The Liberal Media: A pool party full of liars

The cop mishandled the girl. There is no excuse for man handling a teenage girl in that manner if she poses no physical threat to you.

That's the most sane and rational comment I've read by you.

I don't get it.

What exactly did you expect him to do?

Are cops prohibited from using force on someone refusing to comply with an arrest? What would you do if the situation was you there, surrounded by hostile people, with a criminal resisting arrest?

Just sit back? Do nothing?

What if that girl had killed the one she was attacking when the officer arrived, had he just "avoided force" and sat in his car?

How dumb is this. You people, who have never been threatened by anyone, criticizing a guy facing a potentially dangerous situation, as if any of you know what it's like. As if any of you, have any idea at all of being in authority, in a situation where everyone is hostile.

It's you idiots, that are the reason we have so many bad cops. Who would want this job? Why would anyone anywhere, ever want to be a police officer when everyone hates you, everyone blames you, no matter what situation your in?

The result is, the only people who take the job, are people who truly hate you right back. Then people get shot, and honestly I'm starting to think you all deserve every single death.

Was she under arrest? I must have missed that part.

Oh right, a dangerous situation of unarmed teens in their swim suits. smh...

Sorry, the Chief Conley disagrees.

“Our policies, our training, our practice doesn’t support his actions,” Chief Conley said. “He came into the call out of control, and as the video shows was out of control during the incident.”

The whole place was out of control, long before the officer arrived. That's the whole reason the police officer was called to begin with.

The video only tells a small snippit of the story. You should read up on what all really happened.
The recent incident in Texas is what I call "a shark bite story".

People get bitten by sharks all the time, and none of it makes the news. Then a nine year old surfer girl gets her arm chewed off by a shark and that's in the news for some time. Then, for a while after that, EVERY shark bite makes the news and people start believing sharks have suddenly become more aggressive when in fact the media has become temporarily more aggressive about reporting shark bite stories.

This thing in Texas would never have made the national news if it had not been preceded by more spectacular Cops Behaving Badly stories in the past few months. Now the press is temporarily being more aggressive in reporting shark bite stories involving cops.

It really is no big deal. The kids were being punks, the cops were outnumbered, and one kid got handled roughly for backtalking to a cop.

Drawing his gun was a serious no-no. The cop fucked up. But only one person got arrested. The cops let everyone else go.

But then the reflexive lets-shed-some-tears-and-outrage-for-the-national-TV bullshit kicked in.

The cop probably quit because the paycheck just isn't worth the aggravation. He didn't deserve to lose his job over this.
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Does either fucking side on this board understand discretion? Both damn sides instantly knee-jerk to polar opposites on every topic. It's as if the middle area doesnt exist. Even you god damn op says he went to far but for some reason when I say that it's just wrong.

Wtf is that all about?

Because I'm tired of people violating the law, attacking police officers, and then saying "they treated me rough!".

Sorry, they need to shoot these people flat out. As far as I'm concerned, if you attack a police officer, you deserve whatever you get, and likely a ton more than what you get. Attacking an officer, is not acceptable in any way shape or form.

"but she wasn't a threat".

Doesn't matter. You don't get to attack a police officer. We need to teach these criminals that violating the law has real physical consequences. When we beat enough heads in, they'll stop fighting with police, and we'll have law and order in our society again.

Every time we attack the police for harming a criminal..... things get worse. More riots. More violence. And the idiots on this board are shocked by this? What do you think you are doing defending criminals? You think if you attack the people who enforce the law, that suddenly all the criminals will start singing songs, and doing a life oh honest labor?

No, when you bash in their face, then they'll learn to be peaceful and work for a living. Defending monkeys, just encourages more monkey actions.

Thanks for using the racist terms that TemplarKormac is too chicken-shit to use.

The rabid RWs are so predictable.

They defend drunk Palins who crash a party and beat up the guests but Black kids crashing a pool party are "feral".

