The Liberal Media: A pool party full of liars

At first glance, the picture below at a pool party in the Craig Ranch community of McKinney, Texas would show a white Austin police officer attacking a poor defenseless bikini clad and black 14 year old girl at a pool party. And that's what the liberalized media would have you believe, by encapsulating this entire incident around this one moment in time, as the epitome of the inherent racism of white cops towards black individuals.


They would be right, if not for this itty bitty little detail. This happened at a pool party sponsored by the Craigs Ranch community. Things got out of hand when cars full of uninvited teenagers began crashing this party by jumping the fence and picking fights with partygoers. The girl in question, Dajerria Becton, refused orders by Officer Casebolt to leave the area, so in my mind, she brought this on herself. Unruly kids like her need to be taught the reality and consequences of disobedience. But I will add as a caveat, he was a bit rough with her. That being said, the only other wrong thing I saw him do was draw his firearm on two boys who came up from behind.

One witness Michael Cory Quattrin, who was at the party and saw the entire thing unfold, immediately debunked this narrative, in a letter to FOX 4 KDFW's Steve Noviello:

PLEASE HELP! That (now viral) video of the officer in McKinney subduing a girl in a bathing suit was in OUR neighborhood. The situation was NOT what is being reported…

A DJ setup in a public space next to the private pool in our neighborhood on Friday and played loud explicit (F-bomb) music for multiple hours (it is unclear if he was invited by a resident as no one has claimed responsibility). The teenagers (both black and white) were being brought into our neighborhood by the carload because the DJ was tweeting out invites to a “pool party” for $15 (obviously unauthorized by our neighborhood). The teens began fighting with each other and pushing their way into our private pool. Some were jumping our fence. The security guard was accosted when he tried to stop the beginnings of this mob scene. Some residents who live around the park/pool area tried to come out and settle things down. The teens started yelling racial slurs at our neighbors and started assaulting people and property (throwing bottles at cars and attacking a mother at the pool with 3 young children). The first officer on the scene was by himself. At that time, the party had grown to a large, aggressive crowd. As the officer arrived, many teens started running through our neighborhood. Many of the teens were being very aggressive and yelling at the officers as more arrived.

This was a very dangerous situation for the officers AND the teens/residents not involved. The news media has refused to hear the neighborhood’s side of this story. The video being distributed is only a very small segment of what happened. This information being distributed by the media and others is extremely distorted and in some cases outright lies.

PLEASE HELP US STOP THE BROADCASTING OF THIS IGNORANCE. The media is trying to make it look like our neighborhood is a white’s only, racist area. Anyone who has spent even a few minutes in our area knows this is an outright LIE.

In concluding the letter, Quattrin revealed how dangerous the situation has gotten since then, and who is to blame for inflaming the problem:

The unfortunate result is that our neighbors are now being threatened. We have also had cars and property in and around the park area vandalized this weekend. Unfortunately, the press and social media are trying to enflame the situation.

Another Craig Ranch community resident, Benet Embry, also debunked the race narrative being played out by the media with a Facebook post:

Oh, I say and I say it again, ya been had! Ya been took! Ya been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok! posts a story showing only 7 minutes of a 30 minute ordeal, makes it racial and all the activist come a running. Look, I LIVE in this community and this ENTIRE incident is NOT racial at all. A few THUGS spoiled a COMMUNITY event by fighting, jumping over fences into a PRIVATE pool, harassing and damaging property. Not EVERYTHING is about RACE. WE have other issuses [sic] that NEED our attention other flights of made up make believe causes.

Embry, as you can see by the comments in his post, has been hit with racial epithets for speaking out. Once again, I will say office Casebolt could have handled things a little different, however, to claim he did what he did because of race is dishonest. And like in Ferguson, Casebolt's home address and phone number were leaked for all to see, subjecting him and his family to danger and death threats. (Please note that the information has been redacted, to protect Casebolt and his family.)

A lot of these kids had this coming. A lot of them should be sent to Juvie Hall for criminal trespass on private property. Make no mistake, the liberal media is at it again, gleefully twisting this incident as the latest in racism by cops against black individuals.

The Liberal Media: A pool party full of liars.

Yeah, the pulling a gun on two unarmed boys and dragging a 14 year old girl by her hair would probably be the points of contention. So your caveats are about a mile wide.

There is a still shot out there showing the kid on the left reaching behind his back as he approached the officer and it clearly shows the cop looking right at the guy when he did it.
Of course he pulled his weapon,I would have done the same.
Sorry OP I think you are wrong, I think it says it all when a white girl kid was defending her black friends, the cops were over reacting and just assumed the black children were the problem.

They were the problem.

No, they weren't. An incompetent police officer with more testosterone than brains was the problem.

