The left is skating on THIN ICE.

All the hysterics surrounding Russia could very easily backfire on them. Makes me think of the child's story about the little boy that cried wolf.

If they continue to hype the hysteria and never produce a criminal or civil charge against a single Republican I believe they are damaging their own brand.
I have no proof (kinda like them) just a hunch. In the era of 24/7 news & instant internet they're beating the drums loudly every hour of every day.
Benghazi didn't even get this much play and people died there yet the public tired of the story.
How long can the left beat this drum before the public says enough?

How long before the public said "enough" about Benghazi? :dunno:

Bengazi went on the back burner within months of it coming out for most people. Plus that was one episode. Right now the Left comes up with the same thing in different packaging again and again and again.

No, it was kept alive for years - 4 years of expensive partisan political investigations at a high cost to taxpayers. You folks have very selective memories.
and she is guilty as sin. and ain't behind bars. how does that happen unless you have privilege by law enforsement?

It can happen if you aren't guilty of a crime...novel idea isn't it?
and yet she is guilty and out. shameful. see there are crimes she committed.

-illegal server
-bleached emails and phones while under subpoena.
-I believe it is also criminal to allow a private citizen see classified material like her staff did on that illegal server. a two for one there.
-Pay for play for the Clinton Foundation

Now you name something criminal trump did. I'll wait.
Last edited:
They made a movie about it was not on the back burner..

How many times did CNN do a cover on it, MSNBC?

All of this current stuff if FRONT PAGE NEWS every day, every minute, and so far nothing tangible has resulted from it.
This leak is much different than anything else in my opinion, they are so busted and there is no way to call it fake news like Trump has done so many times..

This puts the Trump campaign right smack in the middle of Russia, which they lied about since day one..

Trumps credibility is ruined by those still on the fence ... Such a mess

Such a drama queen, this will be another nothing burger just like the dozen of other things you people said was the nail in the coffin

Fox keeps saying "Nothing Burger" but is actually a Happy Meal for the ones trying to prove the Russia/Trump connections..


so true...

perfect analogy

a Happy Meal...

Sold by a chain restaurant , created for children

Make that a Triple Patty... Kushner, Trump Jr., and Manafort
This shit is NOTHING compared to obama. I thought alot of that shit was rough. Compared to this, the anti-obama people wanted to suck his dick..
All the partisan hatred for obama was nothing compared to the way these people treat trump

I would disagree on that.
Dude, the media, the left, half of the right etc etc are against him. Call his son a retard, call his wife a prostitute, People have been hurt, killed, property destroyed all kinds of shit. Fucking ANTIFA is making training camps for the violence, apparently.
Come on coyote..
Bengazi went on the back burner within months of it coming out for most people. Plus that was one episode. Right now the Left comes up with the same thing in different packaging again and again and again.

They made a movie about it was not on the back burner..

How many times did CNN do a cover on it, MSNBC?

All of this current stuff if FRONT PAGE NEWS every day, every minute, and so far nothing tangible has resulted from it.
This leak is much different than anything else in my opinion, they are so busted and there is no way to call it fake news like Trump has done so many times..

This puts the Trump campaign right smack in the middle of Russia, which they lied about since day one..

Trumps credibility is ruined by those still on the fence ... Such a mess

You see things that aren't there just to suit your endgame. Again, from what has been released so far nothing illegal happened.

Have you read the report?

Which one? There are several versions of what is going on going around.
No, it was kept alive for years - 4 years of expensive partisan political investigations at a high cost to taxpayers. You folks have very selective memories.

High cost?

Define high cost, remembering the feds spend 10 BILLION a day just on running the regular government.

6.7 million (according to some estimates) is a lot of money for taxpayers to spend trying to get an indictment on Clinton so they can tank her candidacy - that's what it ultimately was and we paid for it.

NO! That is what it was to you and your fellow leftists, some of us cared very deeply about what went wrong at Benghazi and wanted answers. Because something did go terribly wrong and Americans died over it

It should have, frankly, been handled like the similar incidents under Bush. An investigation into what happened, to see if there was anything that could have been done differently and most important - a plan for trying to prevent it from happening again and that is that. It wasn't handled that way though was it? The right didn't care about the lives lost - those lives were used for partisan political purposes in the most disgusting way. All you have to do is look at how it was handled under Bush and then under Obama.

You try so hard to come across as non partisan and you fail so miserably.

Last time...Americans died and not one finger was lifted to help them...while yourBif Eared Disaster diddled and then went fund raising the next day.

