The Lefts Pope (Pipe) Dream

He quoted the 10 Commandments wrong.

"Thou shalt not murder."


"Thou shalt not kill."

There's a huge difference.
No, actually you dont. Another fallacy of the left. child labor is a myth just made up?

You are not rational.

OK so now "child labor" equals "children dying in factories and coal mines". I love how you morph one thing into another like they are completely equivalent.
What parent wants his child to work in dangerous conditions?

Children did die in factories and coal mines and what stopped it wasn't concerned parents in a "free market", but regulation.
its not wealth envy.....if you say you follow the man called Jesus and what he was and stood for.....then maybe the church should start adhering to that....if Jesus himself would think the Vatican is way out of line with the mineral wealth inside the place.....why would the Church itself not think the same thing and have a simple building with just regular furnishings?....why all the gold and silver?.....why is the Catholic Church so wealthy?...if Jesus would be opposed to you and what you represent....then you must not be following him so good....i was raised Catholic.....and in catechism school the questions i and a few others brought up were met with weak explanations or no explanation....that told me all i needed to i got older i saw the exit sign and left, never looking back....

Well, three posts in a row obsessed with all that gold and silver... Where did the Vatican get all that wealth? From being that infamous First Estate for centuries -- the idea that our Founders threw off with the revolutionary concept of We the People. And from picking vulnerable citizens, torturing and burning them as 'heretics' and then assuming their possessions.

Sure the Church should start getting away from all that. LONG past due. So here comes a guy making noises that agree with that sentiment, and you're jumping all over him. Doesn't make sense.

Don't forget the indulgences. In the middle ages the Catholic church was the first multinational corporation. It was selling education and "get into heaven free passes" just as long as you left the church all of your worldly goods. This revenue was all sent to Avignon and hoarded by the pontiffs of that period.

The accumulation of wealth by the Catholic Church is one of the main reason priests aren't allowed to marry. Married priests pass their wealth on to their families...
Catholic charities aid millions of the poor all over the world and the money comes from the parishioners tithes.

I hope the Pope realizes that if he wants the government to take more money from the rich, they will have less to donate to his and other charities. And, whereas a lot of the charitible work the Catholic Church does is done by unpaid voluteers, the govenment overhead to distribute a dollar in tax revenue ends up with very little left after all the government workers are paid.

Many wealthy Americans such as Bill Gates have foundations that give millions of dollars to the poor worldwide ever year. Someone needs to let the Pope know about the generosity of these wealthy donors. And, the only reason they have the wealth is because they didn't have to give it to the government to spend on more wasteful programs.

Actually raising taxes encourages charitable giving because of the tax breaks.

Actually there is a limit to the amount you can donate to charity. Raising taxes only limits the amount of money you have left to donate.

The government takes taxes at the point of a gun while donations to the Church are voluntarily given. Many people give to charity for the tax breaks as well as they know that the money will go to those that need it and be distrubuted by unpaid volunteers rather than to a bureaucracy that eats up a good portion of the money before it gets distributed to the needy.

:eek: Anyone who believes that has zero credibility in my opinion.
You took it upon yourlsef to answer one question I put to a poster. I figured you supported his whole contention.
Do you have evidence they cut corners on safety procedures that were vital? That this was company policy and not restricted to that one crew?

Perhaps if you bothered to educate yourself you would already know about the ongoing violations that BP have been responsible for in multiple locations over the last decade.

Years of Internal BP Probes Warned That Neglect Could Lead to Accidents - ProPublica

Quoting a leftist anti-corporate website is a sure sign you've lost.
Virtually every large company experiences small isolated temporary violations of safety that "could" lead to accidents. In the real world they seldom do. BP was an exception.

Wapo is "leftist" and "anti-corporate"? That you can't refute the documented facts of a consistent flouting of safety regulations and instead make excuses for a corporation that just killed 11 innocent people says volumes about what kind of a person you really are.
Perhaps if you bothered to educate yourself you would already know about the ongoing violations that BP have been responsible for in multiple locations over the last decade.

