the left wing brown shirts of Berkley

Here's the part from the linked article that no RWnut on this board would ever post in one of these strawman threads:

A Berkeley conservative speaking:

It’s a minority on campus that is intolerant toward conservatives. But unfortunately those people scream loudest. I would say 95 percent of left-leaning people on campus are completely open to having a dialogue.

and yet they do nothing to quell the 5% that is causing the problem.

So all the intolerant RWnuts here at USMB will agree that this is in fact a tiny minority and thus will you also condemn the broadbrushing of ALL liberals with these attacks?

The Evil Right wants to be tolerated? Goddam that's funny.
It is not the Evil RIght.

It is the Right.

They are American citizens.

They have a right to expect tolerance for peaceful assembly and the conducting of their political business.

Denying them that peaceful assembly and conducting, puts you on the same spiritual plane as the Brown Shirts of the Nazi Party in the waning days of the Weimar Republic.

That is not what Americans do - that runs counter to the American Social Contract and to our democratic traditions.

Better figure out where you stand, in that light, or suffer Guilt by Association.

The German Nazis began as fairly innocuous conservatives.
American political life has been divided between Liberal and Conservative poles since the Birth of the Republic.

The extreme experience of a European power, towards either the Right or the Left, does not equate to something similar happening here.

And it sure-as-hell isn't an adequate legal or moral or ethical defense against charges of political repression.

As an American citizen, you are not entitled to suppress political opinion nor the political activity of your political opponents.

Decide where you stand.

For political freedom.

Or political repression.

Which is it?

If the colonists had remained peaceful and tolerant we might still be under the rule of the UK.

Tolerance is the great virtue? Remember this from your history classes?

Intolerable Acts - Wikipedia

The Evil Right wants to be tolerated? Goddam that's funny.
It is not the Evil RIght.

It is the Right.

They are American citizens.

They have a right to expect tolerance for peaceful assembly and the conducting of their political business.

Denying them that peaceful assembly and conducting, puts you on the same spiritual plane as the Brown Shirts of the Nazi Party in the waning days of the Weimar Republic.

That is not what Americans do - that runs counter to the American Social Contract and to our democratic traditions.

Better figure out where you stand, in that light, or suffer Guilt by Association.

The German Nazis began as fairly innocuous conservatives.
American political life has been divided between Liberal and Conservative poles since the Birth of the Republic.

The extreme experience of a European power, towards either the Right or the Left, does not equate to something similar happening here.

And it sure-as-hell isn't an adequate legal or moral or ethical defense against charges of political repression.

As an American citizen, you are not entitled to suppress political opinion nor the political activity of your political opponents.

Decide where you stand.

For political freedom.

Or political repression.

Which is it?

If the colonists had remained peaceful and tolerant we might still be under the rule of the UK.

Tolerance is the great virtue? Remember this from your history classes?

Intolerable Acts - Wikipedia
Remember when rightwingers everywhere were demanding that Muslims not be allowed to build a mosque near so-called ground zero?

That's the kind of thing they demand we on the left 'tolerate'. IOW, let them have their way.

Uh, no.
The Evil Right wants to be tolerated? Goddam that's funny.
It is not the Evil RIght.

It is the Right.

They are American citizens.

They have a right to expect tolerance for peaceful assembly and the conducting of their political business.

Denying them that peaceful assembly and conducting, puts you on the same spiritual plane as the Brown Shirts of the Nazi Party in the waning days of the Weimar Republic.

That is not what Americans do - that runs counter to the American Social Contract and to our democratic traditions.

Better figure out where you stand, in that light, or suffer Guilt by Association.

The German Nazis began as fairly innocuous conservatives.
American political life has been divided between Liberal and Conservative poles since the Birth of the Republic.

The extreme experience of a European power, towards either the Right or the Left, does not equate to something similar happening here.

And it sure-as-hell isn't an adequate legal or moral or ethical defense against charges of political repression.

As an American citizen, you are not entitled to suppress political opinion nor the political activity of your political opponents.

Decide where you stand.

For political freedom.

Or political repression.

Which is it?

