The Left Loses Ground...


My goodness you do love to be beat on don't ya Gilligan... if I recall my 6th grade science correctly, I believe that's a deviancy known as Masochism.

First: I stated that Sexual Deviants represent 1-2% of the Population.

And I stated it, because that is a fact... Now that fact is established by the people who are responsible for tracking such issues as: mental disorders. We have given those people a name... and that name is the Centers for Disease Control.

The Last time I checked (sometime last year) the CDC sets the population of the mental disorder that presents as the sexual deviancy which craves sexual gratification through sexual interaction with people of the same gender at roughly 1.5%.

This of course in stark contrast to the percentage which the pop culture 'feels' is accurate, of somehwere between 30-35%.


If ya need more Gilligan, according to the 08 US Census, there are roughly 115,000,000 Heterosexual MARRIED HOUSEHOLDS in the US.

Same census shows right at, but roughly 500,000 Homosexual cohabiting households (Married and 'living together' as a household, absent government sanction)

Now to ease ya through this Gilligan, 10% of those Married Households would be 11,500,000
thus... 1% would be 1,150,000.

Now Gilligan is 1.1Million HIGHER or lower than < .5 million?

(Here's a clue, it's lower... MUCH lower... not even HALF of one percent.)

So... Gilligan, having taken your morning beating, be a good pet and get bent. Now... SHOO! SCRAM! Go LAY DOWN!
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My goodness you do love to be beat on don't ya Gilligan... if I recall my 6th grade science correctly, I believe that's a deviancy known as Masochism.

First: I stated that Sexual Deviants represent 1-2% of the Population.

And I stated it, because that is a fact...

It's a fact based on what factual evidence?
NONE of that is socialism...

You are right comparing Hitler and Stalin...both were right wing dictators...


Zombies... All traits which can be argued to represent a sense of 'humanity', are being rinsed from these idiots.

With every tick of the clock, they lose more of their means to reason. They are now living in a world which has less and less kinship with reality.

It won't be long before they claim that the sky is orange and water is dry.

Sadly, for us... we'll likely be in here ARGUING with them... detailing the nature of the spectrum, citing studies regarding light frequency... discussing the scope of the sense of taste and setting forth excruciatingly detailed analysis of the concepts 'Wet' and 'Dry'.

I suppose... at some point, it's not entirely THEIR FAULT. We're the ones that should be rounding their asses up and shoving them into the FENCED IN NEVADA!

Yet, we just keep hoping that MAYBE, we can get through to 'em.

Kids... they're hopeless. And we aren't ever going to find a means to reason with them... because THEY LACK THE CAPACITY FOR REASON.

We literally have a better chance of getting a Dog to understand these things, than the lowly Leftist.

The Guardian?

The Guardian is 'reporting' a 'study', regarding the US population, in terms of its adherence to natural law?

The British Newspaper... is being touted as a source, citing a Leftist 'feel-tank'... harping populism that follows BRITISH trends?

Huh... Now I wonder what we should make of THAT?

My favorite is the one which holds up the notion that The more intelligent one is, the less likely one is to be religious.


That tickles me so... I mean, the most intelligent folks on this board are religious and they own the in-house Left.

In just this thread, I have cleaved any potential doubt that the anti-theists-homosexuals on this board are incapable of any SENSE of truth. And there is nothing Less 'Religious' and less intellectually equipped than a British Anti-theist-homosexual (socialist).
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You have to fight for what you believe in. Too many have become lazy and complacent. You wanna keep your rights, you better be prepared to fight for them. In that regard, the Left has done well. They've become very aggressive and willing to viciously attack anyone who gets in their way.

So, you wanna keep your guns and religious freedom? Well, ya better start fighting back. The Left isn't gong away. They'll continue attacking. But the only way they'll win, is if others continue to be lazy and complacent.

My goodness you do love to be beat on don't ya Gilligan... if I recall my 6th grade science correctly, I believe that's a deviancy known as Masochism.

First: I stated that Sexual Deviants represent 1-2% of the Population.

And I stated it, because that is a fact...

It's a fact based on what factual evidence?
Gilligan... at some point, you are going to have to understand that its not reasonable for you to require your opposition to both write AND READ THE POSITIONS FOR YOU!

