The Left Hate Trump So Much

Hahaha, I believe JEB! First contracted the oppo firm and then Hillary’s campaign picked up with it. Regardless. Oppo dossiers and dishonest accustations have been made since the beginning of politics. The actual investigation was started because of Trumps actions and his teams lies, and it was started by his own people. So stop lying about it. Like I said. You can’t dispute a thing I said in my last post.

Sure there was a lot of contact between Trump people and the Russians, but that is not illegal.
The charges against Bannon, Flynn, Cohen, and even Manafort are ridiculous and unprecedented.
Never before has the DOJ been so illegally weaponized to political agenda dictates.
Hahaha, I believe JEB! First contracted the oppo firm and then Hillary’s campaign picked up with it. Regardless. Oppo dossiers and dishonest accustations have been made since the beginning of politics. The actual investigation was started because of Trumps actions and his teams lies, and it was started by his own people. So stop lying about it. Like I said. You can’t dispute a thing I said in my last post.
The left forced them into it. Turned out to be a nothingburger.
Sure there was a lot of contact between Trump people and the Russians, but that is not illegal.
The charges against Bannon, Flynn, Cohen, and even Manafort are ridiculous and unprecedented.
Never before has the DOJ been so illegally weaponized to political agenda dictates.
There was a lot of contact which they lied about. There was also a lot of illegal election interference by the Russians. So how do you not investigate given those two elements?!

Manafort gave internal polling data to Russian agents for crying out loud. Flynn lied to Pence who then lied to the American people and was fired for it. Trump fired the head of the FBI for investigating Flynn for his lies.

Trumps AG recused himself and his assigned acting AG hired Mueller.

You can’t make this stuff up!!
What are you talking about? I didn’t dispute anything in the Mueller report. The other wacko poster was.
Reading is fundamental
Nobody chased you individually into your safe space
I addressed the Widely published notion here from liberals that Mueller found collusion .
Hahaha. The Left forced them into it?!?! Listen to yourself. Grow up
As I said, the final report turned out to be a nothingburger. It would have never been done but for Hillary & Co planting false seeds and purposely lying to FISA courts.
The world likes our money, is all you really needed to say!

The world relies on the US to maintain global stability.

In 2016 when we elected Trump they said……..WTF were you thinking?

In 2020, when we got rid of him, they let out a sigh of relief

In 2024 with the US considering Trump again, they are saying…..Are you totally crazy?
The world relies on the US to maintain global stability.

In 2016 when we elected Trump they said……..WTF were you thinking?

In 2020, when we got rid of him, they let out a sigh of relief

In 2024 with the US considering Trump again, they are saying…..Are you totally crazy?
B.S they said oh crap he is going to make us pay our fair share, and make us trade fairly! BTW I do not give a rip about what the rest of the world says, most of the ones who take our money hate us anyway, so piss on it!
B.S they said oh crap he is going to make us pay our fair share, and make us trade fairly! BTW I do not give a rip about what the rest of the world says, most of the ones who take our money hate us anyway, so piss on it!
Actually most of the world respects the US and relies on us to maintain stability.

The election of Trump was a shock to our alliances and pleased Putin, Xi and Kim
Actually most of the world respects the US and relies on us to maintain stability.

The election of Trump was a shock to our alliances and pleased Putin, Xi and Kim
Nonsense they know that Biden is a few sandwiches short of a full beer and exploit him! We are closer to world war 3 with biden as president than at anytime under Trump they knew a red line meant a red line
Nonsense they know that Biden is a few sandwiches short of a full beer and exploit him! We are closer to world war 3 with biden as president than at anytime under Trump they knew a red line meant a red line
Actually, Joe Biden works well with our allies

Trump calls Putin a Genius for invading Ukraine
Actually, Joe Biden works well with our allies

Trump calls Putin a Genius for invading Ukraine
No Biden gives into whatever the allies tell him to, and he just throws money at it! He should through back channels be telling Iran unless they want to become a glass factory when the smoke clears, they better pump the breaks on their proxy warriors trying to kill Americans!
No Biden gives into whatever the allies tell him to, and he just throws money at it! He should through back channels be telling Iran unless they want to become a glass factory when the smoke clears, they better pump the breaks on their proxy warriors trying to kill Americans!

Not really
Our allies are willing to work with Biden and trust him.
Biden built the Ukraine alliance and got our allies to work against self interest

Nobody trusts Trump, he will sell you out in a minute.
He is more interested in his personal interests and not upsetting Putin
They know they would rather have someone as president who actually has their backs instead of having a president who kneels down with BLM and attacks the police.
So now you're saying Democrats have NOT weaponized all of law enforcement? Hope you didn't get whiplash from such a dramatic reversal. Welcome to the real world, we've missed you.
So now you're saying Democrats have NOT weaponized all of law enforcement? Hope you didn't get whiplash from such a dramatic reversal. Welcome to the real world, we've missed you.
The left have weaponized all federal levels with the real power and blue state levels with the real power but they have not weaponized the rank and file, who do not have the power. In fact, the rank and file don't have much to do with these levels of investigations.
The left have weaponized all federal levels with the real power and blue state levels with the real power but they have not weaponized the rank and file, who do not have the power. In fact, the rank and file don't have much to do with these levels of investigations.
You forgot to say…….DEEP STATE
LOL. So you're one of those who believe that a person is guilty until proven innocent.
A majority of the Senate voted to remove him from office. He was only saved by spineless Republican weenies.

Besides, I witnessed his speech on J6, and know that he intended to incite an insurrection.

Trump may have lawyered his way out of a lot of crimes, but even he can't lawyer his way out now.
No. You didn't address it at all. You merely said that Democrats would rather have Haley as president than Biden, meaning Biden would win against Trump (in your minds). But, the fact remains that leftists believe there is no way that Trump could beat Biden in the election and yet they are trying to influence Republican nomination so that Haley beats Biden when it could have been Biden beating Trump. You're so consumed with the hatred of Trump that you don't want him to be the nominee even if the result is Biden loses when he could have beaten Trump.
1. Learn to read.

2. Apparently, my post was far too complicated for you to understand.

3. You're babbling nonsense. (Nothing new there!)

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