The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

Try eight years ago.


You people don't know when your ridiculousness pops up and bites you on the ass.

Hey nutjob, can you not read?

"These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges."

So you've done an extensive investigation and with the multitude of facts you've acquired you can prove that the CIA assessment is 'baseless'?

Apparently YOU can't read either. That might explain why you are talking such stupid shit.

So are you conceding that the CIA assessment, whatever else it may or may not be,

cannot be labeled 'baseless'?

hint: that's a yes or no.

No idiot, I'm saying your post is irrelevant to that conversation.

That's not what I said. Obviously.

And, DING!

As USMB's King of the Straw Man, you are aware that you are allowed one (1) "that's not what I said" per thread.

You may attempt to communicate with me on another thread, at which time I will determine whether to respond.

So this isn't your thread title?

The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

Macs response: No, its the Lefts thread title!

Bottom line is, Mac apparently believes, out of thin air, that there is nothing whatsoever to support the claim that the Russians were meddling in the US election.

The claim that they were meddling in the US election is what came out of thin air. Dims seem to believe they can make up any outrageous thing that pops into their head and that the rest of us are obligated to prove it wrong.

Okay so if the CIA is operating out of thin air, what is your alternative plan for US international security operations?

Republicans are so scared their new messiah is illegitimate, they are willing to let foreign governments attack this country's democratic process and then pretend it never happened. Or else they are treasonous and are glad it happened.

Countries have been attacking this country's democratic process for decades.

Are you really that stupid ?

Actually, they NEVER do. Communism, the totalitarianism of the left, has only happened after violent revolution, and usually against a corrupt, unfair, capitalist oligarchy. See czarist Russia, decadent China etc etc- or invasion by communists....

Carebear, Franco, and the rest of the lefties are phony!

1. Tell all of us, who was in charge of security? In other words.......under who's watch did this happen!

2. The only thing the left is really whining about is------>the Lefty mob, met the Russian mob, they hacked, and hacked, and hacked, the Russians won.......if it was really the Russians. The left may be claiming it is, because they don't want to admit they got hosed by some 16 year old, lol.

3. I don't want outside interference either from any other country, so why is it you LEFTIES had to get your asses involved in Israels elections-) You know what----->for all we know it is Israel REPAYING you snowflakes, and if it is, don't you deserve it, lol!

4. After watching the exposes' put out on how you lefties did business in government, I have no mercy on you! You played 100% dirty, got it reversed on you, and now are whining because you got out dirty tricked, and you can't tie it to Trump, lol.

What this the death throws of the political party known as the Democrats. That is sad! Democrats are NOT bad people at all, it is the people who have taken over their party; the far left wingers, the alt left, the Socialists/Marxists, who have no resemblance to the Democratic godfather, JFK. These people have KILLED the Democratic party as it once was, and turned it into a party that nobody recognizes. They have no respect for their constituents, no respect for the voters, no respect for themselves. THEY are the ones who are single minded, they will not bend, totally rigid. They are an embarrassment to the American political system, the exact system that paid through its taxpayers, TRILLIONS to destroy the mindset that these people have now transplanted here. They are the PUTIN'S of the USA, which is why they are so pissed.........they got out propagandized by a Marxist that is just like them.

If the Russians really DID have the influence on WikiLeaks the far left claims they have, then we must ALL look at the players in this fiasco with disdain. All Donald Trump is then---------->is the recipient of 2 Marxists groups (Communists and far left American liberals) going at each other, leaving him as the last person standing because the Marxists were over zealous with each other. It is like the NAZI'S claiming Stalin was the devil, lol. They were correct, Stalin was the devil, and the Nazis were Lucifer. What did they both have in common? Until the Nazis attacked Stalin, both of them blamed their problems on the USA. Same thing here, it is just that the NAZI's (far left Liberals in the USA) want to blame the Russians, AGAIN, lol!

In other words----------> look at what the Russians did, and oh by the way, while you are paying attention to that, please forget what we did to you. The old misdirection, lol. Sorry LEFTIES, you are out of luck!
Democrats are NOT bad people at all, it is the people who have taken over their party; the far left wingers, the alt left, the Socialists/Marxists, who have no resemblance to the Democratic godfather, JFK. These people have KILLED the Democratic party as it once was, and turned it into a party that nobody recognizes.
Did you hear about the secret Planned Parenthood assessment that says that everyone born after 1980 were injected with isopropanol ?