And THAT is what should have been guiding the investigation but it wasn't - it was partisan politics that spread it out for four years trying to pin something on Clinton.. The right's faux "sympathy" for the victims is pretty much discredited by the way they handled this.
No, it was kept alive for years - 4 years of expensive partisan political investigations at a high cost to taxpayers. You folks have very selective memories.

High cost?

Define high cost, remembering the feds spend 10 BILLION a day just on running the regular government.

6.7 million (according to some estimates) is a lot of money for taxpayers to spend trying to get an indictment on Clinton so they can tank her candidacy - that's what it ultimately was and we paid for it.

NO! That is what it was to you and your fellow leftists, some of us cared very deeply about what went wrong at Benghazi and wanted answers. Because something did go terribly wrong and Americans died over it

It should have, frankly, been handled like the similar incidents under Bush. An investigation into what happened, to see if there was anything that could have been done differently and most important - a plan for trying to prevent it from happening again and that is that. It wasn't handled that way though was it? The right didn't care about the lives lost - those lives were used for partisan political purposes in the most disgusting way. All you have to do is look at how it was handled under Bush and then under Obama.

You try so hard to come across as non partisan and you fail so miserably.

Last time...Americans died and not one finger was lifted to help them...while your Big Eared Disaster diddled and then went fund raising the next day.

Benghazi - four years of investigations by the Republicans - no indictments, no condemnation, no conviction.
High cost?

Define high cost, remembering the feds spend 10 BILLION a day just on running the regular government.

6.7 million (according to some estimates) is a lot of money for taxpayers to spend trying to get an indictment on Clinton so they can tank her candidacy - that's what it ultimately was and we paid for it.

NO! That is what it was to you and your fellow leftists, some of us cared very deeply about what went wrong at Benghazi and wanted answers. Because something did go terribly wrong and Americans died over it

It should have, frankly, been handled like the similar incidents under Bush. An investigation into what happened, to see if there was anything that could have been done differently and most important - a plan for trying to prevent it from happening again and that is that. It wasn't handled that way though was it? The right didn't care about the lives lost - those lives were used for partisan political purposes in the most disgusting way. All you have to do is look at how it was handled under Bush and then under Obama.

You try so hard to come across as non partisan and you fail so miserably.

Last time...Americans died and not one finger was lifted to help them...while yourBif Eared Disaster diddled and then went fund raising the next day.

And THAT is what should have been guiding the investigation but it wasn't - it was partisan politics that spread it out for four years trying to pin something on Clinton.. The right's faux "sympathy" for the victims is pretty much discredited by the way they handled this.

GTFO Coyote there is no "faux sympathy" with me. Your boy and your old crow were into Benghazi neck deep then when it got hot they failed those people.

If you can't see that you're a partisan hack just as I said.
They made a movie about it was not on the back burner..

How many times did CNN do a cover on it, MSNBC?

All of this current stuff if FRONT PAGE NEWS every day, every minute, and so far nothing tangible has resulted from it.
This leak is much different than anything else in my opinion, they are so busted and there is no way to call it fake news like Trump has done so many times..

This puts the Trump campaign right smack in the middle of Russia, which they lied about since day one..

Trumps credibility is ruined by those still on the fence ... Such a mess

You see things that aren't there just to suit your endgame. Again, from what has been released so far nothing illegal happened.

Have you read the report?

Which one? There are several versions of what is going on going around.

Have you read Comey's report?
How about the results of the Mueller investigation?

Have you seen the findings of either Houses investigative hearings (much was behind closed doors)?
How long before the public said "enough" about Benghazi? :dunno:

Bengazi went on the back burner within months of it coming out for most people. Plus that was one episode. Right now the Left comes up with the same thing in different packaging again and again and again.

They made a movie about it was not on the back burner..

How many times did CNN do a cover on it, MSNBC?

All of this current stuff if FRONT PAGE NEWS every day, every minute, and so far nothing tangible has resulted from it.
This leak is much different than anything else in my opinion, they are so busted and there is no way to call it fake news like Trump has done so many times..

This puts the Trump campaign right smack in the middle of Russia, which they lied about since day one..

Trumps credibility is ruined by those still on the fence ... Such a mess
Obama knew about this in august, so why didn't he leak it? If it is true, we would have president Hillary now. So really there is nothing to see here.

Obama told the FBI, what else could he have done without causing complete chaos? Look at how long it took just to prove Trumps connections with Russia?
Bengazi went on the back burner within months of it coming out for most people. Plus that was one episode. Right now the Left comes up with the same thing in different packaging again and again and again.