Had they not trespassed and started a bunch of shit none of this would have happened.
Virtually every high profile police shooting in th e last two years could have been avoided with 2 words: Yes, sir. That's it. If any of them had simply said "yes sir" and done what the officer told them there would have been no shooting.

"Contempt of Cop" shouldn't be a capital offense, stupid.

Contempt isnt what got them shot.
Sorry OP I think you are wrong, I think it says it all when a white girl kid was defending her black friends, the cops were over reacting and just assumed the black children were the problem.

They were the problem.

No, they weren't. An incompetent police officer with more testosterone than brains was the problem.

Had they not trespassed and started a bunch of shit none of this would have happened.
the girl in the bikini lived there, her mom brought her there from Chicago.
Sorry OP I think you are wrong, I think it says it all when a white girl kid was defending her black friends, the cops were over reacting and just assumed the black children were the problem.

They were the problem.
The cop resigned he was the problem, so was the white bitches at the pool. Fucking snobs.

It's a private pool for residents and they can invite two guests.
How about a hundred people show up at your house uninvited and start partying in your backyard?
Sorry OP I think you are wrong, I think it says it all when a white girl kid was defending her black friends, the cops were over reacting and just assumed the black children were the problem.

They were the problem.

No, they weren't. An incompetent police officer with more testosterone than brains was the problem.

Had they not trespassed and started a bunch of shit none of this would have happened.
the girl in the bikini lived there, her mom brought her there from Chicago.

What about the other 128 people?
Virtually every high profile police shooting in th e last two years could have been avoided with 2 words: Yes, sir. That's it. If any of them had simply said "yes sir" and done what the officer told them there would have been no shooting.

Ridiculous statement.

Even if that were true, cops don't have the right to gun down people for being rude.
Sorry OP I think you are wrong, I think it says it all when a white girl kid was defending her black friends, the cops were over reacting and just assumed the black children were the problem.

They were the problem.

No, they weren't. An incompetent police officer with more testosterone than brains was the problem.

Had they not trespassed and started a bunch of shit none of this would have happened.

No. The cop was wrong. Period. No excuses.
Sorry OP I think you are wrong, I think it says it all when a white girl kid was defending her black friends, the cops were over reacting and just assumed the black children were the problem.

They were the problem.

No, they weren't. An incompetent police officer with more testosterone than brains was the problem.

Had they not trespassed and started a bunch of shit none of this would have happened.

No. The cop was wrong. Period. No excuses.

And the assholes werent?
Sorry OP I think you are wrong, I think it says it all when a white girl kid was defending her black friends, the cops were over reacting and just assumed the black children were the problem.

They were the problem.

No, they weren't. An incompetent police officer with more testosterone than brains was the problem.

Had they not trespassed and started a bunch of shit none of this would have happened.

No. The cop was wrong. Period. No excuses.

And the assholes werent?
the white bitches? Yea they were, the cop? Yes he was.
Sorry OP I think you are wrong, I think it says it all when a white girl kid was defending her black friends, the cops were over reacting and just assumed the black children were the problem.

They were the problem.

No, they weren't. An incompetent police officer with more testosterone than brains was the problem.

Had they not trespassed and started a bunch of shit none of this would have happened.

No. The cop was wrong. Period. No excuses.

And the assholes werent?

If the kids had all been white, the cops probably would not have been called and they most certainly would not have attacked innocent kids.

Law enforcement is supposed to "keep the peace". They could have identified the party crashers and told them to leave. If it had been an all-white party, that's what they would have done.

And the racists here know it.
At first glance, the picture below at a pool party in the Craig Ranch community of McKinney, Texas would show a white Austin police officer attacking a poor defenseless bikini clad and black 14 year old girl at a pool party. And that's what the liberalized media would have you believe, by encapsulating this entire incident around this one moment in time, as the epitome of the inherent racism of white cops towards black individuals.


They would be right, if not for this itty bitty little detail. This happened at a pool party sponsored by the Craigs Ranch community. Things got out of hand when cars full of uninvited teenagers began crashing this party by jumping the fence and picking fights with partygoers. The girl in question, Dajerria Becton, refused orders by Officer Casebolt to leave the area, so in my mind, she brought this on herself. Unruly kids like her need to be taught the reality and consequences of disobedience. But I will add as a caveat, he was a bit rough with her. That being said, the only other wrong thing I saw him do was draw his firearm on two boys who came up from behind.

