The Left Hate Trump So Much

Yes they see Trump as an authoritarian who has zero respect for the law and who obsesses over personal vendettas. They have a point. He is a disaster for our country and should be nowhere near any kind of leadership position
That's exactly what we've got with Biden and Co.
that they would rather have Biden lose to Nikki Haley rather than take a chance with a Biden/Trump choice in 2024, even as they simultaneously claim that Trump can't possibly win. After all, he has all of those indictments and all and could possibly be in jail. I see many lefties on here constantly doing their best to take Trump out of the picture so that Nikki Haley would wind up being the nominee. Haley is currently 10 points ahead of Biden in the polling while Trump is only 6 points ahead. So, instead of taking a chance with Trump, who they believe can't possibly win, they would rather have Nikki Haley as the nominee, which pretty much guarantees Democrats lose. They would rather have Biden lose than take a chance with a so called unelectable Trump. Is this the definition of TDS?

There is an alternative you aren’t considering. And in your case TDS stands for Trump Devotion Syndrome.

Perhaps the people really want an alternative to Biden, but the one being foisted upon them by the likes of you is worse than what they have. So they sit there and say things aren’t great. But do we really want a criminal jackass who caused a national toilet paper shortage during his last year in office?
???????????????????????????? If you are talking about the birth certificate thing that happened after Obama was already president. In fact, it was Hillary's operatives who actually started all that.
It was only republicans who tried to keep Obama off the ballot. Not Clinton.

Trump tried to take away our ability to vote him out of office. Putting him back in office would be incredibly foolish.
Trump cut taxes for everyone, not just the rich. In fact, more households now pay zero federal income taxes because of Trump.
What about the deficit? Republicans used to value balanced budgets.

Now Republicans are using the rise in in the national debt for which they are responsible in efforts to cut or eliminate domestic spending programs they have never liked, but which they know are popular with voters.

A more progressive tax system is also popular with the voters.
Both wings are from the same bird.
Yes they see Trump as an authoritarian who has zero respect for the law and who obsesses over personal vendettas. They have a point. He is a disaster for our country and should be nowhere near any kind of leadership position
Yup. Should he win the 24 election by some miracle he would destroy the rule of law. He has no choice because his survival depends on it
It's not just Trump.....If he went away today, they'd turn their white hot hatred against whomsoever the (R)s had out front.

Haters gonna hate.
Whoever has the most support is the target

You would think the rubes would learn by now.

It was only republicans who tried to keep Obama off the ballot. Not Clinton.

Trump tried to take away our ability to vote him out of office. Putting him back in office would be incredibly foolish.
There were a select few on the right who were into the birth certificate thing. Most all Republican politicians were not into that. All Democrats are out to keep Trump off the ballot, anyway they can.
What about the deficit? Republicans used to value balanced budgets.

Now Republicans are using the rise in in the national debt for which they are responsible in efforts to cut or eliminate domestic spending programs they have never liked, but which they know are popular with voters.

A more progressive tax system is also popular with the voters.
You really side stepped that, didn't you?
that they would rather have Biden lose to Nikki Haley rather than take a chance with a Biden/Trump choice in 2024, even as they simultaneously claim that Trump can't possibly win. After all, he has all of those indictments and all and could possibly be in jail. I see many lefties on here constantly doing their best to take Trump out of the picture so that Nikki Haley would wind up being the nominee. Haley is currently 10 points ahead of Biden in the polling while Trump is only 6 points ahead. So, instead of taking a chance with Trump, who they believe can't possibly win, they would rather have Nikki Haley as the nominee, which pretty much guarantees Democrats lose. They would rather have Biden lose than take a chance with a so called unelectable Trump. Is this the definition of TDS?

The fact that these court proceedings are taking so long, is evidence all of this crap is staged. The indictments, the way the networks are letting the debates turn into screaming matches, the 24/7 news coverage of Trump (from both sides)........

It's looking like it's all a scam from all sides. The Trump side, the news side, the party's side, It's like pieces of a picture puzzle they're slowly putting together. And none of us, the Trump supporters, the conservatives, the left, the progressives.... None of us are going to like the picture.

There's a big pile of BS waiting for all of us at the end of this.
There were a select few on the right who were into the birth certificate thing. Most all Republican politicians were not into that. All Democrats are out to keep Trump off the ballot, anyway they can.
Trump was one of those “select” few.

A select few on the left are trying to keep Trump off the ballot.

There were far more Republicans trying to keep Obama off the ballot with their psycho birther conspiracy than Dems trying to keep Trump off the ballot making a constitutional argument in court.
The fact that these court proceedings are taking so long, is evidence all of this crap is staged. The indictments, the way the networks are letting the debates turn into screaming matches, the 24/7 news coverage of Trump (from both sides)........

It's looking like it's all a scam from all sides. The Trump side, the news side, the party's side, It's like pieces of a picture puzzle they're slowly putting together. And none of us, the Trump supporters, the conservatives, the left, the progressives.... None of us are going to like the picture.

There's a big pile of BS waiting for all of us at the end of this.
Trump is doing everything he can to delay the trials. The slow process is not proof that anything is staged. That’s an idiotic notion
Yup. Should he win the 24 election by some miracle he would destroy the rule of law. He has no choice because his survival depends on it
I remember, back after Escalator Day, we were talking about him destroying the GQP for his own gain.

We underestimated him. He's in the process of destroying much more than that. And his cultists love it.

Then they'll tell you they "love America". Incredible.
The choice in 2024 is to either allow the Democrats to keep destroying the country or vote them out.
You either permanently destroy our country and the rule of law and constitution with Trump and his lawless minions in office, or you deal with some shit you don't like for 4 more years with someone else.

If you love your country, you will wisely choose the latter....

If you hate your country and want it dissolved or civil war division, with Trump (who has no plans to leave in 2029 either because it would mean prison), as your king forever, you will choose the first option.

Choose wisely! There is only one shot for it! ;)

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