No, it was kept alive for years - 4 years of expensive partisan political investigations at a high cost to taxpayers. You folks have very selective memories.

High cost?

Define high cost, remembering the feds spend 10 BILLION a day just on running the regular government.

6.7 million (according to some estimates) is a lot of money for taxpayers to spend trying to get an indictment on Clinton so they can tank her candidacy - that's what it ultimately was and we paid for it.

NO! That is what it was to you and your fellow leftists, some of us cared very deeply about what went wrong at Benghazi and wanted answers. Because something did go terribly wrong and Americans died over it

It should have, frankly, been handled like the similar incidents under Bush. An investigation into what happened, to see if there was anything that could have been done differently and most important - a plan for trying to prevent it from happening again and that is that. It wasn't handled that way though was it? The right didn't care about the lives lost - those lives were used for partisan political purposes in the most disgusting way. All you have to do is look at how it was handled under Bush and then under Obama.
well that would be true, but she deleted emails. crime. Benghazi now hers to own. And she does. believe you me she does.
This shit is NOTHING compared to obama. I thought alot of that shit was rough. Compared to this, the anti-obama people wanted to suck his dick..
All the partisan hatred for obama was nothing compared to the way these people treat trump
So you arent aware of the violence and destruction that the left is doing?

Come on, man. You fuckers project like NJ nothing I've ever seen.

Your friends. Yes....Your USMB friends here....are proponents of everything from nuking the Middle East to lynching BLM members to having a shooting civil war against liberals to castrating gay men.

Your friends.

Stop the fucking whining about a few masked protesters who don't represent "the left" any more than the KKK represents "the right".
Bengazi went on the back burner within months of it coming out for most people. Plus that was one episode. Right now the Left comes up with the same thing in different packaging again and again and again.

They made a movie about it was not on the back burner..

How many times did CNN do a cover on it, MSNBC?

All of this current stuff if FRONT PAGE NEWS every day, every minute, and so far nothing tangible has resulted from it.
This leak is much different than anything else in my opinion, they are so busted and there is no way to call it fake news like Trump has done so many times..

This puts the Trump campaign right smack in the middle of Russia, which they lied about since day one..

Trumps credibility is ruined by those still on the fence ... Such a mess
Obama knew about this in august, so why didn't he leak it? If it is true, we would have president Hillary now. So really there is nothing to see here.

Obama told the FBI, what else could he have done without causing complete chaos? Look at how long it took just to prove Trumps connections with Russia?
where are his connections?
How many times did CNN do a cover on it, MSNBC?

All of this current stuff if FRONT PAGE NEWS every day, every minute, and so far nothing tangible has resulted from it.
This leak is much different than anything else in my opinion, they are so busted and there is no way to call it fake news like Trump has done so many times..

This puts the Trump campaign right smack in the middle of Russia, which they lied about since day one..

Trumps credibility is ruined by those still on the fence ... Such a mess

Such a drama queen, this will be another nothing burger just like the dozen of other things you people said was the nail in the coffin

Fox keeps saying "Nothing Burger" but is actually a Happy Meal for the ones trying to prove the Russia/Trump connections..


so true...

perfect analogy

a Happy Meal...

Sold by a chain restaurant , created for children

Make that a Triple Patty... Kushner, Trump Jr., and Manafort

add as many non patties as you like...

This shit is NOTHING compared to obama. I thought alot of that shit was rough. Compared to this, the anti-obama people wanted to suck his dick..
All the partisan hatred for obama was nothing compared to the way these people treat trump

I would disagree on that.
Dude, the media, the left, half of the right etc etc are against him. Call his son a retard, call his wife a prostitute, People have been hurt, killed, property destroyed all kinds of shit. Fucking ANTIFA is making training camps for the violence, apparently.
Come on coyote..

Gorilla in Heels?
Children referred to as slutty?
Being called a muslim terrorist, anti-American, fifth columnist?

Come on TN....granted, this might be worse, but given Trump's relentless below-the-belt attacks at media, at opponents etc (that were not just in retaliation) - it is hard to seperate out all the notes in the noise. The thing is - the people complaining now sure didn't hold back when it came to disgusting attacks on Obama. Sure didn't say - hey, maybe we're going too far....

I suppose it's just going to keep getting worse because no one thinks they're going to far and unlike Obama, who didn't acknowledge it - Trump is fueling it with his tweets, and personal attacks on anyone who criticizes him.
This shit is NOTHING compared to obama. I thought alot of that shit was rough. Compared to this, the anti-obama people wanted to suck his dick..
All the partisan hatred for obama was nothing compared to the way these people treat trump
So you arent aware of the violence and destruction that the left is doing?

