The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

My guess is that something like this is part of the goal:

Robert Reich Warns A 'Dark Cloud Of Illegitimacy' Hangs Over Trump's Presidency | The Huffington Post

Reich just comes out and says it. So, thinking from a partisan political angle, the goal would be to de-legitimize Trump enough that, in some cases, they'll be able to pick off some moderate Republican votes on important votes here and there.

In other words, this appears to be just standard, intellectually dishonest partisan politics practiced by both parties, something so many Americans just can't stand.

None of them want to believe they lost. They are living in a dream world where Trump never takes office.

Bunch of elitist idiots if you ask me. Idiots who just won't believe they lost.
Look at it in perspective: They thought (as did I) that the move towards a Euro-social democracy was unstoppable and inevitable (I don't know, it still may be). And suddenly this happens and throws their whole worldview out the window. Literally overnight.

I guess my point is that I assumed they were a little better than this.

You really think the GOP 'takeover' of the government is going to stop and roll back progress in this country. You think 'social democracy' is dead now?

lol. Did you think that when Bush 'won' in 2001?

Progress?? Not fucking hardly bucko. Its anything but progress.

America didn't like the direction the country was taking, that progress you speak of, so they voted in Trump.

Get over it. Or not. LOL

No one expects the troglodytes of American conservatism to call real progress progress.

You people want to take us back to 1900.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Try eight years ago.


You people don't know when your ridiculousness pops up and bites you on the ass.

Hey nutjob, can you not read?

"These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges."

So you've done an extensive investigation and with the multitude of facts you've acquired you can prove that the CIA assessment is 'baseless'?

The fact that no 'base' has been presented is the evidence that its baseless. We don't even know if there is a CIA investigation. That's simply the unsubstantiated claim of "anonymous sources.'
There is bi-partisan concern about the Russian story, and you continue to label it as leftwing nuttery.
That's not what I said. Obviously.

And, DING!

As USMB's King of the Straw Man, you are aware that you are allowed one (1) "that's not what I said" per thread.

You may attempt to communicate with me on another thread, at which time I will determine whether to respond.

So this isn't your thread title?

The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

Macs response: No, its the Lefts thread title!

Bottom line is, Mac apparently believes, out of thin air, that there is nothing whatsoever to support the claim that the Russians were meddling in the US election.

The claim that they were meddling in the US election is what came out of thin air. Dims seem to believe they can make up any outrageous thing that pops into their head and that the rest of us are obligated to prove it wrong.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Try eight years ago.


You people don't know when your ridiculousness pops up and bites you on the ass.

Hey nutjob, can you not read?

"These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges."

So you've done an extensive investigation and with the multitude of facts you've acquired you can prove that the CIA assessment is 'baseless'?

Apparently YOU can't read either. That might explain why you are talking such stupid shit.

So are you conceding that the CIA assessment, whatever else it may or may not be,

cannot be labeled 'baseless'?

hint: that's a yes or no.

No idiot, I'm saying your post is irrelevant to that conversation.
There is bi-partisan concern about the Russian story, and you continue to label it as leftwing nuttery.
That's not what I said. Obviously.

And, DING!

As USMB's King of the Straw Man, you are aware that you are allowed one (1) "that's not what I said" per thread.

You may attempt to communicate with me on another thread, at which time I will determine whether to respond.

So this isn't your thread title?

The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

Macs response: No, its the Lefts thread title!

Bottom line is, Mac apparently believes, out of thin air, that there is nothing whatsoever to support the claim that the Russians were meddling in the US election.

The claim that they were meddling in the US election is what came out of thin air. Dims seem to believe they can make up any outrageous thing that pops into their head and that the rest of us are obligated to prove it wrong.

Okay so if the CIA is operating out of thin air, what is your alternative plan for US international security operations?
Try eight years ago.


You people don't know when your ridiculousness pops up and bites you on the ass.

Hey nutjob, can you not read?

"These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges."

So you've done an extensive investigation and with the multitude of facts you've acquired you can prove that the CIA assessment is 'baseless'?

Apparently YOU can't read either. That might explain why you are talking such stupid shit.

So are you conceding that the CIA assessment, whatever else it may or may not be,

cannot be labeled 'baseless'?

hint: that's a yes or no.

No idiot, I'm saying your post is irrelevant to that conversation.


Is the CIA assessment baseless or not?
Republicans are so scared their new messiah is illegitimate, they are willing to let foreign governments attack this country's democratic process and then pretend it never happened. Or else they are treasonous and are glad it happened.

Countries have been attacking this country's democratic process for decades.

Are you really that stupid ?
Hey nutjob, can you not read?

"These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges."

So you've done an extensive investigation and with the multitude of facts you've acquired you can prove that the CIA assessment is 'baseless'?

