The Left is using the schools to brainwash children


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
A recent Morning Consult poll found that only 16 percent of Gen Z’ers are proud to live in the United States. Millennials were only somewhat saner at 36 percent.
This is not an accident. The indoctrination happening in our schools have resulted in this kind of opinion among the young.
The numbers show a complete lack of knowledge of the rest of the world. What the kids are learning in school in the U.S. is that the freest country in the history of humanity, the country that has set the example for democracy and for freedom and has been a beacon of hope to people all over the world is meh, not that great.
In the last few years the left has successfully taken over curriculums in public schools across the country. They push the idea that America is just not that great. They force the 1619 Project onto curriculums. They remove discussion of the founding fathers or of American history in general. All education is geared at the idea that America is a terrible place.

The Progressives are dangerous fanatics who indoctrinating our children in left wing hate.
America is going to a terrible place to live when these kids become adults.
It starts in the colleges where the Teachers are indoctrinated first.
We can see the results of Left-Wing ideology in the unlivable dystopian Democrat cities.
How can this trend be reversed?
A recent Morning Consult poll found that only 16 percent of Gen Z’ers are proud to live in the United States. Millennials were only somewhat saner at 36 percent.
This is not an accident. The indoctrination happening in our schools have resulted in this kind of opinion among the young.
The numbers show a complete lack of knowledge of the rest of the world. What the kids are learning in school in the U.S. is that the freest country in the history of humanity, the country that has set the example for democracy and for freedom and has been a beacon of hope to people all over the world is meh, not that great.
In the last few years the left has successfully taken over curriculums in public schools across the country. They push the idea that America is just not that great. They force the 1619 Project onto curriculums. They remove discussion of the founding fathers or of American history in general. All education is geared at the idea that America is a terrible place.

The Progressives are dangerous fanatics who indoctrinating our children in left wing hate.
America is going to a terrible place to live when these kids become adults.
It starts in the colleges where the Teachers are indoctrinated first.
We can see the results of Left-Wing ideology in the unlivable dystopian Democrat cities.
How can this trend be reversed?
You take an obscure poll and extrapolate that it's because
A recent Morning Consult poll found that only 16 percent of Gen Z’ers are proud to live in the United States. Millennials were only somewhat saner at 36 percent.
This is not an accident. The indoctrination happening in our schools have resulted in this kind of opinion among the young.
The numbers show a complete lack of knowledge of the rest of the world. What the kids are learning in school in the U.S. is that the freest country in the history of humanity, the country that has set the example for democracy and for freedom and has been a beacon of hope to people all over the world is meh, not that great.
In the last few years the left has successfully taken over curriculums in public schools across the country. They push the idea that America is just not that great. They force the 1619 Project onto curriculums. They remove discussion of the founding fathers or of American history in general. All education is geared at the idea that America is a terrible place.

The Progressives are dangerous fanatics who indoctrinating our children in left wing hate.
America is going to a terrible place to live when these kids become adults.
It starts in the colleges where the Teachers are indoctrinated first.
We can see the results of Left-Wing ideology in the unlivable dystopian Democrat cities.
How can this trend be reversed?
Yes, in the sense that some are using science to surreptitiously combat religious indoctrination.

But that has been happening for decades to some degree.
A recent Morning Consult poll found that only 16 percent of Gen Z’ers are proud to live in the United States. Millennials were only somewhat saner at 36 percent.
This is not an accident. The indoctrination happening in our schools have resulted in this kind of opinion among the young.
The numbers show a complete lack of knowledge of the rest of the world. What the kids are learning in school in the U.S. is that the freest country in the history of humanity, the country that has set the example for democracy and for freedom and has been a beacon of hope to people all over the world is meh, not that great.
In the last few years the left has successfully taken over curriculums in public schools across the country. They push the idea that America is just not that great. They force the 1619 Project onto curriculums. They remove discussion of the founding fathers or of American history in general. All education is geared at the idea that America is a terrible place.

The Progressives are dangerous fanatics who indoctrinating our children in left wing hate.
America is going to a terrible place to live when these kids become adults.
It starts in the colleges where the Teachers are indoctrinated first.
We can see the results of Left-Wing ideology in the unlivable dystopian Democrat cities.
How can this trend be reversed?
This is just living proof that gulliblism is truly contagious from one generation to the next generation & so on. German generations pulled a full gullible also, like the WW1 German generation fell for Oddball Hitliar's propaganda. Then that generation spread Oddball's propaganda to the younger generation & voila, up popped the Hitliar youth! Tanking up on gulliblism has been going on since @ least the Akkadian empire & possibly even earlier in history(or even before history?). We, our current generations living @ this moment in time on planet earth have set a gullible record that can never, Never, NEVER be beaten, UNTIL the next generation is born onto our planet we call Earth.

