The liberal way: Solve problems not really there, so gov't can spread further into our lives.

There is a problem, and it is you scumbags on the left wrong who have created it with your insistence that creepy male perverts have a “right” to share locker rooms, dressing rooms, restrooms, and such with women and girls.

There we are! A liberal moron pipes in, singing the praises of government interference!

Here's an idea, moron: How about you let people be responsible for themselves? If a business has a problem, let them handle it how they see fit. If they want to install unisex bathrooms, or family bathrooms, they can do it on their own accord. If the local gym needs some kind of flexible locker room solution, they can figure it out on their own. If there's a gym where some creep is sneaking into the wrong locker room, let the gym take it upon themselves to either kick the creep out, or answer to their customers if the gym decides to tolerate it.

It's not the government's job to raise your children. If you're worried about your young children in a bathroom, don't send them into a bathroom by themselves! Gee, what a crazy idea! Oh, but idiot CINOs have really made that difficult all of a sudden. A few weeks ago, it would have been fine for a father to take his three year old daughter with him into the men's room. Not anymore! Thanks to you liberals, it's now against the law!
There is a problem, and it is you scumbags on the left wrong who have created it with your insistence that creepy male perverts have a “right” to share locker rooms, dressing rooms, restrooms, and such with women and girls.

There we are! A liberal moron pipes in, singing the praises of government interference!

Here's an idea, moron: How about you let people be responsible for themselves? If a business has a problem, let them handle it how they see fit. If they want to install unisex bathrooms, or family bathrooms, they can do it on their own accord. If the local gym needs some kind of flexible locker room solution, they can figure it out on their own. If there's a gym where some creep is sneaking into the wrong locker room, let the gym take it upon themselves to either kick the creep out, or answer to their customers if the gym decides to tolerate it.

It's not the government's job to raise your children. If you're worried about your young children in a bathroom, don't send them into a bathroom by themselves! Gee, what a crazy idea! Oh, but idiot CINOs have really made that difficult all of a sudden. A few weeks ago, it would have been fine for a father to take his three year old daughter with him into the men's room. Not anymore! Thanks to you liberals, it's now against the law!

Weird dude. Everything you just advocated IS Liberalism. Maybe you need to buy a scorecard.
And this is where you fake "conservatives" fail at every single turn. Now you're at it again, making laws about bathrooms to "fix" problems that aren't even there. And in the process you've created more problems in a week than have happened in 250 years prior. This isn't conservative governance. It's liberal governance.

Yet more evidence that true conservatism is mostly dead in America. Instead, we have CINO idiots who want to be master of everyone else's lives. Pigs on two legs.

That ain't "Liberal" -- it's the opposite of Liberal. It's Authoritarian.

So it's not authoritarian when local governments dictate to businesses who can use which of their bathrooms ... it is authoritarian when the State bars them from doing that and allows businesses to decide the rules for their own bathrooms themselves.

Freedom is totalitarian! Um ... no it's not. You are one confused little hombre ...

ummmmm....yyyyyyyyyeah that's remotely like anything I posted.


Still following me around in a desperate quest for relevance. Sad. :itsok:


You don't even know what the debate is, that's hilarious. OK, Poindexter. Which party is "authoritarian" and forcing businesses to provide access to fags and dykes according to their own views? It's the Democrats, Holmes

"Party"? Who brought up "parties"? I'm seeing "Conservatives", "conservatism", "Liberals" and "CINO".
Nothing about "parties".

And kindly stop advertising the size of my Johnson. I don't need the extra attention.
And this is where you fake "conservatives" fail at every single turn. Now you're at it again, making laws about bathrooms to "fix" problems that aren't even there. And in the process you've created more problems in a week than have happened in 250 years prior. This isn't conservative governance. It's liberal governance.

Yet more evidence that true conservatism is mostly dead in America. Instead, we have CINO idiots who want to be master of everyone else's lives. Pigs on two legs.

Why pass any laws whatsoever then? I fully agree that who uses what bathroom is an extremely minor issue but people generally like some rules since living without them can be just as dangerous without them as having to many of them. It is the left that overblew this issue quite a lot because we already have laws dealing with this issue yet they never got touched by the transgender crusaders. It only became an issue whan a republican wanted to pass some laws forbidding this. It was then the shit hits the fan with them.
And this is where you fake "conservatives" fail at every single turn. Now you're at it again, making laws about bathrooms to "fix" problems that aren't even there. And in the process you've created more problems in a week than have happened in 250 years prior. This isn't conservative governance. It's liberal governance.

Yet more evidence that true conservatism is mostly dead in America. Instead, we have CINO idiots who want to be master of everyone else's lives. Pigs on two legs.

That ain't "Liberal" -- it's the opposite of Liberal. It's Authoritarian.

So it's not authoritarian when local governments dictate to businesses who can use which of their bathrooms ... it is authoritarian when the State bars them from doing that and allows businesses to decide the rules for their own bathrooms themselves.

Freedom is totalitarian! Um ... no it's not. You are one confused little hombre ...

ummmmm....yyyyyyyyyeah that's remotely like anything I posted.


Still following me around in a desperate quest for relevance. Sad. :itsok:


You don't even know what the debate is, that's hilarious. OK, Poindexter. Which party is "authoritarian" and forcing businesses to provide access to fags and dykes according to their own views? It's the Democrats, Holmes

"Party"? Who brought up "parties"? I'm seeing "Conservatives", "conservatism", "Liberals" and "CINO".
Nothing about "parties".

And kindly stop advertising the size of my Johnson. I don't need the extra attention.

Is that what it is? I thought it was a loose thread

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