The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

Kook's complain about liberals and Democrats and progress, so fearful are they that they might lose their toys and can''t compete for jobs since they are ill prepared to secure them in the 21st Century.
Ohhhhhhhhh!!!! Here is Guy Catcher in 2015 whining about jobs going “overseas” because he is “ill prepared to compete for them in the 21st Century” and demanding “protective tariffs”.
It's time to protect American Worker's and American companies. One example: Give tax incentives to auto manufacturers who use only American steel, use only parts made in America and put a protective tariff on imports which negatively effect our economy.

Let's build computers at home, and develop a recycling industry to prevent third world countries from polluting the earth. Putting a protective tariff on products which Silicon Valley's around the US develop, but build off of our shores, is foolish and crazy since China pirates our technology.
President Trump has done everything you were whining for!!! Everything. So why the 180° turn in your position over night? Indisputable proof that you are an extreme partisan hack and a liar.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
I’ve never had this much fun on the internet. There is nothing better than exposing the irrational partisan hacks for the buffoons and liars that they are. Wry Catcher would worship President Trump if he had a little “D” behind his name. But because there is a little “R” behind his name, Wry will stomp his feet and insist that the policies that Wry himself demanded are now “evil”.

Hey, you want others to believe your are psychic, and present as psycho. That won't work. Pity.
Why aren’t you praising President Trump for the very policies you demanded? :dunno:
Kook's complain about liberals and Democrats and progress, so fearful are they that they might lose their toys and can''t compete for jobs since they are ill prepared to secure them in the 21st Century.
Ohhhhhhhhh!!!! Here is Guy Catcher in 2016 demanding “protective tariffs”:
3. Why? Place a very high tariff on goods produced by American companies who move overseas.
President Trump has done even better than that. He placed a “very high tariff” on China to level the playing field. Indisputable proof that you are an extreme partisan hack and a liar. The meters aren’t reading very well for you tonight, Wry. Your “Full-of-Crap” meter is off the charts and your “Credibility” meter is at zero.

Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Wow. This OP is just classic gaslighting.

With the righwingers on our board making up a fanstically elaborate, utterly batshit conspiracy about a 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.

But its the 'left' that gone conspiracy crazy?

Laughing.....oh, you poor, hapless souls.
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Kook's complain about liberals and Democrats and progress, so fearful are they that they might lose their toys and can''t compete for jobs since they are ill prepared to secure them in the 21st Century.
Here is Guy Catcher in 2011 whining about jobs going “overseas” because he is “ill prepared to compete for them in the 21st Century”:
Realistically if pols took a long term view we would invest in America. Sadly, we invest in "emerging markets" by not protecting Americans jobs. I'm not sugggesting easy answers exist, but what I fail to see is any effort to seek solutions.
Wait...WTF?!? President Trump is “protecting American jobs” just as you were crying for. And now you’re crying that President Trump did exactly what you wanted done simply because it was done by President Trump instead of MaObama. Indisputable proof that Wry Catcher is an extreme partisan hack and a liar.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Where did you go, Wry Catcher? :dunno:

You said “sadly we were not protecting American jobs” in 2011. Now that President Trump has done that, you claim above that only “kooks” complain about that.

Just like Mr. Mueller, I'm not going anywhere. A flaming asshole like you is one more gnat on the wall of civilization.

Wry said 'flaming.' Someone should REPORT him..
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

What are you talking about? You give no examples and don’t make any statements. Just generalizations and rambling.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Maybe look at what I wrote and think for a moment. "....right now" means that, at the moment I started the thread two years ago, there were many examples. Little did I know at the time that the thread would end up being so, uh, epic.

Further, the Left lost its shit over Trump in many, many ways, with no shortage of examples of hate and ugliness coming from that end. As I've pointed out in this thread, I assumed the Left was better than this, but obviously I was wrong.

From your post, I'll guess you "don't see" any of it. I know how this goes.

I should have known. Wingers are wingers, regardless of the tribe.
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Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Wow. This OP is just classic gaslighting.

