The left is skating on THIN ICE.

And THAT is what should have been guiding the investigation but it wasn't - it was partisan politics that spread it out for four years trying to pin something on Clinton.. The right's faux "sympathy" for the victims is pretty much discredited by the way they handled this.

GTFO Coyote there is no "faux sympathy" with me. Your boy and your old crow were into Benghazi neck deep then when it got hot they failed those people.

If you can't see that you're a partisan hack just as I said.

Again. AMERICANS DIED in similar attacks under Bush. Where was your 4 year investigation? Where was the right's concern? You don't think politics played the major role in this investigation? If you don't then you're as much a partisan hack as you accuse me of being. To use your term: GTFO.

Bush didn't blame a other words lie right of the gate about it. Now did he?

Wasn't a lie. You have been saying that for 5 years while knowing that it isn't true. That makes you a liar.
the fk that wasn't a lie. holy fk. she blamed a video. are you saying she didn't blame a video?

When she said that the video was in part the reason for protests across the region she was simply telling the American people what the IC told her.

It wasn't a lie. In fact. It wasn't even incorrect.

You assholes seized on the fact that there were other components to the specific attack which were unrelated to the video and have been lying about it ever since. Unashamedly lying.
6.7 million (according to some estimates) is a lot of money for taxpayers to spend trying to get an indictment on Clinton so they can tank her candidacy - that's what it ultimately was and we paid for it.

NO! That is what it was to you and your fellow leftists, some of us cared very deeply about what went wrong at Benghazi and wanted answers. Because something did go terribly wrong and Americans died over it

It should have, frankly, been handled like the similar incidents under Bush. An investigation into what happened, to see if there was anything that could have been done differently and most important - a plan for trying to prevent it from happening again and that is that. It wasn't handled that way though was it? The right didn't care about the lives lost - those lives were used for partisan political purposes in the most disgusting way. All you have to do is look at how it was handled under Bush and then under Obama.
well that would be true, but she deleted emails. crime. Benghazi now hers to own. And she does. believe you me she does.

4 years of investigations and 6.7 million dollars concluded with no crimes.
I know right? she should be in jail. why not? oh because the FBI dropped it after saying she committed several crimes. wow. I can't believe you partisan hacks. wow. and so far thirteen months of investigating russia you got nothing burgers coming out everyones ass.

Given what you are have no room to criticize those going after Trump :lol:
And THAT is what should have been guiding the investigation but it wasn't - it was partisan politics that spread it out for four years trying to pin something on Clinton.. The right's faux "sympathy" for the victims is pretty much discredited by the way they handled this.

GTFO Coyote there is no "faux sympathy" with me. Your boy and your old crow were into Benghazi neck deep then when it got hot they failed those people.

If you can't see that you're a partisan hack just as I said.

Again. AMERICANS DIED in similar attacks under Bush. Where was your 4 year investigation? Where was the right's concern? You don't think politics played the major role in this investigation? If you don't then you're as much a partisan hack as you accuse me of being. To use your term: GTFO.

Bush didn't blame a other words lie right of the gate about it. Now did he?

Right out of the gate was chaos. You do realize that don't you? We spent 6.7 million dollars and 4 years on...whether or not it was a video? SERIOUSLY?

It was partisan politics.

Now you sound like a redundant parrot trying to convince everyone.....6.7 million and 4 years on....

They lied to cover their asses. You don't lie unless you're trying to hide something

Like Trump?
All the partisan hatred for obama was nothing compared to the way these people treat trump

I would disagree on that.
Dude, the media, the left, half of the right etc etc are against him. Call his son a retard, call his wife a prostitute, People have been hurt, killed, property destroyed all kinds of shit. Fucking ANTIFA is making training camps for the violence, apparently.
Come on coyote..

Gorilla in Heels?
Children referred to as slutty?
Being called a muslim terrorist, anti-American, fifth columnist?

