The Lie That Obama Keeps Repeating

So, you can produce Constitutional authority for public charity? Have at it.

Article 1 Section 1 of the Constitution
You'll have to explain that one -

Article 1, Section 1:
"All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."

Where is the authority for public charity?

Congress has the authority to pass laws. Those laws have included Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare and multiple social programs. Those laws were constitutionally passed.

If you feel any of those laws are unconstitutional, you are welcome to challenge them in court

Good luck to you
"Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money."

- George Carlin

I've listed FACTS in this thread.

Care to try to dispute any of 'em?

Or, for everyone's amusement.....go back to claiming that George Bernard Shaw wasn't a totalitarian who wanted to annihilate all those who 'couldn't justify their being alive.'

I get such a kick out of that one.
I know you get a kick out of lying. Tell me something I didn't already know.
Let's get back to the most powerful lying-Liberal.

As per the title of this thread.....

5. "The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America

The best anti-poverty program is a job. Obama said this at a recent conference on poverty.

But he continues to repeat a falsehood over and over. This is the claim that the poor work just as hard as the rich do. .... the average poor family doesn’t work nearly as much as the rich families do. And that’s a key reason why these households are poor.

.... Census Bureau data on household incomes document the importance of work. Census sorts the households by income quintile, and we will label those in the highest quintile as “rich,” and those in the lowest quintile as “poor.” The average household in the top 20 percent of income have an average of almost exactly two full-time workers. The average poor family (bottom 20 percent) has just 0.4 workers.

This means on average, roughly for every hour worked by those in a poor household, those in a rich household work five hours.

The finding that six out of 10 poor households have no one working at all is disturbing. Since they have no income from work, is it a surprise they are poor?" The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America

Obama: "... the poor work just as hard as the rich do..."

Clearly not the case.

Another winner in the "Lie of the Year" contest???
You a an idiot. I would like to see you work at harvesting vegetables and fruit or pushing a wheel barrel full of concrete or carrying shingles onto a roof or doing landscaping all day in the hot sun or spreading black top in 98% temperature or standing in front of a commercial dishwasher and lifting bins of dirty dishes. Many people who do these kinds of back breaking and life shortening jobs live in poverty or on the edge of it. Only people who have never worked at hard labor mock hard labor.
People who have educated themselves and learned skills deserve to make good money and have jobs that don't require sore muscles and aching backs at the end of the day are fortunate and deserve the benefits of their positions. To imply that those less fortunate don't work hard is just disgusting self aggrandizing and aristocratic crap.

"To imply that those less fortunate don't work hard..."

Can't you read, you moron???

"The finding that six out of 10 poor households have no one working at all is disturbing. Since they have no income from work, is it a surprise they are poor?"
The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America
Good example of how you distort facts. Single mothers make up a large portion of those households. The largest percentage of them are white teenage girls. Having babies in the home makes it difficult to get or hold a job for these girls who are kids themselves.
Many are also disabled or retired.
Let's get back to the most powerful lying-Liberal.

As per the title of this thread.....

5. "The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America

The best anti-poverty program is a job. Obama said this at a recent conference on poverty.

But he continues to repeat a falsehood over and over. This is the claim that the poor work just as hard as the rich do. .... the average poor family doesn’t work nearly as much as the rich families do. And that’s a key reason why these households are poor.

.... Census Bureau data on household incomes document the importance of work. Census sorts the households by income quintile, and we will label those in the highest quintile as “rich,” and those in the lowest quintile as “poor.” The average household in the top 20 percent of income have an average of almost exactly two full-time workers. The average poor family (bottom 20 percent) has just 0.4 workers.

This means on average, roughly for every hour worked by those in a poor household, those in a rich household work five hours.

The finding that six out of 10 poor households have no one working at all is disturbing. Since they have no income from work, is it a surprise they are poor?" The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America

Obama: "... the poor work just as hard as the rich do..."

Clearly not the case.

