The liberals have alligned themselves with militant muslims


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Does this make sense to anyone?

There is no group on earth more racist than muslims....very akin to nazism and their genocide policy towards Jews...a case could be made very easily that muslims hate Jews even more than the Nazis did.

Remember how quickly the liberals forgot about 9-11

Not to forget how this democratic so called president is giving billions to Iran whilst they kill our soldiers?

Watching them today makes me wonder if there were celebrations in private democrat homes on 9-11...
Does this make sense to anyone?

There is no group on earth more racist than muslims....very akin to nazism and their genocide policy towards Jews...a case could be made very easily that muslims hate Jews even more than the Nazis did.

Remember how quickly the liberals forgot about 9-11

Not to forget how this democratic so called president is giving billions to Iran whilst they kill our soldiers?

Hey dip shit, look at the date on the article. September 22, 2022. A two year old story don't mean shit.
The Extremist Muslim "alignment" began with the Obama-Kerry Love fest with Iran.
The key to understanding liberal 'group think' is their eternal quest for 'moral superiority' they have convinced themselves that whenever they side with minorities or any religion opposed to Christianity and traditional American beliefs and makes them morally superior and the younger set believes when they go against their parents beliefs that also makes them morally superior.

Now kids rebelling from their parents rules, wishes and desires for their children is I suppose as old as the hills....but in past times they tended to grow out of that misguided phase and finally realize that usually their parents were right and truly wanted the best for their kids....but now it carries over into the most elite universities...harvard etc. beause of socialist, liberal aka communist professors whose students think that what these deviant professors tell them is the gospel truth...demonstrating no ability to think for themselves and the desire to be 'kool' by going along with the latest fads or group think.

Also they are usually ignorant of history and most especially the history of Israel and the middle east in general....thus they get caught up in the free palestine b.s. as well as jew hatred in pathetic....not to mention extremely hypocritical. aka they buy into feminism, homersexual lifestyles, as well as any sort of deviant behavior yet when muslim nations toss gay folks off roofs they utter not any whimper at all.
Does this make sense to anyone?

There is no group on earth more racist than muslims....very akin to nazism and their genocide policy towards Jews...a case could be made very easily that muslims hate Jews even more than the Nazis did.

Remember how quickly the liberals forgot about 9-11

Not to forget how this democratic so called president is giving billions to Iran whilst they kill our soldiers?

What billions?
Does this make sense to anyone?

There is no group on earth more racist than muslims....very akin to nazism and their genocide policy towards Jews...a case could be made very easily that muslims hate Jews even more than the Nazis did.

Remember how quickly the liberals forgot about 9-11

Not to forget how this democratic so called president is giving billions to Iran whilst they kill our soldiers?

Muslims love democrats because Muslim extremists see them as stupid and easily manipulated. They vote for them because Democrats make turning America Muslim easier. They don't vote Republican because they say Republicans aren't easily brainwashed and have morals.

This Muslim extremist explains it.


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