What ?

You don't believe it ?

Is that a yes or no answer to the question of whether the CIA assessment is baseless?

There is no assessment.

Go argue with these people.

CIA assessment russian election - Google Search with these people. We won't miss you.

They have no assessment.

Can't produce it.

It does not exist.

So I post the CIA assessment and your response it that there is no assessment.

You posted a google search loaded with articles that reference something that nobody can produce.

So you did not post an assessment and my response was correct.
Its the Russians, the FBI, the electoral college, Racists, Misogynists, Billionaires, White Nationalists, Christians, the "Alt-Right and fake news !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Democrats are NOT bad people at all, it is the people who have taken over their party; the far left wingers, the alt left, the Socialists/Marxists, who have no resemblance to the Democratic godfather, JFK. These people have KILLED the Democratic party as it once was, and turned it into a party that nobody recognizes.
Brainwashed dupes of greedy idiot GOP billionaires^^^^

Nobody in the world outside the GOP BS propaganda machine bubble recognizes your world...The Democratic Party are pragmatic centrists. The New BS GOP are corrupt oligarchs, bought off geeks, and silly dupes like the flat Earth RW...
Democrats are NOT bad people at all, it is the people who have taken over their party; the far left wingers, the alt left, the Socialists/Marxists, who have no resemblance to the Democratic godfather, JFK. These people have KILLED the Democratic party as it once was, and turned it into a party that nobody recognizes.
Brainwashed dupes of greedy idiot GOP billionaires^^^^

Nobody in the world outside the GOP BS propaganda machine bubble recognizes your world...The Democratic Party are pragmatic centrists. The New BS GOP are corrupt oligarchs, bought off geeks, and silly dupes like the flat Earth RW...
I voted for Hillary, troll.

Or are you a program?
Democrats are NOT bad people at all, it is the people who have taken over their party; the far left wingers, the alt left, the Socialists/Marxists, who have no resemblance to the Democratic godfather, JFK. These people have KILLED the Democratic party as it once was, and turned it into a party that nobody recognizes.
Brainwashed dupes of greedy idiot GOP billionaires^^^^

Nobody in the world outside the GOP BS propaganda machine bubble recognizes your world...The Democratic Party are pragmatic centrists. The New BS GOP are corrupt oligarchs, bought off geeks, and silly dupes like the flat Earth RW...
I voted for Hillary, troll.

Or are you a program?
And you believe Marxists and far left wingers have taken over the Dems?
The Democratic Party are pragmatic centrists.
On the spectrum of the modern world, we are. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! That's all far right CRAP.
Democrats are NOT bad people at all, it is the people who have taken over their party; the far left wingers, the alt left, the Socialists/Marxists, who have no resemblance to the Democratic godfather, JFK. These people have KILLED the Democratic party as it once was, and turned it into a party that nobody recognizes.
Brainwashed dupes of greedy idiot GOP billionaires^^^^

Nobody in the world outside the GOP BS propaganda machine bubble recognizes your world...The Democratic Party are pragmatic centrists. The New BS GOP are corrupt oligarchs, bought off geeks, and silly dupes like the flat Earth RW...
I voted for Hillary, troll.

Or are you a program?
And you believe Marxists and far left wingers have taken over the Dems?
I call you the Regressive Left, and certainly.

While Trump was talking about jobs, the economy, the border and security, you were/are hung up on bathrooms, burkas, birthday cakes, safe spaces, microaggressions and sanctuary cities.

Please find another fucking hobby.
The Democratic Party are pragmatic centrists.
On the spectrum of the modern world, we are. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! That's all far right CRAP.
And look who's back in charge, right across the board.

Thanks loads.
Democrats are NOT bad people at all, it is the people who have taken over their party; the far left wingers, the alt left, the Socialists/Marxists, who have no resemblance to the Democratic godfather, JFK. These people have KILLED the Democratic party as it once was, and turned it into a party that nobody recognizes.
Brainwashed dupes of greedy idiot GOP billionaires^^^^

Nobody in the world outside the GOP BS propaganda machine bubble recognizes your world...The Democratic Party are pragmatic centrists. The New BS GOP are corrupt oligarchs, bought off geeks, and silly dupes like the flat Earth RW...
I voted for Hillary, troll.