Years of Internal BP Probes Warned That Neglect Could Lead to Accidents - ProPublica

Quoting a leftist anti-corporate website is a sure sign you've lost.
Virtually every large company experiences small isolated temporary violations of safety that "could" lead to accidents. In the real world they seldom do. BP was an exception.

Wapo is "leftist" and "anti-corporate"? That you can't refute the documented facts of a consistent flouting of safety regulations and instead make excuses for a corporation that just killed 11 innocent people says volumes about what kind of a person you really are.

Reductio ad hyperbole. A sure sign you are out of ammo. Quit now.
Quoting a leftist anti-corporate website is a sure sign you've lost.
Virtually every large company experiences small isolated temporary violations of safety that "could" lead to accidents. In the real world they seldom do. BP was an exception.

Wapo is "leftist" and "anti-corporate"? That you can't refute the documented facts of a consistent flouting of safety regulations and instead make excuses for a corporation that just killed 11 innocent people says volumes about what kind of a person you really are.

Reductio ad hyperbole. A sure sign you are out of ammo. Quit now.


It was only a short while ago that you were neg repping me every time you were proved wrong by the facts. Now you just deny the facts and make baseless accusations instead. You are as transparent as glass. :lol:

"How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points?" - Pope Francis (Evangelii Guadium)

Pope Francis on Income Inequality. Can you believe this guy?

The Left's adoration of Pope Francis is typical cherry picking and holding Christians accountable to Christian morals. As Christians, we are commanded to redistribute our wealth to help the poor.... But not to proxies such as government bureaucrats, government funded organizations or Unions. When does the Left adorn Pope Francis on a woman's right to choose and taxpayer-funded contraception? Imagine the direct redistribution of wealth that could take place if we weren't funding the contraception bills for 30 year old horny law students at elite law schools?
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"How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points?" - Pope Francis (Evangelii Guadium)

Pope Francis on Income Inequality. Can you believe this guy?

The Left's adoration of Pope Francis is typical cherry picking and holding Christians accountable to Christian morals. As Christians, we are commanded to redistribute our wealth to help the poor.... But not to proxies such as government bureaucrats, government funded organizations or Unions. When does the Left adorn Pope Francis on a woman's right to choose and taxpayer-funded contraception? Imagine the direct redistribution of wealth that could take place if we weren't funding the contraception bills for 30 year old horny law students at elite law schools?

What does the term "We the People" mean to you?

Pope Francis on Income Inequality. Can you believe this guy?

The Left's adoration of Pope Francis is typical cherry picking and holding Christians accountable to Christian morals. As Christians, we are commanded to redistribute our wealth to help the poor.... But not to proxies such as government bureaucrats, government funded organizations or Unions. When does the Left adorn Pope Francis on a woman's right to choose and taxpayer-funded contraception? Imagine the direct redistribution of wealth that could take place if we weren't funding the contraception bills for 30 year old horny law students at elite law schools?

What does the term "We the People" mean to you?

Pope Francis conveys a very consistent message on We The People's moral obligation to redistribute their wealth but says nothing about mandates to give to government to do it for us. This is very consistent with what Jesus tells us. Jesus also tells us to limit what we give to government.
The Left's adoration of Pope Francis is typical cherry picking and holding Christians accountable to Christian morals. As Christians, we are commanded to redistribute our wealth to help the poor.... But not to proxies such as government bureaucrats, government funded organizations or Unions. When does the Left adorn Pope Francis on a woman's right to choose and taxpayer-funded contraception? Imagine the direct redistribution of wealth that could take place if we weren't funding the contraception bills for 30 year old horny law students at elite law schools?

What does the term "We the People" mean to you?

Pope Francis conveys a very consistent message on We The People's moral obligation to redistribute their wealth but says nothing about mandates to give to government to do it for us. This is very consistent with what Jesus tells us. Jesus also tells us to limit what we give to government.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

government of the people, by the people, for the people

That you fail to comprehend that We the People are the government renders your position null and void.
Wapo is "leftist" and "anti-corporate"? That you can't refute the documented facts of a consistent flouting of safety regulations and instead make excuses for a corporation that just killed 11 innocent people says volumes about what kind of a person you really are.