Another winner in the "Lie of the Year" contest???
You a an idiot. I would like to see you work at harvesting vegetables and fruit or pushing a wheel barrel full of concrete or carrying shingles onto a roof or doing landscaping all day in the hot sun or spreading black top in 98% temperature or standing in front of a commercial dishwasher and lifting bins of dirty dishes. Many people who do these kinds of back breaking and life shortening jobs live in poverty or on the edge of it. Only people who have never worked at hard labor mock hard labor.
People who have educated themselves and learned skills deserve to make good money and have jobs that don't require sore muscles and aching backs at the end of the day are fortunate and deserve the benefits of their positions. To imply that those less fortunate don't work hard is just disgusting self aggrandizing and aristocratic crap.

"To imply that those less fortunate don't work hard..."

Can't you read, you moron???

"The finding that six out of 10 poor households have no one working at all is disturbing. Since they have no income from work, is it a surprise they are poor?"
The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America
Good example of how you distort facts. Single mothers make up a large portion of those households. The largest percentage of them are white teenage girls. Having babies in the home makes it difficult to get or hold a job for these girls who are kids themselves.'ve finally gotten around to admitting that I'm correct about the 'poor' not working....

....and now you attempt is to spin the fact.

How about this fact: you're a moron.
Crumbs are given to the poor to enslave them and buy their votes. To add anything further to the debate is a lie.
Assistance is given to the poor because almost a century ago the nation made a decision that the whole of the country had an obligation and duty to help the vulnerable. The decision has been re-affirmed and reinforced ever since. It is what the American people decided to do in the 20th Century. There have always been imperfections and complaints about how the system works or doesn't work, but the only solution that has ever been found is related to access to jobs. That is the only solution that works to relieve the assistance rolls and lists.

Are you ignorant or simply lying???

Franklin Roosevelt, bosom-buddy of Joseph Stalin, removed it from the private to the public.

Remarkable lack of success has been on display since.

1. "[Hoover] was heartened by the work of private charities in handling the overwhelming number....As of the fall of 1931, and into 1932, Americans raised over $100 million for charity..."
"Federal Aid for Relief (Columbia University Studies in the Social Sciences), "by Edward A. Williams, p. 33.
2. The pressure from Congress to federalize relief- by the summer of 1932 almost 16 million were unemployed! But charities, like the Red Cross, opposed federal intervention, because they knew that it would result in the end of support by citizens for private charities. In 1932, Hoover and the Congress sharply raised the income tax, leaving citizens with less ability to aid the needy.
a. The result was Hoover ended the American tradition of private relief. " The Emergency Relief and Construction Act(ch. 520, 47 Stat. 709, enacted July 21, 1932), was the United States's first major-relief legislation, enabled under Herbert Hoover and later adopted and expanded by Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of his New Deal." Emergency Relief and Construction Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"....adopted and expanded by Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of his New Deal."
You get your so called facts so disjointed and confused you didn't even notice that you supported my post. The legislature in Washington DC did exactly as I claimed under Republican Hoover and Democrat Roosevelt and all legislatures and Presidents since that time have endorsed and propagated the idea that the nation has an obligation and duty to the poor and vulnerable.
"Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money."

- George Carlin

I've listed FACTS in this thread.

Care to try to dispute any of 'em?

Or, for everyone's amusement.....go back to claiming that George Bernard Shaw wasn't a totalitarian who wanted to annihilate all those who 'couldn't justify their being alive.'

I get such a kick out of that one.
I know you get a kick out of lying. Tell me something I didn't already know.

That George Bernard Shaw was a Stalinist?

Like that?

OK...another one you 'don't, already know:'
When you're dead, you don't know you're dead: it's only a reality for others. And that relates to you: it's the same when you're stupid.
Crumbs are given to the poor to enslave them and buy their votes. To add anything further to the debate is a lie.
Assistance is given to the poor because almost a century ago the nation made a decision that the whole of the country had an obligation and duty to help the vulnerable. The decision has been re-affirmed and reinforced ever since. It is what the American people decided to do in the 20th Century. There have always been imperfections and complaints about how the system works or doesn't work, but the only solution that has ever been found is related to access to jobs. That is the only solution that works to relieve the assistance rolls and lists.

Are you ignorant or simply lying???

Franklin Roosevelt, bosom-buddy of Joseph Stalin, removed it from the private to the public.

