The Left Hate Trump So Much

I hate Trump because he cut taxes for the rich, and because of his character and personality. I want him to spend the rest of his life in prison, in disgrace, and in debt.
Trump cut taxes for everyone and increased everyone's wealth, fact! Trump's policies were 1000% better than this blithering idiot Biden's. Yes Trump made fun of the stupid Democrats, boohoo tissue?
Paper ballots all go into the same box and are easily observed and counted.
With a voting computer, the machine can easily differentiate and separate ballots into different chambers, and no one can see a thing.
Voting machines can just reject ballots as if improperly filled out, even if there was nothing wrong with them.
And no one can observe at all what the computer decides to do.
Computers can easily be hacked or have built in backdoor routines.
There is no way observers can tell anything.
Paper ballots are vastly easier to observe, and always have been.
Which is why no matter which form is used there are several people to witness the activity.
He was. Just stop.

When a child is delivered in the hospital, there are records of who delivered it, what room was used, etc,.
There is nothing like that for Obama.
His birth certificate says the hospital, but that is how the paperwork is done if the birth actually happened on the ship to Hawaii.
Which is why no matter which form is used there are several people to witness the activity.

And the POINT is that no one can observe or be "witness to the activity" when computers are used as voting machines.
Computers can be remotely controlled, and the paper can fly through faster than anyone can observe.
Watching the outside of computer tells you nothing at all about what is happening inside the computer.
That is not true with paper ballots.
Paper ballots when gone though by hand are easily observed and verified.
And the POINT is that no one can observe or be "witness to the activity" when computers are used as voting machines.
Computers can be remotely controlled, and the paper can fly through faster than anyone can observe.
Watching the outside of computer tells you nothing at all about what is happening inside the computer.
That is not true with paper ballots.
Paper ballots when gone though by hand are easily observed and verified.
Each voter gets a receipt of their vote and how they cast it.
Okay dude. Sure.
Liberals are so addled that they dispute Muller.
That one is not the only example of liberal “you read it wrong….you see it wrong….you hear it wrong” and other pure fantasy of feelings and wishes
Liberals are so addled that they dispute Muller.
That one is not the only example of liberal “you read it wrong….you see it wrong….you hear it wrong” and other pure fantasy of feelings and wishes
What are you talking about? I didn’t dispute anything in the Mueller report. The other wacko poster was.
And now you’ve done another bait and switch talking from ballot qualification challenged to indictments.

As you know, Trump being indicted doesn’t change his ability to appear on the ballot.

My problem with Trump is that he tried to take away our ability to vote him out of office. Our disdain for him is well earned.

That is a lie.
Not wanting to immediately certify the 2020 vote count in no way alters the ability to vote Trump out of office.
The facts are the polls predicted an easy win for Trump, so there is valid cause for voter fraud doubt.
Trump came after us first.

No one ever before tried to do anything remotely as illegal as the 2 impeachments and 91 indictments.
Those were the most criminal events in US history by Congress and DOJ obviously colluding.
The whole thing was started as an insurance policy by Hillary & Co in case Trump won.
Hahaha, I believe JEB! First contracted the oppo firm and then Hillary’s campaign picked up with it. Regardless. Oppo dossiers and dishonest accustations have been made since the beginning of politics. The actual investigation was started because of Trumps actions and his teams lies, and it was started by his own people. So stop lying about it. Like I said. You can’t dispute a thing I said in my last post.
Trump cut taxes for everyone and increased everyone's wealth, fact! Trump's policies were 1000% better than this blithering idiot Biden's. Yes Trump made fun of the stupid Democrats, boohoo tissue?

I am far left, but Trump only did badly with the SCOTUS.
He did well as far as covid, the economy, no wars, etc.
Trump cut taxes for everyone and increased everyone's wealth, fact! Trump's policies were 1000% better than this blithering idiot Biden's. Yes Trump made fun of the stupid Democrats, boohoo tissue?
Has Biden changed the tax policies that you love so much?

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