the left has embraced fascism in its purest form. They think if you don't surrender your own personal medical health decisions to them (and/or government), it should be legal for them to assault you like the Nazi Brownshirts.
Just a quick reminder that the left has embraced fascism in its purest form. They think if you don't surrender your own personal medical health decisions to them (and/or government), it should be legal for them to assault you like the Nazi Brownshirts.
Scratch a Democrat, find a fascist. Every time.
Former Obama appointee wanted to provide the obligatory daily reminder for everyone that the left has embraced fascism in its purest form:
The left is deeply committed to fascism in its purest form:
In a healthy liberal media environment, reporters would demand answers from those abusing power, not work with them to inhibit political speech
Back in the day, the media turned to those on the ground as sources, rather than doxxing in them to suppress them.
The left is deeply committed to fascism in its purest form:

Back in the day, the media turned to those on the ground as sources, rather than doxxing in them to suppress them.

Justin Trudeau is the quintessential fascist. Pure propaganda 24x7.

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