Josh Duggar gets a pass for repeatedly molesting 4 year olds because he was 14 but Black kids should be punished for doing what most kids do - crash parties.
Shove your broad brush up your ass. The diarrhea you're spewing is uncalled for
The recent incident in Texas is what I call "a shark bite story".

People get bitten by sharks all the time, and none of it makes the news. Then a nine year old surfer girl gets her arm chewed off by a shark and that's in the news for some time. Then, for a while after that, EVERY shark bite makes the news and people start believing sharks have suddenly become more aggressive when in fact the media has become temporarily more aggressive about reporting shark bite stories.

This thing in Texas would never have made the national news if it had not been preceded by more spectacular Cops Behaving Badly stories in the past few months. Now the press is temporarily being more aggressive in reporting shark bite stories involving cops.

It really is no big deal. The kids were being punks, the cops were outnumbered, and one kid got handled roughly for backtalking to a cop.

Drawing his gun was a serious no-no. The cop fucked up. But only one person got arrested. The cops let everyone else go.

But then the reflexive lets-shed-some-tears-and-outrage-for-the-national-TV bullshit kicked in.

The cop probably quit because the paycheck just isn't worth the aggravation. He didn't deserve to lose his job over this.

I don't understand this. Why was the COP drawing his gun a 'no-no'? He was vastly out numbers, by a bunch of hostile people, who were larger in size than he was. I just saw the longer video on the news.

I would have absolutely drawn my gun in that situation. He told the people behind him to back up. They not only didn't, but approached him in a confrontation manor.

Moreover, we already know from multiple examples, that these people are willing to try and take the officers gun.

I'm not going to get shot, because some whiny nut-jobs in the press, and pathetic wimps in our society, think I should wait until I'm attacked and beaten to death, before I pull my weapon.

I would absolutely pull my gun in that situation, and ALL OF YOU WOULD TOO. You are liars or ignore, or both, if you claim otherwise. You would have. All of us would have.
The recent incident in Texas is what I call "a shark bite story".

People get bitten by sharks all the time, and none of it makes the news. Then a nine year old surfer girl gets her arm chewed off by a shark and that's in the news for some time. Then, for a while after that, EVERY shark bite makes the news and people start believing sharks have suddenly become more aggressive when in fact the media has become temporarily more aggressive about reporting shark bite stories.

This thing in Texas would never have made the national news if it had not been preceded by more spectacular Cops Behaving Badly stories in the past few months. Now the press is temporarily being more aggressive in reporting shark bite stories involving cops.

It really is no big deal. The kids were being punks, the cops were outnumbered, and one kid got handled roughly for backtalking to a cop.

Drawing his gun was a serious no-no. The cop fucked up. But only one person got arrested. The cops let everyone else go.

But then the reflexive lets-shed-some-tears-and-outrage-for-the-national-TV bullshit kicked in.

The cop probably quit because the paycheck just isn't worth the aggravation. He didn't deserve to lose his job over this.

I don't understand this. Why was the COP drawing his gun a 'no-no'? He was vastly out numbers, by a bunch of hostile people, who were larger in size than he was. I just saw the longer video on the news.

I would have absolutely drawn my gun in that situation. He told the people behind him to back up. They not only didn't, but approached him in a confrontation manor.

Moreover, we already know from multiple examples, that these people are willing to try and take the officers gun.

I'm not going to get shot, because some whiny nut-jobs in the press, and pathetic wimps in our society, think I should wait until I'm attacked and beaten to death, before I pull my weapon.

I would absolutely pull my gun in that situation, and ALL OF YOU WOULD TOO. You are liars or ignore, or both, if you claim otherwise. You would have. All of us would have.
That cop was in no danger from those kids. None at all.
The recent incident in Texas is what I call "a shark bite story".

People get bitten by sharks all the time, and none of it makes the news. Then a nine year old surfer girl gets her arm chewed off by a shark and that's in the news for some time. Then, for a while after that, EVERY shark bite makes the news and people start believing sharks have suddenly become more aggressive when in fact the media has become temporarily more aggressive about reporting shark bite stories.

