The Lefts War on Christianity

#11 takes the bait of either-or by confusing "the left" with leftist movement, which is apolitical. One reason why it is apolitical is because the faith that masks knowledge envy is not required by this apolitical leftist movement.

I'm heterosexual. And I'm neither for nor against the cause of homosexuals. Basically neutral.
(Although I do resent them forcing people to bake cakes for them if it's against their beliefs)
It's like gays can force someone else to accept THEIR beliefs or the way they are, while NOT accepting someone else's beliefs or the way they are ?????
Do you see something wrong with that picture?

But what makes gay people different from any other minority groups (such as blacks in America), or people with other genetic differences?
Does their being different make them bad? Why does the Bible condemn homosexuality in the first place if it is a natural phenomenon?

I find it odd that we Christians can believe God created people and some are homosexual....but homosexuality is condemned in the bible.
Why would God make people homosexual......then condemn them to hell for being that way?

Are we to believe that all homosexuals are just evil deviants?
Some people also believe ALL people of color are evil deviants.

I'm no religious scholar (obviously)......but that seems to be a flaw in biblical theology.
Again, I'm not advocating for homosexuality...just don't understand some things.
99.9% of all men would love to hump another chick besides his wife at some point in their lives. For some it may be a single second long thought, others it may be every female they see. But the point is men are pigs but most of us fight our urges successfully. We are all sinners who desire to sin but we fight it.
Speak for yourself. Women don't start at 14.
It’s scary that there are guys like weatherman out there who would give in to all kinds of lusts without a magic book telling them they’ll be punished for it. Even scarier that there are people like Roy Moore who use that magic book to justify why it’s okay for them to go after their lusts.
How many leftists resign or get fired this week so far?
I’m not sure, but I know the left has completely turned on them and they’re getting punished. What about you righties? You wouldn’t be, say, blindly defending a child molester just because you want an extra vote in the Senate, would you?
Cross Should Not Appear on LA County Seal: Judge

Since I had never heard of this lawsuit I went to check it out.

What a stupid lawsuit- on both sides.

All about a tiny little cross on top of the mission that was there in 1957, taken off in 2004 and added back on in 2014

In 2014, the LA County Board of Supervisors chose to reinstate the cross on top of a representation of the San Gabriel Mission on the seal. The mission and other images appear on the symbol, first adopted in January 1957, modified in 2004 and again by the Board of Supervisors in 2014

ACLU, religious leaders sue L.A. County over cross on seal

The ACLU and the Caldwell Leslie law firm are representing a group of local religious officials and practitioners from the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths. The plaintiffs, according to the complaint, "object to and are offended by" the county's decision to add the cross to the seal without also adding symbols of other religions.

Why I Joined as a Plaintiff in a Law Suit Against Los Angeles County — Jewish Journal

In response to the January Board of Supervisors vote, the ACLU invited me along with eight other religious leaders including Rabbi Harold Schulweis of Valley Beth Shalom Synagogue in Encino, UCLA Professor of Jewish History David Myers, the Reverend Peter Laarman of Progressive Christians Uniting, Father Ian Davies of St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church in Hollywood, the Reverend Ed Bacon of All Saints Church in Pasadena, Shakeel Syed, Executive Director of the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, Rabbi Amy Bernstein of Kehillat Israel Reconstructionist Congregation in Pacific Palisades, and the Reverend Tera Little, Consulting Minister of the First Universalist Parish of Pasadena, to join as plaintiffs in this case. We all willingly agreed as religious leaders and as citizens living in LA County
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When will contards start following the teachings of Christ and stop the war on science?

Probably about the same time the LGBT libtards stop their lesbians from using dildos or their gay men from using a hole on each other's lower end for sex. .

Why am I not surprised that Silhouette wants to tell Americans how they can have sex?
So you’re for incest, polygamy beastialty and pedophilia?

Or are you just an idiot for not realizing you tell people what they can’t do sexually?
It is about the abomination of hypocrisy. No one would complain if right wingers were able to prove their love for God by obeying Ten simple Commandments.
Ah, so humans have to be perfect robots every second of their lives.

You exemplify the point that leftism requires people not to think.

If you had read Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals you would understand this immediately.

  1. "Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."
  2. "Never go outside the expertise of your people."
  3. "Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."
  4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
  5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
  6. "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
  7. "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
  8. "Keep the pressure on,"
  9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
  10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
  11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside"
  12. "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
  13. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
See it now.
Cross Should Not Appear on LA County Seal: Judge

Since I never heard of this lawsuit
If it were just the lefts love of evil they would also be attacking Islam, Buddhism, and every other religion in America with equal venom.
Maybe the left feels it is under attack from Christianity but not from other religions.
Yeah, those laws against murder and rape really piss the left off.