Come on, man. You fuckers project like NJ nothing I've ever seen.

Your friends. Yes....Your USMB friends here....are proponents of everything from nuking the Middle East to lynching BLM members to having a shooting civil war against liberals to castrating gay men.

Your friends.

Stop the fucking whining about a few masked protesters who don't represent "the left" any more than the KKK represents "the right".
well the kkk represents democrats, and don't let yourself forget that again.
All the partisan hatred for obama was nothing compared to the way these people treat trump
So you arent aware of the violence and destruction that the left is doing?

Come on, man. You fuckers project like NJ nothing I've ever seen.

Your friends. Yes....Your USMB friends here....are proponents of everything from nuking the Middle East to lynching BLM members to having a shooting civil war against liberals to castrating gay men.

Your friends.

Stop the fucking whining about a few masked protesters who don't represent "the left" any more than the KKK represents "the right".
well the kkk represents democrats, and don't let yourself forget that again.

Of course. I don't know that because I'm an idiot. You are certainly right.
Bengazi went on the back burner within months of it coming out for most people. Plus that was one episode. Right now the Left comes up with the same thing in different packaging again and again and again.

They made a movie about it was not on the back burner..

How many times did CNN do a cover on it, MSNBC?

All of this current stuff if FRONT PAGE NEWS every day, every minute, and so far nothing tangible has resulted from it.
This leak is much different than anything else in my opinion, they are so busted and there is no way to call it fake news like Trump has done so many times..

This puts the Trump campaign right smack in the middle of Russia, which they lied about since day one..

Trumps credibility is ruined by those still on the fence ... Such a mess
Obama knew about this in august, so why didn't he leak it? If it is true, we would have president Hillary now. So really there is nothing to see here.

Obama told the FBI, what else could he have done without causing complete chaos? Look at how long it took just to prove Trumps connections with Russia?
If it is true, Obama would've leaked it. He needed Hillary to be president. So his legacy would continue. Now it's just becoming a bad memory.
6.7 million (according to some estimates) is a lot of money for taxpayers to spend trying to get an indictment on Clinton so they can tank her candidacy - that's what it ultimately was and we paid for it.

NO! That is what it was to you and your fellow leftists, some of us cared very deeply about what went wrong at Benghazi and wanted answers. Because something did go terribly wrong and Americans died over it

It should have, frankly, been handled like the similar incidents under Bush. An investigation into what happened, to see if there was anything that could have been done differently and most important - a plan for trying to prevent it from happening again and that is that. It wasn't handled that way though was it? The right didn't care about the lives lost - those lives were used for partisan political purposes in the most disgusting way. All you have to do is look at how it was handled under Bush and then under Obama.

You try so hard to come across as non partisan and you fail so miserably.

Last time...Americans died and not one finger was lifted to help them...while yourBif Eared Disaster diddled and then went fund raising the next day.

And THAT is what should have been guiding the investigation but it wasn't - it was partisan politics that spread it out for four years trying to pin something on Clinton.. The right's faux "sympathy" for the victims is pretty much discredited by the way they handled this.

GTFO Coyote there is no "faux sympathy" with me. Your boy and your old crow were into Benghazi neck deep then when it got hot they failed those people.

If you can't see that you're a partisan hack just as I said.

Again. AMERICANS DIED in similar attacks under Bush. Where was your 4 year investigation? Where was the right's concern? You don't think politics played the major role in this investigation? If you don't then you're as much a partisan hack as you accuse me of being. To use your term: GTFO.
How many times did CNN do a cover on it, MSNBC?

All of this current stuff if FRONT PAGE NEWS every day, every minute, and so far nothing tangible has resulted from it.
This leak is much different than anything else in my opinion, they are so busted and there is no way to call it fake news like Trump has done so many times..

This puts the Trump campaign right smack in the middle of Russia, which they lied about since day one..

Trumps credibility is ruined by those still on the fence ... Such a mess

Such a drama queen, this will be another nothing burger just like the dozen of other things you people said was the nail in the coffin

Fox keeps saying "Nothing Burger" but is actually a Happy Meal for the ones trying to prove the Russia/Trump connections..


so true...

perfect analogy

a Happy Meal...

Sold by a chain restaurant , created for children

Make that a Triple Patty... Kushner, Trump Jr., and Manafort
all men associated with the president of the US. next

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