Come on TN....granted, this might be worse, but given Trump's relentless below-the-belt attacks at media, at opponents etc (that were not just in retaliation) - it is hard to seperate out all the notes in the noise. The thing is - the people complaining now sure didn't hold back when it came to disgusting attacks on Obama. Sure didn't say - hey, maybe we're going too far....

I suppose it's just going to keep getting worse because no one thinks they're going to far and unlike Obama, who didn't acknowledge it - Trump is fueling it with his tweets, and personal attacks on anyone who criticizes him.
you sticking up for the shit hole MSM is funny. wow. are you connected to these fking dirtbags or something? Why would you stand up for the filth that is MSM?

MSM is not one "evil entity" - it's a bunch of different media, some good, some less good.

It's all opinion shows which gets boring after a few of them.
GTFO Coyote there is no "faux sympathy" with me. Your boy and your old crow were into Benghazi neck deep then when it got hot they failed those people.

If you can't see that you're a partisan hack just as I said.

Again. AMERICANS DIED in similar attacks under Bush. Where was your 4 year investigation? Where was the right's concern? You don't think politics played the major role in this investigation? If you don't then you're as much a partisan hack as you accuse me of being. To use your term: GTFO.

Bush didn't blame a other words lie right of the gate about it. Now did he?

Right out of the gate was chaos. You do realize that don't you? We spent 6.7 million dollars and 4 years on...whether or not it was a video? SERIOUSLY?

It was partisan politics.

Now you sound like a redundant parrot trying to convince everyone.....6.7 million and 4 years on....

They lied to cover their asses. You don't lie unless you're trying to hide something

Like Trump?

I'm talking Benghazi....deflection noted.
I would disagree on that.
Dude, the media, the left, half of the right etc etc are against him. Call his son a retard, call his wife a prostitute, People have been hurt, killed, property destroyed all kinds of shit. Fucking ANTIFA is making training camps for the violence, apparently.
Come on coyote..

Gorilla in Heels?
Children referred to as slutty?
Being called a muslim terrorist, anti-American, fifth columnist?

Come on TN....granted, this might be worse, but given Trump's relentless below-the-belt attacks at media, at opponents etc (that were not just in retaliation) - it is hard to seperate out all the notes in the noise. The thing is - the people complaining now sure didn't hold back when it came to disgusting attacks on Obama. Sure didn't say - hey, maybe we're going too far....

I suppose it's just going to keep getting worse because no one thinks they're going to far and unlike Obama, who didn't acknowledge it - Trump is fueling it with his tweets, and personal attacks on anyone who criticizes him.
you sticking up for the shit hole MSM is funny. wow. are you connected to these fking dirtbags or something? Why would you stand up for the filth that is MSM?

MSM is not one "evil entity" - it's a bunch of different media, some good, some less good.

It's all opinion shows which gets boring after a few of them.

Too true - there is too much opinion and speculation masked as "news" these days. There used to be a pretty crisp line.
Again. AMERICANS DIED in similar attacks under Bush. Where was your 4 year investigation? Where was the right's concern? You don't think politics played the major role in this investigation? If you don't then you're as much a partisan hack as you accuse me of being. To use your term: GTFO.

Bush didn't blame a other words lie right of the gate about it. Now did he?

Right out of the gate was chaos. You do realize that don't you? We spent 6.7 million dollars and 4 years on...whether or not it was a video? SERIOUSLY?

It was partisan politics.

Now you sound like a redundant parrot trying to convince everyone.....6.7 million and 4 years on....

They lied to cover their asses. You don't lie unless you're trying to hide something

Like Trump?

I'm talking Benghazi....deflection noted.

"You don't lie unless you're trying to hide something"

Like Trump?
Bush didn't blame a other words lie right of the gate about it. Now did he?

Right out of the gate was chaos. You do realize that don't you? We spent 6.7 million dollars and 4 years on...whether or not it was a video? SERIOUSLY?

It was partisan politics.

Now you sound like a redundant parrot trying to convince everyone.....6.7 million and 4 years on....

They lied to cover their asses. You don't lie unless you're trying to hide something

Like Trump?

I'm talking Benghazi....deflection noted.

