The left's rejection of science

how does the left deny science!? Oh yea, it must have been hillary that said climate change is a chinese hoax. Evil bitch.
You just didn't. Science has unequivocally proven that "Global Warming" is a hoax. You deny the science and buy into the propaganda.
how does a 97% consensus of the scientific community saying human actions cause climate change mean they have "unequivocally prove that global warming is a hoax." Is today opposite day? No one told me!
More data for you Aries... So much for the "trapped greenhouse gases" heating up the Earth, uh?

Monster snowstorm in Colorado forces postponement of climate change & global warming rally

Because it never snows in Colorado in May.

Back to reality.
It's called gender identity, it's what they identify with. I'm pretty sure they can see what genitalia they have. So again I ask, what makes it an illness, what damage does it do?
That makes no sense. What "damage" does it do when a person truly believes they are Jesus Christ? When a person believes they are something other than they actually are (such as a man who believes he is a woman "trapped" in a man's body) - that is the very definition of mental illness.
It's definitely not mainstream or normal but it is the reality they live. So question is, does it pose a danger to others? Does it pose a danger to themselves? An illness is defined as an unhealthy condidtion so is there any thing besides our own social construct that makes it unhealthy?
But in the mean time I'm choosing to say live the way you want and I won't judge rather then tell them they are sick and wrong and drive the hate and divide that often leads to suicide.
I've never advocated to attack them. But this is another example of the left denying science (in this case - biology). The left contests that gender is "fluid" and can be a daily decision. That is an astounding rejection of science.
You are wrong. The argument is about gender identity, not gender, I think you know that
If one of my kids starts trying pull a "Caitlyn" or a "Chaz"( LOL), I will gladly disown them.
That say a lot about the type of person you are. Sorry little man
I would never "disown" my children. However, unlike the bat-shit crazy left, I would never celebrate their illness. I would get them the mental healthcare they desperately require.
The disowning would be after I attempted to fix them, of course.

By then it would be illegal to get medical help for that problem anyway.
Many humans born with female genitals also have the XY chromosone set. Real-world biology refutes P@triot's bizarre cult religion. Gender is much more complicated than simple chromosomes.

Oh, Stalin was also big on defining his political opponents as "mentally ill". P@triot pretty much operates out of Stalin's playbook.
Many humans born with female genitals also have the XY chromosone set. Real-world biology refutes P@triot's bizarre cult religion. Gender is much more complicated than simple chromosomes.

Oh, Stalin was also big on defining his political opponents as "mentally ill". P@triot pretty much operates out of Stalin's playbook.
That literally applies to no one being talked about here.

Hermaphrodites obviously exist in a different sphere from "transgender" nonsense, and you likely will NEVER meet one.
The link is there, snowflake. Is there any reality that you won't deny???

You really don't care you're going to burn in Hell for lying, do you?

The link to the supposed paper is _not_ there. You're lying to everyone's face, and you don't care who knows it. The link is only to a kook right website making the same kook claims you're making.

The link is there snowflake - you're attempting to deny that reality like you deny all other reality. Here it is again:

And not a single factoid in that list from your kook cult blog shows climate scientist making an incorrect prediction. I've asked you to point to one that does, and, as always happens when you get challenged, you soiled yourself and ran. You're lying to everyone's face yet another time. It's what you do. It's all you do.

That's why you'll burn in Hell for eternity. Despite what your particular inbred fringe religious cult teaches, there is no "It's okay to lie on behalf of the cult" exception to the "Thou shalt not lie" commandment.
Hermaphrodites obviously exist in a different sphere from "transgender" nonsense, and you likely will NEVER meet one.

We're not talking about hermaphrodites.

Learn some biology, will ya?

You won't, of course, because the cult forbids it. Such knowledge contradicts cult scripture, so such knowledge is forbidden.
Hermaphrodites obviously exist in a different sphere from "transgender" nonsense, and you likely will NEVER meet one.

We're not talking about hermaphrodites.

Learn some biology, will ya?

You won't, of course, because the cult forbids it. Such knowledge contradicts cult scripture, so such knowledge is forbidden.
You were talking about females with the XY chromosome, that is most definitely hermaphrodite territory.
That's because some schizos present a danger. Trans in itself doesn't present a danger
Key word: some. Just as some transgenders present a significant danger (sometimes to society, sometimes to themselves).
if any present a danger its not from being trans or homosexual, it's from different issues that individual might have.
Is Bruce Jenner a woman, or isn't he?
He's a dude that identifies more with being a woman than a man so he transitioned. You can be a dick and call him mentally deranged and try and make him feel like more of an outcast than he already does or you can be compassionate to the struggle that he and people like him go through... choice is yours

They can't until it touches them personally.

