The Left Hate Trump So Much

I didnt blame the whole party. But Trump was a birther. That’s a fact. It’s on tape.

What goes around comes around.

While I voted for an supported Obama, clearly his birth is irregular.
He was not born in the Hawaii hospital that signed his birth certificate.
We do not know exactly what happened, but likely his mother gave birth on the ship on the way to Hawaii from Kenya.
That still does give Obama US citizenship by birthright.
The fact his mother was too young to cause US birthright citizenship if she had given birth in Kenya, is a still technicality.
Paper ballots can be manipulated just a well and easily.
Yes, democrats really can't be trusted at all. In fact, they have an uncanny ability to find boxes and boxes of uncounted paper ballots after the election is already over.
Trump is a disgusting fascist sociopath.

Liberals may not like Haley's policies, but at least she's mentally healthy.

So, yes, we'd rather see Haley get elected, than take any chance that a fascist sociopath gets elected.

We also do not want Trump to win the republican primary and get convicted - which seems to be almost certain. He would be barred from the Presidency, and it would cause a total mess with the Republican party and be very bad for the Democratic process.

We put Democracy and support for the Constitution as our top priority. Even if that means Haley becomes our next President.

I prefer Haley over Trump, but those who came up with the 2 ridiculous impeachments and the 91 ridiculous indictments, have to be punished.
Any honest person has to now vote for Trump in order to deter such ultra criminal attacks on the voter's choice.
The impeachments and indictments are the most seditious things I have ever heard of in US politics, ever.
Much worse than even an assassination, since the crimes are being done by so many, so high up.
Trump is a disgusting fascist sociopath.

Liberals may not like Haley's policies, but at least she's mentally healthy.

So, yes, we'd rather see Haley get elected, than take any chance that a fascist sociopath gets elected.

We also do not want Trump to win the republican primary and get convicted - which seems to be almost certain. He would be barred from the Presidency, and it would cause a total mess with the Republican party and be very bad for the Democratic process.

We put Democracy and support for the Constitution as our top priority. Even if that means Haley becomes our next President.
But that is not what this thread is about. This thread is about Democrats doing everything they can to influence Republicans to vote for Haley instead of Trump, knowing that Biden will lose. It is the left who say there is no way Trump could win the election and yet they hate Trump so much they would rather have Biden lose the general than win against Trump.
Few of the clips in your video don’t say anything about collusion. They talk about Russian interference. Youre doing a bait and switch. So dishonest.

Collusion is not illegal but interference is.
Big difference.

What the Trump agents did that amounted to collusion with Russia, was the legal attempt to delay or prevent Russian retaliation for the illegal economic sanctions Obama imposed on Russians.
That was good collusion.
Perfectly legal.
I prefer Haley over Trump, but those who came up with the 2 ridiculous impeachments and the 91 ridiculous indictments, have to be punished.
Any honest person has to now vote for Trump in order to deter such ultra criminal attacks on the voter's choice.
The impeachments and indictments are the most seditious things I have ever heard of in US politics, ever.
Much worse than even an assassination, since the crimes are being done by so many, so high up.

The Truth apparently doesn't faze you.

Trump is guilty of everything he has been accused of. You're living in a delusional world.
He tried to overthrow our electoral system.

Of course most Americans hate this. This is no surprise. What's surprising is how many Americans give him a pass on this merely because he says so.
That's lie, that's what the Dems did. They said they were going to impeach Trump before he was sworn in and they colluded to have electoral voters change their vote to Hillary in the states Trump won. All of them should have been arrested and executed.
But that is not what this thread is about. This thread is about Democrats doing everything they can to influence Republicans to vote for Haley instead of Trump, knowing that Biden will lose. It is the left who say there is no way Trump could win the election and yet they hate Trump so much they would rather have Biden lose the general than win against Trump.

Yes, and that's exactly what my post addressed.
Collusion is not illegal but interference is.
Big difference.

What the Trump agents did that amounted to collusion with Russia, was the legal attempt to delay or prevent Russian retaliation for the illegal economic sanctions Obama imposed on Russians.
That was good collusion.
Perfectly legal.
The Magnitsky act was passed overwhelmingly by Congress and signed into law by Obama.
Paper ballots can be manipulated just a well and easily.

Paper ballots all go into the same box and are easily observed and counted.
With a voting computer, the machine can easily differentiate and separate ballots into different chambers, and no one can see a thing.
Voting machines can just reject ballots as if improperly filled out, even if there was nothing wrong with them.
And no one can observe at all what the computer decides to do.
Computers can easily be hacked or have built in backdoor routines.
There is no way observers can tell anything.
Paper ballots are vastly easier to observe, and always have been.
Trump exudes discipline and confidence and libs have neither and don’t want to see it
Yes, and that's exactly what my post addressed.
No. You didn't address it at all. You merely said that Democrats would rather have Haley as president than Biden, meaning Biden would win against Trump (in your minds). But, the fact remains that leftists believe there is no way that Trump could beat Biden in the election and yet they are trying to influence Republican nomination so that Haley beats Biden when it could have been Biden beating Trump. You're so consumed with the hatred of Trump that you don't want him to be the nominee even if the result is Biden loses when he could have beaten Trump.

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