Remarkable lack of success has been on display since.

1. "[Hoover] was heartened by the work of private charities in handling the overwhelming number....As of the fall of 1931, and into 1932, Americans raised over $100 million for charity..."
"Federal Aid for Relief (Columbia University Studies in the Social Sciences), "by Edward A. Williams, p. 33.
2. The pressure from Congress to federalize relief- by the summer of 1932 almost 16 million were unemployed! But charities, like the Red Cross, opposed federal intervention, because they knew that it would result in the end of support by citizens for private charities. In 1932, Hoover and the Congress sharply raised the income tax, leaving citizens with less ability to aid the needy.
a. The result was Hoover ended the American tradition of private relief. " The Emergency Relief and Construction Act(ch. 520, 47 Stat. 709, enacted July 21, 1932), was the United States's first major-relief legislation, enabled under Herbert Hoover and later adopted and expanded by Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of his New Deal." Emergency Relief and Construction Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"....adopted and expanded by Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of his New Deal."
You get your so called facts so disjointed and confused you didn't even notice that you supported my post. The legislature in Washington DC did exactly as I claimed under Republican Hoover and Democrat Roosevelt and all legislatures and Presidents since that time have endorsed and propagated the idea that the nation has an obligation and duty to the poor and vulnerable.

This is 2015.
You claimed welfare was a federal endeavor for 100 years.
That makes you a serial liar.

""....adopted and expanded by Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of his New Deal."
Let's get back to the most powerful lying-Liberal.

As per the title of this thread.....

5. "The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America

The best anti-poverty program is a job. Obama said this at a recent conference on poverty.

But he continues to repeat a falsehood over and over. This is the claim that the poor work just as hard as the rich do. .... the average poor family doesn’t work nearly as much as the rich families do. And that’s a key reason why these households are poor.

.... Census Bureau data on household incomes document the importance of work. Census sorts the households by income quintile, and we will label those in the highest quintile as “rich,” and those in the lowest quintile as “poor.” The average household in the top 20 percent of income have an average of almost exactly two full-time workers. The average poor family (bottom 20 percent) has just 0.4 workers.

This means on average, roughly for every hour worked by those in a poor household, those in a rich household work five hours.

The finding that six out of 10 poor households have no one working at all is disturbing. Since they have no income from work, is it a surprise they are poor?" The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America

Obama: "... the poor work just as hard as the rich do..."

Clearly not the case.

Another winner in the "Lie of the Year" contest???
You a an idiot. I would like to see you work at harvesting vegetables and fruit or pushing a wheel barrel full of concrete or carrying shingles onto a roof or doing landscaping all day in the hot sun or spreading black top in 98% temperature or standing in front of a commercial dishwasher and lifting bins of dirty dishes. Many people who do these kinds of back breaking and life shortening jobs live in poverty or on the edge of it. Only people who have never worked at hard labor mock hard labor.
People who have educated themselves and learned skills deserve to make good money and have jobs that don't require sore muscles and aching backs at the end of the day are fortunate and deserve the benefits of their positions. To imply that those less fortunate don't work hard is just disgusting self aggrandizing and aristocratic crap.

"To imply that those less fortunate don't work hard..."

Can't you read, you moron???

"The finding that six out of 10 poor households have no one working at all is disturbing. Since they have no income from work, is it a surprise they are poor?"
The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America
Good example of how you distort facts. Single mothers make up a large portion of those households. The largest percentage of them are white teenage girls. Having babies in the home makes it difficult to get or hold a job for these girls who are kids themselves.'ve finally gotten around to admitting that I'm correct about the 'poor' not working....

....and now you attempt is to spin the fact.

How about this fact: you're a moron.
What about the 40% according to you that do work? And what about the households that make just a small amount over the poverty level because they do that back breaking work. Any way you look at it, you are distorting facts to fit your agenda.
So, you can produce Constitutional authority for public charity? Have at it.

Article 1 Section 1 of the Constitution
You'll have to explain that one -

Article 1, Section 1:
"All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."

Where is the authority for public charity?

