The liberal double standard on Homosexuality and Religion: In one cartoon

"The faith" isn't real. Homosexuality is. News organizations should focus on real issues.
Who are you to tell me my faith isn't real? Who is the media to tell me my faith isn't real? Are you nuts?
Your "faith" is in a fairy tale of an invisible man in the sky whose perfect creation was ruined by a talking snake. Your "faith" isn't real because there isn't an invisible man in the sky nor was there ever a talking snake.

KNB, thy name is intolerance. Why do you liberals continue preaching tolerance, yet spew this kind of invective at Christians like me? I thought you guys were tolerant of religion of any sort... guess that's a lie.
"NFL player announces he is a Christian." No one would bother to read that, who cares? It's novelty VS. boring, that's all. Even so Tebow got far more publicity than his mediocre gameplay warranted because he was a very public Christian.

Exactly. His religion was the only reason he got any media attention at all.
"NFL player announces he is a Christian." No one would bother to read that, who cares? It's novelty VS. boring, that's all. Even so Tebow got far more publicity than his mediocre gameplay warranted because he was a very public Christian.

He got more NEGATIVE publicity. Please, try not to leave important facts out, as you often do.
Bullshit. Religion has empiric truth. Homosexuality only has perverse desires. Religion takes place in the world. Homosexuality takes place in the brain. And the rectum, in your case.

Religion is a simple belief that be turned off after reading something new one day.

Homosexuality is biochemical and cannot be turned off.
Bullshit. Religion has empiric truth. Homosexuality only has perverse desires. Religion takes place in the world. Homosexuality takes place in the brain. And the rectum, in your case.

Religion is a simple belief that be turned off after reading something new one day.

Homosexuality is biochemical and cannot be turned off.

Wrong on both counts.
"NFL player announces he is a Christian." No one would bother to read that, who cares? It's novelty VS. boring, that's all. Even so Tebow got far more publicity than his mediocre gameplay warranted because he was a very public Christian.

Exactly. His religion was the only reason he got any media attention at all.

Actually, he got publicity for his performance in the NFL playoffs, not his religion. He's doing exactly what Jesus told him to do. "Go forth and teach all nations, and baptize them in the gospel" to paraphrase the verse in Matthew 28.
Wrong on both counts.

There is heaps of evidence pointing to the biochemial elements of homosexuality.

From possible gene peculiarities, to brain chemistry, to hormones, the science is indisputable.

Go ahead and try to dispute science. :clap2:
So why is it okay to "come out" but not profess the faith?


This is of course 100% true! Despite the fact that you have proven various times that you are subject to hilarious generalizations, and grouping of peoples. The liberal believes this! The liberal clearly states this, and acts this way! Now refute my strawman leftist! Luckily for you, this website is nearly an echo chamber, so no one is going to give you a tough time.
Wrong on both counts.

There is heaps of evidence pointing to the biochemial elements of homosexuality.

From possible gene peculiarities, to brain chemistry, to hormones, the science is indisputable.

Go ahead and try to dispute science. :clap2:

The same science brought us global warming. And the link between vaccines and autism.
The genetic argument has been completely blown, so to speak. But you might be right. Other forms of mental illness have chemical bases. Homosexuality is probably no different. We need a cure.
Who are you to tell me my faith isn't real? Who is the media to tell me my faith isn't real? Are you nuts?
Your "faith" is in a children's story of an invisible man in the sky whose perfect creation was ruined by a talking snake. Your "faith" isn't real because there isn't an invisible man in the sky nor was there ever a talking snake.

KNB, thy name is intolerance.
DERP! "You're intolerant of intolerance!" DERP! Christians can shove their Bible right up their asses. 2k years of listening to Christian talking monkeys try to tell rational society that this bullshit kids' book is "absolutely true". It's "empirical truth" or whatever, remember? Your church profits billions worldwide, tax-free, every year under the guise of "helping the poor" while there are still billions of people starving. The Vatican is gayer than two guys balls deep in each other but the Christian religion keeps clinging to the idea that heterosexuality is the only way to find God. And through all of your wars and your racism and your bullshit throughout American history, you fucking right-wing Conservative Neo-Confederate Teabagger Christians keep sniveling about how YOU are being persecuted. Yeah, I'm done being tolerant of Teabagger stupidity. It's why I want to punch you fuckers in the throat whenever I hear a Teabagger start talking.

Why don't you poor, persecuted white male Christians take a look at your bodycount in Iraq over complete fucking lies and then try to tell the world again how you're peaceful and honorable. Fuck you and your stupid little God. Your fairy tale has no place in rational society.
The same science brought us global warming. And the link between vaccines and autism.
The genetic argument has been completely blown, so to speak. But you might be right. Other forms of mental illness have chemical bases. Homosexuality is probably no different. We need a cure.

Human biology has nothing to do with Climatology.


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