If the colonists had remained peaceful and tolerant we might still be under the rule of the UK.

Tolerance is the great virtue? Remember this from your history classes?

Intolerable Acts - Wikipedia

Childish and wrong. Try making a grownup rebuttal. Oops, you can't.
Here's the part from the linked article that no RWnut on this board would ever post in one of these strawman threads:

A Berkeley conservative speaking:

It’s a minority on campus that is intolerant toward conservatives. But unfortunately those people scream loudest. I would say 95 percent of left-leaning people on campus are completely open to having a dialogue.

and yet they do nothing to quell the 5% that is causing the problem.

So all the intolerant RWnuts here at USMB will agree that this is in fact a tiny minority and thus will you also condemn the broadbrushing of ALL liberals with these attacks?

I don't have to condemn anything. Broadbrushing is a tactic both sides use.

it doesn't matter if it's only 5%, the results are silencing of dissenting speech or actions. The bigger issue is those in charge of these places are either scared shitless of said small %, or even worse, agree with the end results.

The Evil Right wants to be tolerated? Goddam that's funny.
It is not the Evil RIght.

It is the Right.

They are American citizens.

They have a right to expect tolerance for peaceful assembly and the conducting of their political business.

Denying them that peaceful assembly and conducting, puts you on the same spiritual plane as the Brown Shirts of the Nazi Party in the waning days of the Weimar Republic.

That is not what Americans do - that runs counter to the American Social Contract and to our democratic traditions.

Better figure out where you stand, in that light, or suffer Guilt by Association.

The German Nazis began as fairly innocuous conservatives.
American political life has been divided between Liberal and Conservative poles since the Birth of the Republic.

The extreme experience of a European power, towards either the Right or the Left, does not equate to something similar happening here.

And it sure-as-hell isn't an adequate legal or moral or ethical defense against charges of political repression.

As an American citizen, you are not entitled to suppress political opinion nor the political activity of your political opponents.

Decide where you stand.

For political freedom.

Or political repression.

Which is it?

If the colonists had remained peaceful and tolerant we might still be under the rule of the UK.

Tolerance is the great virtue? Remember this from your history classes?

Intolerable Acts - Wikipedia
Your weak attempts at deflection are noted.

Your dissembling tells us all we need to know about your true intentions.

Given political power, you would suppress the political opinions and political activities of those whose politics do not agree with yours.

That is un-American.

How sad for you.

Fortunately, for the Republic and its Citizens... you will NOT be given the political power, to suppress Opposition.

"The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance." - an old American political maxim; with an eye towards those, like you, who would suppress Opposition.
Remember when rightwingers everywhere were demanding that Muslims not be allowed to build a mosque near so-called ground zero?

That's the kind of thing they demand we on the left 'tolerate'. IOW, let them have their way.

Uh, no.

Did this right-winger condemn it? I called it poor form, but I said the government had no real recourse (and Shouldn't have had a recourse).
It is not the Evil RIght.

It is the Right.

They are American citizens.

They have a right to expect tolerance for peaceful assembly and the conducting of their political business.

Denying them that peaceful assembly and conducting, puts you on the same spiritual plane as the Brown Shirts of the Nazi Party in the waning days of the Weimar Republic.

That is not what Americans do - that runs counter to the American Social Contract and to our democratic traditions.

Better figure out where you stand, in that light, or suffer Guilt by Association.

The German Nazis began as fairly innocuous conservatives.
American political life has been divided between Liberal and Conservative poles since the Birth of the Republic.

The extreme experience of a European power, towards either the Right or the Left, does not equate to something similar happening here.

And it sure-as-hell isn't an adequate legal or moral or ethical defense against charges of political repression.

As an American citizen, you are not entitled to suppress political opinion nor the political activity of your political opponents.

Decide where you stand.

For political freedom.

Or political repression.

Which is it?

If the colonists had remained peaceful and tolerant we might still be under the rule of the UK.

Tolerance is the great virtue? Remember this from your history classes?

Intolerable Acts - Wikipedia

Childish and wrong. Try making a grownup rebuttal. Oops, you can't.
how is it 'wrong'?