Apparently YOU can't read either. That might explain why you are talking such stupid shit.

So are you conceding that the CIA assessment, whatever else it may or may not be,

cannot be labeled 'baseless'?

hint: that's a yes or no.

No idiot, I'm saying your post is irrelevant to that conversation.


Is the CIA assessment baseless or not?

What assessment ?

Can you provide it ?
Hey nutjob, can you not read?

"These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges."

So you've done an extensive investigation and with the multitude of facts you've acquired you can prove that the CIA assessment is 'baseless'?

Apparently YOU can't read either. That might explain why you are talking such stupid shit.

So are you conceding that the CIA assessment, whatever else it may or may not be,

cannot be labeled 'baseless'?

hint: that's a yes or no.

No idiot, I'm saying your post is irrelevant to that conversation.


Is the CIA assessment baseless or not?

Did you hear about the secret Planned Parenthood assessment that says that everyone born after 1980 were injected with isopropanol ?

What ?

You don't believe it ?
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

What conspiracy theories?
"The Russians hacked the election."

"Comey tried to destroy Hillary."

Dems rigged the election
Soros rigged the election
Thousands of illegals voted for Hillary robbing Trump of the popular vote
Blah blah blah

If anyone is claiming the Russians hacked the actual election, then that's conspiracy theory. If they're claiming the Russians hacked the DNC and attempted to influence the election, that has some evidence supporting it. If they are claiming the did it to swing it in Trump's favor, that too has some evidence. Nothing is certain, but only the first claim is really conspiracy theory.

2. No one says Soros rigged the election. We say he's paying rioters to disrupt the Trump rallies and there is some evidence to support that.

I must have imagined the threads about him owning the voting machines in 18 states (which was a lie), I know I didn't see our resident purveyor of moderation call out any of the right wing smear meisters on it.

Gee wonder why he always seems absent from such obvious hack jobs?

I've never seen anyone claim that Soros owned any voting machines and I have never heard that on FOX or on any conservative talk show. Perhaps some one person here said that and I missed it but it never was a main stream right claim.
So you've done an extensive investigation and with the multitude of facts you've acquired you can prove that the CIA assessment is 'baseless'?

Apparently YOU can't read either. That might explain why you are talking such stupid shit.

So are you conceding that the CIA assessment, whatever else it may or may not be,

cannot be labeled 'baseless'?

hint: that's a yes or no.

No idiot, I'm saying your post is irrelevant to that conversation.


Is the CIA assessment baseless or not?

Did you hear about the secret Planned Parenthood assessment that says that everyone born after 1980 were injected with isopropanol ?

What ?

You don't believe it ?

Is that a yes or no answer to the question of whether the CIA assessment is baseless?
Apparently YOU can't read either. That might explain why you are talking such stupid shit.

So are you conceding that the CIA assessment, whatever else it may or may not be,

cannot be labeled 'baseless'?

hint: that's a yes or no.

No idiot, I'm saying your post is irrelevant to that conversation.


Is the CIA assessment baseless or not?

Did you hear about the secret Planned Parenthood assessment that says that everyone born after 1980 were injected with isopropanol ?

What ?

You don't believe it ?

Is that a yes or no answer to the question of whether the CIA assessment is baseless?

There is no assessment.
Did Putin tell Hillary to collapse after a rally?
Did Putin tell the DNC to give Sanders the shaft?
Did Putin tell Hillary to call half of the country "Deplorable"?
Did Putin tell Hillary to ignore states she thought she had in the bag?
Did Putin tell Hillary to take a month off of the campaign trail?
Did Putin tell Weiner to keep his e-mails and get caught?
Did Putin tell Hillary supporters to stay away from her rallies?

View attachment 101865

You can't argue my truth so you put up a fabricated picture. I'd call that a win for me.

Did Putin tell trump supporters to believe all the fake news out there?

View attachment 101869

What fake news would you be talking about? Hillary's e-mails aren't fake. None of the items I posted above are fake. You are a fine example of what the OP was talking about. 99% of the fake news is coming from the left and the Mainstream Media. Fact.

My response to all that pointless drivel in your comment was in fact more pointless drivel. My hope was that you'd be smart enough to recognize that. Unfortunately you failed.

Although I will say that trump deserves what I put up because he called on Russia to hack hillarys emails. There's no denying that.

Ah! I see. You are an idiot tool. Good to know. Dismissed.
What conspiracy theories?
"The Russians hacked the election."

"Comey tried to destroy Hillary."

Dems rigged the election
Soros rigged the election
Thousands of illegals voted for Hillary robbing Trump of the popular vote
Blah blah blah

If anyone is claiming the Russians hacked the actual election, then that's conspiracy theory. If they're claiming the Russians hacked the DNC and attempted to influence the election, that has some evidence supporting it. If they are claiming the did it to swing it in Trump's favor, that too has some evidence. Nothing is certain, but only the first claim is really conspiracy theory.

