The Liberal Myth that the Rich Pay "Virtually No Taxes"

flat tax is the way to go. No deductions, no refunds, no income levels to be adjusted for. Make a dollar? pay .20 cent. its very simple. Want to vote for a new program or spending bill? everyone sees an increase in their taxes.
From the guy that makes 10 bucks a year to the guy that makes 10 million, same exact rate per dollar.
allow the government to spend only what it took in the previous year, that way the exact amount available is known.

I don't think it will have to be that high if we include ALL forms of income
actually, I dont think it could be that low if the country ever intends on paying of the debt.
can you imagine the social programs this country could have if the debt was gone?

If the debt was gone we shouldn't spend what we save we should give it back to the people in the form of lower taxes
The interest on the national debt is a half trillion dollars per year. It the debt was paid off, everybody's taxes would be that much less per year, except that the republicans have neglected this country's infrastructure for so long, our roads and bridges are impassable. The road construction has not kept up with the population growth, so we have gridlock to and from work every day.

Bernie Sanders is correct about the transfer of wealth over the last thirty years going to the richest one percent. But on top of that is the $18 trillion national debt that the rich has run up on the tax payers. THE POOR DIDN'T DO IT! THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS!

33% of this country are so stupid, that they vote for republicans to give their money to the richest 1%. When Shrub gave millionaires $3 trillion tax cut welfare and added it to the national debt, I heard a stupid con say, "It's better than giving it to the poor." Complete moron.

Don't give me that infrastructure crap again we already collect over 100 billion annually in gas and other taxes that are supposed to be used solely for infrastructure

Before we put one more dime into that black hole we need an accounting of where every penny of that money has gone
And the cons have stolen over $3 trillion from the Social Security fund. i don't hear calls for that accounting. I'll tell you where it went....The cons gave the whole $3 trillion to tax cut welfare for millionaires.

And the $100 billion in gas taxes was spent on the cons war in Iraq. And if the cons have their way, they'll spend another $10 trillion on the same war again. Cons love to beat that dead horse.
I don't think it will have to be that high if we include ALL forms of income
actually, I dont think it could be that low if the country ever intends on paying of the debt.
can you imagine the social programs this country could have if the debt was gone?

If the debt was gone we shouldn't spend what we save we should give it back to the people in the form of lower taxes
The interest on the national debt is a half trillion dollars per year. It the debt was paid off, everybody's taxes would be that much less per year, except that the republicans have neglected this country's infrastructure for so long, our roads and bridges are impassable. The road construction has not kept up with the population growth, so we have gridlock to and from work every day.

Bernie Sanders is correct about the transfer of wealth over the last thirty years going to the richest one percent. But on top of that is the $18 trillion national debt that the rich has run up on the tax payers. THE POOR DIDN'T DO IT! THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS!

33% of this country are so stupid, that they vote for republicans to give their money to the richest 1%. When Shrub gave millionaires $3 trillion tax cut welfare and added it to the national debt, I heard a stupid con say, "It's better than giving it to the poor." Complete moron.

Don't give me that infrastructure crap again we already collect over 100 billion annually in gas and other taxes that are supposed to be used solely for infrastructure

Before we put one more dime into that black hole we need an accounting of where every penny of that money has gone
And the cons have stolen over $3 trillion from the Social Security fund. i don't hear calls for that accounting. I'll tell you where it went....The cons gave the whole $3 trillion to tax cut welfare for millionaires.

And the $100 billion in gas taxes was spent on the cons war in Iraq. And if the cons have their way, they'll spend another $10 trillion on the same war again. Cons love to beat that dead horse.

Ah yes and the dems never spent any of that money on something other than roads>

Why can't you people not think in only 2 dimensions?
Liberals love to use vague terms like "Effective tax rate" and "Fairness" in an attempt to get deeper into the pockets of HARDWORKING higher income Americans. They use mental images of fat cat wallstreet traders to justify their bashing of the very people that FUND this bloated inefficient government and pay for the welfare programs keep the Democratic vote farm running.

