The Liberal Media


Senior Member
Nov 4, 2013
Seven corporations control nearly 80% of American media. They are Disney, Time-Warner, Viacom, Bertelsmann, The News Corporation, Comcast, and General Electric. Look it up for yourselves. These Fortune 500 companies are ran by super-rich CEOs who do not ever vote for anything "liberal" or "progressive", so how do uninformed talking monkeys in red states continue to say that there is a "liberal media conspiracy" in the US?

Super-rich 1% CEOs who do not ever want a true Progressive President are not going to order their companies to put out information that actually effects real change to our current system.

If seven large corporations control 80% of everything that Americans see, hear and read on a daily basis, then where are all of these "liberal media" that GOP voters and toothless Southern idiots scream about? Do these brainless yokels actually believe that DemocracyNow! and NPR make up the majority of American media?

There isn't a liberal media conspiracy in the US because there aren't any liberal media. It's all corporate. Books, magazines, newspapers, movies, television, radio, etc. etc. is nearly all owned by the 1%. So where are all of the "liberal" media?
In the Conservative Bubble they can not comprehend why anyone would not vote, think, or act like them. So they create falsehoods like the "lamestream media", "war on Christmas" to blame for their continuing irrelevancy in National Elections. It can't be them and their policies because everyone the know or talk to thinks just like them.
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Seven corporations control nearly 80% of American media. They are Disney, Time-Warner, Viacom, Bertelsmann, The News Corporation, Comcast, and General Electric. Look it up for yourselves. These Fortune 500 companies are ran by super-rich CEOs who do not ever vote for anything "liberal" or "progressive", so how do uninformed talking monkeys in red states continue to say that there is a "liberal media conspiracy" in the US?

Super-rich 1% CEOs who do not ever want a true Progressive President are not going to order their companies to put out information that actually effects real change to our current system.

If seven large corporations control 80% of everything that Americans see, hear and read on a daily basis, then where are all of these "liberal media" that GOP voters and toothless Southern idiots scream about? Do these brainless yokels actually believe that DemocracyNow! and NPR make up the majority of American media?

There isn't a liberal media conspiracy in the US because there aren't any liberal media. It's all corporate. Books, magazines, newspapers, movies, television, radio, etc. etc. is nearly all owned by the 1%. So where are all of the "liberal" media?

Where indeed -- exactly. This stark fact seems to sail right over their heads. Because some pied piper demagogue gave 'em a conspiracy theory, they fall all over themselves lapping it up. Repeat it often enough until the unwashed come to believe it.
yes we have a corporate media which is why they don't much report the republican partys long court documented history of cheating in elections which goes all the way to the SCOTUS
Seven corporations control nearly 80% of American media. They are Disney, Time-Warner, Viacom, Bertelsmann, The News Corporation, Comcast, and General Electric. Look it up for yourselves. These Fortune 500 companies are ran by super-rich CEOs who do not ever vote for anything "liberal" or "progressive", so how do uninformed talking monkeys in red states continue to say that there is a "liberal media conspiracy" in the US?

Super-rich 1% CEOs who do not ever want a true Progressive President are not going to order their companies to put out information that actually effects real change to our current system.

If seven large corporations control 80% of everything that Americans see, hear and read on a daily basis, then where are all of these "liberal media" that GOP voters and toothless Southern idiots scream about? Do these brainless yokels actually believe that DemocracyNow! and NPR make up the majority of American media?

There isn't a liberal media conspiracy in the US because there aren't any liberal media. It's all corporate. Books, magazines, newspapers, movies, television, radio, etc. etc. is nearly all owned by the 1%. So where are all of the "liberal" media?

Most absurd. Because corporations with super rich CEO's control much of the media, so the media CAN'T be liberally biased. That is a foolish and ignorant conclusion.

Most big corporations love big government and do it's bidding to get rich.

By all objective analysis, the major media is overwhelmingly liberal in their viewpoints and reporting...and have been for DECADES.

