The Lefts Pope (Pipe) Dream

Except that in an unregulated free market you can destroy your competitor by lying about their products irrespective of how good they may be. With enough capital you can put them out of business by selling your own product below cost so they go under. You can manufacture faulty products and package them as being made by your competitor. You can even steal your competitors ideas and there is nothing that they can do about it. And best of all none of the harm that you cause to the hapless consumers and your competitors can ever be held against you because this wonderful free market is completely unregulated.

And that doesnt happen today in the US, right?
Actually regulation has nothing to do with that. Those are tort offenses and there is a legal system designed to curb that. But the offended party is the company, not the government.
No one is suggesting dismantling the legal system.
So you are simply wrong.

So each individual consumer will have to pay through the nose in order to sue the unregulated corporations that harmed them?

Who do the people who are being harmed by Obama Hellcare sue?

If there is nuclear accident who do they sue?

Why would anyone have to pay through the nose to sue a corporation?

What purpose does the government serve if there are no regulations?

Read the Constitution , its purpose is stated therein. The power to regulate corporations was USURPED.

Why can't We the People who have formed a government FOR the people set up regulations that prevent these illegal acts and protect consumers?

If a company misbehaves and/or harm consumers sue and boycott them.

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We just might have a real Pope this time!

Religious fundamentalists in the US have been worried about the wrong problems.

And, we have a whole political party dedicated to the principle that it's better to have the government focused on helping the wealthy get wealthier and NOT on helping those in desperate circumstance.

Maybe this Pope will help us redirect our efforts.

meanwhile....this REAL Pope lives in a place that has a hell of a lot of Gold and Silver around..... wears robes of the finest silk.....has a hat with all kinds of nice baubles....his fucking underpants are probably so silky the shit stains roll off it.....presides over a Church worth Billions......yea he will re-direct our efforts....

Pope Francis on Income Inequality. Can you believe this guy?

so tell him to give up some of that gold and silver in the Vatican.....that might make a difference in some homeless peoples lives...just sayin....

I agree and then some. (I really hate everything the Catholic church stands for.)

But, isn't the pope paraphrasing jesus?

This pope does seem semi-humanoid.

would Jesus have walked into the Vatican and commented about what a nice collection of wealth you have here?....or would he have started doing what he did at that market place where he cleaned the place out?....

Pope Francis on Income Inequality. Can you believe this guy?

so tell him to give up some of that gold and silver in the Vatican.....that might make a difference in some homeless peoples lives...just sayin....

This post ^^^ is both a cynical and naïve response. The Pope's word is powerful, much more powerful than money can buy.

you better believe its cynical.....the Pope is also a fucking Hypocrite....Jesus would not have put up with all the bullshit wealth that is supposed to be in his "home" go ahead and say how naive that was.....
Your failure to support your position is duly noted and treated as a de facto forfeiture.

that's nice. You suck too.

Resorting to ad hominems confirms that you have conceded your position on unregulated free markets.

Your unilateral declaration of "victory" confirms you have lost the argument. Your use of fallacious arguments alrready indicated that. Your inability to understand my post tells me I'm dealing with someone who is simply not up to debate standards.
Well regulated and "free market" are largely antonyms.

Not in a functioning society. An unregulated free market is where you get children dying in factories and coal mines.

What never ceases to amaze me is that the extreme right is convinced that they and/or their children will somehow be immune to these depredations by unfettered corporate greed and rapaciousness.

Because it doesnt happen?
WHat amazes me is that leftists think government is somehow not greedy or rapacious. And without the ability to be fired for poor performance, unlike companies.
OK, it doesnt amaze me. That's because I see leftists are morons stuck in their own view of reality and unable to be educated.
We just might have a real Pope this time!

Religious fundamentalists in the US have been worried about the wrong problems.

And, we have a whole political party dedicated to the principle that it's better to have the government focused on helping the wealthy get wealthier and NOT on helping those in desperate circumstance.

Maybe this Pope will help us redirect our efforts.

meanwhile....this REAL Pope lives in a place that has a hell of a lot of Gold and Silver around..... wears robes of the finest silk.....has a hat with all kinds of nice baubles....his fucking underpants are probably so silky the shit stains roll off it.....presides over a Church worth Billions......yea he will re-direct our efforts....
Yes - there is that, alright.

But, I don't believe it is a requirement that the pope disburse the institutional wealth that the RCC has accumulated before anyone should listen to what he says.

His message seems to be that we need to tune our economic rules to better allow for people to be successful. That's not the same as suggesting that we need to redistribute the wealth of those who have accumulated it.
Pope Francis appears intent upon turning the focus of the Church back to the People.

It's a concept centuries overdue and, quite probably, what Jesus of Nazareth would have wanted.

Good on him.

It's about time that Catholics once again had a People's Pope.

I can't recall who the last one would have been, lost in the mists of time and history.
Pope Francis appears intent upon turning the focus of the Church back to the People.

It's a concept centuries overdue and, quite probably, what Jesus of Nazareth would have wanted.

Good on him.

It's about time that Catholics once again had a People's Pope.

I can't recall who the last one would have been, lost in the mists of time and history.

is that what Jesus would have wanted?....would he have approved of the gold and silver lining the halls of his so called home in the Vatican?...
Pope Francis appears intent upon turning the focus of the Church back to the People.

It's a concept centuries overdue and, quite probably, what Jesus of Nazareth would have wanted.

