The left's rejection of science chief. They didn't. That is not how it happened. Barack Obama created an illegal/unconstitutional federal mandate and North Carolina's response was to create a legal, constitutional state law.
No "patriot" (that never served), you're wrong as usual.
As always - I'm 100% correct. Neither Republicans nor the state of North Carolina started the "bathroom wars". Something that stupid could only come from Dumbocrats.

Let me know when you're mature enough to admit you were wrong.
You didn't claim it was Democrats, football star, you said that NC passed its law in response to something Barack Obama did. That was 100% wrong.
The recommended treatment is never going to be what "patriot" the football star wants it to be.
Ignoring, celebrating, cheering, and indulging are not "treatments" my dear. Sessions with mental health professionals, medications, exercise, etc. are forms of therapy. We could have a comprehensive treatment for this mental illness if it weren't for the fact that the filthy left-wing professionals are too turned on by the deviance of it to want to help treat it.

Now football "star", we all know you aren't anything close to being considered a medical professional and since infowars is unlikely to provide you any credible information, it is more than safe, even prudent, to dismiss your opinion as uneducated and uninformed. I'll stick to the opinions of people trained and who have been studying these things for decades.
I must of missed your answer, can you repeat it please?
Matthew doesn't have answers - he has tears and complaints.
You...fight to defund the research but have the nerve to point fingers at the left?
Well first of all - I fight for constitutional government. You can fund your own research (as colleges do).

Second - why would I fund it when you bat-shit crazy lefties deny the findings anyway?!?
how does the left deny science!? Oh yea, it must have been hillary that said climate change is a chinese hoax. Evil bitch.
The right rejects science and wants do destroy all institutions of science.
-They reject the need to invest in science
Show me any conservative that has ever objected to you funding your own science. You can't do it, snowflake. You resort to absurd straw man arguments when you're embarrassed about stories exposing your side for the irrational and uneducated fascists that you are.
trump objects to the funding of science... good thing congress ignored him.

Congress Gives Trump's Science Budget Cuts the Cold Shoulder
I'll stick to the opinions of people trained and who have been studying these things for decades.
Only if those opinions are left-wing and promote the celebration and exploitation of people suffering a severe mental illness.

No, not "left wing"...reputable. (and overwhelming majority).

Running away from your previous lie about NC I see. chief. They didn't. That is not how it happened. Barack Obama created an illegal/unconstitutional federal mandate and North Carolina's response was to create a legal, constitutional state law.
No "patriot" (that never served), you're wrong as usual.
As always - I'm 100% correct. Neither Republicans nor the state of North Carolina started the "bathroom wars". Something that stupid could only come from Dumbocrats.

Let me know when you're mature enough to admit you were wrong.
You didn't claim it was Democrats, football star, you said that NC passed its law in response to something Barack Obama did. That was 100% wrong.
Slade claimed that North Carolina started the "bathroom wars". They did not.
Running away from your previous lie about NC I see.
The only lie was you and Slade proclaiming that North Carolina brought government into the bathrooms. They did not. Something that stupid could only come from the left.

Let me know when you want to apologize.
Biology deniers? Lol,,,

You attack all of life science and evolution and you have the nerve? lol, lol, lol

Is Bruce Jenner a woman, or isn't he?
He's a dude that identifies more with being a woman than a man so he transitioned. You can be a dick and call him mentally deranged and try and make him feel like more of an outcast than he already does or you can be compassionate to the struggle that he and people like him go through... choice is yours

They can't until it touches them personally.

If one of my kids starts trying pull a "Caitlyn" or a "Chaz"( LOL), I will gladly disown them.

That say a lot about the type of person you are. Sorry little man

I am principled to a fault.

You can't destroy my family through blatant propaganda and social conditioning and expect me to embrace that.
how does the left deny science!? Oh yea, it must have been hillary that said climate change is a chinese hoax. Evil bitch.
You just didn't. Science has unequivocally proven that "Global Warming" is a hoax. You deny the science and buy into the propaganda.
how does the left deny science!? Oh yea, it must have been hillary that said climate change is a chinese hoax. Evil bitch.
You just didn't. Science has unequivocally proven that "Global Warming" is a hoax. You deny the science and buy into the propaganda.
how does a 97% consensus of the scientific community saying human actions cause climate change mean they have "unequivocally prove that global warming is a hoax." Is today opposite day? No one told me!
how does the left deny science!? Oh yea, it must have been hillary that said climate change is a chinese hoax. Evil bitch.
You just didn't. Science has unequivocally proven that "Global Warming" is a hoax. You deny the science and buy into the propaganda.
how does a 97% consensus of the scientific community saying human actions cause climate change mean they have "unequivocally prove that global warming is a hoax." Is today opposite day? No one told me!
Well - for starters - the "97% of scientists" is false. But that aside - scientists are people. People are not science. Data is science. And the data unequivocally proves that "Global Warming" is a scam. Here is some data:
A study in the journal Nature Climate Change reviewed 117 climate predictions and found that 97.4% never materialized.
Top 10 Climate Change Predictions Gone Spectacularly Wrong; This Is EPIC!
Running away from your previous lie about NC I see.
The only lie was you and Slade proclaiming that North Carolina brought government into the bathrooms. They did not. Something that stupid could only come from the left.

