The left's rejection of science

I am principled to a fault.
There is no such thing, PTBW. We need a lot more people like you in the world.
no we don't lol
I rest my case folks. The left is open about the fact that they don't want more people who are principled. And why would they? The left is all about corruption, theft, laziness, etc.
You just took the turn down Idiot Ave. You well know the left out section of this thread was when PTBW said he would disown his children if they lived a lifestyle that went against his principles. I told him that was disgraceful. He said he is principled to a fault. You kissed his ass and praised him by saying we need more people like him. And Aries responded that we don't. Now you try and use that as proof of something?? You're a dumbass.
NC, the legislature and governor, started it, the people and the "free market" finished it.

North Carolina legislature repeals transgender 'bathroom law' - Portland Press Herald
So then you agree that we don't need government sticking a gun to the head of a baker and forcing them to bake a cake for fascist homosexuals? Good! I told you this is exactly how it would play out. Since I'm batting 1.000 on reality, you should probably set your bat-shit crazy ideology aside and just go with what I say when discussing these issues with me.

Freedom works flawlessly every time. Fascism ends terribly every time. It's time we end the Gaystapo.
You just took the turn down Idiot Ave. You well know the left out section of this thread was when PTBW said he would disown his children if they lived a lifestyle that went against his principles. I told him that was disgraceful. He said he is principled to a fault. You kissed his ass and praised him by saying we need more people like him. And Aries responded that we don't. Now you try and use that as proof of something?? You're a dumbass.
NC, the legislature and governor, started it, the people and the "free market" finished it.

North Carolina legislature repeals transgender 'bathroom law' - Portland Press Herald
So then you agree that we don't need government sticking a gun to the head of a baker and forcing them to bake a cake for fascist homosexuals? Good! I told you this is exactly how it would play out. Since I'm batting 1.000 on reality, you should probably set your bat-shit crazy ideology aside and just go with what I say when discussing these issues with me.

Freedom works flawlessly every time. Fascism ends terribly every time. It's time we end the Gaystapo.
You know that Fascism is Right wing don't you?

Im curious, should the baker be aloud to reject a black couple from their services if they want to? women? Jews? Where does the line get drawn in your opinion?
NC, the legislature and governor, started it, the people and the "free market" finished it.

North Carolina legislature repeals transgender 'bathroom law' - Portland Press Herald
You have to love the Gaystapo's false narrative.
But the American Civil Liberties Union and gay and transgender activists complained that the new bill still denies them certain protections from discrimination, and they demanded nothing less than full repeal.
Ok...??? What are they? How is one not "protected from discrimination" by requiring they use the proper restroom? The fact that they make general claims which they are unable to articulate says it all.

Shame on North Carolina for caving to the almighty dollar. Like I just said in a previous post - we desperately need a lot more principled people in America. It's a shame that North Carolina will allow women and children to become victims because they want money.
You just took the turn down Idiot Ave. You well know the left out section of this thread was when PTBW said he would disown his children if they lived a lifestyle that went against his principles. I told him that was disgraceful. He said he is principled to a fault. You kissed his ass and praised him by saying we need more people like him. And Aries responded that we don't. Now you try and use that as proof of something?? You're a dumbass.
View attachment 124364
I guess when you got nothing to say, resort to pictures. Its what they do on Idiot Ave.
You know that Fascism is Right wing don't you?
You know that's a left-wing lie that you've been duped into believing. Fascism is totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is exclusively left-wing, nitwit. The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all - or anarchy. The further left you go, government gets larger and more powerful until they have complete and total control - or totalitarianism (fascism, communism, etc.).

Political Spectrum.gif

Im curious, should the baker be aloud to reject a black couple from their services if they want to? women? Jews? Where does the line get drawn in your opinion?
A baker is a private citizen on private property. They have a constitutional right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. Claiming that they should be forced to enter into business transactions is the epitome of fascism your ignorant, uneducated ass is attempting to deny right now (the irony).
NC, the legislature and governor, started it, the people and the "free market" finished it.

North Carolina legislature repeals transgender 'bathroom law' - Portland Press Herald
So then you agree that we don't need government sticking a gun to the head of a baker and forcing them to bake a cake for fascist homosexuals? Good! I told you this is exactly how it would play out. Since I'm batting 1.000 on reality, you should probably set your bat-shit crazy ideology aside and just go with what I say when discussing these issues with me.

Freedom works flawlessly every time. Fascism ends terribly every time. It's time we end the Gaystapo.
You know that Fascism is Right wing don't you?

Im curious, should the baker be aloud to reject a black couple from their services if they want to? women? Jews? Where does the line get drawn in your opinion?

It would depend on why. Certainly "I don't serve women" is unacceptable. But if a woman wants something the baker finds truly offensive, why should he be forced to do it? If I wanted an anti-gay cake, people would cheer the baker that refused to bake it. You can't refuse service based on ethnicity, sex, etc. But I'd say the product requested I fair game.
You just took the turn down Idiot Ave. You well know the left out section of this thread was when PTBW said he would disown his children if they lived a lifestyle that went against his principles. I told him that was disgraceful. He said he is principled to a fault. You kissed his ass and praised him by saying we need more people like him. And Aries responded that we don't. Now you try and use that as proof of something?? You're a dumbass.
View attachment 124364
I guess when you got nothing to say, resort to pictures. Its what they do on Idiot Ave.
Truth hurts....uh buttercup?
You can't refuse service based on ethnicity, sex, etc.
Actually, constitutionally, you can. It's just that we've allowed the left to wipe their ass with the U.S. Constitution. Private business is not an extension of the government - but the left wants to treat it that way. That's because they want everything to owe them and if they can convince the population that private industry owes them - then they get what they want.
You know that Fascism is Right wing don't you?
You know that's a left-wing lie that you've been duped into believing. Fascism is totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is exclusively left-wing, nitwit. The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all - or anarchy. The further left you go, government gets larger and more powerful until they have complete and total control - or totalitarianism (fascism, communism, etc.).