Before you come after more tax money for the government to waste, how about make a REAL effort to make the government leaner and more efficient. Re-examine government pay structures and bloated or redundant departments. Do you know that it is not uncommon for high GS level employees to make 100K to 150K per year? Explain to me why any paper pusher is worth that, then we can talk about how the "rich" are not paying enough tax.
Historical tax rates are well documented

Our wealthy are paying at the lowest rate in 75 years...we are not better off because of it
Correct...Because the rich don't pay the taxes they used to, we have an $18 trillion national debt. And stupid cons expect the poor to pay it off. Shrub gave millionaires $3 trillion in tax cut welfare that was just added to the national debt. Giving money to those that don't need it is as stupid as it gets.
actually, I dont think it could be that low if the country ever intends on paying of the debt.
can you imagine the social programs this country could have if the debt was gone?

If the debt was gone we shouldn't spend what we save we should give it back to the people in the form of lower taxes
The interest on the national debt is a half trillion dollars per year. It the debt was paid off, everybody's taxes would be that much less per year, except that the republicans have neglected this country's infrastructure for so long, our roads and bridges are impassable. The road construction has not kept up with the population growth, so we have gridlock to and from work every day.

Bernie Sanders is correct about the transfer of wealth over the last thirty years going to the richest one percent. But on top of that is the $18 trillion national debt that the rich has run up on the tax payers. THE POOR DIDN'T DO IT! THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS!

33% of this country are so stupid, that they vote for republicans to give their money to the richest 1%. When Shrub gave millionaires $3 trillion tax cut welfare and added it to the national debt, I heard a stupid con say, "It's better than giving it to the poor." Complete moron.

Don't give me that infrastructure crap again we already collect over 100 billion annually in gas and other taxes that are supposed to be used solely for infrastructure

Before we put one more dime into that black hole we need an accounting of where every penny of that money has gone
And the cons have stolen over $3 trillion from the Social Security fund. i don't hear calls for that accounting. I'll tell you where it went....The cons gave the whole $3 trillion to tax cut welfare for millionaires.

And the $100 billion in gas taxes was spent on the cons war in Iraq. And if the cons have their way, they'll spend another $10 trillion on the same war again. Cons love to beat that dead horse.

Ah yes and the dems never spent any of that money on something other than roads>

Why can't you people not think in only 2 dimensions?
The cons had control of congress during Shrubs white house. Cons have control of congress now. Quit pointing the finger at the dems and take responsibility for the actions of your own.
Liberals love to use vague terms like "Effective tax rate" and "Fairness" in an attempt to get deeper into the pockets of HARDWORKING higher income Americans. They use mental images of fat cat wallstreet traders to justify their bashing of the very people that FUND this bloated inefficient government and pay for the welfare programs keep the Democratic vote farm running.

Before you come after more tax money for the government to waste, how about make a REAL effort to make the government leaner and more efficient. Re-examine government pay structures and bloated or redundant departments. Do you know that it is not uncommon for high GS level employees to make 100K to 150K per year? Explain to me why any paper pusher is worth that, then we can talk about how the "rich" are not paying enough tax.
Historical tax rates are well documented

Our wealthy are paying at the lowest rate in 75 years...we are not better off because of it
Correct...Because the rich don't pay the taxes they used to, we have an $18 trillion national debt. And stupid cons expect the poor to pay it off. Shrub gave millionaires $3 trillion in tax cut welfare that was just added to the national debt. Giving money to those that don't need it is as stupid as it gets.