Congress has the authority to pass laws. Those laws have included Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare and multiple social programs. Those laws were constitutionally passed.

If you feel any of those laws are unconstitutional, you are welcome to challenge them in court

Good luck to you

"Those laws were constitutionally passed."
The same lies Liberals have been telling since John Marshall.

The Constitution spells out exactly what the federal government can do....sans an amendment.

“The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the Federal Government, are few and defined.Those which are to remain in the State Governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, aswar, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce;with which last the power of taxation will for the most part be connected.

The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects, which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties and properties of the people; and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State.”
James Madison, Federalist #45, January 26, 1788

Of course, you being anti-American, have no problem ignoring same.
Crumbs are given to the poor to enslave them and buy their votes. To add anything further to the debate is a lie.
Assistance is given to the poor because almost a century ago the nation made a decision that the whole of the country had an obligation and duty to help the vulnerable. The decision has been re-affirmed and reinforced ever since. It is what the American people decided to do in the 20th Century. There have always been imperfections and complaints about how the system works or doesn't work, but the only solution that has ever been found is related to access to jobs. That is the only solution that works to relieve the assistance rolls and lists.

Are you ignorant or simply lying???

Franklin Roosevelt, bosom-buddy of Joseph Stalin, removed it from the private to the public.

Remarkable lack of success has been on display since.

1. "[Hoover] was heartened by the work of private charities in handling the overwhelming number....As of the fall of 1931, and into 1932, Americans raised over $100 million for charity..."
"Federal Aid for Relief (Columbia University Studies in the Social Sciences), "by Edward A. Williams, p. 33.
2. The pressure from Congress to federalize relief- by the summer of 1932 almost 16 million were unemployed! But charities, like the Red Cross, opposed federal intervention, because they knew that it would result in the end of support by citizens for private charities. In 1932, Hoover and the Congress sharply raised the income tax, leaving citizens with less ability to aid the needy.
a. The result was Hoover ended the American tradition of private relief. " The Emergency Relief and Construction Act(ch. 520, 47 Stat. 709, enacted July 21, 1932), was the United States's first major-relief legislation, enabled under Herbert Hoover and later adopted and expanded by Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of his New Deal." Emergency Relief and Construction Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"....adopted and expanded by Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of his New Deal."
You get your so called facts so disjointed and confused you didn't even notice that you supported my post. The legislature in Washington DC did exactly as I claimed under Republican Hoover and Democrat Roosevelt and all legislatures and Presidents since that time have endorsed and propagated the idea that the nation has an obligation and duty to the poor and vulnerable.

This is 2015.
You claimed welfare was a federal endeavor for 100 years.
That makes you a serial liar.

""....adopted and expanded by Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of his New Deal."
Now you are getting desperate and making up stuff. I said the country took on the responsibility for assisting the vulnerable almost a century ago. You confirmed this in your own post with the comments about Hoover and Roosevelt actions in the early 1930's. That was 85 years ago, almost a century
So, you can produce Constitutional authority for public charity? Have at it.

Article 1 Section 1 of the Constitution
You'll have to explain that one -

Article 1, Section 1:
"All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."

Where is the authority for public charity?

Congress has the authority to pass laws. Those laws have included Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare and multiple social programs. Those laws were constitutionally passed.

If you feel any of those laws are unconstitutional, you are welcome to challenge them in court

Of course, and many are being challenged. But of course, the ability to pass legislation does not grant carte blanche Constitutional authority to Congress to do what it pleases, and even a favorable SCOTUS decision does not make such legislation constitutional. Consider Dred Scott, and Reynolds v. U.S.
Devil's Advocate: Not only should all welfare programs be ended to encourage evolution and survival of the fittest, but any and all public assistance, kindness to the poor, etc. should too. Why help the weak survive and pass on failure-genes only ensuring the problems continues with the next generation? Everytime we send food and money to Africa during famine and hard times, all we do is help weak people go on living long enough to reproduce and multiply the problem.

Let the weak die. Problem solved.