If one of my kids starts trying pull a "Caitlyn" or a "Chaz"( LOL), I will gladly disown them.

That say a lot about the type of person you are. Sorry little man

I am principled to a fault.

You can't destroy my family through blatant propaganda and social conditioning and expect me to embrace that.

At least you admit it is a fault. The fact that any lifestyle choice could make you even think about disowning your own child is fucking sick. You should be ashamed of yourself.
He's a dude that identifies more with being a woman than a man so he transitioned. You can be a dick and call him mentally deranged and try and make him feel like more of an outcast than he already does or you can be compassionate to the struggle that he and people like him go through... choice is yours

They can't until it touches them personally.

If one of my kids starts trying pull a "Caitlyn" or a "Chaz"( LOL), I will gladly disown them.

That say a lot about the type of person you are. Sorry little man

I am principled to a fault.

You can't destroy my family through blatant propaganda and social conditioning and expect me to embrace that.

At least you admit it is a fault. The fact that any lifestyle choice could make you even think about disowning your own child is fucking sick. You should be ashamed of yourself.

You should be ashamed of yourself for calling this shit a "lifestyle choice".
Running away from your previous lie about NC I see.
The only lie was you and Slade proclaiming that North Carolina brought government into the bathrooms. They did not. Something that stupid could only come from the left.

Let me know when you want to apologize.
In April 2014 The Dept. of Education issued protections under Title IX that added Transgender students as a protected class under anti-discrimination policy in our Schools. City councils then tried to expand the anti-discrimination ordinance to pubic areas... The dominos fell and in ended in March 2016 when the state decided to take legislative action by passing the HB2 bill which is when shit hit the fan.

Here is a good breakdown of events:
HB2: How North Carolina Got Here (Updated)
They can't until it touches them personally.

If one of my kids starts trying pull a "Caitlyn" or a "Chaz"( LOL), I will gladly disown them.

That say a lot about the type of person you are. Sorry little man

I am principled to a fault.

You can't destroy my family through blatant propaganda and social conditioning and expect me to embrace that.

At least you admit it is a fault. The fact that any lifestyle choice could make you even think about disowning your own child is fucking sick. You should be ashamed of yourself.

You should be ashamed of yourself for calling this shit a "lifestyle choice".

Ok, i'll be ashamed for using the wrong phrase... You be ashamed for being a douchebag that would disown his own children for living in a way that you disagree with. I feel sorry for your children to have a father as weak and petty as yourself. I don't like to get personal on these boards but I just can't get over the fact that you'd disown family over this issue. Its troubling and sad that people like you exist.
Running away from your previous lie about NC I see.
The only lie was you and Slade proclaiming that North Carolina brought government into the bathrooms. They did not. Something that stupid could only come from the left.

Let me know when you want to apologize.
In April 2014 The Dept. of Education issued protections under Title IX that added Transgender students as a protected class under anti-discrimination policy in our Schools. City councils then tried to expand the anti-discrimination ordinance to pubic areas... The dominos fell and in ended in March 2016 when the state decided to take legislative action by passing the HB2 bill which is when shit hit the fan.

Here is a good breakdown of events:
HB2: How North Carolina Got Here (Updated)
" Transgender" issues are less than 10 years old.

What took you "progressives" so long?
For starters, what a couple of awful sources. Secondly, you're citing these articles to prove that climate change is a hoax. The article says, "On average, the predictions forecasted two times more global warming than actually occurred." So it says right there, climate change is certainly occurring, their predictions just aren't totally accurate. Proving your hoax theory totally inaccurate. Looks like they need more research funding and less science denying from the right.

I don't always post links, but when I do, I make sure they don't directly contradict my argument.
Actually - the article says "A study in the journal Nature Climate Change reviewed 117 climate predictions and found that 97.4% never materialized." Which part of the NEVER materialized do you not understand? The "never" or the "materialized"?

I don't always have to repeat myself - but when I do - it's because I'm talking to a left-wing ideologue who sees what they want to see instead of what was actually written.
I was responding to your blatant lie not his understanding of the timeline. The state started it when a city passed a local ordinance. "Big government" butting in on local government.
Oh dear....state law trumps local ordinances. That's legal government (you know - the thing you hate). That's not "big government", it's proper, legal government.

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