The left's rejection of science

How many scientists do you suppose agree with the Republican consensus that God created Man in his present form less than 10,000 years ago?

In U.S., 46% Hold Creationist View of Human Origins
That isn't the Republican consensus, douche bag.

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Read the link.

In the meantime are you implying that the conservatives who are in fact Creationists are fucking idiots?
Anyone who isn't a creationist is a fucking idiot.

So you honestly believe that humans magically appeared on earth one day a few thousand years ago.

With that you have achieved the're more retarded than I thought you were.
No, that is closer to what you believe.

You believe that matter can be created out of literally nothing because you are a dumbass.

I believe that matter was created by a higher being because that is literally the only way life could actually start.
Sorry, I have to disagree, I've heard all the creationist arguments, and they are all flawed.
You attack the green house effect
The "Green House Effect"? You mean where carbon is trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up? And then, after colder than normal temperatures, you people had to rebrand it from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" because the science had proven you wrong.

Yeah - that is a prime example of you left-wingers denying science. The thermometer doesn't lie snowflake. It's another form of science that you reject.

Predictions are really just that. Science changes and names change. Kids used to be called retards then they found out about Asbergers, A.D.D., Autism, etc.

Just because they changed the name from "retards" to "autism" doesn't mean that those people's mental abilities are fake science.

There Is still a condition called mental retardation, and I don't think they ever called kids with ADD or Asbergers "retards."
Is Bruce Jenner a woman, or isn't he?
He's a DUDE that identifies more with being a woman than a man so HE transitioned. You can be a dick and call HIM mentally deranged and try and make HIM feel like more of an outcast than HE already does or you can be compassionate to the struggle that HE and people like Him go through... choice is yours
This is pricelessly stupid stuff right here.
Wow, your ability to form an intelligent argument is impressive. Plus you're starting your sentences with capital letters and ending them with periods. I'm very proud of you!
You literally called "Caitlyn" Jenner by a male pronoun several times and then tried to say the "dude" isn't mentally deranged.

"He" very much is, and no one is a "dick" for pointing that out.
Thats a matter of opinion. I definitely think you are a Dick for characterizing trans people that way, and many others would agree with me. Fact is their lifestyle choices don't have anything to do with you. Im not sure why you insist to get involved and call them names, especially given the facts that they struggle so much with being ostracized, bullied and many resort to suicide. It's pretty heartless

Unfortunately, that's not the case, These perverts want to use the women's restroom and shower in the women's locker room along side my wife and daughter, They also want to be allowed to compete in sports against women even though they have a dick. They can go take their "lifestyle" and stick it where the sun don't shine.
Is Bruce Jenner a woman, or isn't he?
He's a dude that identifies more with being a woman than a man so he transitioned. You can be a dick and call him mentally deranged and try and make him feel like more of an outcast than he already does or you can be compassionate to the struggle that he and people like him go through... choice is yours

Playing along with the delusions of one who is mad is not “compassion”; it is madness.

Would you be OK with Bruce Jenner being in a women's locker room where your daughter was undressing and showering?
That's a good question. Would you be comfortable with Zeke from survivor, a born female, in the locker room with your daughter?


He/she is still a freak. No, I wouldn't be comfortable with it showering with my daughter.
How much of a tool does one have to be to declare that a study proving "Global Warming" to be a fraud is "false" because the 97.4% of failed predictions weren't really predictions, but rather, "statements"?

Fascinating. You literally think that if you just repeat a statement often enough, it becomes true. You won't show anyone this mystery study that you keep citing, but you read something on a cult blog that you agree with, so you instantly turned off your brain and BELIEVED.

Snowflake, just like you don't get to redefine life, you don't get to redefine predictions.

Then, you sweet little butthurt fraud, maybe you should stop devoting your life to doing exactly that.

You won't, of course. Fraud, fudging and faking are all you have. You've got your list of fudgy nonsense that says nothing in particular, so you're going to pretend it's a list of predictions by climate scientists, no matter how cowardly and dishonest it makes you look.

By the way, you're going to burn in Hell for eternity for serving Satan, the Lord of Lies. I imagine you think you've cut a special deal with him and will get the VIP treatment, but Satan tells that to everyone. In the end, you'll be headfirst in boiling excrement, just like all the others. You might want to consider that.

By the way, you're going to burn in Hell for eternity for serving Satan

Damn.. so now atheist think they know scripture?

Yeah, actually.

U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey
Atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons are among the highest-scoring groups on a new survey of religious knowledge, outperforming evangelical Protestants, mainline Protestants and Catholics on questions about the core teachings, history and leading figures of major world religions.
It's called gender identity, it's what they identify with. I'm pretty sure they can see what genitalia they have. So again I ask, what makes it an illness, what damage does it do?
That makes no sense. What "damage" does it do when a person truly believes they are Jesus Christ? When a person believes they are something other than they actually are (such as a man who believes he is a woman "trapped" in a man's body) - that is the very definition of mental illness.
But in the mean time I'm choosing to say live the way you want and I won't judge rather then tell them they are sick and wrong and drive the hate and divide that often leads to suicide.
I've never advocated to attack them. But this is another example of the left denying science (in this case - biology). The left contests that gender is "fluid" and can be a daily decision. That is an astounding rejection of science.
What makes it an illness?
Are you serious? What makes it an illness when a person believes they are Jesus Christ? When a person is incapable of grasping reality and/or believe themselves to be something other than they actually are, that is a mental illness.
It's called gender identity, it's what they identify with. I'm pretty sure they can see what genitalia they have. So again I ask, what makes it an illness, what damage does it do?

I identify as a billionaire, but since I'm not, I deal with it.