This thing in Texas would never have made the national news if it had not been preceded by more spectacular Cops Behaving Badly stories in the past few months. Now the press is temporarily being more aggressive in reporting shark bite stories involving cops.

It really is no big deal. The kids were being punks, the cops were outnumbered, and one kid got handled roughly for backtalking to a cop.

Drawing his gun was a serious no-no. The cop fucked up. But only one person got arrested. The cops let everyone else go.

But then the reflexive lets-shed-some-tears-and-outrage-for-the-national-TV bullshit kicked in.

The cop probably quit because the paycheck just isn't worth the aggravation. He didn't deserve to lose his job over this.

You're right. No big deal. Grown man manhandles teenage girl in bikini.

The recent incident in Texas is what I call "a shark bite story".

People get bitten by sharks all the time, and none of it makes the news. Then a nine year old surfer girl gets her arm chewed off by a shark and that's in the news for some time. Then, for a while after that, EVERY shark bite makes the news and people start believing sharks have suddenly become more aggressive when in fact the media has become temporarily more aggressive about reporting shark bite stories.

This thing in Texas would never have made the national news if it had not been preceded by more spectacular Cops Behaving Badly stories in the past few months. Now the press is temporarily being more aggressive in reporting shark bite stories involving cops.

It really is no big deal. The kids were being punks, the cops were outnumbered, and one kid got handled roughly for backtalking to a cop.

Drawing his gun was a serious no-no. The cop fucked up. But only one person got arrested. The cops let everyone else go.

But then the reflexive lets-shed-some-tears-and-outrage-for-the-national-TV bullshit kicked in.

The cop probably quit because the paycheck just isn't worth the aggravation. He didn't deserve to lose his job over this.

I don't understand this. Why was the COP drawing his gun a 'no-no'? He was vastly out numbers, by a bunch of hostile people, who were larger in size than he was. I just saw the longer video on the news.

I would have absolutely drawn my gun in that situation. He told the people behind him to back up. They not only didn't, but approached him in a confrontation manor.

Moreover, we already know from multiple examples, that these people are willing to try and take the officers gun.

I'm not going to get shot, because some whiny nut-jobs in the press, and pathetic wimps in our society, think I should wait until I'm attacked and beaten to death, before I pull my weapon.

I would absolutely pull my gun in that situation, and ALL OF YOU WOULD TOO. You are liars or ignore, or both, if you claim otherwise. You would have. All of us would have.
That cop was in no danger from those kids. None at all.

He didn't know that in the heat of the moment. Stop being a fucking know it all
Does either fucking side on this board understand discretion? Both damn sides instantly knee-jerk to polar opposites on every topic. It's as if the middle area doesnt exist. Even you god damn op says he went to far but for some reason when I say that it's just wrong.

Wtf is that all about?

Because I'm tired of people violating the law, attacking police officers, and then saying "they treated me rough!".

Sorry, they need to shoot these people flat out. As far as I'm concerned, if you attack a police officer, you deserve whatever you get, and likely a ton more than what you get. Attacking an officer, is not acceptable in any way shape or form.

"but she wasn't a threat".

Doesn't matter. You don't get to attack a police officer. We need to teach these criminals that violating the law has real physical consequences. When we beat enough heads in, they'll stop fighting with police, and we'll have law and order in our society again.

Every time we attack the police for harming a criminal..... things get worse. More riots. More violence. And the idiots on this board are shocked by this? What do you think you are doing defending criminals? You think if you attack the people who enforce the law, that suddenly all the criminals will start singing songs, and doing a life oh honest labor?

No, when you bash in their face, then they'll learn to be peaceful and work for a living. Defending monkeys, just encourages more monkey actions.

Thanks for using the racist terms that TemplarKormac is too chicken-shit to use.