Even you're sarcasm is creepy.
You a an idiot. I would like to see you work at harvesting vegetables and fruit or pushing a wheel barrel full of concrete or carrying shingles onto a roof or doing landscaping all day in the hot sun or spreading black top in 98% temperature or standing in front of a commercial dishwasher and lifting bins of dirty dishes. Many people who do these kinds of back breaking and life shortening jobs live in poverty or on the edge of it. Only people who have never worked at hard labor mock hard labor.
People who have educated themselves and learned skills deserve to make good money and have jobs that don't require sore muscles and aching backs at the end of the day are fortunate and deserve the benefits of their positions. To imply that those less fortunate don't work hard is just disgusting self aggrandizing and aristocratic crap.

"To imply that those less fortunate don't work hard..."

Can't you read, you moron???

"The finding that six out of 10 poor households have no one working at all is disturbing. Since they have no income from work, is it a surprise they are poor?"
The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America
Good example of how you distort facts. Single mothers make up a large portion of those households. The largest percentage of them are white teenage girls. Having babies in the home makes it difficult to get or hold a job for these girls who are kids themselves.'ve finally gotten around to admitting that I'm correct about the 'poor' not working....

....and now you attempt is to spin the fact.

How about this fact: you're a moron.
What about the 40% according to you that do work? And what about the households that make just a small amount over the poverty level because they do that back breaking work. Any way you look at it, you are distorting facts to fit your agenda.'ve finally gotten around to admitting that I'm correct about the 'poor' not working....

....and now you attempt is to spin the fact.

How about this fact: you're a moron.
Crumbs are given to the poor to enslave them and buy their votes. To add anything further to the debate is a lie.
Assistance is given to the poor because almost a century ago the nation made a decision that the whole of the country had an obligation and duty to help the vulnerable. The decision has been re-affirmed and reinforced ever since. It is what the American people decided to do in the 20th Century. There have always been imperfections and complaints about how the system works or doesn't work, but the only solution that has ever been found is related to access to jobs. That is the only solution that works to relieve the assistance rolls and lists.

Are you ignorant or simply lying???

Franklin Roosevelt, bosom-buddy of Joseph Stalin, removed it from the private to the public.

Remarkable lack of success has been on display since.

1. "[Hoover] was heartened by the work of private charities in handling the overwhelming number....As of the fall of 1931, and into 1932, Americans raised over $100 million for charity..."
"Federal Aid for Relief (Columbia University Studies in the Social Sciences), "by Edward A. Williams, p. 33.
2. The pressure from Congress to federalize relief- by the summer of 1932 almost 16 million were unemployed! But charities, like the Red Cross, opposed federal intervention, because they knew that it would result in the end of support by citizens for private charities. In 1932, Hoover and the Congress sharply raised the income tax, leaving citizens with less ability to aid the needy.
a. The result was Hoover ended the American tradition of private relief. " The Emergency Relief and Construction Act(ch. 520, 47 Stat. 709, enacted July 21, 1932), was the United States's first major-relief legislation, enabled under Herbert Hoover and later adopted and expanded by Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of his New Deal." Emergency Relief and Construction Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"....adopted and expanded by Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of his New Deal."
You get your so called facts so disjointed and confused you didn't even notice that you supported my post. The legislature in Washington DC did exactly as I claimed under Republican Hoover and Democrat Roosevelt and all legislatures and Presidents since that time have endorsed and propagated the idea that the nation has an obligation and duty to the poor and vulnerable.

This is 2015.
You claimed welfare was a federal endeavor for 100 years.
That makes you a serial liar.

""....adopted and expanded by Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of his New Deal."
Now you are getting desperate and making up stuff. I said the country took on the responsibility for assisting the vulnerable almost a century ago. You confirmed this in your own post with the comments about Hoover and Roosevelt actions in the early 1930's. That was 85 years ago, almost a century

How and why would I be 'getting desperate'????

You're the one who crawled over to the thread, and keep whining while I pummel you in every post.
Crumbs are given to the poor to enslave them and buy their votes. To add anything further to the debate is a lie.
Assistance is given to the poor because almost a century ago the nation made a decision that the whole of the country had an obligation and duty to help the vulnerable. The decision has been re-affirmed and reinforced ever since. It is what the American people decided to do in the 20th Century. There have always been imperfections and complaints about how the system works or doesn't work, but the only solution that has ever been found is related to access to jobs. That is the only solution that works to relieve the assistance rolls and lists.

