The Lefts Pope (Pipe) Dream

This post ^^^ is both a cynical and naïve response. The Pope's word is powerful, much more powerful than money can buy.

you better believe its cynical.....the Pope is also a fucking Hypocrite....Jesus would not have put up with all the bullshit wealth that is supposed to be in his "home" go ahead and say how naive that was.....

Published: 09/02/2013 at 11:21 PM:

Pope Francis? ?risky business? sparks internal fire

For now, Pope Francis has left instructions that whoever faces civil or criminal accusations or penalties will not be able to hide from their legal infractions by remaining ensconced away in the legal sanctuary of the Vatican.

What is clear from the Spanish-language publication is an awareness that the simplicity and humility of Pope Francis has challenged the wealth, power and privilege of the Roman Curia, as well as the appointed officials running the Vatican Bank, the Vatican finances and the Vatican investments.

Pope Francis’ determination to take the Catholic Church back to what he perceives as Christ’s mission to help the poor, the infirm and those less fortunate in life is clearly not popular with those in the Vatican who expected him to move into the papal apartments, put on the pope’s crimson robes and accept a life of luxury and privilege afforded to the modern popes who have preceded him as head of the Catholic Church.

Vatican observers note popes intent on reform can be engaging in a risky enterprise.

Read more at Pope Francis? ?risky business? sparks internal fire


when the church starts acting like a church that Jesus himself would enter....then get back to me....if this guy is the real head of this Church it should start becoming that...right?.....until then this guy is just a figure head.....
you better believe its cynical.....the Pope is also a fucking Hypocrite....Jesus would not have put up with all the bullshit wealth that is supposed to be in his "home" go ahead and say how naive that was.....

Jesus Harry -- wealth envy much?

I mean you're right about the accoutrements but you forget one thing -- Pope Francis, he didn't build that.

its not wealth envy.....if you say you follow the man called Jesus and what he was and stood for.....then maybe the church should start adhering to that....if Jesus himself would think the Vatican is way out of line with the mineral wealth inside the place.....why would the Church itself not think the same thing and have a simple building with just regular furnishings?....why all the gold and silver?.....why is the Catholic Church so wealthy?...if Jesus would be opposed to you and what you represent....then you must not be following him so good....i was raised Catholic.....and in catechism school the questions i and a few others brought up were met with weak explanations or no explanation....that told me all i needed to i got older i saw the exit sign and left, never looking back....

Well, three posts in a row obsessed with all that gold and silver... Where did the Vatican get all that wealth? From being that infamous First Estate for centuries -- the idea that our Founders threw off with the revolutionary concept of We the People. And from picking vulnerable citizens, torturing and burning them as 'heretics' and then assuming their possessions.

Sure the Church should start getting away from all that. LONG past due. So here comes a guy making noises that agree with that sentiment, and you're jumping all over him. Doesn't make sense.
So, the pope is a commie. Who would have thought that the catholics would have elected one? It was probably orchestrated by some conspiracy between Cuba and North Korea. Don't get me wrong. I have a lot of bones to pick with the church, but I never thought that I would see the RW on my side of any issue regarding religion. Let's hope that the pope goes back to the Catholic party line of chastising women for wanting to be priests, gays for being immoral, and those that practice birth control for..., well, for whatever ridiculas reason that the church has, and condemning abortion, of course. Then the RW can go back to supporting the church, and everything will be back in the right place.
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"How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points?" - Pope Francis (Evangelii Guadium)

Pope Francis on Income Inequality. Can you believe this guy?

What's wrong with him?

If he can shame the rich and money obsessed into a little concern for the poor - good for him! That is what his religion is about. He walks the walk.

Catholic charities aid millions of the poor all over the world and the money comes from the parishioners tithes.

I hope the Pope realizes that if he wants the government to take more money from the rich, they will have less to donate to his and other charities. And, whereas a lot of the charitible work the Catholic Church does is done by unpaid voluteers, the govenment overhead to distribute a dollar in tax revenue ends up with very little left after all the government workers are paid.

Many wealthy Americans such as Bill Gates have foundations that give millions of dollars to the poor worldwide ever year. Someone needs to let the Pope know about the generosity of these wealthy donors. And, the only reason they have the wealth is because they didn't have to give it to the government to spend on more wasteful programs.
Jesus Harry -- wealth envy much?

I mean you're right about the accoutrements but you forget one thing -- Pope Francis, he didn't build that.

its not wealth envy.....if you say you follow the man called Jesus and what he was and stood for.....then maybe the church should start adhering to that....if Jesus himself would think the Vatican is way out of line with the mineral wealth inside the place.....why would the Church itself not think the same thing and have a simple building with just regular furnishings?....why all the gold and silver?.....why is the Catholic Church so wealthy?...if Jesus would be opposed to you and what you represent....then you must not be following him so good....i was raised Catholic.....and in catechism school the questions i and a few others brought up were met with weak explanations or no explanation....that told me all i needed to i got older i saw the exit sign and left, never looking back....