One witness Michael Cory Quattrin, who was at the party and saw the entire thing unfold, immediately debunked this narrative, in a letter to FOX 4 KDFW's Steve Noviello:

PLEASE HELP! That (now viral) video of the officer in McKinney subduing a girl in a bathing suit was in OUR neighborhood. The situation was NOT what is being reported…

A DJ setup in a public space next to the private pool in our neighborhood on Friday and played loud explicit (F-bomb) music for multiple hours (it is unclear if he was invited by a resident as no one has claimed responsibility). The teenagers (both black and white) were being brought into our neighborhood by the carload because the DJ was tweeting out invites to a “pool party” for $15 (obviously unauthorized by our neighborhood). The teens began fighting with each other and pushing their way into our private pool. Some were jumping our fence. The security guard was accosted when he tried to stop the beginnings of this mob scene. Some residents who live around the park/pool area tried to come out and settle things down. The teens started yelling racial slurs at our neighbors and started assaulting people and property (throwing bottles at cars and attacking a mother at the pool with 3 young children). The first officer on the scene was by himself. At that time, the party had grown to a large, aggressive crowd. As the officer arrived, many teens started running through our neighborhood. Many of the teens were being very aggressive and yelling at the officers as more arrived.

This was a very dangerous situation for the officers AND the teens/residents not involved. The news media has refused to hear the neighborhood’s side of this story. The video being distributed is only a very small segment of what happened. This information being distributed by the media and others is extremely distorted and in some cases outright lies.

PLEASE HELP US STOP THE BROADCASTING OF THIS IGNORANCE. The media is trying to make it look like our neighborhood is a white’s only, racist area. Anyone who has spent even a few minutes in our area knows this is an outright LIE.

In concluding the letter, Quattrin revealed how dangerous the situation has gotten since then, and who is to blame for inflaming the problem:

The unfortunate result is that our neighbors are now being threatened. We have also had cars and property in and around the park area vandalized this weekend. Unfortunately, the press and social media are trying to enflame the situation.

Another Craig Ranch community resident, Benet Embry, also debunked the race narrative being played out by the media with a Facebook post:

Oh, I say and I say it again, ya been had! Ya been took! Ya been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok! posts a story showing only 7 minutes of a 30 minute ordeal, makes it racial and all the activist come a running. Look, I LIVE in this community and this ENTIRE incident is NOT racial at all. A few THUGS spoiled a COMMUNITY event by fighting, jumping over fences into a PRIVATE pool, harassing and damaging property. Not EVERYTHING is about RACE. WE have other issuses [sic] that NEED our attention other flights of made up make believe causes.

Embry, as you can see by the comments in his post, has been hit with racial epithets for speaking out. Once again, I will say office Casebolt could have handled things a little different, however, to claim he did what he did because of race is dishonest. And like in Ferguson, Casebolt's home address and phone number were leaked for all to see, subjecting him and his family to danger and death threats. (Please note that the information has been redacted, to protect Casebolt and his family.)

A lot of these kids had this coming. A lot of them should be sent to Juvie Hall for criminal trespass on private property. Make no mistake, the liberal media is at it again, gleefully twisting this incident as the latest in racism by cops against black individuals.

The Liberal Media: A pool party full of liars.

Yeah, the pulling a gun on two unarmed boys and dragging a 14 year old girl by her hair would probably be the points of contention. So your caveats are about a mile wide.

There is a still shot out there showing the kid on the left reaching behind his back as he approached the officer and it clearly shows the cop looking right at the guy when he did it.
Of course he pulled his weapon,I would have done the same.

Then you shouldn't be a cop.
They were the problem.

No, they weren't. An incompetent police officer with more testosterone than brains was the problem.

Had they not trespassed and started a bunch of shit none of this would have happened.

No. The cop was wrong. Period. No excuses.

And the assholes werent?
the white bitches? Yea they were, the cop? Yes he was.

Those meddling women were probably the ones who called the police - for no other reason than they don't like that the Black kids live there.

Also very creepy was that fatso white guy, tan shirt, standing there. He was just itching to throw a few punches. Lucky that none of the white nutters shot at the kids.
They were the problem.

No, they weren't. An incompetent police officer with more testosterone than brains was the problem.

Had they not trespassed and started a bunch of shit none of this would have happened.

No. The cop was wrong. Period. No excuses.

And the assholes werent?
the white bitches? Yea they were, the cop? Yes he was.

So when are you throwing the party for 130 strangers at your house?
No, they weren't. An incompetent police officer with more testosterone than brains was the problem.

Had they not trespassed and started a bunch of shit none of this would have happened.

No. The cop was wrong. Period. No excuses.

And the assholes werent?
the white bitches? Yea they were, the cop? Yes he was.

So when are you throwing the party for 130 strangers at your house?

First you said it was "128". Now you say it was "130".

Link, please.

No, they weren't. An incompetent police officer with more testosterone than brains was the problem.

Had they not trespassed and started a bunch of shit none of this would have happened.

No. The cop was wrong. Period. No excuses.

And the assholes werent?
the white bitches? Yea they were, the cop? Yes he was.

So when are you throwing the party for 130 strangers at your house?
they were teenagers, when I read a little white girl was standing up for her black friends to white bitches, I know who was wrong and who was right.

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