I don't care. A monkey is a monkey. You want to be treated like an adult, then act like one. You act like an ape, then you are an ape. I have no idea what you mean by race. If an Asian act like an Ape, then he's an ape. If a Latino acts like an ape, then he's an ape. If an Indian acts like an ape, he's an ape. If a white guy acts like an ape, he's an ape.

What determines if you are a man or not, is not who your daddy was, or where you were born. It's how you act in a civil society. If you are not civil, then your the ape.

Race is what small-minded leftards, bring up, when they want to deflect from personal responsibility.

So, in the society where you call humans apes--people you don't know, never met, never will meet, and know of nobody who has ever met them--you're not acting civilly.

So, does that make you an ape?

Calling a black person a monkey is about as racist as you can get. You know this. You knew it when you did it. Stop lying.
The recent incident in Texas is what I call "a shark bite story".

People get bitten by sharks all the time, and none of it makes the news. Then a nine year old surfer girl gets her arm chewed off by a shark and that's in the news for some time. Then, for a while after that, EVERY shark bite makes the news and people start believing sharks have suddenly become more aggressive when in fact the media has become temporarily more aggressive about reporting shark bite stories.

This thing in Texas would never have made the national news if it had not been preceded by more spectacular Cops Behaving Badly stories in the past few months. Now the press is temporarily being more aggressive in reporting shark bite stories involving cops.

It really is no big deal. The kids were being punks, the cops were outnumbered, and one kid got handled roughly for backtalking to a cop.

Drawing his gun was a serious no-no. The cop fucked up. But only one person got arrested. The cops let everyone else go.

But then the reflexive lets-shed-some-tears-and-outrage-for-the-national-TV bullshit kicked in.

The cop probably quit because the paycheck just isn't worth the aggravation. He didn't deserve to lose his job over this.

I don't understand this. Why was the COP drawing his gun a 'no-no'? He was vastly out numbers, by a bunch of hostile people, who were larger in size than he was. I just saw the longer video on the news.

I would have absolutely drawn my gun in that situation. He told the people behind him to back up. They not only didn't, but approached him in a confrontation manor.

Moreover, we already know from multiple examples, that these people are willing to try and take the officers gun.

I'm not going to get shot, because some whiny nut-jobs in the press, and pathetic wimps in our society, think I should wait until I'm attacked and beaten to death, before I pull my weapon.

I would absolutely pull my gun in that situation, and ALL OF YOU WOULD TOO. You are liars or ignore, or both, if you claim otherwise. You would have. All of us would have.
That cop was in no danger from those kids. None at all.

He didn't know that in the heat of the moment. Stop being a fucking know it all

There should not have been a heat of the moment. He created the moment. They were kids and they acted like kids. He was an officer of the law and he acted like a kid.
Does either fucking side on this board understand discretion? Both damn sides instantly knee-jerk to polar opposites on every topic. It's as if the middle area doesnt exist. Even you god damn op says he went to far but for some reason when I say that it's just wrong.

Wtf is that all about?

Because I'm tired of people violating the law, attacking police officers, and then saying "they treated me rough!".

Sorry, they need to shoot these people flat out. As far as I'm concerned, if you attack a police officer, you deserve whatever you get, and likely a ton more than what you get. Attacking an officer, is not acceptable in any way shape or form.

"but she wasn't a threat".

Doesn't matter. You don't get to attack a police officer. We need to teach these criminals that violating the law has real physical consequences. When we beat enough heads in, they'll stop fighting with police, and we'll have law and order in our society again.

Every time we attack the police for harming a criminal..... things get worse. More riots. More violence. And the idiots on this board are shocked by this? What do you think you are doing defending criminals? You think if you attack the people who enforce the law, that suddenly all the criminals will start singing songs, and doing a life oh honest labor?

No, when you bash in their face, then they'll learn to be peaceful and work for a living. Defending monkeys, just encourages more monkey actions.

Thanks for using the racist terms that TemplarKormac is too chicken-shit to use.