This is complete nonsense. The rich pretty much pay more taxes than ever, and even investments are now higher taxed than before. It's like the graph I showed few pages ago went right past the regressive minds. Back to lies as usual... Regressives after all know that only way for them to get any support, is to lie.
If the debt was gone we shouldn't spend what we save we should give it back to the people in the form of lower taxes
The interest on the national debt is a half trillion dollars per year. It the debt was paid off, everybody's taxes would be that much less per year, except that the republicans have neglected this country's infrastructure for so long, our roads and bridges are impassable. The road construction has not kept up with the population growth, so we have gridlock to and from work every day.

Bernie Sanders is correct about the transfer of wealth over the last thirty years going to the richest one percent. But on top of that is the $18 trillion national debt that the rich has run up on the tax payers. THE POOR DIDN'T DO IT! THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS!

33% of this country are so stupid, that they vote for republicans to give their money to the richest 1%. When Shrub gave millionaires $3 trillion tax cut welfare and added it to the national debt, I heard a stupid con say, "It's better than giving it to the poor." Complete moron.

Don't give me that infrastructure crap again we already collect over 100 billion annually in gas and other taxes that are supposed to be used solely for infrastructure

Before we put one more dime into that black hole we need an accounting of where every penny of that money has gone
And the cons have stolen over $3 trillion from the Social Security fund. i don't hear calls for that accounting. I'll tell you where it went....The cons gave the whole $3 trillion to tax cut welfare for millionaires.

And the $100 billion in gas taxes was spent on the cons war in Iraq. And if the cons have their way, they'll spend another $10 trillion on the same war again. Cons love to beat that dead horse.

Ah yes and the dems never spent any of that money on something other than roads>

Why can't you people not think in only 2 dimensions?
The cons had control of congress during Shrubs white house. Cons have control of congress now. Quit pointing the finger at the dems and take responsibility for the actions of your own.

Hey Idiot I didn't take any of those actions

Once again you demonstrate your limited ability to think in more than 2 dimensions
The interest on the national debt is a half trillion dollars per year. It the debt was paid off, everybody's taxes would be that much less per year, except that the republicans have neglected this country's infrastructure for so long, our roads and bridges are impassable. The road construction has not kept up with the population growth, so we have gridlock to and from work every day.

Bernie Sanders is correct about the transfer of wealth over the last thirty years going to the richest one percent. But on top of that is the $18 trillion national debt that the rich has run up on the tax payers. THE POOR DIDN'T DO IT! THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS!

33% of this country are so stupid, that they vote for republicans to give their money to the richest 1%. When Shrub gave millionaires $3 trillion tax cut welfare and added it to the national debt, I heard a stupid con say, "It's better than giving it to the poor." Complete moron.

Don't give me that infrastructure crap again we already collect over 100 billion annually in gas and other taxes that are supposed to be used solely for infrastructure

Before we put one more dime into that black hole we need an accounting of where every penny of that money has gone
And the cons have stolen over $3 trillion from the Social Security fund. i don't hear calls for that accounting. I'll tell you where it went....The cons gave the whole $3 trillion to tax cut welfare for millionaires.

And the $100 billion in gas taxes was spent on the cons war in Iraq. And if the cons have their way, they'll spend another $10 trillion on the same war again. Cons love to beat that dead horse.

Ah yes and the dems never spent any of that money on something other than roads>

Why can't you people not think in only 2 dimensions?
The cons had control of congress during Shrubs white house. Cons have control of congress now. Quit pointing the finger at the dems and take responsibility for the actions of your own.

Hey Idiot I didn't take any of those actions

Once again you demonstrate your limited ability to think in more than 2 dimensions
You took those actions by voting in the cons that did them. Again you demonstrate that cons don't take responsibility for what they do.
The interest on the national debt is a half trillion dollars per year. It the debt was paid off, everybody's taxes would be that much less per year, except that the republicans have neglected this country's infrastructure for so long, our roads and bridges are impassable. The road construction has not kept up with the population growth, so we have gridlock to and from work every day.

Bernie Sanders is correct about the transfer of wealth over the last thirty years going to the richest one percent. But on top of that is the $18 trillion national debt that the rich has run up on the tax payers. THE POOR DIDN'T DO IT! THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS!