Read the fuckin' POST, it is sourced... if you need a link, go find one that you hope will substantiate your feckless denial.

That's what grown-ups do scamp. Now waddle off... . Go on... SCRAM!
You have to fight for what you believe in. Too many have become lazy and complacent. You wanna keep your rights, you better be prepared to fight for them. In that regard, the Left has done well. They've become very aggressive and willing to viciously attack anyone who gets in their way.

So, you wanna keep your guns and religious freedom? Well, ya better start fighting back. The Left isn't gong away. They'll continue attacking. But the only way they'll win, is if others continue to be lazy and complacent.

Go back a few pages and you'll see that very thing being played out in stark terms.

I laid out the problem for our in-house cranks in stark detail... explaining what they're setting themselves up for.

And all they could do was to weep and gnash their tooth, blaming ME for threatening them.

It's as if the one points to the gathering dark, dense clouds..., the sweet damp breeze, pointing out the flashes of lightening and delayed distant thunder... noting the looming danger of heavy raid, winds and lightening... only to have the half-wits claim that the observation of the otherwise obvious scene... is IN THEIR WOULD-BE REALITY: threatening them that if they don't going inside, they'll be HOSED with water and "Tazed"
Wow again. actually believe everything you just said.

Holy shit. I can wrap my head around someone not trusting the 'liberal media'. But genuinely believing that Fox is fair, balanced and impartial?

That's a degree of self deception I wasn't aware even existed.
Being UNAWARE is a prime characteristic of liberals. That's because you're so brainwashed into believing you know more than conservatives, when actually, exactly the opposite is true. The fact is, while Fox covers the gamut of social issues (with many liberals on board to balance the discussion), liberal mouthpieces like MSNBC (with few conservatives, if any) OMIT mountains of information, that liberals, consequently, don't realize even exists.

Like I said, I've proven this many times in USMB (with my Islamization Quiz). When confronted with the Islamization Quiz, liberals (who have never seen/heard this information) suddenly come to realize how much they don't know (because their liberal media has withheld it for so long), and which conservatives have known for YEARS. So far, the highest grade any liberal Islamapologist has gotten on the Quiz was 5%. Most got zero.
Would you like to find out how much you don't know ?
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Wow again. actually believe everything you just said.

Holy shit. I can wrap my head around someone not trusting the 'liberal media'. But genuinely believing that Fox is fair, balanced and impartial?

That's a degree of self deception I wasn't aware even existed.
Being UNAWARE is a prime characteristic of liberals. That's because you're so brainwashed into believing you know more than conservatives, when actually, exactly the opposite is true. The fact is, while Fox covers the gamut of social issues (with many liberals on board to balance the discussion), liberal mouthpieces like MSNBC (few few conservatives, if any) OMIT mountains of information, that liberals don't realize even exists.

Like I said, I've proven this many times in USMB (with my Islamization Quiz). When confronted with the Islamization Quiz, liberals (who have never seen/heard this information) suddenly come to realize how much they don't know (because their liberal media has withheld it for so long), and which conservatives have known for YEARS. So far, the highest grade any liberal Islamapologist has gotten on the Quiz was 5%. Most got zero.
Would you like to find out how much you don't know ?

You are proving the study that shows Fox viewing makes you dumber.
Wow again. actually believe everything you just said.

Holy shit. I can wrap my head around someone not trusting the 'liberal media'. But genuinely believing that Fox is fair, balanced and impartial?

That's a degree of self deception I wasn't aware even existed.
Being UNAWARE is a prime characteristic of liberals. That's because you're so brainwashed into believing you know more than conservatives, when actually, exactly the opposite is true. The fact is, while Fox covers the gamut of social issues (with many liberals on board to balance the discussion), liberal mouthpieces like MSNBC (few few conservatives, if any) OMIT mountains of information, that liberals don't realize even exists.

Like I said, I've proven this many times in USMB (with my Islamization Quiz). When confronted with the Islamization Quiz, liberals (who have never seen/heard this information) suddenly come to realize how much they don't know (because their liberal media has withheld it for so long), and which conservatives have known for YEARS. So far, the highest grade any liberal Islamapologist has gotten on the Quiz was 5%. Most got zero.
Would you like to find out how much you don't know ?