"You don't lie unless you're trying to hide something"

Like Trump?

Again...Bengahzi...once again deflection noted
Right out of the gate was chaos. You do realize that don't you? We spent 6.7 million dollars and 4 years on...whether or not it was a video? SERIOUSLY?

It was partisan politics.

Now you sound like a redundant parrot trying to convince everyone.....6.7 million and 4 years on....

They lied to cover their asses. You don't lie unless you're trying to hide something

Like Trump?

I'm talking Benghazi....deflection noted.

"You don't lie unless you're trying to hide something"

Like Trump?

Again...Bengahzi...once again deflection noted

So your statement doesn't apply to anyone who lies only Clinton? :lmao:

And what about Trump...the topic of this thread?
Now you sound like a redundant parrot trying to convince everyone.....6.7 million and 4 years on....

They lied to cover their asses. You don't lie unless you're trying to hide something

Like Trump?

I'm talking Benghazi....deflection noted.

"You don't lie unless you're trying to hide something"

Like Trump?

Again...Bengahzi...once again deflection noted

So your statement doesn't apply to anyone who lies only Clinton? :lmao:

And what about Trump...the topic of this thread?

Sigh...did they lie about Bengazhi?

Yes or no.

Try to refrain from Bbbbut Trump!!!!
Like Trump?

I'm talking Benghazi....deflection noted.

"You don't lie unless you're trying to hide something"

Like Trump?

Again...Bengahzi...once again deflection noted

So your statement doesn't apply to anyone who lies only Clinton? :lmao:

And what about Trump...the topic of this thread?

Sigh...did they lie about Bengazhi?

Yes or no.

Try to refrain from Bbbbut Trump!!!!

"You don't lie unless you're trying to hide something"

What is Trump hiding?

Or is this when you admit you're a partisan hack? :lol:
I'm talking Benghazi....deflection noted.

"You don't lie unless you're trying to hide something"

Like Trump?

Again...Bengahzi...once again deflection noted

So your statement doesn't apply to anyone who lies only Clinton? :lmao:

And what about Trump...the topic of this thread?

Sigh...did they lie about Bengazhi?

Yes or no.

Try to refrain from Bbbbut Trump!!!!

"You don't lie unless you're trying to hide something"

What is Trump hiding?

Or is this when you admit you're pretending to be a partisan hack? :lol:

You cant answer, duly noted. You really are worthless on here....on all levels.

By the way, your latest narrative to get Trump is falling apart ad you deflect.

We told you....
Why was Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in John McCain's office in Dec 2015?

Why was she participating in an anti Trump rally? Why is her Facebook anti Trump and anti Putin?

Jack Posobiec


Natalia Veselnitskaya is extremely anti-Putin and anti-Trump. Anyone who spends 5 seconds looking at her FB would see that

Jack Posobiec


Participated in anti-Trump rallies

12:04 AM - 12 Jul 2017

Why was Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in John McCain's office in Dec 2015?

Why was she participating in an anti Trump rally? Why is her Facebook anti Trump and anti Putin?

Jack Posobiec


Natalia Veselnitskaya is extremely anti-Putin and anti-Trump. Anyone who spends 5 seconds looking at her FB would see that

Jack Posobiec


Participated in anti-Trump rallies

12:04 AM - 12 Jul 2017


Did John McCain meet with her to obtain harmful information on his opponent to help him get reelected?
All the hysterics surrounding Russia could very easily backfire on them. Makes me think of the child's story about the little boy that cried wolf.

If they continue to hype the hysteria and never produce a criminal or civil charge against a single Republican I believe they are damaging their own brand. I have no proof (kinda like them) just a hunch.

You have no idea what kind of proof Mueller's investigative team may have uncovered.
In the era of 24/7 news & instant internet they're beating the drums loudly every hour of every day.
Benghazi didn't even get this much play and people died there yet the public tired of the story.
How long can the left beat this drum before the public says enough?

Oh please. The right beat the Benghazi drum right up until November, and then all of a sudden it didn't seem to matter anymore. HHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMM. I wonder why?