Why do you sin against your god with your false testimony?
Ignorance is not an excuse you can use.
If the left looks hard enough, and offers enough money, I'll bet they would find a few Christmas Cards Roy Moore sent to girls along with congratulatory graduation cards.

I'm heterosexual. And I'm neither for nor against the cause of homosexuals. Basically neutral.
(Although I do resent them forcing people to bake cakes for them if it's against their beliefs)
It's like gays can force someone else to accept THEIR beliefs or the way they are, while NOT accepting someone else's beliefs or the way they are ?????
Do you see something wrong with that picture?

But what makes gay people different from any other minority groups (such as blacks in America), or people with other genetic differences?
Does their being different make them bad? Why does the Bible condemn homosexuality in the first place if it is a natural phenomenon?

I find it odd that we Christians can believe God created people and some are homosexual....but homosexuality is condemned in the bible.
Why would God make people homosexual......then condemn them to hell for being that way?

Are we to believe that all homosexuals are just evil deviants?
Some people also believe ALL people of color are evil deviants.

I'm no religious scholar (obviously)......but that seems to be a flaw in biblical theology.
Again, I'm not advocating for homosexuality...just don't understand some things.
99.9% of all men would love to hump another chick besides his wife at some point in their lives. For some it may be a single second long thought, others it may be every female they see. But the point is men are pigs but most of us fight our urges successfully. We are all sinners who desire to sin but we fight it.
Speak for yourself. Women don't start at 14.
It’s scary that there are guys like weatherman out there who would give in to all kinds of lusts without a magic book telling them they’ll be punished for it. Even scarier that there are people like Roy Moore who use that magic book to justify why it’s okay for them to go after their lusts.
How many leftists resign or get fired this week so far?
I’m not sure, but I know the left has completely turned on them and they’re getting punished. What about you righties? You wouldn’t be, say, blindly defending a child molester just because you want an extra vote in the Senate, would you?
What’s Frankens punishment?
No doubt #114 knows why they felt threatened, though Oz never gave nothing to the Tin Man that he always already did not have.
This from the Republican Party that just threw its financial support behind an accused child molester & proven stalker of teen aged girls.

Supprtors of an accused child rapist Trump who supports one of his own, Moore.

'So really, Shove your fake Christianity up your hypocritical ass. We now know exactly how "religious:" you Trumpettes really are.
You guys supported a wife of an accused rapist

Why wouldn't I support the wife of an accused rapist? She didn't rape anyone.

Not as if she admitted to grabbing women by their pussies.
99.9% of all men would love to hump another chick besides his wife at some point in their lives. For some it may be a single second long thought, others it may be every female they see. But the point is men are pigs but most of us fight our urges successfully. We are all sinners who desire to sin but we fight it.
Speak for yourself. Women don't start at 14.
It’s scary that there are guys like weatherman out there who would give in to all kinds of lusts without a magic book telling them they’ll be punished for it. Even scarier that there are people like Roy Moore who use that magic book to justify why it’s okay for them to go after their lusts.
How many leftists resign or get fired this week so far?
I’m not sure, but I know the left has completely turned on them and they’re getting punished. What about you righties? You wouldn’t be, say, blindly defending a child molester just because you want an extra vote in the Senate, would you?
What’s Frankens punishment?
We’ll see. I’m not too bofhered by what he did. If he’d been trying to fuck the women against their wills (ala Trump and like Moore with children), instead of making a dumb joke, then he should have resigned immediately.
#97 is seriously psychically lazy and blind. Yes, we are concerned about the pathology that holds prayer meetings in abandoned gun factories: John Wesley.
If it were just the lefts love of evil they would also be attacking Islam, Buddhism, and every other religion in America with equal venom.
Maybe the left feels it is under attack from Christianity but not from other religions.
Yeah, those laws against murder and rape really piss the left off.

Shame you will sin so willingly by bearing false witness against 'the left'
You haters gotta hate.
If it were just the lefts love of evil they would also be attacking Islam, Buddhism, and every other religion in America with equal venom.
Maybe the left feels it is under attack from Christianity but not from other religions.
Yeah, those laws against murder and rape really piss the left off.

Shame you will sin so willingly by bearing false witness against 'the left'
You haters gotta hate.
We may hate but we don`t ridicule the handicapped and we don`t support child rapists.
...the LGBT libtards stop their lesbians from using dildos or their gay men from using a hole on each other's lower end for sex. In other words, right about the time libtards wake up and smell the mental illness and repression in their own ranks. Talk about denying
What science is being denied? And for the record I don't have any lesbians or gay men.

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