And you post this crap after the continued love affair of most the media for BO, Mrs. BJ Bubba, and other Ds while they actively ignore the many scandals, but they dump all over Christie, promote lies about the Tea Party, and shit all over Sarah Palin....and on and on...

Only a hard core left wing hack would be blind to the truth of MSM liberal bias.
Seven corporations control nearly 80% of American media. They are Disney, Time-Warner, Viacom, Bertelsmann, The News Corporation, Comcast, and General Electric. Look it up for yourselves. These Fortune 500 companies are ran by super-rich CEOs who do not ever vote for anything "liberal" or "progressive", so how do uninformed talking monkeys in red states continue to say that there is a "liberal media conspiracy" in the US?

Super-rich 1% CEOs who do not ever want a true Progressive President are not going to order their companies to put out information that actually effects real change to our current system.

If seven large corporations control 80% of everything that Americans see, hear and read on a daily basis, then where are all of these "liberal media" that GOP voters and toothless Southern idiots scream about? Do these brainless yokels actually believe that DemocracyNow! and NPR make up the majority of American media?

There isn't a liberal media conspiracy in the US because there aren't any liberal media. It's all corporate. Books, magazines, newspapers, movies, television, radio, etc. etc. is nearly all owned by the 1%. So where are all of the "liberal" media?

Most absurd. Because corporations with super rich CEO's control much of the media, so the media CAN'T be liberally biased. That is a foolish and ignorant conclusion.

Most big corporations love big government and do it's bidding to get rich.

By all objective analysis, the major media is overwhelmingly liberal in their viewpoints and reporting...and have been for DECADES.

And you post this crap after the continued love affair of most the media for BO, Mrs. BJ Bubba, and other Ds while they actively ignore the many scandals, but they dump all over Christie, promote lies about the Tea Party, and shit all over Sarah Palin....and on and on...

Only a hard core left wing hack would be blind to the truth of MSM liberal bias.

-- while simultaneously pretending Bill Clinton's and Anthony Weiner's pecadilloes constitute "news" and actually create the Tea Party in the first place...

You don't get it. You're cherrypicking to see a philosophical direction where the only actual direction is pubic attention, which draws ratings, which draws advertisers, which draws profit. And playing a red puppet against a blue puppet is a perfect way to play that. Because that game of bread and circus goes on indefinitely as long as we pretend the show is the puppets and not the puppeteers.

But when the same corporation that owns NBC also owns fat government defence contracts and nuclear power plants, rotsa ruck finding news coverage of those issues that might not favor GE. Today there was a nuclear power plant meltdown, BUT look what Anthony Weiner's doing with his text messages :eek:

Corporate media is an institution, an entreched one. Entrenched institutions do not allow any kind of alternative view that might threaten them.

"Liberal media" my ass. An empty slogan worth no more than an ad for hemorrhoid cream that declares its competition is toothpaste.
Simple people are easily confused. They are told that secularism/non-traditional gender roles/egalitarianism/internationalism are only ever Marxist ideas, and therefore they conclude that the news media is largely composed of Marxists.

Of course they are more broadly recognized as Western values, and obviously the Western media will espouse Western values (for the most part--NewsCorp being an obvious exception)
You can throw 1000 examples to the mindless left, and they still would refuse the bias in the MSM. So it's a wasted discussion. But Jay Leno said it best "FOX should change their slogan from Fair and Balanced to SEE I TOLD YOU SO"
Merely analyzing the media treatment of W versus Big Ears is enough for most people to recognize liberal bias. It is as plain to see, as the big ears on Big Ears.

The ironic thing is W was a stinking big government progressive, yet the lib media, who loves progressives, condemned him every day. I was glad they did. At least, they did their job and somewhat controlled a man with unlimited powers.

The MSM does little to control BO.

And regarding GE, Pogo are you blind? Of course GE/NBC does all it can for Big Ears. Like most of the large corps, they know where the bread is buttered in the quasi Fascist state that America has become.
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Merely analyzing the media treatment of W versus Big Ears is enough for most people to recognize liberal bias. It is as plain to see, as the big ears on Big Ears.