It is a PROVEN FACT that people CAN learn INDIVIDUALLY but once in group they go completely gullible, like think Stalin/Hitliar, Mao, war, holocausts(by the numbers/trail of tears etc.), abortion, assault, rape, child sacrifices, etc., racism, NARCISSISM, general corruption, school shootings & the list is simply endless & all of the before mentioned are brought on & fueled by groupthink! Sociologists DO possess the answer to the previous mentioned ills above but the groupthinkers have been struck dumber than a box of rocks, like they are not only dumb, but deaf & blind as well to the all so obvious. To put a twist on pres. Biden's statement about inflation; "Do not expect the deaf, dumb & blind to go away anytime soon."
Yes, in the sense that some are using science to surreptitiously combat religious indoctrination.

But that has been happening for decades to some degree.
Are you speaking of that “religious indoctrination” that built and pillared the greatest nation the world had ever known….the one that kept a moral society on a pathway guided by morality and values?
A recent Morning Consult poll found that only 16 percent of Gen Z’ers are proud to live in the United States. Millennials were only somewhat saner at 36 percent.
This is not an accident. The indoctrination happening in our schools have resulted in this kind of opinion among the young.
The numbers show a complete lack of knowledge of the rest of the world. What the kids are learning in school in the U.S. is that the freest country in the history of humanity, the country that has set the example for democracy and for freedom and has been a beacon of hope to people all over the world is meh, not that great.
In the last few years the left has successfully taken over curriculums in public schools across the country. They push the idea that America is just not that great. They force the 1619 Project onto curriculums. They remove discussion of the founding fathers or of American history in general. All education is geared at the idea that America is a terrible place.

The Progressives are dangerous fanatics who indoctrinating our children in left wing hate.
America is going to a terrible place to live when these kids become adults.
It starts in the colleges where the Teachers are indoctrinated first.
We can see the results of Left-Wing ideology in the unlivable dystopian Democrat cities.
How can this trend be reversed?
But but but…. Unkotare a globalist indoctrinator…I mean educator in blue as fuck Boston says none of that is true…..What gives?
Are you speaking of that “religious indoctrination” that built and pillared the greatest nation the world had ever known….the one that kept a moral society on a pathway guided by morality and values?
Moral society? What Country you been living in?
He wants to force everyone to think his way and for our country to be a religious shithole.
Unlike you marxists I don’t want to FORCE anyone to do anything, I simply want sane people back…people who look at ALL diverse/multicultural blue shitholes and recognize they are all dangerous disgusting shitholes because they are diverse and multicultural.
A recent Morning Consult poll found that only 16 percent of Gen Z’ers are proud to live in the United States. Millennials were only somewhat saner at 36 percent.
This is not an accident. The indoctrination happening in our schools have resulted in this kind of opinion among the young.
The numbers show a complete lack of knowledge of the rest of the world. What the kids are learning in school in the U.S. is that the freest country in the history of humanity, the country that has set the example for democracy and for freedom and has been a beacon of hope to people all over the world is meh, not that great.
In the last few years the left has successfully taken over curriculums in public schools across the country. They push the idea that America is just not that great. They force the 1619 Project onto curriculums. They remove discussion of the founding fathers or of American history in general. All education is geared at the idea that America is a terrible place.

The Progressives are dangerous fanatics who indoctrinating our children in left wing hate.
America is going to a terrible place to live when these kids become adults.
It starts in the colleges where the Teachers are indoctrinated first.
We can see the results of Left-Wing ideology in the unlivable dystopian Democrat cities.
How can this trend be reversed?
It’s happening for a reason brother. You have a small number of people in America who are rich and powerful and are purposefully distracting working class Americans and poor Americans by telling them that our country is racist. It is horrendous. It is an attack on Christianity. It is an attack on American values. But thank God it won’t last. A country‘s been through so much worse we’ve always defeated our enemies internally and externally.

Notice the very people who have criticize your original post actually cannot argue against you all they ever do is personally attack you and others like you and me. That’s all they got a nice brother. They have nothing on us so what they do is they use these emoticons they use insulting images but they actually can never construct an argument.


Doesn’t respond to Core arguments almost ever. They respond to a poster completely ignore the main point And go on with the BLM propaganda. Come on stop that zinc warrior you’re better than that your parents raised you to be better. Zinc has done this to me on a number of occasions…. and again you notice how people like me do not attack you personally your conduct is the issue at hand. I don’t appreciate the way you treat me and others on this forum .
Are you still claiming to be a Christian, liar?
“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’….the foolish suckers we could easily bully, easily steer their way of thinking by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbass pussies to accept anything with a simple guilt trip. The nutless bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us disgusting globalist degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist foreign shithole we seek.”
I live in an ‘old America’ type of community….it’s all white and Christian, it’s clean, safe and united, there’s no crime and kids grow up responsible, accountable and ready to make something of themselves.
Sounds like a horrible place for you huh?
It's "old America" because it's "white & Christian". If minorities move in how long does it take before you "christians" burn their house down? Or your rabble gets pissed off because you can't?
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It's "old America" because it's "white & Christian". If minorities move in how long does it take before you "christians" burn their house down? Or your rabble gets pissed off because you can't?
We don’t burn anything down…that’s a dark person thing….and you know that.
When too many minorities move in the place turns to a dirty, disgusting, dangerous shithole just like all diverse blue shitholes do…it’s a fucking unexplainable phenomenon says globalist pukes like Unkotare

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