The Left Loses Ground...

It is NORMAL for humans to have sex for non-reproductive reasons.

Yep... so what?

So it's normal if two women want to have sex for the normal reasons outside of reproduction.

Yes, it is normal that two sexual deviants want to have sex when they're incapable of procreating.

Penguins have gay 'flings' because they are lonely - but end up in a heterosexual couple
You're batting zero.

Just the one post above will do nicely, and do you call yourself a Christian, yes or no?

WOW~ That is truly SOME SERIOUS intellectual limitation you're saddled with there.

Your concession is AGAIN... Duly noted and summarily accepted.

(ROFL! Told ya it would take long Reader.)
Nothing like a Christian who can't answer a yes or no question. I rest my case.

Ask him three times. And see if you can throw in a rooster crowing. Just to double down on the irony.
Who set the human physiological standard?

She also created homosexuals. That's why heterosexuals give birth to most of them.

Homosexuals aren't born... they're created by other homosexuals, who play private games oriented around the genitals of infants and toddlers, stimulating sexual arousal around the ruse of playtime, care and concern... imprinting the sexual desire around the gender of the deceiver and sexual gratification with the young.

Says who?
It is NORMAL for humans to have sex for non-reproductive reasons.

Yep... so what?

So it's normal if two women want to have sex for the normal reasons outside of reproduction.

Yes, it is normal that two sexual deviants want to have sex when they're incapable of procreating.

Penguins have gay 'flings' because they are lonely - but end up in a heterosexual couple
You're batting zero.

Am I? I don't recall my having advised anyone that penguins didn't have their share of sexual deviants... doesn't sound like me.

Best check your lucidity again Lilah.
Just the one post above will do nicely, and do you call yourself a Christian, yes or no?

WOW~ That is truly SOME SERIOUS intellectual limitation you're saddled with there.

Your concession is AGAIN... Duly noted and summarily accepted.

(ROFL! Told ya it would take long Reader.)
Nothing like a Christian who can't answer a yes or no question. I rest my case.

Ask him three times. And see if you can throw in a rooster crowing. Just to double down on the irony.
Makes you wonder, what does Jesus think about someone who can't say whether they think of themselves as a Christian or not? Get thee behind me satan.
Who set the human physiological standard?

She also created homosexuals. That's why heterosexuals give birth to most of them.

Homosexuals aren't born... they're created by other homosexuals, who play private games oriented around the genitals of infants and toddlers, stimulating sexual arousal around the ruse of playtime, care and concern... imprinting the sexual desire around the gender of the deceiver and sexual gratification with the young.

Says who?

Says nature... and the work of one Alfred Kinsey; infamous faux-scientist pedophile (Homosexual).
Who set the human physiological standard?

She also created homosexuals. That's why heterosexuals give birth to most of them.

Homosexuals aren't born... they're created by other homosexuals, who play private games oriented around the genitals of infants and toddlers, stimulating sexual arousal around the ruse of playtime, care and concern... imprinting the sexual desire around the gender of the deceiver and sexual gratification with the young.

Says who?

Says nature... and the work of one Alfred Kinsey; infamous faux-scientist pedophile (Homosexual).
Kinsey never said anything of the kind. Neither has any other sane person.
Who set the human physiological standard?

She also created homosexuals. That's why heterosexuals give birth to most of them.

Homosexuals aren't born... they're created by other homosexuals, who play private games oriented around the genitals of infants and toddlers, stimulating sexual arousal around the ruse of playtime, care and concern... imprinting the sexual desire around the gender of the deceiver and sexual gratification with the young.

Says who?

Says nature... and the work of one Alfred Kinsey; infamous faux-scientist pedophile (Homosexual).

Um,'re not nature. And Kinsey doesn't say that. So you're just quoting yourself.

And you have no idea what you're talking about.
It is NORMAL for humans to have sex for non-reproductive reasons.

Yep... so what?

So it's normal if two women want to have sex for the normal reasons outside of reproduction.

Yes, it is normal that two sexual deviants want to have sex when they're incapable of procreating.

Penguins have gay 'flings' because they are lonely - but end up in a heterosexual couple
You're batting zero.

Am I? I don't recall my having advised anyone that penguins didn't have their share of sexual deviants... doesn't sound like me.