Well I don't know, there hasn't been any regulating of bathrooms till recently and trans people have been musing their bathroom of choice.
Exactly!!! So why the unnecessary bathroom law? To celebrate the mental illness. To promote the sexual deviance. And to ensure those that couldn't pass for the opposite gender has unfettered access to their victims of choice.
The republicans in NC passed the law. They brought government into it, trying to outlaw trans people from using the bathroom of their gender identity. chief. They didn't. That is not how it happened. Barack Obama created an illegal/unconstitutional federal mandate and North Carolina's response was to create a legal, constitutional state law.

No "patriot" (that never served), you're wrong as usual.

The General Assembly went into special session earlier in the day to push through the legislation, a response to a nondiscrimination ordinance that the city of Charlotte enacted that, among other things, made it possible for transgender individuals to use the public bathroom of the sex they identify as.

North Carolina governor signs controversial LGBT bill -

You'll notice that was March 2016.

On 13 May 2016, the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights and the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division issued a joint “Dear Colleague” letter [PDF] that included “significant guidance” to schools about civil rights protections for transgender students under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The letter detailed federal guidelines for transgender students and bathroom use and provided definitions for the terms “Gender identity,” “Sex assigned at birth,” “Transgender,” and “Gender transition”:
Obama Decrees ALL Public Schools Must Allow Transgender Bathroom Use
What magic solution in the healthcare world do you think is out there?
There might not be a "solution" yet. But that doesn't mean you throw your hands up, give up, and decide to celebrate it by changing all of society.

There is no "magic solution" for schizophrenia either chief. But we sure as fuck try our best to keep those people on meds and locked up as much as possible.
That's because some schizos present a danger. Trans in itself doesn't present a danger, they just view themselves and see the world differently than you and I. I'm fine with supporting more research for mental health on the subject. Lord knows they need it. But in the mean time I'm choosing to say live the way you want and I won't judge rather then tell them they are sick and wrong and drive the hate and divide that often leads to suicide.

They've been studying it since before the 70s. The recommended treatment is never going to be what "patriot" the football star wants it to be.
Are you wanting to outlaw plastic surgery as well? No more boob jobs or face lifts? What about lyposuction, you cool with that?
Absolutely! But that being said - there is a significant difference between the outpatient procedure of vacuuming fat and the major surgery of removing someone's penis and testicles.
What about boob jobs, nose jobs and face lifts?
I think I was very clear on this already - but I will repeat myself for you: absolutely. I'm absolutely ok with outlawing plastic surgery unless there is a medical need. Some Hollywood idiots vanity is not a medical need.
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No "patriot" (that never served)
If only you knew basic definitions. The term patriot has nothing to do with serving in the armed forces my dear. It amazes me that I constantly have to provide definitions to basic words to progressives.

pa·tri·ot (ˈpātrēət/)

. a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors. chief. They didn't. That is not how it happened. Barack Obama created an illegal/unconstitutional federal mandate and North Carolina's response was to create a legal, constitutional state law.
No "patriot" (that never served), you're wrong as usual.
As always - I'm 100% correct. Neither Republicans nor the state of North Carolina started the "bathroom wars". Something that stupid could only come from Dumbocrats.

Let me know when you're mature enough to admit you were wrong.
In a landmark 2013 case, the Colorado Civil Rights Division ruled in favor of 6-year-old transgender student Coy Mathis to use the girls bathroom at her elementary school. It was the first ruling of its kind in the United States and one of the first high profile transgender rights cases, garnering huge amounts of media attention.
North Carolina's legislation was merely a response to the idiotic left-wing mania of forcing sexual deviance down the throat of society.

Bathroom bill - Wikipedia
The recommended treatment is never going to be what "patriot" the football star wants it to be.
Ignoring, celebrating, cheering, and indulging are not "treatments" my dear. Sessions with mental health professionals, medications, exercise, etc. are forms of therapy. We could have a comprehensive treatment for this mental illness if it weren't for the fact that the filthy left-wing professionals are too turned on by the deviance of it to want to help treat it.
This is getting kinda far from the OP.. If it's personal and not about "rejecting science" -- doesn't belong in here.
"All of Trump's Russia ties" is similar to "Seven ways to Kevin Bacon." There's an internet meme that says you can tie any person in the world to Kevin Bacon in 7 steps. Trump's so-called "Russia ties" are in the same vein. Yeah, A friend of Trump's worked for a man who's 3rd cousin worked in the same building as a KGB agent. That's the kind of shit this whole Russian narrative is based on. All the people who propagate it are kooks.

It's truly sad what our government has devolved to.
"All of Trump's Russia ties" is similar to "Seven ways to Kevin Bacon." There's an internet meme that says you can tie any person in the world to Kevin Bacon in 7 steps. Trump's so-called "Russia ties" are in the same vein. Yeah, A friend of Trump's worked for a man who's 3rd cousin worked in the same building as a KGB agent. That's the kind of shit this whole Russian narrative is based on. All the people who propagate it are kooks.

It's truly sad what our government has devolved to.
And that has nothing to do with the lefts' alleged rejection of science.
You attack the green house effect
The "Green House Effect"? You mean where carbon is trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up? And then, after colder than normal temperatures, you people had to rebrand it from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" because the science had proven you wrong.

Yeah - that is a prime example of you left-wingers denying science. The thermometer doesn't lie snowflake. It's another form of science that you reject.

Predictions are really just that. Science changes and names change. Kids used to be called retards then they found out about Asbergers, A.D.D., Autism, etc.

Just because they changed the name from "retards" to "autism" doesn't mean that those people's mental abilities are fake science.

There Is still a condition called mental retardation, and I don't think they ever called kids with ADD or Asbergers "retards."

Before Asbergers was a diagnosis they called them something. And just because the name changed doesn't mean their mental capacity is faked.

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