The left sure respect the beliefs of others and religious freedom don't they?

It was never about a cake, it was about the agenda
The agenda to shame, humiliate and discriminate against gays who love someone enough to marry.

The gays made it the issue it was. Keep trying
How dare we expect the law to apply to us.

I doubt you are an "us", sock
I understand that you are really one of "us" playing catfish, girl. So yes...."us".
How does baking a cake violate someone's religion ? Is it made of pork?

What if it were?

What if a Halal butcher were forced to sell pork chops, would that be okay?

I know, the Muslims are your friends, and you hate Christians, I get it. But what is the actual difference?

I'll wait while you find out what you think from DailyKOS.
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Are you asserting that state PA laws are in some way in conflict with the 1st Amendment?

I stating the fact that any law which infringes the free exercise of religion violates the first.

You democrats are waging an open and hot war against civil rights.
The indisputable fact is the current branded progressive liberal only believes in themselves, the as the world turns around me perception of life. The issue of right and wrong is determined by the me and my. One would say the mantra that if it feels good then why not continues at the expense of morality. The decadence and hypocrisy is never ending. The reception of religious beliefs only applies to those viewed as spineless and weak. But who am I to judge, just my humble observation.
Unless you refuse to bake a cake.
If you don't like your state's PA laws....what are you doing to get them repealed...........besides whining here, that is.

Ah body and her usual "what are you doing about it rant instead of answering the crux of the question" tactic.

The crux of PA laws? Discussed ad nauseam since 1965. Your only option is to challenge them legally. Good luck.

They were never meant to force people to do things as trivial as this or face ruin, they were designed to fight systemic discrimination.

And there will be cases as more and more people get fed up over this.
Are you asserting that state PA laws are in some way in conflict with the 1st Amendment?

I stating the fact that any law which infringes the free exercise of religion violates the first.

You democrats are waging an open and hot war against civil rights.
Explain to us from your scripture where baking a cake or taking a photo is part of one's religion.....
Are we really still discussing this? The bakers lost. Fuck em.

Why not?

Oh, they call this a religious view and yet they can't find it in their own religious teachings.
It doesn't need to be discussed. It's over. Precedent has been set, and you can't discriminate against gay people.
Are we really still discussing this? The bakers lost. Fuck em.

Nothing is over until we say it is.
Sorry bud. It's over. Your impotent rage makes you look desperate.

Dismissiveness won't get you anywhere, hack.
Unless you refuse to bake a cake.
If you don't like your state's PA laws....what are you doing to get them repealed...........besides whining here, that is.

Ah body and her usual "what are you doing about it rant instead of answering the crux of the question" tactic.

The crux of PA laws? Discussed ad nauseam since 1965. Your only option is to challenge them legally. Good luck.

They were never meant to force people to do things as trivial as this or face ruin, they were designed to fight systemic discrimination.

And there will be cases as more and more people get fed up over this.
Sure there will...but you won't be part of those cases because it's too hard for you to make any effort except for whining.
Unless you refuse to bake a cake.
If you don't like your state's PA laws....what are you doing to get them repealed...........besides whining here, that is.

Ah body and her usual "what are you doing about it rant instead of answering the crux of the question" tactic.

The crux of PA laws? Discussed ad nauseam since 1965. Your only option is to challenge them legally. Good luck.
That's too hard for Marty.....but whining is free.

Bitching about discussing on a message board while being on a message board is the height of stupidity.

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