You are proving the study that shows Fox viewing makes you dumber.
I don't need a study. I have my own study.

Here it is >> Fox has quite a few liberals who appear regularly in its various shows (Bill Beckel, Kristen Powers, Alan Colmes, Susan Estrich, Juan Williams, Lanny Davis, Doug Schoen, Geraldine Ferraro, Sally Kohn, Ellen Ratner, Geraldo Rivera, Tamara Holder, Dennis Kucinich, Andy Levy, Leslie Marshall, Lis Wiehl, Adam Lashinsky, Julie Roginsky)

There's a list of 18 liberals commonly seen on Fox News, all on their "On Air Personalities" list - see link (and it's just a partial list) >> On Air Personalities Fox News

Now let's see anyone name the conservatives on MSNBC, or is it conservative (singular) - Michael Steele ?

Fox News has many worthwhile reports and commentaries, and is much more fair and balanced than its completely UNbalanced counterpart, MSNBC
Wow again. actually believe everything you just said.

Holy shit. I can wrap my head around someone not trusting the 'liberal media'. But genuinely believing that Fox is fair, balanced and impartial?

That's a degree of self deception I wasn't aware even existed.
Being UNAWARE is a prime characteristic of liberals. That's because you're so brainwashed into believing you know more than conservatives, when actually, exactly the opposite is true. The fact is, while Fox covers the gamut of social issues (with many liberals on board to balance the discussion), liberal mouthpieces like MSNBC (few few conservatives, if any) OMIT mountains of information, that liberals don't realize even exists.

Like I said, I've proven this many times in USMB (with my Islamization Quiz). When confronted with the Islamization Quiz, liberals (who have never seen/heard this information) suddenly come to realize how much they don't know (because their liberal media has withheld it for so long), and which conservatives have known for YEARS. So far, the highest grade any liberal Islamapologist has gotten on the Quiz was 5%. Most got zero.
Would you like to find out how much you don't know ?

You are proving the study that shows Fox viewing makes you dumber.
I don't need a study. I have my own study.

Here it is >> Fox has quite a few liberals who appear regularly in its various shows (Bill Beckel, Kristen Powers, Alan Colmes, Susan Estrich, Juan Williams, Lanny Davis, Doug Schoen, Geraldine Ferraro, Sally Kohn, Ellen Ratner, Geraldo Rivera, Tamara Holder, Dennis Kucinich, Andy Levy, Leslie Marshall, Lis Wiehl, Adam Lashinsky, Julie Roginsky)

There's a list of 18 liberals commonly seen on Fox News, all on their "On Air Personalities" list - see link (and it's just a partial list) >> On Air Personalities Fox News

Now let's see anyone name the conservatives on MSNBC, or is it conservative (singular) - Michael Steele ?

Fox News has many worthwhile reports and commentaries, and is much more fair and balanced than its completely UNbalanced counterpart, MSNBC

So you are only interested in a pissing contest to see who has the longer list?

So you are only interested in a pissing contest to see who has the longer list?

Using degrading language doesn't constitute an effective dodge. Yeah, I'm interested in seeing who has the longer list of right AND left on air personalities, that's right. That's what makes BALANCE in a cable news show.. So, longer list. You got one ? :biggrin:
Wow again. actually believe everything you just said.

Holy shit. I can wrap my head around someone not trusting the 'liberal media'. But genuinely believing that Fox is fair, balanced and impartial?

That's a degree of self deception I wasn't aware even existed.
Being UNAWARE is a prime characteristic of liberals. That's because you're so brainwashed into believing you know more than conservatives, when actually, exactly the opposite is true. The fact is, while Fox covers the gamut of social issues (with many liberals on board to balance the discussion), liberal mouthpieces like MSNBC (few few conservatives, if any) OMIT mountains of information, that liberals don't realize even exists.

Like I said, I've proven this many times in USMB (with my Islamization Quiz). When confronted with the Islamization Quiz, liberals (who have never seen/heard this information) suddenly come to realize how much they don't know (because their liberal media has withheld it for so long), and which conservatives have known for YEARS. So far, the highest grade any liberal Islamapologist has gotten on the Quiz was 5%. Most got zero.
Would you like to find out how much you don't know ?