33% of this country are so stupid, that they vote for republicans to give their money to the richest 1%. When Shrub gave millionaires $3 trillion tax cut welfare and added it to the national debt, I heard a stupid con say, "It's better than giving it to the poor." Complete moron.

Don't give me that infrastructure crap again we already collect over 100 billion annually in gas and other taxes that are supposed to be used solely for infrastructure

Before we put one more dime into that black hole we need an accounting of where every penny of that money has gone
And the cons have stolen over $3 trillion from the Social Security fund. i don't hear calls for that accounting. I'll tell you where it went....The cons gave the whole $3 trillion to tax cut welfare for millionaires.

And the $100 billion in gas taxes was spent on the cons war in Iraq. And if the cons have their way, they'll spend another $10 trillion on the same war again. Cons love to beat that dead horse.

Ah yes and the dems never spent any of that money on something other than roads>

Why can't you people not think in only 2 dimensions?
The cons had control of congress during Shrubs white house. Cons have control of congress now. Quit pointing the finger at the dems and take responsibility for the actions of your own.

Hey Idiot I didn't take any of those actions

Once again you demonstrate your limited ability to think

Fixed... Regressives don't think.
Liberals love to use vague terms like "Effective tax rate" and "Fairness" in an attempt to get deeper into the pockets of HARDWORKING higher income Americans. They use mental images of fat cat wallstreet traders to justify their bashing of the very people that FUND this bloated inefficient government and pay for the welfare programs keep the Democratic vote farm running.

Before you come after more tax money for the government to waste, how about make a REAL effort to make the government leaner and more efficient. Re-examine government pay structures and bloated or redundant departments. Do you know that it is not uncommon for high GS level employees to make 100K to 150K per year? Explain to me why any paper pusher is worth that, then we can talk about how the "rich" are not paying enough tax.
Historical tax rates are well documented

Our wealthy are paying at the lowest rate in 75 years...we are not better off because of it
Correct...Because the rich don't pay the taxes they used to, we have an $18 trillion national debt. And stupid cons expect the poor to pay it off. Shrub gave millionaires $3 trillion in tax cut welfare that was just added to the national debt. Giving money to those that don't need it is as stupid as it gets.

This is complete nonsense. The rich pretty much pay more taxes than ever, and even investments are now higher taxed than before. It's like the graph I showed few pages ago went right past the regressive minds. Back to lies as usual... Regressives after all know that only way for them to get any support, is to lie.
$400,000 and over

$400,00-and over

$200,000-and over

$215,400-and over
70% Tax Brackets.pdf

Top tax rate in 1985-50%

Top tax rate in 1990-28%

Top tax rate in 2000-39.6%

Top tax rate in 2005-35%

Top tax rate in 2010-35%

Top tax rate in 2015-39.6%

In 1980 we had a national debt of less than one trillion dollars, when millionaires paid they pay less than 40% almost half, and our debt is now $18 trillion...and they do ALL of the deficit spending...THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS!
Liberals love to use vague terms like "Effective tax rate" and "Fairness" in an attempt to get deeper into the pockets of HARDWORKING higher income Americans. They use mental images of fat cat wallstreet traders to justify their bashing of the very people that FUND this bloated inefficient government and pay for the welfare programs keep the Democratic vote farm running.

Before you come after more tax money for the government to waste, how about make a REAL effort to make the government leaner and more efficient. Re-examine government pay structures and bloated or redundant departments. Do you know that it is not uncommon for high GS level employees to make 100K to 150K per year? Explain to me why any paper pusher is worth that, then we can talk about how the "rich" are not paying enough tax.
Historical tax rates are well documented

Our wealthy are paying at the lowest rate in 75 years...we are not better off because of it
Correct...Because the rich don't pay the taxes they used to, we have an $18 trillion national debt. And stupid cons expect the poor to pay it off. Shrub gave millionaires $3 trillion in tax cut welfare that was just added to the national debt. Giving money to those that don't need it is as stupid as it gets.