How is punishing colonists for the Tea Party comparative to the actions of rabble rousers in Berkley?
While I'm all for expressing yourself, my advice to these young people would be to be careful and watch what you say, when you say it, where you say it, and to whom you say it. Zealots,, enabled by "adults" both on campus and across the country, are capable of pretty much anything, especially when in packs. So just do your school stuff, get your degree, get the fuck out of there, and then speak up. As a father of two children, I'd admire their courage in speaking up, but I have to admit their safety would be paramount for me. It is what it is.
That basically means the assholes are winning.
They are. I don't know how this turns around.
The right threatens violence all the fucking time....

You fascist can kiss my ass.
"Threaten" is one thing...

"Acting out" is quite another...

Something that LibTurds excel at, nowadays...

Name us one Clinton Rally that was shut down by violence from the Right... little snowflake...

They attacked people at drumpf kkk rallies.

Point really is that adults are teaching their kids to do this. Both left and right.

Where do you think it should end?
The challenge was to name one Clinton Rally shut down by violence from the Right.

You failed to meet the challenge.

It's a good read. The question is: Who's letting the violent communo-anarchists onto the campus?

What I gathered is that it's not the students being violent.

The campus is open to the public.

Masked, club-wielding, rioting public? :cuckoo:

Okay, so now you're changing your list of who would --- WHAT???

Every time trump said he wanted to gut the constitution, the RWNJs actually applauded. I thought you would boo him for that but nope. Then you damn fools actually voted for him.

And since then, the RWNJs have said they want an end to free speech, free press.

Where do you think this should end?

When did Trump ever say he wanted to gut the Constitution?

His mere existence says that.

What a fucking moron.

Why don't you just admit you can't produce any evidence for your juvenile attacks?
It is not the Evil RIght.

It is the Right.

They are American citizens.

They have a right to expect tolerance for peaceful assembly and the conducting of their political business.

Denying them that peaceful assembly and conducting, puts you on the same spiritual plane as the Brown Shirts of the Nazi Party in the waning days of the Weimar Republic.

That is not what Americans do - that runs counter to the American Social Contract and to our democratic traditions.

Better figure out where you stand, in that light, or suffer Guilt by Association.

The German Nazis began as fairly innocuous conservatives.
American political life has been divided between Liberal and Conservative poles since the Birth of the Republic.

The extreme experience of a European power, towards either the Right or the Left, does not equate to something similar happening here.

And it sure-as-hell isn't an adequate legal or moral or ethical defense against charges of political repression.

As an American citizen, you are not entitled to suppress political opinion nor the political activity of your political opponents.

Decide where you stand.

For political freedom.

Or political repression.

Which is it?

If the colonists had remained peaceful and tolerant we might still be under the rule of the UK.

Tolerance is the great virtue? Remember this from your history classes?

Intolerable Acts - Wikipedia

Childish and wrong. Try making a grownup rebuttal. Oops, you can't.
Oh, I did, it's just that you dodged and deflected and would not serve-up a direct, adult answer. At that point, I wrote you off.
Here's the part from the linked article that no RWnut on this board would ever post in one of these strawman threads:

A Berkeley conservative speaking:

It’s a minority on campus that is intolerant toward conservatives. But unfortunately those people scream loudest. I would say 95 percent of left-leaning people on campus are completely open to having a dialogue.

I see a correlation between that, Jihadis, and "moderate" Muslims.

While I'm all for expressing yourself, my advice to these young people would be to be careful and watch what you say, when you say it, where you say it, and to whom you say it. Zealots,, enabled by "adults" both on campus and across the country, are capable of pretty much anything, especially when in packs. So just do your school stuff, get your degree, get the fuck out of there, and then speak up. As a father of two children, I'd admire their courage in speaking up, but I have to admit their safety would be paramount for me. It is what it is.
That basically means the assholes are winning.
They are. I don't know how this turns around.

Some people have to just say no, and be willing to get hurt doing so.
The German Nazis began as fairly innocuous conservatives.
American political life has been divided between Liberal and Conservative poles since the Birth of the Republic.