Reductio ad hyperbole. A sure sign you are out of ammo. Quit now.


It was only a short while ago that you were neg repping me every time you were proved wrong by the facts. Now you just deny the facts and make baseless accusations instead. You are as transparent as glass. :lol:
You havent presented any facts. That is your first error. Opinions are not facts, no matter how often you present them and no matter how much you believe them.
What does the term "We the People" mean to you?

Pope Francis conveys a very consistent message on We The People's moral obligation to redistribute their wealth but says nothing about mandates to give to government to do it for us. This is very consistent with what Jesus tells us. Jesus also tells us to limit what we give to government.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

government of the people, by the people, for the people

That you fail to comprehend that We the People are the government renders your position null and void.

Pope Francis is a signer of the U.S. Constitution? Wow, I had no idea.
Reductio ad hyperbole. A sure sign you are out of ammo. Quit now.


It was only a short while ago that you were neg repping me every time you were proved wrong by the facts. Now you just deny the facts and make baseless accusations instead. You are as transparent as glass. :lol:
You havent presented any facts. That is your first error. Opinions are not facts, no matter how often you present them and no matter how much you believe them.


So ironic coming from one of the most factually bereft opinionated posters in this forum!

Pope Francis conveys a very consistent message on We The People's moral obligation to redistribute their wealth but says nothing about mandates to give to government to do it for us. This is very consistent with what Jesus tells us. Jesus also tells us to limit what we give to government.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

government of the people, by the people, for the people

That you fail to comprehend that We the People are the government renders your position null and void.

Pope Francis is a signer of the U.S. Constitution? Wow, I had no idea.

Yet another blatant canard from one of the most factually deficient posters of all!
What does the term "We the People" mean to you?

Pope Francis conveys a very consistent message on We The People's moral obligation to redistribute their wealth but says nothing about mandates to give to government to do it for us. This is very consistent with what Jesus tells us. Jesus also tells us to limit what we give to government.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

government of the people, by the people, for the people

That you fail to comprehend that We the People are the government renders your position null and void.

Is We The People The Majority, A Select Few, or an Individual?
That you fail to comprehend that We the People are the government renders your position null and void.

Pope Francis is a signer of the U.S. Constitution? Wow, I had no idea.

Yet another blatant canard from one of the most factually deficient posters of all!
Sez the dunce in chief of this site.

Ever occur to you that not everyone believes the Constitution's definition of everything? Like maybe someone who was never a US citizen and has had virtually nothing to do with the US. Like the Pope?
Nah, too simple.

Oh yeah, your misuse of the word "canard" indicates an inferior education. Like that's a shocker.
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Pope Francis conveys a very consistent message on We The People's moral obligation to redistribute their wealth but says nothing about mandates to give to government to do it for us. This is very consistent with what Jesus tells us. Jesus also tells us to limit what we give to government.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

government of the people, by the people, for the people

That you fail to comprehend that We the People are the government renders your position null and void.

Is We The People The Majority, A Select Few, or an Individual?

The Democratic Party fo the U.S., as represented by Debbie Wasserman-Shmutz and Barack Obama, President for Life.
Hey....look around you. Disaster after disaster and what do you hear about? People helping people. Stories of generosity; heroism; philanthropy;....

We do share the wealth.

Here in the US, we give more to international disasters PRIVATELY than all countries combined.

We don't need the government to force us to be generous.

We are by nature.

Curious.....when was the last time some poor person who spent their food stamps on food turned to some rich guy and thanked him?

But who do they thank?

Obama. The democrats.

Think about it.

Private donations didn't help the 44,000 people that died each year from lack of health insurance in this country. That's over half a million in this century alone which should bother the "right to life" party.
Also, when has Archer Daniel Midlands publicly thanked the US taxpayers for their agriculture subsidies or why don't conservatives ever mention that when they're in their "free stuff" mode?
Capitalism and market economics have elevated man's economic status more in 300 years than the Catholic Church has in 2000.

Market economics and slavery went hand in hand for centuries also. Now market economics is into low wage slavery. Maximum profit philosopy can't tolerate a middle class.
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