Are you ignorant or simply lying???

Franklin Roosevelt, bosom-buddy of Joseph Stalin, removed it from the private to the public.

Remarkable lack of success has been on display since.

1. "[Hoover] was heartened by the work of private charities in handling the overwhelming number....As of the fall of 1931, and into 1932, Americans raised over $100 million for charity..."
"Federal Aid for Relief (Columbia University Studies in the Social Sciences), "by Edward A. Williams, p. 33.
2. The pressure from Congress to federalize relief- by the summer of 1932 almost 16 million were unemployed! But charities, like the Red Cross, opposed federal intervention, because they knew that it would result in the end of support by citizens for private charities. In 1932, Hoover and the Congress sharply raised the income tax, leaving citizens with less ability to aid the needy.
a. The result was Hoover ended the American tradition of private relief. " The Emergency Relief and Construction Act(ch. 520, 47 Stat. 709, enacted July 21, 1932), was the United States's first major-relief legislation, enabled under Herbert Hoover and later adopted and expanded by Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of his New Deal." Emergency Relief and Construction Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"....adopted and expanded by Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of his New Deal."
You get your so called facts so disjointed and confused you didn't even notice that you supported my post. The legislature in Washington DC did exactly as I claimed under Republican Hoover and Democrat Roosevelt and all legislatures and Presidents since that time have endorsed and propagated the idea that the nation has an obligation and duty to the poor and vulnerable.

This is 2015.
You claimed welfare was a federal endeavor for 100 years.
That makes you a serial liar.

""....adopted and expanded by Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of his New Deal."
Now you are getting desperate and making up stuff. I said the country took on the responsibility for assisting the vulnerable almost a century ago. You confirmed this in your own post with the comments about Hoover and Roosevelt actions in the early 1930's. That was 85 years ago, almost a century

How are able-bodied adults "vulnerable?" Please explain. :)
"Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money."

- George Carlin

Nowhere in the US or anywhere in the world have the poor done better when you take away benefits

Only conservatives believe this
People who have educated themselves and learned skills deserve to make good money and have jobs that don't require sore muscles and aching backs at the end of the day are fortunate and deserve the benefits of their positions. To imply that those less fortunate don't work hard is just disgusting self aggrandizing and aristocratic crap.

"To imply that those less fortunate don't work hard..."

Can't you read, you moron???

"The finding that six out of 10 poor households have no one working at all is disturbing. Since they have no income from work, is it a surprise they are poor?"
The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America
Good example of how you distort facts. Single mothers make up a large portion of those households. The largest percentage of them are white teenage girls. Having babies in the home makes it difficult to get or hold a job for these girls who are kids themselves.'ve finally gotten around to admitting that I'm correct about the 'poor' not working....

....and now you attempt is to spin the fact.

How about this fact: you're a moron.
What about the 40% according to you that do work? And what about the households that make just a small amount over the poverty level because they do that back breaking work. Any way you look at it, you are distorting facts to fit your agenda.'ve finally gotten around to admitting that I'm correct about the 'poor' not working....

....and now you attempt is to spin the fact.

How about this fact: you're a moron.
When you are making your point you don't find it necessary to call people names. You let your facts, credibility and with speak for you. You loose, I win.
Let's get back to the most powerful lying-Liberal.

As per the title of this thread.....

5. "The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America

The best anti-poverty program is a job. Obama said this at a recent conference on poverty.

But he continues to repeat a falsehood over and over. This is the claim that the poor work just as hard as the rich do. .... the average poor family doesn’t work nearly as much as the rich families do. And that’s a key reason why these households are poor.

.... Census Bureau data on household incomes document the importance of work. Census sorts the households by income quintile, and we will label those in the highest quintile as “rich,” and those in the lowest quintile as “poor.” The average household in the top 20 percent of income have an average of almost exactly two full-time workers. The average poor family (bottom 20 percent) has just 0.4 workers.