You are proving the study that shows Fox viewing makes you dumber.
I don't need a study. I have my own study.

Here it is >> Fox has quite a few liberals who appear regularly in its various shows (Bill Beckel, Kristen Powers, Alan Colmes, Susan Estrich, Juan Williams, Lanny Davis, Doug Schoen, Geraldine Ferraro, Sally Kohn, Ellen Ratner, Geraldo Rivera, Tamara Holder, Dennis Kucinich, Andy Levy, Leslie Marshall, Lis Wiehl, Adam Lashinsky, Julie Roginsky)

There's a list of 18 liberals commonly seen on Fox News, all on their "On Air Personalities" list - see link (and it's just a partial list) >> On Air Personalities Fox News

Now let's see anyone name the conservatives on MSNBC, or is it conservative (singular) - Michael Steele ?

Fox News has many worthwhile reports and commentaries, and is much more fair and balanced than its completely UNbalanced counterpart, MSNBC

So you are only interested in a pissing contest to see who has the longer list?

For that to be possible... You'd actually need to have a list of CONSERVATIVES who regularly 'contribute' on menstrualNBC.
So you are only interested in a pissing contest to see who has the longer list?

Using degrading language doesn't constitute an effective dodge. Yeah, I'm interested in seeing who has the longer list of right AND left on air personalities, that's right. That's what makes BALANCE in a cable news show.. So, longer list. You got one ? :biggrin:

Thanks for tacitly admitting that all you are interested in is a pissing contest.

If you were genuinely interested there would be absolutely nothing stopping you from doing your own research into the guest lists on MSNBC.

But I suspect that isn't your honest intention at all.

Anyone who starts out trumpeting FauxNoise obviously has an agenda.

And there is absolutely nothing "balanced" about the mindless entertainment on FauxNoise. It is there purely to incite the emotions of it's gullible viewers.

Oh, and research has established that FauxNoise viewers are the most ignorant and misinformed.

Have a nice day.
Fox actually scores pretty well on their "news" segments but they constitute < hr of their daily programming. The rest is what you'd expect from them starting w/ Fox & Friends :puke:


Fox actually scores pretty well on their "news" segments but they constitute < hr of their daily programming. The rest is what you'd expect from them starting w/ Fox & Friends :puke:

Fox & Friends AKA two airheads and a blond AKA between two vegetables.
So you are only interested in a pissing contest to see who has the longer list?

Using degrading language doesn't constitute an effective dodge. Yeah, I'm interested in seeing who has the longer list of right AND left on air personalities, that's right. That's what makes BALANCE in a cable news show.. So, longer list. You got one ? :biggrin:

Thanks for tacitly admitting that all you are interested in is a pissing contest.

If you were genuinely interested there would be absolutely nothing stopping you from doing your own research into the guest lists on MSNBC.

But I suspect that isn't your honest intention at all.

Anyone who starts out trumpeting FauxNoise obviously has an agenda.

And there is absolutely nothing "balanced" about the mindless entertainment on FauxNoise. It is there purely to incite the emotions of it's gullible viewers.

Oh, and research has established that FauxNoise viewers are the most ignorant and misinformed.

Have a nice day.
I'm already having a nice day watching you squirming to dodge my challenge to you to come up with a list of conservatives on MSNBC or any liberal media. Looks like all you can do is utter a laughble LIE that Fox News isn't balanced, after I just proved (with your help) that not only is it very balanced, with a lengthy list of liberals on its shows, creating serious DIalogue, but it is extremely balanced, relative to the pathetically UNbalanced MSNBC and many other liberal laughingstocks, and the MONOlogues they present.

As for research, you just got it, and your lack of words contributed to it. Thanks, man.
Fox actually scores pretty well on their "news" segments but they constitute < hr of their daily programming. The rest is what you'd expect from them starting w/ Fox & Friends

So would you like to find out how much you don't know, as a result of watching the liberal, OMISSION, shows, rather than Fox News, which actually reports what happens ? Want to take the Islamization Quiz ? That goes for you too, Derideo.

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