The lefts ideas are soothing, but the policies are a disaster!

And your city is also GOP?
some on the left believe in merely simplifying Government to lower our Tax burden.

Really, name them, lol!
moi, for one.

The left believes in expanding government and that means more taxes.
So the increase in taxes in my GOP majority state and county is due to leftist.....Hmmm...What an eschewed sense of reality...
how much land is being handed out now?

Plenty of handouts to those contributing nothing to society.

instead of land; i got it.

Even when a GOP politician gets a tax cut for a portion of the masses, the loss is offset by a raise in fees or other forms of revenue....

Thank that lefties for that.
It's always the other guys fault...

Still waiting fellas, got any of your social programs that do NOT need a big influx of cash? That is what this thread is about-) Or are you instead just surrendering to the point that your lefty ideas have not made one social program that is even close to self sustainable-)
let's abolish our War on Drugs.

Really, that is all you got, lol.

Wow, ok.............if that is all you got, then yes......I think drugs is a factor in our give and take, lol!
it is a start; unlike the right.
Pay your fair share freeloader. Trump provided something to society. You do not.
how do you know that, if neither paid any federal income tax?

So you're saying poor people create jobs?
is jobs the only metric? how many jobs did Jesus the Christ create. was He "worthless" under Any form of Capitalism?

It's just one of them. Poor people contribute nothing to society. They take plenty for nothing.

Jesus did plenty for people. He did it voluntarily just as he taught it should be done.
anyone who is poor does things voluntarily, all the time.
What have they done for me?
how do you know that, if neither paid any federal income tax?

So you're saying poor people create jobs?
is jobs the only metric? how many jobs did Jesus the Christ create. was He "worthless" under Any form of Capitalism?

It's just one of them. Poor people contribute nothing to society. They take plenty for nothing.

Jesus did plenty for people. He did it voluntarily just as he taught it should be done.
anyone who is poor does things voluntarily, all the time.
What have they done for me?
kept capital circulating, whenever possible.
Daniel, that is a ridiculous thought process. We should thank them for taking our money, and putting it in circulation for what they want, instead of us doing it for what we want. Novel concept, but I think they already tried it in a place called the USSR, and it didn't work out so hot!
Daniel, that is a ridiculous thought process. We should thank them for taking our money, and putting it in circulation for what they want, instead of us doing it for what we want. Novel concept, but I think they already tried it in a place called the USSR, and it didn't work out so hot!
only when you can't pay them to do a good job; capital still needs to circulate and provide that liquidity in our markets.
I have solutions. You provide to those you think deserve it with your money or they do without.
I don't have any money for a drug war; want to pay it for me and stop whining about the cost of social services?

I don't support the drug war and have said it plenty of times. You seem to stupid to read that.
His liberal talking point script is very limited.

Gimme, gimme, gimme isn't hard to learn.
neither is right wing fantasy instead having having a "hard work" ethic to come up with valid arguments, instead of nothing but fantastical fallacies.

So you think expecting people to earn what they have is a fantasy? Got it.
Land on which to WORK. Not the same as handouts for nothing.
how much land is being handed out now?

Plenty of handouts to those contributing nothing to society.

instead of land; i got it.

Even when a GOP politician gets a tax cut for a portion of the masses, the loss is offset by a raise in fees or other forms of revenue....

Thank that lefties for that.
It's always the other guys fault...

Still waiting fellas, got any of your social programs that do NOT need a big influx of cash? That is what this thread is about-) Or are you instead just surrendering to the point that your lefty ideas have not made one social program that is even close to self sustainable-)
let's abolish our War on Drugs.

I've already said more than once that's OK. As long as we get rid of the war on poverty, too.
Land on which to WORK. Not the same as handouts for nothing.
how much land is being handed out now?

Plenty of handouts to those contributing nothing to society.

instead of land; i got it.

And requiring nothing in return. If you give me land and I use it to benefit society, I've contributed. If you give me money for nothing and I provide nothing in return, I've done nothing for society.
paying taxes is something. personal property taxes instead of real estate taxes is still, taxes.

Personal property taxes, if the poor even pay those, don't fund the federal social welfare programs they use.
I don't have any money for a drug war; want to pay it for me and stop whining about the cost of social services?

I don't support the drug war and have said it plenty of times. You seem to stupid to read that.
His liberal talking point script is very limited.
i am not whining about taxes or the cost of social services. only the fantastical, right wing, does that.

When you don't fund them because you don't pay those taxes, YOU can't say anything about them.

What you do is support others paying those taxes and take credit as if it your money because you support it being used for piece of shit freeloaders like yourself.
like i said; let's end our War on Drugs, and then talk.