I don't care. A monkey is a monkey. You want to be treated like an adult, then act like one. You act like an ape, then you are an ape. I have no idea what you mean by race. If an Asian act like an Ape, then he's an ape. If a Latino acts like an ape, then he's an ape. If an Indian acts like an ape, he's an ape. If a white guy acts like an ape, he's an ape.

What determines if you are a man or not, is not who your daddy was, or where you were born. It's how you act in a civil society. If you are not civil, then your the ape.

Race is what small-minded leftards, bring up, when they want to deflect from personal responsibility.

So, in the society where you call humans apes--people you don't know, never met, never will meet, and know of nobody who has ever met them--you're not acting civilly.

So, does that make you an ape?

Calling a black person a monkey is about as racist as you can get. You know this. You knew it when you did it. Stop lying.

I really don't care what you think Candy. You are just not that important. I said what I said, and for the reasons I said.

If you don't believe me, that's fine. But don't think I care what you think about me, or anyone else for that matter. If that makes you feel better to assume I said something for a racist reason, to justify your prejudice of me... I just don't care. Whatever floats your irrelevant little boat.

I will call anyone who is a criminal, an ape, because that is what they are. Calling out evil, for being evil, is exactly what a civil rational society does. What a barbaric, Neanderthal society does, is rationalize ape like behavior, and blame shift to "racism" whenever someone calls them out on it.

If that's you... if the shoe fits... That's your problem, not mine. I stand by my statements in their entirety.
"The Liberal Media: A pool party full of liars"

There is no 'liberal media,' it's a myth contrived by the ridiculous right.

That news organizations report facts and the truth that conflict with conservative dogma doesn't make the media 'liberal.'

As for anyone being 'liars,' put down the stones, you and others on the right live in a very large glass house.

Oh please liberals control the vast majority of the media and they are blatant liars and lowlife scum, FACT!

Yep....And I like that stupid fat blond kid that took the video calling all the white kids "Caucasian kids" when interviewed. Talk about coached.
Does either fucking side on this board understand discretion? Both damn sides instantly knee-jerk to polar opposites on every topic. It's as if the middle area doesnt exist. Even you god damn op says he went to far but for some reason when I say that it's just wrong.

Wtf is that all about?

Because I'm tired of people violating the law, attacking police officers, and then saying "they treated me rough!".

Sorry, they need to shoot these people flat out. As far as I'm concerned, if you attack a police officer, you deserve whatever you get, and likely a ton more than what you get. Attacking an officer, is not acceptable in any way shape or form.

"but she wasn't a threat".

Doesn't matter. You don't get to attack a police officer. We need to teach these criminals that violating the law has real physical consequences. When we beat enough heads in, they'll stop fighting with police, and we'll have law and order in our society again.

Every time we attack the police for harming a criminal..... things get worse. More riots. More violence. And the idiots on this board are shocked by this? What do you think you are doing defending criminals? You think if you attack the people who enforce the law, that suddenly all the criminals will start singing songs, and doing a life oh honest labor?

No, when you bash in their face, then they'll learn to be peaceful and work for a living. Defending monkeys, just encourages more monkey actions.

Thanks for using the racist terms that TemplarKormac is too chicken-shit to use.

I don't care. A monkey is a monkey. You want to be treated like an adult, then act like one. You act like an ape, then you are an ape. I have no idea what you mean by race. If an Asian act like an Ape, then he's an ape. If a Latino acts like an ape, then he's an ape. If an Indian acts like an ape, he's an ape. If a white guy acts like an ape, he's an ape.

What determines if you are a man or not, is not who your daddy was, or where you were born. It's how you act in a civil society. If you are not civil, then your the ape.

Race is what small-minded leftards, bring up, when they want to deflect from personal responsibility.

So, in the society where you call humans apes--people you don't know, never met, never will meet, and know of nobody who has ever met them--you're not acting civilly.

So, does that make you an ape?

