The Left Loses Ground...

Celibacy is deviant because it deviates from your sexual standard.

No Gilligan, Celibacy does not deviate from the human physiological standard.

And here's another thing you may be interested in not understanding: Unlike Homosexuality... Celibacy is wholly LEGITIMATE!

It certainly does. You say one man one woman is the norm. Celibacy is not that, therefore celibacy deviates from the norm.

Ok Gilligan, let's take it by the numbers...

Human physiological standard:

One man joins with one woman.

Celibacy: Does not engage in sexual behavior.

Now, notice that the human physiological standard relates to SEXUAL BEHAVIOR.


Therefore, reason requires that there is no potential deviation from the sexual standard, where there is no connection to... sex.

Of course... the problem you have is that you've no connection with reason.
Celibacy is deviant because it deviates from your sexual standard.

No Gilligan, Celibacy does not deviate from the human physiological standard.

And here's another thing you may be interested in not understanding: Unlike Homosexuality... Celibacy is wholly LEGITIMATE!

It certainly does. You say one man one woman is the norm. Celibacy is not that, therefore celibacy deviates from the norm.

Ok Gilligan, let's take it by the numbers...

Human physiological standard:

One man joins with one woman.

Celibacy: Does not engage in sexual behavior.

Now, notice that the human physiological standard relates to SEXUAL BEHAVIOR.


Therefore, reason requires that there is no potential deviation from the sexual standard, where there is no connection to... sex.

Of course... the problem you have is that you've no connection with reason.

Celibacy deviates because sexual reproduction is essential to the survival of the species.
Celibacy deviates because sexual reproduction is essential to the survival of the species.

Sexual reproduction being essential to the survival of the species, does not make celibacy a deviation from the human physiological standard.

But in your defense, as an imbecile, there is no way you could known that.
Stop confusing marriage with fucking.

LOL! And in that, we find yet another presentation of the mental disorder that presents sexual deviancy. See how that works, reader?

Once again Paint, you've managed to demonstrate the profound limitations of your pitiful intellect.

There is no separating marriage from procreation... and that the culture allows a man and a woman who are either incapable of or uninterested in procreation to marry, in NO WAY, alters that fact.

Absent such, there is no purpose for marriage and certainly no reason to offer tax incentives or any other benefit as a consequence of marriage.
Marriage has nothing to do with procreation and never has.
It is NORMAL for humans to have sex for non-reproductive reasons.

Yep... so what?

So it's normal if two women want to have sex for the normal reasons outside of reproduction.

Yes, it is normal that two sexual deviants want to have sex when they're incapable of procreating.

Non-reproductive sex is normal. You've already conceded that. Doing something that is normal cannot be deviant.
Celibacy deviates because sexual reproduction is essential to the survival of the species.

Sexual reproduction being essential to the survival of the species, does not make celibacy a deviation from the human physiological standard.

But in your defense, as an imbecile, there is no way you could known that.

Who set the human physiological standard? Two lesbians can have sexual experiences fully as satisfying to them as to a man and a woman,

despite there being the 'physiological' absence of a penis. That is a physiological fact.
Celibacy deviates because sexual reproduction is essential to the survival of the species.

Sexual reproduction being essential to the survival of the species, does not make celibacy a deviation from the human physiological standard.

But in your defense, as an imbecile, there is no way you could known that.

Who set the human physiological standard? Two lesbians can have sexual experiences fully as satisfying to them as to a man and a woman,

despite there being the 'physiological' absence of a penis. That is a physiological fact.
And it makes for good porn…
It is NORMAL for humans to have sex for non-reproductive reasons.

Yep... so what?

So it's normal if two women want to have sex for the normal reasons outside of reproduction.

Yes, it is normal that two sexual deviants want to have sex when they're incapable of procreating.

Non-reproductive sex is normal.

Yes... it is normal. Doesn't make it a good idea, morally sound or even healthy... nor does it make it deviant.

What makes it deviant is where it deviates from the human physiological norm.
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Who set the human physiological standard? Two lesbians can have sexual experiences fully as satisfying to them as to a man and a woman, despite there being the 'physiological' absence of a penis. That is a physiological fact.

Ok... I'll play.

Two polar bears can eat twice as much fish as one.

Now you go with another irrelevancy.
"deviancy"? You are the one who talks about the laws of nature...

1,500 animal species practice homosexuality

He obviously doesn't realize that the word 'deviancy' is not limited to describing unacceptable behavior.

"Differing from a norm or from the accepted standards of a society."

Key word there is 'or'. A 'norm' can mean merely something typical.

"Deviating" from the norm Gilligan... Sexual deviation is sexual deviancy, and those whose sexual behavior deviates from the human physiological 'norm' or standard... are sexual deviants.

See how that works?

LIke celibacy, as I keep telling you.

No Gilligan, not like celibacy.

Because celibacy does not depart from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.

Celibacy is the MOST radical departure from the 'norm'. It is a sexual behavior that would guarantee the end of mankind.
I must remember to pray for more monks.
Just the one post above will do nicely, and do you call yourself a Christian, yes or no?

WOW~ That is truly SOME SERIOUS intellectual limitation you're saddled with there.

Your concession is AGAIN... Duly noted and summarily accepted.

(ROFL! Told ya it would take long Reader.)
Nothing like a Christian who can't answer a yes or no question. I rest my case.
Who set the human physiological standard?

She also created homosexuals. That's why heterosexuals give birth to most of them.

Homosexuals aren't born... they're created by other homosexuals, who play private games oriented around the genitals of infants and toddlers, stimulating sexual arousal around the ruse of playtime, care and concern... imprinting the sexual desire around the gender of the deceiver and sexual gratification with the young.

But hey... such is the nature of evil.
"Yes... there are laws against irrationally discriminating against people who are a different color, gender or who are disadvantaged because their physical circumstances... but none of THAT is relevant where the issue is BEHAVIOR!"

You need to pull your panties up and stop showing your derriere. Have you tried discriminating against a person who has autism? A little girl with autism and her family were thrown off a plane because the crew said her behavior was out of line.

If it's the same case you're referring too...

It wasn't a "little girl", it was a 15 year old. Her parents failed to make provisions for her meal and demanded the flight crew accommodate them and then threatened that the 15 year old would be uncontrollable and start biting and scratching. The rest of the plane had to suffer because of parental incompetence.

No one suffered except the family who had to leave the plane. Don't make up stories to fit your agenda.

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