2. No one says Soros rigged the election. We say he's paying rioters to disrupt the Trump rallies and there is some evidence to support that.

I must have imagined the threads about him owning the voting machines in 18 states (which was a lie), I know I didn't see our resident purveyor of moderation call out any of the right wing smear meisters on it.

Gee wonder why he always seems absent from such obvious hack jobs?

I've never seen anyone claim that Soros owned any voting machines and I have never heard that on FOX or on any conservative talk show. Perhaps some one person here said that and I missed it but it never was a main stream right claim.

I'll bet you thought no one would take 30 seconds to google that

Sean Hannity Is Pouring Gasoline On The Rigged Election Narrative
So are you conceding that the CIA assessment, whatever else it may or may not be,

cannot be labeled 'baseless'?

hint: that's a yes or no.

No idiot, I'm saying your post is irrelevant to that conversation.


Is the CIA assessment baseless or not?

Did you hear about the secret Planned Parenthood assessment that says that everyone born after 1980 were injected with isopropanol ?

What ?

You don't believe it ?

Is that a yes or no answer to the question of whether the CIA assessment is baseless?

There is no assessment.

I assess the value of your brain at 2 cents.

There is now.
No idiot, I'm saying your post is irrelevant to that conversation.


Is the CIA assessment baseless or not?

Did you hear about the secret Planned Parenthood assessment that says that everyone born after 1980 were injected with isopropanol ?

What ?

You don't believe it ?

Is that a yes or no answer to the question of whether the CIA assessment is baseless?

There is no assessment.

I assess the value of your brain at 2 cents.

There is now.


You're just jealous that someone's brain is worth 2 cents more than yours.

There's another.
So are you conceding that the CIA assessment, whatever else it may or may not be,

cannot be labeled 'baseless'?

hint: that's a yes or no.

No idiot, I'm saying your post is irrelevant to that conversation.


Is the CIA assessment baseless or not?

Did you hear about the secret Planned Parenthood assessment that says that everyone born after 1980 were injected with isopropanol ?

What ?

You don't believe it ?

Is that a yes or no answer to the question of whether the CIA assessment is baseless?

There is no assessment.

Go argue with these people.

CIA assessment russian election - Google Search with these people. We won't miss you.

Is the CIA assessment baseless or not?

Did you hear about the secret Planned Parenthood assessment that says that everyone born after 1980 were injected with isopropanol ?

What ?

You don't believe it ?

Is that a yes or no answer to the question of whether the CIA assessment is baseless?

There is no assessment.

I assess the value of your brain at 2 cents.

There is now.


You're just jealous that someone's brain is worth 2 cents more than yours.

There's another.

Would you like to tell me what conspiracy theories I'm hawking?
Hey nutjob, can you not read?

"These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges."

So you've done an extensive investigation and with the multitude of facts you've acquired you can prove that the CIA assessment is 'baseless'?

Apparently YOU can't read either. That might explain why you are talking such stupid shit.

So are you conceding that the CIA assessment, whatever else it may or may not be,

cannot be labeled 'baseless'?

hint: that's a yes or no.

No idiot, I'm saying your post is irrelevant to that conversation.


Is the CIA assessment baseless or not?

What assessment?
The CIA and the DNI denied anything has been proven.

You are reading on the WaPo with an unnamed source....thats
"The Russians hacked the election."

"Comey tried to destroy Hillary."

Dems rigged the election
Soros rigged the election
Thousands of illegals voted for Hillary robbing Trump of the popular vote
Blah blah blah

If anyone is claiming the Russians hacked the actual election, then that's conspiracy theory. If they're claiming the Russians hacked the DNC and attempted to influence the election, that has some evidence supporting it. If they are claiming the did it to swing it in Trump's favor, that too has some evidence. Nothing is certain, but only the first claim is really conspiracy theory.

2. No one says Soros rigged the election. We say he's paying rioters to disrupt the Trump rallies and there is some evidence to support that.

I must have imagined the threads about him owning the voting machines in 18 states (which was a lie), I know I didn't see our resident purveyor of moderation call out any of the right wing smear meisters on it.

Gee wonder why he always seems absent from such obvious hack jobs?

I've never seen anyone claim that Soros owned any voting machines and I have never heard that on FOX or on any conservative talk show. Perhaps some one person here said that and I missed it but it never was a main stream right claim.

I'll bet you thought no one would take 30 seconds to google that

Sean Hannity Is Pouring Gasoline On The Rigged Election Narrative

Hmmm.. That's probably because I can't stand Hannity.

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