Calling a black person a monkey is about as racist as you can get. You know this. You knew it when you did it. Stop lying.

I really don't care what you think Candy. You are just not that important. I said what I said, and for the reasons I said.

If you don't believe me, that's fine. But don't think I care what you think about me, or anyone else for that matter. If that makes you feel better to assume I said something for a racist reason, to justify your prejudice of me... I just don't care. Whatever floats your irrelevant little boat.

I will call anyone who is a criminal, an ape, because that is what they are. Calling out evil, for being evil, is exactly what a civil rational society does. What a barbaric, Neanderthal society does, is rationalize ape like behavior, and blame shift to "racism" whenever someone calls them out on it.

If that's you... if the shoe fits... That's your problem, not mine. I stand by my statements in their entirety.

I'm happy you stand by those statements and tarnish the right wing while doing it. Anything that does bring shame to the right is a net positive in my book.

As for a shoplifter an ape? What about someone who goes faster than the speed limit driving home. It's criminal activity, hence they are criminals. Are you ready to call these people "apes"?
If not, why not?
The cop mishandled the girl. There is no excuse for man handling a teenage girl in that manner if she poses no physical threat to you.
So you think she was just being a little angel and didn't do anything to cause the officer to detain her?

From what I could see and hear, she was walking around the scene talking shit, bad-mouthing the cops. The first arriving officer had several kids sitting down and this little angel started walking through the middle of it talking a bunch of smack. The officer told her several times to leave and she just went on talking. She was obviously being disrespectful and was making inflammatory statements toward uniformed officers. 18 U.S. Code 2102 - Definitions US Law LII Legal Information Institute
if the cop was five feet tall, about 100 pounds, i think the girl would of opened a can of whoop-ass
Last time I checked there was no amendment in the Constitution that guaranteed your right to be a trespassing asshole.

which would be a valid argument if these children were actually TRESPASSING, and weren't invited guests.

Like the black community had any respect for law enforcement in the first place.

Spoken like a true entitled white person.
Last time I checked there was no amendment in the Constitution that guaranteed your right to be a trespassing asshole.

which would be a valid argument if these children were actually TRESPASSING, and weren't invited guests.

Like the black community had any respect for law enforcement in the first place.

Spoken like a true entitled white person.

They weren't invited ya fucken moron. Had they been invited they wouldnt have had to climb the fence to get in.
Does either fucking side on this board understand discretion? Both damn sides instantly knee-jerk to polar opposites on every topic. It's as if the middle area doesnt exist. Even you god damn op says he went to far but for some reason when I say that it's just wrong.

Wtf is that all about?

Because I'm tired of people violating the law, attacking police officers, and then saying "they treated me rough!".

Sorry, they need to shoot these people flat out. As far as I'm concerned, if you attack a police officer, you deserve whatever you get, and likely a ton more than what you get. Attacking an officer, is not acceptable in any way shape or form.

"but she wasn't a threat".

Doesn't matter. You don't get to attack a police officer. We need to teach these criminals that violating the law has real physical consequences. When we beat enough heads in, they'll stop fighting with police, and we'll have law and order in our society again.

Every time we attack the police for harming a criminal..... things get worse. More riots. More violence. And the idiots on this board are shocked by this? What do you think you are doing defending criminals? You think if you attack the people who enforce the law, that suddenly all the criminals will start singing songs, and doing a life oh honest labor?

No, when you bash in their face, then they'll learn to be peaceful and work for a living. Defending monkeys, just encourages more monkey actions.

Thanks for using the racist terms that TemplarKormac is too chicken-shit to use.

I don't care. A monkey is a monkey. You want to be treated like an adult, then act like one. You act like an ape, then you are an ape. I have no idea what you mean by race. If an Asian act like an Ape, then he's an ape. If a Latino acts like an ape, then he's an ape. If an Indian acts like an ape, he's an ape. If a white guy acts like an ape, he's an ape.