View attachment 124366
Im curious, should the baker be aloud to reject a black couple from their services if they want to? women? Jews? Where does the line get drawn in your opinion?
A baker is a private citizen on private property. They have a constitutional right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. Claiming that they should be forced to enter into business transactions is the epitome of fascism your ignorant, uneducated ass is attempting to deny right now (the irony).

The baker owns a bakery that is open to the public right? Access to public roads, public utilities, internet, phones, police, fire protection? I think they certainly have the right not to serve the public and bake for exclusive clients. Probably make more money serving the public......
You know that Fascism is Right wing don't you?
You know that's a left-wing lie that you've been duped into believing. Fascism is totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is exclusively left-wing, nitwit. The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all - or anarchy. The further left you go, government gets larger and more powerful until they have complete and total control - or totalitarianism (fascism, communism, etc.).

View attachment 124366
Im curious, should the baker be aloud to reject a black couple from their services if they want to? women? Jews? Where does the line get drawn in your opinion?
A baker is a private citizen on private property. They have a constitutional right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. Claiming that they should be forced to enter into business transactions is the epitome of fascism your ignorant, uneducated ass is attempting to deny right now (the irony).
Nice picture. Try a dictionary, it gets right to the point:

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
    synonyms: authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy; More
    • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
You know that Fascism is Right wing don't you?
You know that's a left-wing lie that you've been duped into believing. Fascism is totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is exclusively left-wing, nitwit. The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all - or anarchy. The further left you go, government gets larger and more powerful until they have complete and total control - or totalitarianism (fascism, communism, etc.).

View attachment 124366
Im curious, should the baker be aloud to reject a black couple from their services if they want to? women? Jews? Where does the line get drawn in your opinion?
A baker is a private citizen on private property. They have a constitutional right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. Claiming that they should be forced to enter into business transactions is the epitome of fascism your ignorant, uneducated ass is attempting to deny right now (the irony).
You want to go back to pre 60's and erase civil rights I see. That would be a fascist movement per your definition. Back of the bus for ya P@triot. You aren't getting out of this hole.
NC, the legislature and governor, started it, the people and the "free market" finished it.

North Carolina legislature repeals transgender 'bathroom law' - Portland Press Herald
So then you agree that we don't need government sticking a gun to the head of a baker and forcing them to bake a cake for fascist homosexuals? Good! I told you this is exactly how it would play out. Since I'm batting 1.000 on reality, you should probably set your bat-shit crazy ideology aside and just go with what I say when discussing these issues with me.

Freedom works flawlessly every time. Fascism ends terribly every time. It's time we end the Gaystapo.
You know that Fascism is Right wing don't you?

Im curious, should the baker be aloud to reject a black couple from their services if they want to? women? Jews? Where does the line get drawn in your opinion?

It would depend on why. Certainly "I don't serve women" is unacceptable. But if a woman wants something the baker finds truly offensive, why should he be forced to do it? If I wanted an anti-gay cake, people would cheer the baker that refused to bake it. You can't refuse service based on ethnicity, sex, etc. But I'd say the product requested I fair game.
Fair answer
NC, the legislature and governor, started it, the people and the "free market" finished it.

North Carolina legislature repeals transgender 'bathroom law' - Portland Press Herald
So then you agree that we don't need government sticking a gun to the head of a baker and forcing them to bake a cake for fascist homosexuals? Good! I told you this is exactly how it would play out. Since I'm batting 1.000 on reality, you should probably set your bat-shit crazy ideology aside and just go with what I say when discussing these issues with me.

Freedom works flawlessly every time. Fascism ends terribly every time. It's time we end the Gaystapo.
You know that Fascism is Right wing don't you?

Im curious, should the baker be aloud to reject a black couple from their services if they want to? women? Jews? Where does the line get drawn in your opinion?

You know that Fascism is Right wing don't you?

Yeah, government control of every facet of your life and the economy sounds just like Paul Ryan pushing grandma off that cliff. DERP!
NC, the legislature and governor, started it, the people and the "free market" finished it.

North Carolina legislature repeals transgender 'bathroom law' - Portland Press Herald
So then you agree that we don't need government sticking a gun to the head of a baker and forcing them to bake a cake for fascist homosexuals? Good! I told you this is exactly how it would play out. Since I'm batting 1.000 on reality, you should probably set your bat-shit crazy ideology aside and just go with what I say when discussing these issues with me.

Freedom works flawlessly every time. Fascism ends terribly every time. It's time we end the Gaystapo.
You know that Fascism is Right wing don't you?

Im curious, should the baker be aloud to reject a black couple from their services if they want to? women? Jews? Where does the line get drawn in your opinion?

You know that Fascism is Right wing don't you?

Yeah, government control of every facet of your life and the economy sounds just like Paul Ryan pushing grandma off that cliff. DERP!
According to The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics, in liberal democracies, the political Right opposes socialism and social democracy. Right-wing parties include conservatives, Christian democrats, classical liberals, nationalists and, on the farRight, racists and fascists.
Right-wing politics - Wikipedia
The baker owns a bakery that is open to the public right?
Depends on the baker (and possibly even the day). It's exclusively up to them per the U.S. Constitution.
Access to public roads, public utilities, internet, phones, police, fire protection?
All of which the baker paid for in taxes.
I think they certainly have the right not to serve the public and bake for exclusive clients.
Probably make more money serving the public......
Amen, again!
Democrats want me in prison for asking

WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

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