Like I've said multiple times and you don't see to get you stupid motherfucker is OK as long as we end the war on poverty.

Do all the drugs the wants. However, when doing them puts you in a situation you don't like and can't get out of, fuck off.
how much land is being handed out now?

Plenty of handouts to those contributing nothing to society.

instead of land; i got it.

Even when a GOP politician gets a tax cut for a portion of the masses, the loss is offset by a raise in fees or other forms of revenue....

Thank that lefties for that.
It's always the other guys fault...

Still waiting fellas, got any of your social programs that do NOT need a big influx of cash? That is what this thread is about-) Or are you instead just surrendering to the point that your lefty ideas have not made one social program that is even close to self sustainable-)
let's abolish our War on Drugs.

Really, that is all you got, lol.

Wow, ok.............if that is all you got, then yes......I think drugs is a factor in our give and take, lol!

He keeps saying that. Couple that with other things he's said and it sounds like all he wants to do is do drugs, not work, and have the rest of us pay more taxes to fund his laziness.
I don't support the drug war and have said it plenty of times. You seem to stupid to read that.
His liberal talking point script is very limited.
i am not whining about taxes or the cost of social services. only the fantastical, right wing, does that.

When you don't fund them because you don't pay those taxes, YOU can't say anything about them.

What you do is support others paying those taxes and take credit as if it your money because you support it being used for piece of shit freeloaders like yourself.
like i said; let's end our War on Drugs, and then talk.

Like I've said multiple times and you don't see to get you stupid motherfucker is OK as long as we end the war on poverty.

Do all the drugs the wants. However, when doing them puts you in a situation you don't like and can't get out of, fuck off.

See that! All day long this thread has been here, and not ONE leftist can show a social entitlement that is solvent. Not a one of them, nada, forget about it! They all need cash infusions, and the left still wants to create more, even as they have been unsuccessful at every social entitlement they have created.

But then, we conservatives already knew this, and since they run from trying to explain their positions, it just means we need to bring it up more often!
Plenty of handouts to those contributing nothing to society.

instead of land; i got it.

Thank that lefties for that.
It's always the other guys fault...

Still waiting fellas, got any of your social programs that do NOT need a big influx of cash? That is what this thread is about-) Or are you instead just surrendering to the point that your lefty ideas have not made one social program that is even close to self sustainable-)
let's abolish our War on Drugs.

Really, that is all you got, lol.

Wow, ok.............if that is all you got, then yes......I think drugs is a factor in our give and take, lol!
it is a start; unlike the right.

Those on the right expect you to earn what you get. You want it for doing nothing while you sit around and do drugs.
His liberal talking point script is very limited.
i am not whining about taxes or the cost of social services. only the fantastical, right wing, does that.

When you don't fund them because you don't pay those taxes, YOU can't say anything about them.

What you do is support others paying those taxes and take credit as if it your money because you support it being used for piece of shit freeloaders like yourself.
like i said; let's end our War on Drugs, and then talk.

Like I've said multiple times and you don't see to get you stupid motherfucker is OK as long as we end the war on poverty.

Do all the drugs the wants. However, when doing them puts you in a situation you don't like and can't get out of, fuck off.

See that! All day long this thread has been here, and not ONE leftist can show a social entitlement that is solvent. Not a one of them, nada, forget about it! They all need cash infusions, and the left still wants to create more, even as they have been unsuccessful at every social entitlement they have created.

But then, we conservatives already knew this, and since they run from trying to explain their positions, it just means we need to bring it up more often!

The only way social programs run is by the government taking it from the producers and handing it to the non producers. He wants to keep talking about property taxes. Those are state/local. He avoids anything related to federal taxes used to fund handout programs giving to people what they damn well should be doing for themselves.
i am not whining about taxes or the cost of social services. only the fantastical, right wing, does that.

When you don't fund them because you don't pay those taxes, YOU can't say anything about them.

What you do is support others paying those taxes and take credit as if it your money because you support it being used for piece of shit freeloaders like yourself.
like i said; let's end our War on Drugs, and then talk.

Like I've said multiple times and you don't see to get you stupid motherfucker is OK as long as we end the war on poverty.

Do all the drugs the wants. However, when doing them puts you in a situation you don't like and can't get out of, fuck off.

See that! All day long this thread has been here, and not ONE leftist can show a social entitlement that is solvent. Not a one of them, nada, forget about it! They all need cash infusions, and the left still wants to create more, even as they have been unsuccessful at every social entitlement they have created.

But then, we conservatives already knew this, and since they run from trying to explain their positions, it just means we need to bring it up more often!