There's that meme about all the double top secret evidence that Mewler is collecting. So far in this faux scandal, all the evidence is secret.

Isn't that strange?
All the hysterics surrounding Russia could very easily backfire on them. Makes me think of the child's story about the little boy that cried wolf.

If they continue to hype the hysteria and never produce a criminal or civil charge against a single Republican I believe they are damaging their own brand.
I have no proof (kinda like them) just a hunch. In the era of 24/7 news & instant internet they're beating the drums loudly every hour of every day.
Benghazi didn't even get this much play and people died there yet the public tired of the story.
How long can the left beat this drum before the public says enough?

Ben Gassy went on for four straight years at the cost of $20 million. Cons loved that and that was PROVEN to be phoney.
All the partisan hatred for obama was nothing compared to the way these people treat trump

I would disagree on that.
Dude, the media, the left, half of the right etc etc are against him. Call his son a retard, call his wife a prostitute, People have been hurt, killed, property destroyed all kinds of shit. Fucking ANTIFA is making training camps for the violence, apparently.
Come on coyote..

Gorilla in Heels?
Children referred to as slutty?
Being called a muslim terrorist, anti-American, fifth columnist?

Come on TN....granted, this might be worse, but given Trump's relentless below-the-belt attacks at media, at opponents etc (that were not just in retaliation) - it is hard to seperate out all the notes in the noise. The thing is - the people complaining now sure didn't hold back when it came to disgusting attacks on Obama. Sure didn't say - hey, maybe we're going too far....

I suppose it's just going to keep getting worse because no one thinks they're going to far and unlike Obama, who didn't acknowledge it - Trump is fueling it with his tweets, and personal attacks on anyone who criticizes him.
you sticking up for the shit hole MSM is funny. wow. are you connected to these fking dirtbags or something? Why would you stand up for the filth that is MSM?

MSM is not one "evil entity" - it's a bunch of different media, some good, some less good.
all one evil entity. yep! shit lady, they all use the same fking talking points. every fking one em. It's hilarious. I hear the same thing parroted over and over and over and did I mention over again?
NO! That is what it was to you and your fellow leftists, some of us cared very deeply about what went wrong at Benghazi and wanted answers. Because something did go terribly wrong and Americans died over it

It should have, frankly, been handled like the similar incidents under Bush. An investigation into what happened, to see if there was anything that could have been done differently and most important - a plan for trying to prevent it from happening again and that is that. It wasn't handled that way though was it? The right didn't care about the lives lost - those lives were used for partisan political purposes in the most disgusting way. All you have to do is look at how it was handled under Bush and then under Obama.

You try so hard to come across as non partisan and you fail so miserably.

Last time...Americans died and not one finger was lifted to help them...while your Big Eared Disaster diddled and then went fund raising the next day.

Benghazi - four years of investigations by the Republicans - no indictments, no condemnation, no conviction.
it was deep stated by hitlery. we all know it now. it is all so fking obvious and now in the open. All this shit is all evil shit from the left.

'Deep state' is a great indicator now. Every time a RWnut puts deep state in a post you know he's about to say something extra nutty.
like russia russia? hahahahahahhaahahaha hypocrite.
All the hysterics surrounding Russia could very easily backfire on them. Makes me think of the child's story about the little boy that cried wolf.

If they continue to hype the hysteria and never produce a criminal or civil charge against a single Republican I believe they are damaging their own brand.
I have no proof (kinda like them) just a hunch. In the era of 24/7 news & instant internet they're beating the drums loudly every hour of every day.
Benghazi didn't even get this much play and people died there yet the public tired of the story.
How long can the left beat this drum before the public says enough?

Ben Gassy went on for four straight years at the cost of $20 million. Cons loved that and that was PROVEN to be phoney.
except that hitlery is guilty and should be in jail, we all know that. even you. you will deny it cause it's your side, but dude, destroying 33K of emails while under subpoena doesn't bother you. I guess you don't care about our laws.

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