the left wing brown shirts of Berkley


Childish and wrong. Try making a grownup rebuttal. Oops, you can't.
Oh, I did, it's just that you dodged and deflected and would not serve-up a direct, adult answer. At that point, I wrote you off.

All you did was deny that there is any such thing as evil.

What I DID was to demonstrate to all watching, that you refuse to disavow the suppression of political opinion and the suppression of the free exercise of political activity, when such opinion or activity do not coincide with your own political views.

And THAT tells us all we need to know about your reliability as a partner in the political process.

Do you believe that revolution is over? Do you believe that the principles that formed this nation are now both obsolete and unacceptable?
I believe that the principles which spawned and formed our Republic are alive and well and as vital as ever.

Among those principles are (1) tolerance for a diversity of political opinion and (2) forbearance from interfering with legitimate political activity.

You have made it very clear by your continued dissembling and attempts at distraction and refusal to declare yourself a subscriber, that you do not subscribe to these principles.

That puts you at-odds with the American Social and Political Contract; that puts you into the camp of those seeking forcible political conformity.

That puts you into the Enemy Camp; those who would force their political will upon their fellow countrymen.

You are free to voice such sentiments and to act upon such ideology and strategy and tactics; as dangerous as those are to the Republic and its People.

However, when you attempt to forcibly interfere with the political opinion and activities of your fellow countrymen, you will be stopped. By force, if need be.

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