This is complete nonsense. The rich pretty much pay more taxes than ever, and even investments are now higher taxed than before. It's like the graph I showed few pages ago went right past the regressive minds. Back to lies as usual... Regressives after all know that only way for them to get any support, is to lie.
$400,000 and over

$400,00-and over

$200,000-and over

$215,400-and over
70% Tax Brackets.pdf

Top tax rate in 1985-50%

Top tax rate in 1990-28%

Top tax rate in 2000-39.6%

Top tax rate in 2005-35%

Top tax rate in 2010-35%

Top tax rate in 2015-39.6%

In 1980 we had a national debt of less than one trillion dollars, when millionaires paid they pay less than 40% almost half, and our debt is now $18 trillion...and they do ALL of the deficit spending...THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS!

You do realize that MARGINAL TAX RATE is not the same as the actual EFFECTIVE TAX that is paid. I know, using logic is difficult if your ideology is set to regressive. You would have to actually go and calculate the actual effective rates. Yes, I said calculate, and yes I know you don't know how to do that. The tax code has not been static... But if you really think that when government was a third smaller than it is now, the rich paid double the rates. Well I don't even know what to say.
Don't give me that infrastructure crap again we already collect over 100 billion annually in gas and other taxes that are supposed to be used solely for infrastructure

Before we put one more dime into that black hole we need an accounting of where every penny of that money has gone
And the cons have stolen over $3 trillion from the Social Security fund. i don't hear calls for that accounting. I'll tell you where it went....The cons gave the whole $3 trillion to tax cut welfare for millionaires.

And the $100 billion in gas taxes was spent on the cons war in Iraq. And if the cons have their way, they'll spend another $10 trillion on the same war again. Cons love to beat that dead horse.

Ah yes and the dems never spent any of that money on something other than roads>

Why can't you people not think in only 2 dimensions?
The cons had control of congress during Shrubs white house. Cons have control of congress now. Quit pointing the finger at the dems and take responsibility for the actions of your own.

Hey Idiot I didn't take any of those actions

Once again you demonstrate your limited ability to think in more than 2 dimensions
You took those actions by voting in the cons that did them. Again you demonstrate that cons don't take responsibility for what they do.

So once again you assume I must be a republican

You really should try to think beyond your little black and white 2D pigeonhole world
Liberals love to use vague terms like "Effective tax rate" and "Fairness" in an attempt to get deeper into the pockets of HARDWORKING higher income Americans. They use mental images of fat cat wallstreet traders to justify their bashing of the very people that FUND this bloated inefficient government and pay for the welfare programs keep the Democratic vote farm running.

Before you come after more tax money for the government to waste, how about make a REAL effort to make the government leaner and more efficient. Re-examine government pay structures and bloated or redundant departments. Do you know that it is not uncommon for high GS level employees to make 100K to 150K per year? Explain to me why any paper pusher is worth that, then we can talk about how the "rich" are not paying enough tax.
Historical tax rates are well documented

Our wealthy are paying at the lowest rate in 75 years...we are not better off because of it
Correct...Because the rich don't pay the taxes they used to, we have an $18 trillion national debt. And stupid cons expect the poor to pay it off. Shrub gave millionaires $3 trillion in tax cut welfare that was just added to the national debt. Giving money to those that don't need it is as stupid as it gets.

This is complete nonsense. The rich pretty much pay more taxes than ever, and even investments are now higher taxed than before. It's like the graph I showed few pages ago went right past the regressive minds. Back to lies as usual... Regressives after all know that only way for them to get any support, is to lie.
$400,000 and over

$400,00-and over

$200,000-and over

$215,400-and over
70% Tax Brackets.pdf

Top tax rate in 1985-50%

Top tax rate in 1990-28%

Top tax rate in 2000-39.6%

Top tax rate in 2005-35%

Top tax rate in 2010-35%

Top tax rate in 2015-39.6%

In 1980 we had a national debt of less than one trillion dollars, when millionaires paid they pay less than 40% almost half, and our debt is now $18 trillion...and they do ALL of the deficit spending...THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS!