The extreme experience of a European power, towards either the Right or the Left, does not equate to something similar happening here.

And it sure-as-hell isn't an adequate legal or moral or ethical defense against charges of political repression.

As an American citizen, you are not entitled to suppress political opinion nor the political activity of your political opponents.

Decide where you stand.

For political freedom.

Or political repression.

Which is it?

If the colonists had remained peaceful and tolerant we might still be under the rule of the UK.

Tolerance is the great virtue? Remember this from your history classes?

Intolerable Acts - Wikipedia

Childish and wrong. Try making a grownup rebuttal. Oops, you can't.
Oh, I did, it's just that you dodged and deflected and would not serve-up a direct, adult answer. At that point, I wrote you off.

All you did was deny that there is any such thing as evil.

New message from the chancellor about possible Coulter visit

This university has two non-negotiable commitments, one to free speech, the other to the safety of our campus community members, their guests, and the public. In that context, we cannot ignore or deny what is a new reality. Groups and individuals from the extreme ends of the political spectrum have made clear their readiness and intention to utilize violent tactics in support or in protest of certain speakers at UC Berkeley. In early February, a speaker’s presence on campus ignited violent conflict and significant damage to campus property. In March, political violence erupted on the streets of Berkeley. In April opposing groups again violently clashed on the edge of our campus. While some seem inclined to use these events and circumstances to draw attention to themselves, we remain focused on the needs, rights, and interests of our students and our community. We cannot wish away or pretend that these threats do not exist.

The strategies necessary to address these evolving threats are also evolving, but the simplistic view of some – that our police department can simply step in and stop violent confrontations whenever they occur – ignores reality. Protecting public safety in these circumstances requires a multifaceted approach. This approach must take into account the use of “time, place, and manner” guidelines, devised according to the specific threats presented. Because threats or strategic concerns may differ, so must our approach. In all cases, however, we only seek to ensure the successful staging of free speech rights; we make no effort to control or restrict the content of expression, regardless of differing political views.

This is a university, not a battlefield. We must make every effort to hold events at a time and location that maximizes the chances that First Amendment rights can be successfully exercised and that community members can be protected. While our commitment to freedom of speech and expression remains absolute, we have an obligation to heed our police department’s assessment of how best to hold safe and successful events.
American political life has been divided between Liberal and Conservative poles since the Birth of the Republic.

The extreme experience of a European power, towards either the Right or the Left, does not equate to something similar happening here.

And it sure-as-hell isn't an adequate legal or moral or ethical defense against charges of political repression.

As an American citizen, you are not entitled to suppress political opinion nor the political activity of your political opponents.

Decide where you stand.

For political freedom.

Or political repression.

Which is it?

If the colonists had remained peaceful and tolerant we might still be under the rule of the UK.

Tolerance is the great virtue? Remember this from your history classes?

Intolerable Acts - Wikipedia

Childish and wrong. Try making a grownup rebuttal. Oops, you can't.
Oh, I did, it's just that you dodged and deflected and would not serve-up a direct, adult answer. At that point, I wrote you off.

All you did was deny that there is any such thing as evil.

What I DID was to demonstrate to all watching, that you refuse to disavow the suppression of political opinion and the suppression of the free exercise of political activity, when such opinion or activity do not coincide with your own political views.

And THAT tells us all we need to know about your reliability as a partner in the political process.
If the colonists had remained peaceful and tolerant we might still be under the rule of the UK.

Tolerance is the great virtue? Remember this from your history classes?

Intolerable Acts - Wikipedia

Childish and wrong. Try making a grownup rebuttal. Oops, you can't.
Oh, I did, it's just that you dodged and deflected and would not serve-up a direct, adult answer. At that point, I wrote you off.

All you did was deny that there is any such thing as evil.

What I DID was to demonstrate to all watching, that you refuse to disavow the suppression of political opinion and the suppression of the free exercise of political activity, when such opinion or activity do not coincide with your own political views.

And THAT tells us all we need to know about your reliability as a partner in the political process.

Do you believe that revolution is over? Do you believe that the principles that formed this nation are now both obsolete and unacceptable?

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