Best check your lucidity again Lilah.

Have you ever owned up to being wrong? Do you enjoy looking like a ...
Who set the human physiological standard?

She also created homosexuals. That's why heterosexuals give birth to most of them.

Homosexuals aren't born... they're created by other homosexuals, who play private games oriented around the genitals of infants and toddlers, stimulating sexual arousal around the ruse of playtime, care and concern... imprinting the sexual desire around the gender of the deceiver and sexual gratification with the young.

But hey... such is the nature of evil.

What a huge pile of vile ignorance
Who set the human physiological standard?

She also created homosexuals. That's why heterosexuals give birth to most of them.

Homosexuals aren't born... they're created by other homosexuals, who play private games oriented around the genitals of infants and toddlers, stimulating sexual arousal around the ruse of playtime, care and concern... imprinting the sexual desire around the gender of the deceiver and sexual gratification with the young.

But hey... such is the nature of evil.

What a huge pile of vile ignorance

Consider the source.
Who set the human physiological standard?

She also created homosexuals. That's why heterosexuals give birth to most of them.

Homosexuals aren't born... they're created by other homosexuals, who play private games oriented around the genitals of infants and toddlers, stimulating sexual arousal around the ruse of playtime, care and concern... imprinting the sexual desire around the gender of the deceiver and sexual gratification with the young.

But hey... such is the nature of evil.

What a huge pile of vile ignorance

A pile of ignorance you have yet to refute.
Who set the human physiological standard?

She also created homosexuals. That's why heterosexuals give birth to most of them.

Homosexuals aren't born... they're created by other homosexuals, who play private games oriented around the genitals of infants and toddlers, stimulating sexual arousal around the ruse of playtime, care and concern... imprinting the sexual desire around the gender of the deceiver and sexual gratification with the young.

But hey... such is the nature of evil.

What a huge pile of vile ignorance

A pile of ignorance you have yet to refute.

What's to refute? Nothing posted has been factually established.

And the claim that all homosexuals are the product of pedophilia from other homosexuals? Dude, that's an extraordinary claim that requires extraordinary evidence.
Very good and fair points.

I'm pro-gay marriage (actually I don't really give a shit, so by default that is "pro") but it's frustrating to see the Left resort to virtually nothing else but personal insults and name-calling on pretty much every issue. Surely, at some intellectual level, they must realize that treating people like that ("you're just a racist!") is only going to make things worse, yet they persist. It's like getting a child to stop doing something, they simply will not listen.

My theory is they're going to continue to behave like this under the assumption that demographics will do their work for them, that they don't really need to be decent and civil. I can see the strategy, I guess, but it still isn't a way to deal with people.
Good point, we really need to treat conservatives like children. They are not adults.
You and those like you are going to be nasty to those who disagree with you because that's just the way you are.

Which illustrates my point. I wouldn't expect you to change and become decent & civil. This is the way it's going to be.


Yea, if only liberals could embrace the right's bigotry, hate and dehumanizing...

You "claim" extremes" from both sides are the problem, but there is nothing the right can do or say that will draw your ire. No matter how vile, you attack people who find it appalling.
You spew talking points, if not for that, your mind would be completly empty.

I don't "spew" anything. Please tell me what would be taken from you by affording gays the same rights you enjoy?
They already have that
Yea, we are intolerant of bigotry, hate and dehumanizing by the right.

Gee, maybe if liberals starting using words like "faggots" "towel-heads" and "monkeys" we would be accepted by frauds like you?
So now I'm a fraud. Amazing how many of my posts you must "not see", those with which you agree.

You're hateful, intolerant and nasty, and you prove my point constantly.


Yes, you are a fraud. You constantly focus your attacks on liberals. There isn't anything the right says that you criticize.
Your partisanship has completely blinded you.

Not my problem.


So predictable... as soon as I confront your obvious bias, you cut and run
Why would I run?

Tell me, what are my opinions on foreign policy, war, gay rights, abortion, health care, unions, minimum wage, and personal income taxation?

Surely you know. But I'll be happy to provide links to my comments on those issues.

Go ahead, knock it out of the park. What are my positions on those topics?

