The Liberal Myth that the Rich Pay "Virtually No Taxes"

Sorry, Folks, We Don't Just Have 'A Spending Problem'

These aren't even liberal publications that I'm citing. Look, "we don't just have a spending problem", says the article, which then goes on to make yet another factual claim that debunks the premise of this utterly bullshit thread that I'm not wasting anymore of my precious time on, because it's impossible to have a conversation with retards who appear to have no ability to grasp new information and then evolve their thinking.

Trying to obfuscate your inaccurate posts by flooding the thread with other things
Revenue problem?

Obama's lowest spending in 60 years?

Learn to read a graph, regressives (How hard can this possibly be?):


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Revenue problem?

Obama's lowest spending in 60 years?

Learn to read a graph, regressive (How hard can this possibly be?):


If his lack of intellect wasn't so sad it'd be funny

no I take that back it's still funny

Healthcare spending is slowing. Thank you, Obamacare.

It's a revenue problem, not a spending problem, assholes.

Tax revenues to GDP are only about 1% off the highs of the 1990s

Stop fucking responding and start reading, asshole.

So tell me is government spending as a function of GDP the lowest it's been in 60 years or not

That was your original assertion now you are running from it
And yet you losers call for more tax cuts coupled with 200,000 more troops in the Middle East.

Fucking retards.
And yet you losers call for more tax cuts coupled with 200,000 more troops in the Middle East.

Fucking retards.

I never called for more tax cuts

show me where I said that

Your support of a flat tax isnt a "tax cut"
You might want to go back an re read some of your posts.

You have definitely called for a tax cut. In the form of a flat tax.

Why you want to lie about what it is you have said?
And yet you losers call for more tax cuts coupled with 200,000 more troops in the Middle East.

Fucking retards.

I never called for more tax cuts

show me where I said that

Your support of a flat tax isnt a "tax cut"
You might want to go back an re read some of your posts.

You have definitely called for a tax cut. In the form of a flat tax.

Why you want to lie about what it is you have said?

It's revenue neutral at the worst so tax revenue will not be cut
Bernie Sanders says tax share paid by corporations has fallen from 33% to 9% since 1952

Evidenced by the good people at Politifact, Bernie Sanders wasn't lying when he cited that corporate taxes as a % of GDP have gone from 33% to 9% since 1952.

So indeed, the ultra rich (a class our tax system helped to create dating back to Reagan's huge tax cuts of 1981--some of which he had to rescind for years afterwards) DO pay virtually no taxes, contrary to the utter bullshit premise of this OP.
And yet you losers call for more tax cuts coupled with 200,000 more troops in the Middle East.

Fucking retards.

I never called for more tax cuts

show me where I said that

Your support of a flat tax isnt a "tax cut"
You might want to go back an re read some of your posts.

You have definitely called for a tax cut. In the form of a flat tax.

Why you want to lie about what it is you have said?

It's revenue neutral at the worst so tax revenue will not be cut

Prove it.

The poor actually get a nice tax increase under your idea skull.

So who gets the tax cuts?

No one you say? Well thats funny. If there was a flat tax today of 15%, I would be getting a tax cut.

But go ahead and prove it would be revenue neutral. I know you have spent a lot of time fantasizing about this.

And revenue neutral may be what you claim as an amount of tax recieved by the treasury, but someone is gonna get a tax increase and someone is gonna get a tax reduction under your idea.
Bernie Sanders says tax share paid by corporations has fallen from 33% to 9% since 1952

Evidenced by the good people at Politifact, Bernie Sanders wasn't lying when he cited that corporate taxes as a % of GDP have gone from 33% to 9% since 1952.

So indeed, the ultra rich (a class our tax system helped to create dating back to Reagan's huge tax cuts of 1981--some of which he had to rescind for years afterwards) DO pay virtually no taxes, contrary to the utter bullshit premise of this OP.

Wow, there is so much wrong with this. For starters, you wouldn't have believed that people this moronic could exist.

In the last page I showed that the TOTAL tax revenue was nowhere near 33% of GDP during that time. And now, you genius are claiming that merely the corporate taxes amounted to 33% of GDP. Of course the facts were already presented in the OP's first post - the rich pay an overwhelming amount of taxes (and would include other taxes in addition to corporate taxes - which USA has one of the highest rates for in the modern world, last time I checked it was the 2nd highest). For corporate taxes to be 33% of the economy, the corporate tax rate would have to be over 100%... But if regressive logic is what you adhere to, such rate is most likely completely justified.

The grave issue at hand here seems to be that regressives might actually need to pay something for the vast amount of services they use if we adhered to flat tax plan. Think of the horror... Some of them might even have to get a job.
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rich pay overwhelming amount of taxes (and that includes other taxes besides corporate taxes - which USA has one of the highest rates for in the modern world, last time I checked it was 2nd highest).

Dude the rich have an overwhelming amount of income. And it has been growing larger for the past several years.

Of course they pay a huge amount of tax. They have a huge amount of money.
Is this news to you? The amount of income gains for the ultra wealthy is written about all over the Net.
Are you fucking clueless or what?

Another person who needs to learn to use Google.
rich pay overwhelming amount of taxes (and that includes other taxes besides corporate taxes - which USA has one of the highest rates for in the modern world, last time I checked it was 2nd highest).

Dude the rich have an overwhelming amount of income. And it has been growing larger for the past several years.

Of course they pay a huge amount of tax. They have a huge amount of money.
Is this news to you? The amount of income gains for the ultra wealthy is written about all over the Net.
Are you fucking clueless or what?

Another person who needs to learn to use Google.

You idiot, I responded to the claim that "rich pay virtually no taxes". I am glad you agree that they in fact do pay a "huge amount of tax" and that Interpol needs to learn to use google.

This is not news to me, to a regressive it however appears to be new information.

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