You seem to leave out the part that in 1970 an income of 28K a year put you in the 39% bracket

So when you pine for the Good ol' days just remember that
The tax rates don't mean shit because no one is paying that rate .

Mitt Romney is richer than God , he pays a 14% tax rate because the tax code has so many exemptions and loopholes .
The tax rates don't mean shit because no one is paying that rate .

Mitt Romney is richer than God , he pays a 14% tax rate because the tax code has so many exemptions and loopholes .

His tax rate is 15% on cap gains his effective tax rate is lower because of all the deductions he is allowed to take which is why we need to get rid of all deductions and tax earned income from the first dollar
The 1% pay an effective tax rate of 17%...lowest in a hundred years

The middle class have to make up the difference

Warning! Far left drone religious dogma!
HE doesn't realize that the so called middle class only pay about 9% of their income in taxes and that raising taxes on the so-called rich won't reduce their tax burdens by one cent
The 1% pay an effective tax rate of 17%...lowest in a hundred years

The middle class have to make up the difference

Warning! Far left drone religious dogma!
HE doesn't realize that the so called middle class only pay about 9% of their income in taxes and that raising taxes on the so-called rich won't reduce their tax burdens by one cent

Funny that I just calculated the tax rate for the rich few pages ago. It's much much more than 17% if you consider all the taxes, and certainly not the lowest in hundreds of years. What we have here is complete regressive lies or as they call them "opinions".

Using the cap gains tax is a bit dishonest as the corporation is already paying the as I recall, 2nd highest tax rate in the world before that.
Corporations are not hurting. And if we dropped all corporate taxes they are not going to bring the jobs back because the fact is they don't have to pay for labor overseas. Why would they bring them back when slave labor will do the job for practically free? Talk about exploitation.
Corporations are not hurting. And if we dropped all corporate taxes they are not going to bring the jobs back because the fact is they don't have to pay for labor overseas. Why would they bring them back when slave labor will do the job for practically free? Talk about exploitation.
You do realize that every cent of corporate tax paid by businesses is passed on to the consumer don't you?
If the rich pay "virtually nothing" in taxes, as liberals continue to claim, how is it that they pay the majority of federal personal income taxes? According to federal income tax data, the top 1% pay about 45% of all federal income taxes. The top 10% pay at least 60% of all federal income taxes. And the top 20% pay over 80% of all federal income taxes.

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

Top 10 Percent of Earners Paid 68 Percent of Federal Income Taxes

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax

STEPHEN MOORE: Do the rich pay their fair share of taxes?

Do the rich pay lower taxes than the middle class?

The Rich Pay More than Their Fair Share of Taxes | Economics21

What's more, the top 1% pay around 24% of all federal taxes (income taxes, corporate taxes, tariffs, etc.). The top 10% pay over 50% of all federal taxes.

1 Percenters Pay 24 Percent and Top 10 Percent Pay 53.3 Percent of All Federal Taxes

And this is on top of the huge amount of county and state taxes that the rich pay, especially rich people who own businesses. I have two relatives who own businesses, and I can't believe how much they get soaked in county and state taxes, especially property taxes.

Liberals who go around peddling the kool-aid myth that "the rich pay virtually no taxes" or that "the average rich person pays less than a middle-income earner" obviously don't know any rich people and/or any business owners and are basing these silly claims on grossly misleading "studies" churned out by liberal think tanks and economists.
What do you say now? Now we know TRUMP doesn't pay taxes.

Watch Donald Trump lecture the working poor for not paying taxes

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