Good on him.

It's about time that Catholics once again had a People's Pope.

I can't recall who the last one would have been, lost in the mists of time and history.

is that what Jesus would have wanted?....would he have approved of the gold and silver lining the halls of his so called home in the Vatican?...
Absolutely not.

And this fellow appears to be the first Pope in living memory - and far beyond - who would think it suitable to dump many of those trappings.

Time will tell us whether this one can make substantive changes that touch upon such matters during his tenure.

If anybody in recent times might have such a shot at such reforms, it might be this one.
Only when it's a well regulated free market.
Well regulated and "free market" are largely antonyms.


The free market is regulated by the invisible hand of the marketplace.

If your product sucks you go out of business, if it sells you make a fortune.


How about BP polluting the gulf? Their product sucks and they're still in business and nobody went to jail. The great free market myth.
Jesus at the Temple

12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. 13 “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’[a] but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’”
"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal." (Matthew 6:19-20 RSV)
Mark 11:15 (NIV) On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, 16 and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. 17 And as he taught them, he said, "Is it not written: `My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations'? But you have made it `a den of robbers.'" 18 The chief priests and the teachers of the law heard this and began looking for a way to kill him, for they feared him, because the whole crowd was amazed at his teaching.


Just goes to show that if Jesus were to come back the christian right would waste no time nailing him to a cross.

If Jesus returned and occupied Wall Street the right wing would be furious and looking for some stones to toss at the dirty socialist, or they'd at least cheer the cops that pepper sprayed him.
so tell him to give up some of that gold and silver in the Vatican.....that might make a difference in some homeless peoples lives...just sayin....

This post ^^^ is both a cynical and naïve response. The Pope's word is powerful, much more powerful than money can buy.

you better believe its cynical.....the Pope is also a fucking Hypocrite....Jesus would not have put up with all the bullshit wealth that is supposed to be in his "home" go ahead and say how naive that was.....

Jesus Harry -- wealth envy much?

I mean you're right about the accoutrements but you forget one thing -- Pope Francis, he didn't build that.
so tell him to give up some of that gold and silver in the Vatican.....that might make a difference in some homeless peoples lives...just sayin....

This post ^^^ is both a cynical and naïve response. The Pope's word is powerful, much more powerful than money can buy.

you better believe its cynical.....the Pope is also a fucking Hypocrite....Jesus would not have put up with all the bullshit wealth that is supposed to be in his "home" go ahead and say how naive that was.....

Published: 09/02/2013 at 11:21 PM:

Pope Francis? ?risky business? sparks internal fire

The authority appointed by Pope Francis to investigate financial corruption associated with the Vatican Bank has made an important seizure of hundreds of boxes of documents that document Vatican finances and the important figures in the Italian “Mafia” engaged in an enormous scheme of money-laundering and embezzlement designed to make money in the Vatican disappear into their pockets. The financial scandal involving the Vatican Bank is the “Sampson” that will bring down the columns supporting the Sistine Chapel and the ostentatious and luxurious buildings in the Vatican structure.

Pope Francis refuses to live in the papal apartment in the Vatican, deciding instead to live in the Vatican’s Santa Marta residence, a four-star hotel where many different people live.

On Holy Thursday, March 28, as reported by international news sources including Reuters, Pope Francis broke with Vatican tradition to travel outside the Vatican walls to visit the Casal del Marmo youth prison in the outskirts of Rome, where the former Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio included in the ritual for the first time washing the feet of women, including two who were Muslims. This was unprecedented in a ritual that stretches back centuries in Roman Catholic tradition. Conservatives watched in horror the “sacrilege” performed by “the smiling Pope Francisco

The high power entrenched under the dome of the Vatican is totally opposed to Pope Francis’ plans to reform, eliminate and modify the pomp, ritualism and ostentation of the Roman Catholic Church.

For now, Pope Francis has left instructions that whoever faces civil or criminal accusations or penalties will not be able to hide from their legal infractions by remaining ensconced away in the legal sanctuary of the Vatican.

What is clear from the Spanish-language publication is an awareness that the simplicity and humility of Pope Francis has challenged the wealth, power and privilege of the Roman Curia, as well as the appointed officials running the Vatican Bank, the Vatican finances and the Vatican investments.

Pope Francis’ determination to take the Catholic Church back to what he perceives as Christ’s mission to help the poor, the infirm and those less fortunate in life is clearly not popular with those in the Vatican who expected him to move into the papal apartments, put on the pope’s crimson robes and accept a life of luxury and privilege afforded to the modern popes who have preceded him as head of the Catholic Church.

Vatican observers note popes intent on reform can be engaging in a risky enterprise.

Read more at Pope Francis? ?risky business? sparks internal fire

Fascinating how those who demand the right to force their own religious beliefs about gays, abortion and contraception into becoming the law of the land are decrying someone else for expressing his own beliefs.

Doesn't the Pope have as much right to express his opinion as anyone else?

Not when it conflicts with rightist dogma, no.
Well regulated and "free market" are largely antonyms.


The free market is regulated by the invisible hand of the marketplace.

If your product sucks you go out of business, if it sells you make a fortune.


How about BP polluting the gulf? Their product sucks and they're still in business and nobody went to jail. The great free market myth.

Their product sucks? What product would that be?
They're still in business because industrial accidents are just that, accidents.
That was a real fail of a point if you were trying to make one.

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