This means on average, roughly for every hour worked by those in a poor household, those in a rich household work five hours.

The finding that six out of 10 poor households have no one working at all is disturbing. Since they have no income from work, is it a surprise they are poor?" The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America

Obama: "... the poor work just as hard as the rich do..."

Clearly not the case.

Another winner in the "Lie of the Year" contest???
You a an idiot. I would like to see you work at harvesting vegetables and fruit or pushing a wheel barrel full of concrete or carrying shingles onto a roof or doing landscaping all day in the hot sun or spreading black top in 98% temperature or standing in front of a commercial dishwasher and lifting bins of dirty dishes. Many people who do these kinds of back breaking and life shortening jobs live in poverty or on the edge of it. Only people who have never worked at hard labor mock hard labor.
People who have educated themselves and learned skills deserve to make good money and have jobs that don't require sore muscles and aching backs at the end of the day are fortunate and deserve the benefits of their positions. To imply that those less fortunate don't work hard is just disgusting self aggrandizing and aristocratic crap.

"To imply that those less fortunate don't work hard..."

Can't you read, you moron???

"The finding that six out of 10 poor households have no one working at all is disturbing. Since they have no income from work, is it a surprise they are poor?"
The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America
Good example of how you distort facts. Single mothers make up a large portion of those households. The largest percentage of them are white teenage girls. Having babies in the home makes it difficult to get or hold a job for these girls who are kids themselves.
Many are also disabled or retired.

Oh? Did you just make that up because it sounds like you just made that up.
"Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money."

- George Carlin

Nowhere in the US or anywhere in the world have the poor done better when you take away benefits

Only conservatives believe this

Benefits....from who? Who decides who benefits and who loses? Define precisely please. :)

And how can they be "benefits" when they have not been earned. Again...please explain?

Oh....and I'll ask again....How are able-bodied adults "vulnerable?" Please explain. :)
Let's get back to the most powerful lying-Liberal.

As per the title of this thread.....

5. "The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America

The best anti-poverty program is a job. Obama said this at a recent conference on poverty.

But he continues to repeat a falsehood over and over. This is the claim that the poor work just as hard as the rich do. .... the average poor family doesn’t work nearly as much as the rich families do. And that’s a key reason why these households are poor.

.... Census Bureau data on household incomes document the importance of work. Census sorts the households by income quintile, and we will label those in the highest quintile as “rich,” and those in the lowest quintile as “poor.” The average household in the top 20 percent of income have an average of almost exactly two full-time workers. The average poor family (bottom 20 percent) has just 0.4 workers.

This means on average, roughly for every hour worked by those in a poor household, those in a rich household work five hours.

The finding that six out of 10 poor households have no one working at all is disturbing. Since they have no income from work, is it a surprise they are poor?" The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America

Obama: "... the poor work just as hard as the rich do..."

Clearly not the case.

Another winner in the "Lie of the Year" contest???
You a an idiot. I would like to see you work at harvesting vegetables and fruit or pushing a wheel barrel full of concrete or carrying shingles onto a roof or doing landscaping all day in the hot sun or spreading black top in 98% temperature or standing in front of a commercial dishwasher and lifting bins of dirty dishes. Many people who do these kinds of back breaking and life shortening jobs live in poverty or on the edge of it. Only people who have never worked at hard labor mock hard labor.
People who have educated themselves and learned skills deserve to make good money and have jobs that don't require sore muscles and aching backs at the end of the day are fortunate and deserve the benefits of their positions. To imply that those less fortunate don't work hard is just disgusting self aggrandizing and aristocratic crap.

"To imply that those less fortunate don't work hard..."

Can't you read, you moron???

"The finding that six out of 10 poor households have no one working at all is disturbing. Since they have no income from work, is it a surprise they are poor?"
The Lie Obama Keeps Repeating About the Poor in America
Good example of how you distort facts. Single mothers make up a large portion of those households. The largest percentage of them are white teenage girls. Having babies in the home makes it difficult to get or hold a job for these girls who are kids themselves.

White teenage girls, then their parents can take care of them, riiiight? Why do I have to work overtime and give the money to take care of other peoples kids?

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