What determines if you are a man or not, is not who your daddy was, or where you were born. It's how you act in a civil society. If you are not civil, then your the ape.

Race is what small-minded leftards, bring up, when they want to deflect from personal responsibility.

"... act like an adult ..."

They were kids at a pool party. If they had been adults, they would have been drunk.

The cop was an out of control "monkey" who assaulted an unarmed 14yo who had the right to be there. If she had been white, racist cockroaches like you would be saying the same thing. But, if she had been white, it would never have happened.
Because I'm tired of people violating the law, attacking police officers, and then saying "they treated me rough!".

Sorry, they need to shoot these people flat out. As far as I'm concerned, if you attack a police officer, you deserve whatever you get, and likely a ton more than what you get. Attacking an officer, is not acceptable in any way shape or form.

"but she wasn't a threat".

Doesn't matter. You don't get to attack a police officer. We need to teach these criminals that violating the law has real physical consequences. When we beat enough heads in, they'll stop fighting with police, and we'll have law and order in our society again.

Every time we attack the police for harming a criminal..... things get worse. More riots. More violence. And the idiots on this board are shocked by this? What do you think you are doing defending criminals? You think if you attack the people who enforce the law, that suddenly all the criminals will start singing songs, and doing a life oh honest labor?

No, when you bash in their face, then they'll learn to be peaceful and work for a living. Defending monkeys, just encourages more monkey actions.

Thanks for using the racist terms that TemplarKormac is too chicken-shit to use.

I don't care. A monkey is a monkey. You want to be treated like an adult, then act like one. You act like an ape, then you are an ape. I have no idea what you mean by race. If an Asian act like an Ape, then he's an ape. If a Latino acts like an ape, then he's an ape. If an Indian acts like an ape, he's an ape. If a white guy acts like an ape, he's an ape.

What determines if you are a man or not, is not who your daddy was, or where you were born. It's how you act in a civil society. If you are not civil, then your the ape.

Race is what small-minded leftards, bring up, when they want to deflect from personal responsibility.

So, in the society where you call humans apes--people you don't know, never met, never will meet, and know of nobody who has ever met them--you're not acting civilly.

So, does that make you an ape?

Calling a black person a monkey is about as racist as you can get. You know this. You knew it when you did it. Stop lying.

I really don't care what you think Candy. You are just not that important. I said what I said, and for the reasons I said.

If you don't believe me, that's fine. But don't think I care what you think about me, or anyone else for that matter. If that makes you feel better to assume I said something for a racist reason, to justify your prejudice of me... I just don't care. Whatever floats your irrelevant little boat.

I will call anyone who is a criminal, an ape, because that is what they are. Calling out evil, for being evil, is exactly what a civil rational society does. What a barbaric, Neanderthal society does, is rationalize ape like behavior, and blame shift to "racism" whenever someone calls them out on it.

If that's you... if the shoe fits... That's your problem, not mine. I stand by my statements in their entirety.

I'm happy you stand by those statements and tarnish the right wing while doing it. Anything that does bring shame to the right is a net positive in my book.

As for a shoplifter an ape? What about someone who goes faster than the speed limit driving home. It's criminal activity, hence they are criminals. Are you ready to call these people "apes"?
If not, why not?

Well Andylusion?
The cop mishandled the girl. There is no excuse for man handling a teenage girl in that manner if she poses no physical threat to you.
So you think she was just being a little angel and didn't do anything to cause the officer to detain her?

From what I could see and hear, she was walking around the scene talking shit, bad-mouthing the cops. The first arriving officer had several kids sitting down and this little angel started walking through the middle of it talking a bunch of smack. The officer told her several times to leave and she just went on talking. She was obviously being disrespectful and was making inflammatory statements toward uniformed officers. 18 U.S. Code 2102 - Definitions US Law LII Legal Information Institute
if the cop was five feet tall, about 100 pounds, i think the girl would of opened a can of whoop-ass
Clearly the girl should have been executed on sight..

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