The Left Loses Ground...

What Bible verses did I "cherry pick"?

When I say "you" I am describing the group you belong to. Typical behavior for members of your party will defend gay marriage by quoting the Bible. Namely, how they constantly bash Christians with the Old Testament. Stuff like that.

The other charges, being bigoted and intolerant, are traits you have personally demonstrated throughout the last few pages of this thread.

So, because I am against bigotry, I am a "bigot"...
Yes, you are a fraud. You constantly focus your attacks on liberals. There isn't anything the right says that you criticize.
Your partisanship has completely blinded you.

Not my problem.


You don't know that the word 'partisanship' can mean a strong belief in a cause or one side of an issue do you?
Um, yes.

And that is why I refer to you folks as "hardcore partisan ideologues".

You think it's an insult which is simply more evidence of your ignorance. Your strong opposition to the Iraq war is a good example of partisanship.
I never said it was an insult. That's not what I said.


As USMB's King of Straw Man Arguments, you are allowed one (1) "That's not what I said" per thread. You have now reached your limit.

You may attempt to communicate with me on another thread, and I will decide whether to participate at that time.


Fuckinay. NOW you are honestly claming that you have never used 'partisan' in an insulting manner.

Go ahead. Deny for the record before I start pulling your quotes from past posts.
Sexual Deviancy, a presentation of mental disorder... and more specifically, the behavior that seeks to normalize that mental disorder that presents with that behavior.

"deviancy"? You are the one who talks about the laws of nature...

1,500 animal species practice homosexuality

He obviously doesn't realize that the word 'deviancy' is not limited to describing unacceptable behavior.

"Differing from a norm or from the accepted standards of a society."

Key word there is 'or'. A 'norm' can mean merely something typical.

"Deviating" from the norm Gilligan... Sexual deviation is sexual deviancy, and those whose sexual behavior deviates from the human physiological 'norm' or standard... are sexual deviants.

See how that works?

LIke celibacy, as I keep telling you.

No Gilligan, not like celibacy.

Because celibacy does not depart from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.

How many children do celibates produce?
Yea, if only liberals could embrace the right's bigotry, hate and dehumanizing...

You "claim" extremes" from both sides are the problem, but there is nothing the right can do or say that will draw your ire. No matter how vile, you attack people who find it appalling.
You spew talking points, if not for that, your mind would be completly empty.

I don't "spew" anything. Please tell me what would be taken from you by affording gays the same rights you enjoy?

They deserve equal rights, but not at the expense of the religious consciences of a Christian.

Get that through your thick head.

So granting equal rights to gays takes away your "conscience"?

No. Granting them equal rights at the expense of the freedom to practice ones faith in the business is pretty much unacceptable. If you want gays to have freedom to marry, you should be willing to grant those of faith the freedom not to recognize their marriage as legitimate, and perhaps to refuse to participate in something they find sinful. But hey, being a liberal means forcefully coercing others to tolerate gay marriage.

Why do you waste so many words saying the same thing as bripat?

bripat9643 said:
Freedom includes the freedom to discriminate.
You "claim" extremes" from both sides are the problem, but there is nothing the right can do or say that will draw your ire.

Oh, there are plenty of things the right do to draw my ire. For those reasons, I left the Republican party. Neither side is willing to express tolerance of the views of the other. But one thing the right has going for it is that it isn't as vicious as the left is. But I must point out that for you, nothing the left does draws your anger either.

Are you MAC1958?
Celibacy is the MOST radical departure from the 'norm'. It is a sexual behavior that would guarantee the end of mankind.


No Gilligan, it's not.

Saving money for a rainy day deviates from 'The Norm", but that doesn't make it deviancy... DUMBASS~

Homosexuality deviates as far from the human physiological standard as is possible, at least where the subjects remain, human. And by 'as far from', I am speaking of a full 180 degrees.

Now Gilligan, Celibacy is not sex... thus it does not deviate from any standard, relevant TO sex.

See how that works?
Celibacy is the MOST radical departure from the 'norm'. It is a sexual behavior that would guarantee the end of mankind.


No Gilligan, it's not.

Saving money for a rainy day deviates from 'The Norm", but that doesn't make it deviancy... DUMBASS~

Homosexuality deviates as far from the human physiological standard as is possible, at least where the subjects remain, human. And by 'as far from', I am speaking of a full 180 degrees.

Now Gilligan, Celibacy is not sex... thus it does not deviate from any standard, relevant TO sex.

See how that works?

Celibacy is deviant because it deviates from your sexual standard, that people must have sex to reproduce.
"Yes... there are laws against irrationally discriminating against people who are a different color, gender or who are disadvantaged because their physical circumstances... but none of THAT is relevant where the issue is BEHAVIOR!"

You need to pull your panties up and stop showing your derriere. Have you tried discriminating against a person who has autism? A little girl with autism and her family were thrown off a plane because the crew said her behavior was out of line.

If it's the same case you're referring too...

It wasn't a "little girl", it was a 15 year old. Her parents failed to make provisions for her meal and demanded the flight crew accommodate them and then threatened that the 15 year old would be uncontrollable and start biting and scratching. The rest of the plane had to suffer because of parental incompetence.

Celibacy is deviant because it deviates from your sexual standard.

No Gilligan, Celibacy does not deviate from the human physiological standard.

And here's another thing you may be interested in not understanding: Unlike Homosexuality... Celibacy is wholly LEGITIMATE!
Celibacy is deviant because it deviates from your sexual standard.

No Gilligan, Celibacy does not deviate from the human physiological standard.

And here's another thing you may be interested in not understanding: Unlike Homosexuality... Celibacy is wholly LEGITIMATE!

It certainly does. You say one man one woman is the norm. Celibacy is not that, therefore celibacy deviates from the norm.
Celibacy is deviant because it deviates from your sexual standard.

No Gilligan, Celibacy does not deviate from the human physiological standard.

And here's another thing you may be interested in not understanding: Unlike Homosexuality... Celibacy is wholly LEGITIMATE!

Says who? You're just arbitrarily applying labels of 'legitimate' and 'illegitimate' based on your subjective personal opinion.

And your labels have no objective value. You're making the same blunder over and over and over; labeling your opinion and then declaring that your labeled opinion is now objective fact.

Nope. That's not how objective anything works. Subjective is not objective. Your opinion doesn't establish any fact. And your opinion is all you have.

So what else have you got?

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