With the righwingers on our board making up a fanstically elaborate, utterly batshit conspiracy about a 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.

But its the 'left' that gone conspiracy crazy?

Laughing.....oh, you poor, hapless souls.
I'll say it again: At the time I wrote the thread, there were many, and they were reminiscent of the crazy stuff the Right had claimed under Obama. I didn't know the thread would go on so long. I wrote that TWO YEARS ago.

And by the way, I lean Left, I voted for Hillary, and my positions on the issues are laid out clearly in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I just thought the Left was better than this. Obviously I was wrong.

Speaking of "hapless souls".
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Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

What are you talking about? You give no examples and don’t make any statements. Just generalizations and rambling.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Maybe look at what I wrote and think for a moment. "....right now" means that, at the moment I started the thread two years ago, there were many examples. Little did I know at the time that the thread would end up being so, uh, epic.

Further, the Left lost its shit over Trump in many, many ways, with no shortage of examples of hate and ugliness coming from that end. As I've pointed out in this thread, I assumed the Left was better than this, but obviously I was wrong.

From your post, I'll guess you "don't see" any of it. I know how this goes.

I should have known. Wingers are wingers, regardless of the tribe.

Republican/Democrat; one coin, two sides...
The left has absolutely lost their shit...
A new ruling by Sweden's discrimination ombudsman has determined that the Statement Festival — an event for only female, non-binary and transgender individuals — represented gender discrimination.
The queers wanted to have a festival. What is the problem? No rational person would want to be among those unshowered, STD-infested creatures anyway.

Festival for 'women, transgender, non-binary' people was discriminatory, Swedish official rules
With the righwingers on our board making up a fanstically elaborate, utterly batshit conspiracy about a 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump
You’re post here is indisputable proof that a person must be ignorant and uninformed to be left-wing. I’m going to give just one example that will show everyone that you are an idiot and your post here was astoundingly stupid.
It is no longer in dispute that they held animus for Donald Trump, who was a subject of their Russia probe, or that they openly discussed using the powers of their office to “stop” Trump from becoming president.
Those are two F.B.I. agents - involved in the fabricated Russia Probe - talking aboust abusing their powers to override the will of the American people and prevent a Republican from being elected. In short, it proves you’re a fuck’n idiot.

The One FBI Text Message That Should Alarm Every American
The left didn't lose its shit. They sent it all to Trump with a beautiful card that the package should not be opened until Christmas day.
The Democrats are splitting. They have done it before in its relentless move left. They did it when they squeezed out the blue dogs. Now the Democrat socialists want to kill off the mere democrats.
The Democrats are splitting. They have done it before in its relentless move left. They did it when they squeezed out the blue dogs. Now the Democrat socialists want to kill off the mere democrats.
What a bunch of stupid fantasy. The Democrats are the big tent party. On the contrary Republicans are in a flat-out Sprint to the right. And every time someone moves the bar a little further to the right, the Republicans go on a mass Purge of people who aren't right enough. See: the Trump cult.
The Democrats are splitting. They have done it before in its relentless move left. They did it when they squeezed out the blue dogs. Now the Democrat socialists want to kill off the mere democrats.
What a bunch of stupid fantasy. The Democrats are the big tent party. On the contrary Republicans are in a flat-out Sprint to the right. And every time someone moves the bar a little further to the right, the Republicans go on a mass Purge of people who aren't right enough. See: the Trump cult.

No, we checked. The democrats are the monolithic party. Toe the line or be destroyed. They champion every kind of diversity except the one that matters, diversity of thought.
The left didn't lose its shit.
All evidence to the contrary. This is a must watch. The meltdown here is the stuff of legends. Watching them go from smug arrogance to petulant children throwing tantrums in a matter of hours is comical. And listening to them blame “ism” (racism, sexism, etc.) instead of realizing that

A. Hitlery Clinton is the most unelectable candidate in politcal history and

B. The American people cannot (and will not) tolerate the bat-shit crazy extremism of the left any more

just illustrates the ignorance of that side of the aisle. They are incapable of learning from history or examining where they went wrong.


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