Or are you a program?
And you believe Marxists and far left wingers have taken over the Dems?
I call you the Regressive Left, and certainly.

While Trump was talking about jobs, the economy, the border and security, you were/are hung up on bathrooms, burkas, birthday cakes, safe spaces, microaggressions and sanctuary cities.

Please find another fucking hobby.
DUPE of RW propaganda. Hillary's plans for the economy, jobs, the border, and immigration would actually work...
Brainwashed dupes of greedy idiot GOP billionaires^^^^

Nobody in the world outside the GOP BS propaganda machine bubble recognizes your world...The Democratic Party are pragmatic centrists. The New BS GOP are corrupt oligarchs, bought off geeks, and silly dupes like the flat Earth RW...
I voted for Hillary, troll.

Or are you a program?
And you believe Marxists and far left wingers have taken over the Dems?
I call you the Regressive Left, and certainly.

While Trump was talking about jobs, the economy, the border and security, you were/are hung up on bathrooms, burkas, birthday cakes, safe spaces, microaggressions and sanctuary cities.

Please find another fucking hobby.
DUPE of RW propaganda. Hillary's plans for the economy, jobs, the border, and immigration would actually work...
Too bad those plans were overshadowed by your noise.

This honest (and horrified) liberal Brit lays it out nicely:

The Democratic Party are pragmatic centrists.
On the spectrum of the modern world, we are. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! That's all far right CRAP.
And look who's back in charge, right across the board.

Thanks loads.
Thanks to dupes like you. Sanctuary cities, bathrooms, burkas etc are trivia. Non issues except for dupes of GOP hate bs...
Brainwashed dupes of greedy idiot GOP billionaires^^^^

Nobody in the world outside the GOP BS propaganda machine bubble recognizes your world...The Democratic Party are pragmatic centrists. The New BS GOP are corrupt oligarchs, bought off geeks, and silly dupes like the flat Earth RW...
I voted for Hillary, troll.

Or are you a program?
And you believe Marxists and far left wingers have taken over the Dems?
I call you the Regressive Left, and certainly.

While Trump was talking about jobs, the economy, the border and security, you were/are hung up on bathrooms, burkas, birthday cakes, safe spaces, microaggressions and sanctuary cities.

Please find another fucking hobby.
DUPE of RW propaganda. Hillary's plans for the economy, jobs, the border, and immigration would actually work...

She had no plans fool that's why she lost. No plans, no policy, no message. Plus she lied about pretty much everything. Try to find a better candidate in 2020 if that's possible in your weirdo party.
The Democratic Party are pragmatic centrists.
On the spectrum of the modern world, we are. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! That's all far right CRAP.
And look who's back in charge, right across the board.

Thanks loads.
Thanks to dupes like you. Sanctuary cities, bathrooms, burkas etc are trivia. Non issues except for dupes of GOP hate bs...
The guy in post 374 is talking about YOU.

Will you realize it?

It's all about racism. Look at CNN and Ny Times. It's as if these reporters have never left their college newspapers. Totally in an alternate world.
......Hillary's plans for the economy, jobs, the border, and immigration would actually work...
Correction: Hillary's plans for the economy, jobs, the border, and immigration could have actually worked.

Speculative past tense.

Hilary's time is over.
Brainwashed dupes of greedy idiot GOP billionaires^^^^

Nobody in the world outside the GOP BS propaganda machine bubble recognizes your world...The Democratic Party are pragmatic centrists. The New BS GOP are corrupt oligarchs, bought off geeks, and silly dupes like the flat Earth RW...
I voted for Hillary, troll.

Or are you a program?
And you believe Marxists and far left wingers have taken over the Dems?
I call you the Regressive Left, and certainly.

While Trump was talking about jobs, the economy, the border and security, you were/are hung up on bathrooms, burkas, birthday cakes, safe spaces, microaggressions and sanctuary cities.

Please find another fucking hobby.
DUPE of RW propaganda. Hillary's plans for the economy, jobs, the border, and immigration would actually work...
Too bad those plans were overshadowed by your noise.

This honest (and horrified) liberal Brit lays it out nicely:

I voted for Bernie in NY,and wanted more of that from Hilary. Still she would have won huge without gd e-mail hacks and GOPer Comey. Enjoy the giant tax cut for the rich and the dereg bubble/bust. But I hope he's a success, as opposed to the the anti-Obamaites...

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