Well, three posts in a row obsessed with all that gold and silver... Where did the Vatican get all that wealth? From being that infamous First Estate for centuries -- the idea that our Founders threw off with the revolutionary concept of We the People. And from picking vulnerable citizens, torturing and burning them as 'heretics' and then assuming their possessions.

Sure the Church should start getting away from all that. LONG past due. So here comes a guy making noises that agree with that sentiment, and you're jumping all over him. Doesn't make sense.

Don't forget the indulgences. In the middle ages the Catholic church was the first multinational corporation. It was selling education and "get into heaven free passes" just as long as you left the church all of your worldly goods. This revenue was all sent to Avignon and hoarded by the pontiffs of that period.

Pope Francis on Income Inequality. Can you believe this guy?

What's wrong with him?

If he can shame the rich and money obsessed into a little concern for the poor - good for him! That is what his religion is about. He walks the walk.

Catholic charities aid millions of the poor all over the world and the money comes from the parishioners tithes.

I hope the Pope realizes that if he wants the government to take more money from the rich, they will have less to donate to his and other charities. And, whereas a lot of the charitible work the Catholic Church does is done by unpaid voluteers, the govenment overhead to distribute a dollar in tax revenue ends up with very little left after all the government workers are paid.

Many wealthy Americans such as Bill Gates have foundations that give millions of dollars to the poor worldwide ever year. Someone needs to let the Pope know about the generosity of these wealthy donors. And, the only reason they have the wealth is because they didn't have to give it to the government to spend on more wasteful programs.

Actually raising taxes encourages charitable giving because of the tax breaks.
Jesus Harry -- wealth envy much?

I mean you're right about the accoutrements but you forget one thing -- Pope Francis, he didn't build that.

its not wealth envy.....if you say you follow the man called Jesus and what he was and stood for.....then maybe the church should start adhering to that....if Jesus himself would think the Vatican is way out of line with the mineral wealth inside the place.....why would the Church itself not think the same thing and have a simple building with just regular furnishings?....why all the gold and silver?.....why is the Catholic Church so wealthy?...if Jesus would be opposed to you and what you represent....then you must not be following him so good....i was raised Catholic.....and in catechism school the questions i and a few others brought up were met with weak explanations or no explanation....that told me all i needed to i got older i saw the exit sign and left, never looking back....

Well, three posts in a row obsessed with all that gold and silver... Where did the Vatican get all that wealth? From being that infamous First Estate for centuries -- the idea that our Founders threw off with the revolutionary concept of We the People. And from picking vulnerable citizens, torturing and burning them as 'heretics' and then assuming their possessions.

Sure the Church should start getting away from all that. LONG past due. So here comes a guy making noises that agree with that sentiment, and you're jumping all over him. Doesn't make sense.

like i said Pogo....i was raised Catholic.....the Priest were not exactly the most truthful people out until this guy actually starts making that church change .....its just all talk and pomp for me....maybe not for you....but for me it is.....for the first 16 years of my life these guys danced around a hell of a lot of questions they were forgive me if i dont trust a dam thing they may say....when they start doing, my attitude may change....until then....
" i said Pogo....i was raised Catholic.....the Priest were not exactly the most truthful people out until this guy actually starts making that church change .....its just all talk and pomp for me....maybe not for you....but for me it is.....for the first 16 years of my life these guys danced around a hell of a lot of questions they were forgive me if i dont trust a dam thing they may say....when they start doing, my attitude may change....until then..."
If you're referring to matters of Faith and Dogma I've seen both evasive and truly inspired types, but, more to the OP...

Look at it this way... Francis is shaping-up to be a Back-to-Basics Fundamentalist (in the best and classical sense of the word) Reformer and seems (1) competent to lead on a broad basis and (2) conducts himself in leadership-by-example mode and (3) does not seem to be afraid to challenge long-standing dogma and traditions.

So, although it's entirely appropriate to be skeptical about either scope or content or durability, that kind of fundamental change-leadership is one helluva lot better than stagnation or regression or superficial or faux change, within an ancient and highly influential global belief system and its authoritative hierarchy - one that still sets the spiritual tone and direction for 1.2 billion people and which still influences untold millions of others in churches which are in various degrees 'in communion' with the Roman Catholic Church.