The only way social programs run is by the government taking it from the producers and handing it to the non producers. He wants to keep talking about property taxes. Those are state/local. He avoids anything related to federal taxes used to fund handout programs giving to people what they damn well should be doing for themselves.

Agreed. And notice all the left wants to talk about Trump, and he has no record of governance yet, they just want to project to create one of their narratives. But THEY do have a record of failed governance, but for some reason, they don't want to talk about that!:dance:
When you don't fund them because you don't pay those taxes, YOU can't say anything about them.

What you do is support others paying those taxes and take credit as if it your money because you support it being used for piece of shit freeloaders like yourself.
like i said; let's end our War on Drugs, and then talk.

Like I've said multiple times and you don't see to get you stupid motherfucker is OK as long as we end the war on poverty.

Do all the drugs the wants. However, when doing them puts you in a situation you don't like and can't get out of, fuck off.

See that! All day long this thread has been here, and not ONE leftist can show a social entitlement that is solvent. Not a one of them, nada, forget about it! They all need cash infusions, and the left still wants to create more, even as they have been unsuccessful at every social entitlement they have created.

But then, we conservatives already knew this, and since they run from trying to explain their positions, it just means we need to bring it up more often!

The only way social programs run is by the government taking it from the producers and handing it to the non producers. He wants to keep talking about property taxes. Those are state/local. He avoids anything related to federal taxes used to fund handout programs giving to people what they damn well should be doing for themselves.

Agreed. And notice all the left wants to talk about Trump, and he has no record of governance yet, they just want to project to create one of their narratives. But THEY do have a record of failed governance, but for some reason, they don't want to talk about that!:dance:
They want to speculate on what will happen with Trump and overlook the bullshit that did with Obama.
like i said; let's end our War on Drugs, and then talk.

Like I've said multiple times and you don't see to get you stupid motherfucker is OK as long as we end the war on poverty.

Do all the drugs the wants. However, when doing them puts you in a situation you don't like and can't get out of, fuck off.

See that! All day long this thread has been here, and not ONE leftist can show a social entitlement that is solvent. Not a one of them, nada, forget about it! They all need cash infusions, and the left still wants to create more, even as they have been unsuccessful at every social entitlement they have created.

But then, we conservatives already knew this, and since they run from trying to explain their positions, it just means we need to bring it up more often!

The only way social programs run is by the government taking it from the producers and handing it to the non producers. He wants to keep talking about property taxes. Those are state/local. He avoids anything related to federal taxes used to fund handout programs giving to people what they damn well should be doing for themselves.

Agreed. And notice all the left wants to talk about Trump, and he has no record of governance yet, they just want to project to create one of their narratives. But THEY do have a record of failed governance, but for some reason, they don't want to talk about that!:dance:
They want to speculate on what will happen with Trump and overlook the bullshit that did with Obama.

I just want to know when any of their Presidents start addressing the entitlements that their liberal fore fathers created, which they take credit for of course, but that are all in the red and drowning our country!
I don't have any money for a drug war; want to pay it for me and stop whining about the cost of social services?

I don't support the drug war and have said it plenty of times. You seem to stupid to read that.
His liberal talking point script is very limited.

Gimme, gimme, gimme isn't hard to learn.
neither is right wing fantasy instead having having a "hard work" ethic to come up with valid arguments, instead of nothing but fantastical fallacies.

So you think expecting people to earn what they have is a fantasy? Got it.

expecting Everyone to earn all the time with a natural rate of unemployment, is just, right wing fantasy.
how much land is being handed out now?

Plenty of handouts to those contributing nothing to society.

instead of land; i got it.

Even when a GOP politician gets a tax cut for a portion of the masses, the loss is offset by a raise in fees or other forms of revenue....

Thank that lefties for that.
It's always the other guys fault...

Still waiting fellas, got any of your social programs that do NOT need a big influx of cash? That is what this thread is about-) Or are you instead just surrendering to the point that your lefty ideas have not made one social program that is even close to self sustainable-)
let's abolish our War on Drugs.

I've already said more than once that's OK. As long as we get rid of the war on poverty, too.
let's start with the drug war, first.
how much land is being handed out now?

Plenty of handouts to those contributing nothing to society.

instead of land; i got it.

And requiring nothing in return. If you give me land and I use it to benefit society, I've contributed. If you give me money for nothing and I provide nothing in return, I've done nothing for society.
paying taxes is something. personal property taxes instead of real estate taxes is still, taxes.

Personal property taxes, if the poor even pay those, don't fund the federal social welfare programs they use.
they fund local and State government.

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