The ironic thing is W was a stinking big government progressive, yet the lib media, who loves progressives, condemned him every day. I was glad they did. At least, they did their job and somewhat controlled a man with unlimited powers.

The MSM does little to control BO.

And regarding GE, Pogo are you blind? Of course GE/NBC does all it can for Big Ears. Like most of the large corps, they know where the bread is buttered in the quasi Fascist state that America has become.

W got that treatment because he was an ass clown. TV milks ass clowns in a different way that it would milk an image like, say, Ronald Reagan (speaking of GE). TV goes for the personal and the emotional. It doesn't care about the political.

W's clownishness, Reagan's kindly old uncleness, O'bama's blackness, Clinton's horniness. That's what the focus will be. Never anything actually important. The idea is not to sell any ideology, in fact it's not to rock the boat of ideology at all. The idea is to keep the unwashed entertained in a passive state so your're vulnerable to this word about our great new pickup truck that will tow an asteroid and while you're in it, take this pill for the erectile dysfunction you never knew you had.

You don't keep that cash cow on the milk machine by pushing an ideology. You stay with what works. Deep thought and nuance don't sell. Base emotion does.
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Merely analyzing the media treatment of W versus Big Ears is enough for most people to recognize liberal bias. It is as plain to see, as the big ears on Big Ears.

The ironic thing is W was a stinking big government progressive, yet the lib media, who loves progressives, condemned him every day. I was glad they did. At least, they did their job and somewhat controlled a man with unlimited powers.

The MSM does little to control BO.

And regarding GE, Pogo are you blind? Of course GE/NBC does all it can for Big Ears. Like most of the large corps, they know where the bread is buttered in the quasi Fascist state that America has become.

W got that treatment because he was an ass clown. TV milks ass clowns in a different way that it would milk an image like, say, Ronald Reagan (speaking of GE). TV goes for the personal and the emotional. It doesn't care about the political.

W's clownishness, Reagan's kindly old uncleness, O'bama's blackness, Clinton's horniness. That's what the focus will be. Never anything actually important. The idea is not to sell any ideology, in fact it's not to rock the boat of ideology at all. The idea is to keep the unwashed entertained in a passive state so your're vulnerable to this word about our great new pickup truck that will tow an asteroid and while you're in it, take this pill for the erectile dysfunction you never knew you had.

You don't keep that cash cow on the milk machine by pushing an ideology. You stay with what works. Deep thought and nuance don't sell. Base emotion does.

"W got that treatment because he was an ass clown."

That is your opinion. The media agrees with you because they are just like you. If the media were unbiased, they would not have denigrated W at every turn, while ignoring BO's numerous failures and scandals...but you being a leftist, you can't comprehend this. You think the media's treatment of W and BO is fair and unbiased, due to your bias.

Studies have shown over and over, the MSM is overwhelmingly liberal in their reporting and opinions.

Even BO knows the truth. He regularly dumps on Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, because they criticize him. He gets no criticism from the rest of the MSM, because they are in his camp...proving their left wing bias.
In the Conservative Bubble they can not comprehend why anyone would not vote, think, or act like them. So they create falsehoods like the "lamestream media", "war on Christmas" to blame for their continuing irrelevancy in National Elections. It can't be them and their policies because everyone the know or talk to thinks just like them.

Bingo, Dutch...this is of course as true for our so called Liberal chums as our so called Conservatives.

I have literally been called a NAZI in a meeting of "progressives" for pointing out that the complaints of the TEA PARTY in many ways mirror the complaints of OWS.

Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an incorrect or deviant decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative ideas or viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences.

Loyalty to the group requires individuals to avoid raising controversial issues or alternative solutions, and there is loss of individual creativity, uniqueness and independent thinking. The dysfunctional group dynamics of the "ingroup" produces an "illusion of invulnerability" (an inflated certainty that the right decision has been made). Thus the "ingroup" significantly overrates their own abilities in decision-making, and significantly underrates the abilities of their opponents (the "outgroup").

Antecedent factors such as group cohesiveness, faulty group structure, and situational context (e.g., community panic) play into the likelihood of whether or not groupthink will impact the decision-making process.