Personally, I'm glad to see such a hand at the wheel, and curious as to where this might lead. Some of the down-to-earth behaviors and calls to action and reform coming from Francis remind me in some ways of an old 1968 movie (which did not do well at the box office, I think) that I'd seen years ago starring Anthony Quinn, called "The Shoes of the Fisherman".
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More documented evidence of your reading comprehension disorder. I didn't make that allegation.

Cutting corners on safety procedures puts lives at risk. Apparently saving a few bucks was worth more to BP than the lives of those 11 men.
You took it upon yourlsef to answer one question I put to a poster. I figured you supported his whole contention.
Do you have evidence they cut corners on safety procedures that were vital? That this was company policy and not restricted to that one crew?

Perhaps if you bothered to educate yourself you would already know about the ongoing violations that BP have been responsible for in multiple locations over the last decade.

Years of Internal BP Probes Warned That Neglect Could Lead to Accidents - ProPublica

Quoting a leftist anti-corporate website is a sure sign you've lost.
Virtually every large company experiences small isolated temporary violations of safety that "could" lead to accidents. In the real world they seldom do. BP was an exception.

Flattering yourself now because no one else will if you don't?

Your ad hom response confirms you've lost the debate.

I suggest that you quit while you are only this far behind.


You don't even know the meaning of the term you just misused.

I find it amusing that you think you know English better than I do. I find it amusing you think you know anything. You might be the most consistently wrong poster since Chris.
its not wealth envy.....if you say you follow the man called Jesus and what he was and stood for.....then maybe the church should start adhering to that....if Jesus himself would think the Vatican is way out of line with the mineral wealth inside the place.....why would the Church itself not think the same thing and have a simple building with just regular furnishings?....why all the gold and silver?.....why is the Catholic Church so wealthy?...if Jesus would be opposed to you and what you represent....then you must not be following him so good....i was raised Catholic.....and in catechism school the questions i and a few others brought up were met with weak explanations or no explanation....that told me all i needed to i got older i saw the exit sign and left, never looking back....

Well, three posts in a row obsessed with all that gold and silver... Where did the Vatican get all that wealth? From being that infamous First Estate for centuries -- the idea that our Founders threw off with the revolutionary concept of We the People. And from picking vulnerable citizens, torturing and burning them as 'heretics' and then assuming their possessions.

Sure the Church should start getting away from all that. LONG past due. So here comes a guy making noises that agree with that sentiment, and you're jumping all over him. Doesn't make sense.

like i said Pogo....i was raised Catholic.....the Priest were not exactly the most truthful people out until this guy actually starts making that church change .....its just all talk and pomp for me....maybe not for you....but for me it is.....for the first 16 years of my life these guys danced around a hell of a lot of questions they were forgive me if i dont trust a dam thing they may say....when they start doing, my attitude may change....until then....

So was I Harry. And it's clear that if the church were to take the direction we both see as more true to its stated mission, then to do so it would need somebody at the helm with exactly the attitude Francis is exhibiting. So wtf, give him a chance.
Except that in an unregulated free market you can destroy your competitor by lying about their products irrespective of how good they may be. With enough capital you can put them out of business by selling your own product below cost so they go under. You can manufacture faulty products and package them as being made by your competitor. You can even steal your competitors ideas and there is nothing that they can do about it. And best of all none of the harm that you cause to the hapless consumers and your competitors can ever be held against you because this wonderful free market is completely unregulated.

And that doesnt happen today in the US, right?
Actually regulation has nothing to do with that. Those are tort offenses and there is a legal system designed to curb that. But the offended party is the company, not the government.
No one is suggesting dismantling the legal system.
So you are simply wrong.

So each individual consumer will have to pay through the nose in order to sue the unregulated corporations that harmed them? And what will that cost them? What purpose does the government serve if there are no regulations? Why can't We the People who have formed a government FOR the people set up regulations that prevent these illegal acts and protect consumers?

You obviously have never heard of a class action lawsuit.
What's wrong with him?

If he can shame the rich and money obsessed into a little concern for the poor - good for him! That is what his religion is about. He walks the walk.

Catholic charities aid millions of the poor all over the world and the money comes from the parishioners tithes.

I hope the Pope realizes that if he wants the government to take more money from the rich, they will have less to donate to his and other charities. And, whereas a lot of the charitible work the Catholic Church does is done by unpaid voluteers, the govenment overhead to distribute a dollar in tax revenue ends up with very little left after all the government workers are paid.

Many wealthy Americans such as Bill Gates have foundations that give millions of dollars to the poor worldwide ever year. Someone needs to let the Pope know about the generosity of these wealthy donors. And, the only reason they have the wealth is because they didn't have to give it to the government to spend on more wasteful programs.

Actually raising taxes encourages charitable giving because of the tax breaks.