Let me know when you want to apologize.

Deflect, deflect, pee wee star. You said NC passed their law in response to something Obama did. That was false.

Poor deranged skeeter.

Obama Derangement Syndrome PSA
how does the left deny science!? Oh yea, it must have been hillary that said climate change is a chinese hoax. Evil bitch.
You just didn't. Science has unequivocally proven that "Global Warming" is a hoax. You deny the science and buy into the propaganda.
how does a 97% consensus of the scientific community saying human actions cause climate change mean they have "unequivocally prove that global warming is a hoax." Is today opposite day? No one told me!
More data for you Aries... So much for the "trapped greenhouse gases" heating up the Earth, uh?

Monster snowstorm in Colorado forces postponement of climate change & global warming rally
Running away from your previous lie about NC I see.
The only lie was you and Slade proclaiming that North Carolina brought government into the bathrooms. They did not. Something that stupid could only come from the left.

Let me know when you want to apologize.
Deflect, deflect, pee wee star.
Well...the solution to that problem is for you to stop deflecting, sweetie. The only lie was you and Slade proclaiming that North Carolina brought government into the bathrooms. They did not. Something that stupid could only come from the left.

Let me know when you want to apologize. chief. They didn't. That is not how it happened. Barack Obama created an illegal/unconstitutional federal mandate and North Carolina's response was to create a legal, constitutional state law.
No "patriot" (that never served), you're wrong as usual.
As always - I'm 100% correct. Neither Republicans nor the state of North Carolina started the "bathroom wars". Something that stupid could only come from Dumbocrats.

Let me know when you're mature enough to admit you were wrong.
You didn't claim it was Democrats, football star, you said that NC passed its law in response to something Barack Obama did. That was 100% wrong.
Slade claimed that North Carolina started the "bathroom wars". They did not.

I was responding to your blatant lie not his understanding of the timeline. The state started it when a city passed a local ordinance. "Big government" butting in on local government.

NC, the legislature and governor, started it, the people and the "free market" finished it.

North Carolina legislature repeals transgender 'bathroom law' - Portland Press Herald
how does the left deny science!? Oh yea, it must have been hillary that said climate change is a chinese hoax. Evil bitch.
You just didn't. Science has unequivocally proven that "Global Warming" is a hoax. You deny the science and buy into the propaganda.
how does a 97% consensus of the scientific community saying human actions cause climate change mean they have "unequivocally prove that global warming is a hoax." Is today opposite day? No one told me!
Well - for starters - the "97% of scientists" is false. But that aside - scientists are people. People are not science. Data is science. And the data unequivocally proves that "Global Warming" is a scam. Here is some data:
A study in the journal Nature Climate Change reviewed 117 climate predictions and found that 97.4% never materialized.
Top 10 Climate Change Predictions Gone Spectacularly Wrong; This Is EPIC!
For starters, what a couple of awful sources. Secondly, you're citing these articles to prove that climate change is a hoax. The article says, "On average, the predictions forecasted two times more global warming than actually occurred." So it says right there, climate change is certainly occurring, their predictions just aren't totally accurate. Proving your hoax theory totally inaccurate. Looks like they need more research funding and less science denying from the right.

I don't always post links, but when I do, I make sure they don't directly contradict my argument.
Biology deniers? Lol,,,

You attack all of life science and evolution and you have the nerve? lol, lol, lol

Is Bruce Jenner a woman, or isn't he?
He's a dude that identifies more with being a woman than a man so he transitioned. You can be a dick and call him mentally deranged and try and make him feel like more of an outcast than he already does or you can be compassionate to the struggle that he and people like him go through... choice is yours

If he wants to use the women's restroom, then he can go fuck himself. I wouldn't care about these freaks if they didn't try to force us to treat their perversion as normal.
They just want you to leave them the fuck alone. Mind your own business.

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