Groupthink is a construct of social psychology, but has an extensive reach and influences literature in the fields of communication studies, political science, management, and organizational theory,[1] as well as important aspects of deviant religious cult behaviour.[2]

Most of the initial research on groupthink was conducted by Irving Janis, a research psychologist from Yale University.[3] Janis published an influential book in 1972, which was revised in 1982.[4][5] Later studies have evaluated and reformulated his groupthink model.[6][7]

WE see GROUPTHINK played out on this board every after day..

Hence the same stupid arguments are revisited every day
Seven corporations control nearly 80% of American media. They are Disney, Time-Warner, Viacom, Bertelsmann, The News Corporation, Comcast, and General Electric. Look it up for yourselves. These Fortune 500 companies are ran by super-rich CEOs who do not ever vote for anything "liberal" or "progressive", so how do uninformed talking monkeys in red states continue to say that there is a "liberal media conspiracy" in the US?

Super-rich 1% CEOs who do not ever want a true Progressive President are not going to order their companies to put out information that actually effects real change to our current system.

If seven large corporations control 80% of everything that Americans see, hear and read on a daily basis, then where are all of these "liberal media" that GOP voters and toothless Southern idiots scream about? Do these brainless yokels actually believe that DemocracyNow! and NPR make up the majority of American media?

There isn't a liberal media conspiracy in the US because there aren't any liberal media. It's all corporate. Books, magazines, newspapers, movies, television, radio, etc. etc. is nearly all owned by the 1%. So where are all of the "liberal" media?
1. Where the jobs went. U.S. multinationals have cut 2.9 million jobs here. When was the last time you saw a front-page headline about outsourcing?

2. Upward wealth redistribution and/or inequality. The bottom 80 percent of people held only 12% of net worth in 2010. In 1983, they held 18%. Why isn’t this being discussed in the “liberal” media?

3. ALEC. If there were a corporate organization that drafted laws and then passed them on to state legislators to implement, wouldn’t you think the “liberal” media would report on them more?

4. U.S. health care costs are the highest in the world. As a liberal, I’d like to ask why the market isn’t bringing down costs. I’d think a “liberal media” might too.

5. The Glass-Steagall Act separated risky financial investments from government-backed deposits for 66 years. Banks were prohibited from using your federally insured savings to make risky investments. This all changed and the liberal media said nothing.

6. Gerrymandering. When was the last time you saw a front page headline about it? In 2012 Congressional races, Democrats drew nearly 1.4 million more votes than Republicans yet Republicans won control of the House. How is this possible? ng from the , “liberal media”? They cover voter ID laws, why can’t they cover real-vote stealing?

7. The number of bills blocked by Republicans in Congress. Filibuster has been used a record # of times since Obama was elected, not a peep from the liberal media? 8. The Citizens United Supreme Court decision. In a 2011 Hart poll, only 22 % had actually heard of the Citizens United. Liberal media my ass.

9. Tax cuts primarily benefit the wealthy and trickle down didn’t work.

10. Media consolidation. Six corporations control roughly 90 % of the media in the U.S. What you won’t hear is the “liberal media” discuss the corporate media.
Seven corporations control nearly 80% of American media. They are Disney, Time-Warner, Viacom, Bertelsmann, The News Corporation, Comcast, and General Electric. Look it up for yourselves. These Fortune 500 companies are ran by super-rich CEOs who do not ever vote for anything "liberal" or "progressive", so how do uninformed talking monkeys in red states continue to say that there is a "liberal media conspiracy" in the US?

Super-rich 1% CEOs who do not ever want a true Progressive President are not going to order their companies to put out information that actually effects real change to our current system.

If seven large corporations control 80% of everything that Americans see, hear and read on a daily basis, then where are all of these "liberal media" that GOP voters and toothless Southern idiots scream about? Do these brainless yokels actually believe that DemocracyNow! and NPR make up the majority of American media?