Actually there is a limit to the amount you can donate to charity. Raising taxes only limits the amount of money you have left to donate.

The government takes taxes at the point of a gun while donations to the Church are voluntarily given. Many people give to charity for the tax breaks as well as they know that the money will go to those that need it and be distrubuted by unpaid volunteers rather than to a bureaucracy that eats up a good portion of the money before it gets distributed to the needy.
Well, three posts in a row obsessed with all that gold and silver... Where did the Vatican get all that wealth? From being that infamous First Estate for centuries -- the idea that our Founders threw off with the revolutionary concept of We the People. And from picking vulnerable citizens, torturing and burning them as 'heretics' and then assuming their possessions.

Sure the Church should start getting away from all that. LONG past due. So here comes a guy making noises that agree with that sentiment, and you're jumping all over him. Doesn't make sense.

like i said Pogo....i was raised Catholic.....the Priest were not exactly the most truthful people out until this guy actually starts making that church change .....its just all talk and pomp for me....maybe not for you....but for me it is.....for the first 16 years of my life these guys danced around a hell of a lot of questions they were forgive me if i dont trust a dam thing they may say....when they start doing, my attitude may change....until then....

So was I Harry. And it's clear that if the church were to take the direction we both see as more true to its stated mission, then to do so it would need somebody at the helm with exactly the attitude Francis is exhibiting. So wtf, give him a chance.

you actually think the Vatican will get rid of the wealth in that place for a more simple look?....if this guy pushes it i would not be surprised if he is either discredited or replaced.....the Church has Centuries of experience dealing with "radicals" or those they dont like.....
Catholic charities aid millions of the poor all over the world and the money comes from the parishioners tithes.

I hope the Pope realizes that if he wants the government to take more money from the rich, they will have less to donate to his and other charities. And, whereas a lot of the charitible work the Catholic Church does is done by unpaid voluteers, the govenment overhead to distribute a dollar in tax revenue ends up with very little left after all the government workers are paid.

Many wealthy Americans such as Bill Gates have foundations that give millions of dollars to the poor worldwide ever year. Someone needs to let the Pope know about the generosity of these wealthy donors. And, the only reason they have the wealth is because they didn't have to give it to the government to spend on more wasteful programs.

Actually raising taxes encourages charitable giving because of the tax breaks.

Actually there is a limit to the amount you can donate to charity. Raising taxes only limits the amount of money you have left to donate.

The government takes taxes at the point of a gun while donations to the Church are voluntarily given. Many people give to charity for the tax breaks as well as they know that the money will go to those that need it and be distrubuted by unpaid volunteers rather than to a bureaucracy that eats up a good portion of the money before it gets distributed to the needy.
Indeed...Government 'Charity' is taken by force.
Sorry bout that,

1. I myself do not like the direction this Pope is leading the flock.
2. For many reasons.
3. The flock is scattering.
4. Those with wealth are to first to scatter, being very conservative in *all* things conservative, like not agreeing about homo's being put up on some homo pedestal.

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Sorry bout that,

1. I myself do not like the direction this Pope is leading the flock.
2. For many reasons.
3. The flock is scattering.
4. Those with wealth are to first to scatter, being very conservative in *all* things conservative, like not agreeing about homo's being put up on some homo pedestal.


Richard Simmons is on a pedestal? Where, Venice Beach, CA.?
you better believe its cynical.....the Pope is also a fucking Hypocrite....Jesus would not have put up with all the bullshit wealth that is supposed to be in his "home" go ahead and say how naive that was.....

Published: 09/02/2013 at 11:21 PM:

Pope Francis? ?risky business? sparks internal fire

What is clear from the Spanish-language publication is an awareness that the simplicity and humility of Pope Francis has challenged the wealth, power and privilege of the Roman Curia, as well as the appointed officials running the Vatican Bank, the Vatican finances and the Vatican investments.

Pope Francis’ determination to take the Catholic Church back to what he perceives as Christ’s mission to help the poor, the infirm and those less fortunate in life is clearly not popular with those in the Vatican who expected him to move into the papal apartments, put on the pope’s crimson robes and accept a life of luxury and privilege afforded to the modern popes who have preceded him as head of the Catholic Church.

Vatican observers note popes intent on reform can be engaging in a risky enterprise.

Read more at Pope Francis? ?risky business? sparks internal fire


when the church starts acting like a church that Jesus himself would enter....then get back to me....if this guy is the real head of this Church it should start becoming that...right?.....until then this guy is just a figure head.....

Well, he's been there like what, five minutes now, and the established order hates him - so sorry he cant fix it all with a wave of his wand :eusa_eh:

Meanwhile, I said the new Pope was awesome - not the Vatican.

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