The left wants a civil war, let's give them one

no need for us to fight one another. You take out liberal leaders. Then their flock will follow us, Remember a liberal does as it is told by their leaders. They have no mind of their own.

Or you do nothing other than TALK about taking people out on an anonymous message board.

Send in the keyboard warriors!
If we let people like yourself lead.
View attachment 430637

Yet you don’t actually DO anything. Odd.

Have you tried taking out the liberal leaders like you said? Have you tried doing anything at all?
Tried to vote them out. You do realize when the liberal elite take over, you won't matter to them anymore. You will suffer like the rest. I've also got me 4 acres of and that has a creek 2 natural springs on it and is across the street from a private lake that is over a mile and a half long. That I have full access to. The lake is also spring fed. So what have you done? If the shit hits the fan, I'm pretty well covered.

Shit isn’t going to hit the fan. You’re just paranoid.
Well if it does ill be all right. The people in the city like I just moved out of last month. Will be screwed if it does. Oh, and I didn't move because I'm paranoid, I got my dream land. Just a bonus it has everything it does.
Skip the civil war and states should just secede and move away from the federal tyranny. This isn't difficult.
LOL! Do you really think...for one moment..that the US Govt. won't do exactly the same thing that it did in 1860?

But feel free to entertains.

Should we buy popcorn and cases of wine while watching this from the top of World?

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