There isn't a liberal media conspiracy in the US because there aren't any liberal media. It's all corporate. Books, magazines, newspapers, movies, television, radio, etc. etc. is nearly all owned by the 1%. So where are all of the "liberal" media?

Not even NPR is liberal. They try to present both sides.

Laura Ingraham Is Mainstreaming White Supremacy, But She's Not Alone | HuffPost

National Public Radio, widely regarded as left-leaning, but really just barely a liberal radio network, has helped mainstream white supremacy, too. Last week Noel King, host of “Morning Edition,” interviewed Jason Kessler, organizer of last year’s deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and this year’s in D.C. King asked Kessler about his beliefs about different races of people, providing Kessler a platform to broadcast his white supremacist views uninterrupted ― and unchecked ― to a national audience.
Merely analyzing the media treatment of W versus Big Ears is enough for most people to recognize liberal bias. It is as plain to see, as the big ears on Big Ears.

The ironic thing is W was a stinking big government progressive, yet the lib media, who loves progressives, condemned him every day. I was glad they did. At least, they did their job and somewhat controlled a man with unlimited powers.

The MSM does little to control BO.

And regarding GE, Pogo are you blind? Of course GE/NBC does all it can for Big Ears. Like most of the large corps, they know where the bread is buttered in the quasi Fascist state that America has become.

Nonsense. You simply liked GW and didn't like negative news about him and you didn't like Obama so you wondered why the mainstream media wasn't treating him like Rush was. That's because you are a right wing idiot.

Science Settles It: NPR's Liberal, But Not Very
yes we have a corporate media which is why they don't much report the republican partys long court documented history of cheating in elections which goes all the way to the SCOTUS
Ah, what a great trip down memory lane to see old Truthsplatters again. Just as fuckin’ stupid as I remember her.
Merely analyzing the media treatment of W versus Big Ears is enough for most people to recognize liberal bias. It is as plain to see, as the big ears on Big Ears.

The ironic thing is W was a stinking big government progressive, yet the lib media, who loves progressives, condemned him every day. I was glad they did. At least, they did their job and somewhat controlled a man with unlimited powers.

The MSM does little to control BO.

And regarding GE, Pogo are you blind? Of course GE/NBC does all it can for Big Ears. Like most of the large corps, they know where the bread is buttered in the quasi Fascist state that America has become.

Nonsense. You simply liked GW and didn't like negative news about him and you didn't like Obama so you wondered why the mainstream media wasn't treating him like Rush was. That's because you are a right wing idiot.

Science Settles It: NPR's Liberal, But Not Very
Now that is MAJOR nonsense. W is a war criminal who should be languishing in Supermax...with Obama.

Search is forum for “war criminal” under my name.

Stop jumping to dumb easy narratives that fit your silly beliefs.
yes we have a corporate media which is why they don't much report the republican partys long court documented history of cheating in elections which goes all the way to the SCOTUS
Ah, what a great trip down memory lane to see old Truthsplatters again. Just as fuckin’ stupid as I remember her.

I really miss such a kick out of deciphering her posts.
Seven corporations control nearly 80% of American media. They are Disney, Time-Warner, Viacom, Bertelsmann, The News Corporation, Comcast, and General Electric. Look it up for yourselves. These Fortune 500 companies are ran by super-rich CEOs who do not ever vote for anything "liberal" or "progressive", so how do uninformed talking monkeys in red states continue to say that there is a "liberal media conspiracy" in the US?

Super-rich 1% CEOs who do not ever want a true Progressive President are not going to order their companies to put out information that actually effects real change to our current system.

If seven large corporations control 80% of everything that Americans see, hear and read on a daily basis, then where are all of these "liberal media" that GOP voters and toothless Southern idiots scream about? Do these brainless yokels actually believe that DemocracyNow! and NPR make up the majority of American media?

There isn't a liberal media conspiracy in the US because there aren't any liberal media. It's all corporate. Books, magazines, newspapers, movies, television, radio, etc. etc. is nearly all owned by the 1%. So where are all of the "liberal" media?
Where are all of the "liberal" media"?. Turn your controller to any random channel. Voila! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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