Hey Brgrn, I noticed you posted to others after I asked this question, but somehow didn't get around to answering it.

I'm sure it was just an honest oversight on your part. You called me a fraud, no doubt you can back it up.

So, now that you've been reminded, I'm sure you'll provide an answer to my question, in bold, above.


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On the contrary, we're not ones that are whining, you lefties are. As always, you coveting for what we got. You cant make it on your own, take it from us. You can't have marriage like ours, take ours away. You're never happy with what you got, you always want more from us. And what we resist, you call us all the names you call us racists, bigots, and what else not... We know your game.

No one is taking ANYTHING AWAY from you pea brain.

We didn't build that, right?
NONE of that is socialism...

You are right comparing Hitler and Stalin...both were right wing dictators...


My laughter has reached uncontainable levels and my sides are now hurdling through the atmosphere at the light speed...

Maybe you should stop is ironic that YOUR beliefs are the same as Hitler..

Persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany
Upon the rise of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party (the Nazi Party) in Germany, gay men and, to a lesser extent, lesbians, were two of the numerous groups targeted by the Nazis and were ultimately among Holocaust victims. Beginning in 1933, gay organizations were banned, scholarly books about homosexuality, and sexuality in general, were burned, (such as those from the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, run by Jewish gay rights campaigner Magnus Hirschfeld) and homosexuals within the Nazi Party itself were murdered. The Gestapo compiled lists of homosexuals, who were compelled to sexually conform to the "German norm."

Between 1933 and 1945, an estimated 100,000 men were arrested as homosexuals, of whom some 50,000 were officially sentenced.[1] Most of these men served time in regular prisons, and an estimated 5,000 to 15,000 of those sentenced were incarcerated in Nazi concentration camps

I was laughing at you and your statement that Hitler and Stalin were right wing dictators.
Links to anyone claiming 10-20%?

About 4% of people admit to being gay or lesbian in the US. Those numbers would be higher in a more tolerant and accepting society (expect that to happen in the next 20 years).

What does the number of individual in the minority group have to do with whether or not that minority is entitled to equal rights? Jews make up less than 2% of the US population and yet it would be against the same laws to refuse to bake them a cake (which, by the way, is not participating in any event. By that logic, the guys that sells a gun participates in the murder)


"Surveys show a shockingly high fraction think a quarter of the country is gay or lesbian, when the reality is that it's probably less than 2 percent.

Such a misunderstanding of the basic demographics of sexual behavior and identity in America has potentially profound implications for the acceptance of the gay-rights agenda.

One in ten. It's the name of the group that puts on the Reel Affirmations gay and lesbian film festival in Washington, D.C., each year. It's the percent popularized by the Kinsey Report as the size of the gay male population. And it's among the most common figures pointed to in popular culture as an estimate of how many people are gay or lesbian."
Americans Have No Idea How Few Gay People There Are - The Atlantic

"...entitled to equal rights?"


You're simply too weak to stand up for what you believe.
You bullies won't be satisfied unless everyone pats you on the back for being gay.

I've said I don't care one way or another.
If it comes to a vote, I vote against gay marriage as an intellectual endeavor. See, I've never found that any major religion endorses, supports same....and none of the philosophers I've studied came out in favor of homosexuality- most did come out against things like slavery. makes no difference to me. If you expect me to engage in same, I'd decline...but do what you wish in private.

Just stop telling me to advocate it.

Nobody here is making the 10-20% claim. Few people today are making the 10-20% claim. That 10% number was assigned to anyone who had a wet dream...taking us back to my original assertion that sexuality is a scale and you're simply never going to know how many gay people or straight people there are.

And we're still back to the numbers don't matter when it comes to minority rights.

There's absolutely no statistical bases for an claim that homosexuals make up more than 2% of the population, so why do queers keep claiming higher numbers?

Once you believe in small lie of 10%, it easier to accept bigger lie of 20%.

It's like federal government claims they need to take our right away to protect us. First they came after our privacy, then after speech, then search an seizure, they keep coming for guns, they'll not give up untill they got them all...

It was the Bush administration that took away your privacy and you applauded when they did so you only have yourself to blame.

No libertarian ever applauded to such things. Patriot Act wasn't constitutional then, and its not constitutional now.

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