The lie that when wages go up,jobs go down

It shows that, in the last 40 years, the number of high schoolers who go on to college has risen by 35%.....consistent with my thesis that, along with changes reliability and the way cars are serviced, the potential labor pool of window washers has shrunk considerably...

What does it say to you, Derp?
Can you get a refund on that on-line degree zippy?

This might be less of a chore if you could cultivate an attention span measured in something other than nanoseconds, O...

Just answer the questions so we can cut right to the ridicule...
I have faith in you on it's right in front of you......

O.....let's move past the bluffing stage....
Yes please, let's.....

Your move....

No,'s YOUR move......assuming you've actually got something....
Government is a necessary thing because greedy scum LOVE to steal as much labor for as little pay as possible.

How does one 'steal' labor?
Wage theft - Wikipedia

Oh... ok. I thought you were referring to something more subtle. This really has nothing to do with minimum wage.

He's not being consistent. All he's arguing is for constipated socialism. He doesn't know what he's saying beyond that
Oh geez, Kazinator.......

So you're with the white supremacist, huh. Color me surprised, not

Oh... ok. I thought you were referring to something more subtle. This really has nothing to do with minimum wage.

He's not being consistent. All he's arguing is for constipated socialism. He doesn't know what he's saying beyond that

I just notice his sig - WTF???

I guess that explains a lot.

Yep. He's a nut job. I think you and I are asking the same question. How do you underpay someone when they would quit working for them if they don't pay you what you're worth, i.e., market rates? You'd go take a better offer. He's not rational enough to address the question

"Assume a strong labor market."

I see that Kaz is back at work.....

Riddle me this, Kaz....

how would you characterize the Elasticity of Labor Supply?

That quote is a lie, I never said that.

And ask the question without the ad hominem and I'll answer it. Yes, you have always passed on that offer before knowing you can't back up your crap

Oh... ok. I thought you were referring to something more subtle. This really has nothing to do with minimum wage.

He's not being consistent. All he's arguing is for constipated socialism. He doesn't know what he's saying beyond that
Oh geez, Kazinator.......

So you're with the white supremacist, huh. Color me surprised, not
Why get pissy with me because you are unfamiliar with the results of recent studies on the matter...

Shit, I'd be shocked if you weren't.

Have you asked OD where it stands on the Gold Fetish?

Oh... ok. I thought you were referring to something more subtle. This really has nothing to do with minimum wage.

He's not being consistent. All he's arguing is for constipated socialism. He doesn't know what he's saying beyond that
Oh geez, Kazinator.......

So you're with the white supremacist, huh. Color me surprised, not
Why get pissy with me because you are unfamiliar with the results of recent studies on the matter...

Shit, I'd be shocked if you weren't.

Have you asked OD where it stands on the Gold Fetish?

No idea what you're talking about. I said ask your question without the ad hominem and I'll answer it. Obviously when you ask a question dripping with ad hominem, you're not interested in an actual discussion. I have two modes, serious and fun. They are mutually exclusive. You picked fun.

I'm offering you are free to undo that choice, and it is simple to do that. Ask the question without ad hominem. What are you, chicken?

You do know, don't you, that only by keeping the MW low enough that it's sustainable, right? Keep raising it slowly and by small increments and there's no immediate negative effects. Over time, however, they accumulate and are felt. Ever wonder why you don't have a teenager run out to pump your gas, check your tires, water and oil any more?

Here's a clue. Notice that the MW continually increases, because inflation always eats it.
I'm thinking that the reason you don't have "teenagers running out to pump gas" is that

a) more teens are staying in school later

Baloney. Ever hear of weekends and summer?

b) they would do so as a complement to their principal function - as apprentice mechanics in the attached garage...

Nope, they would do it to earn some money, get valuable generic work skills and work history.

but few gas stations continue to operate full service who want to go into that business need more formal training and certification, and when done, go to dealers, where the money is much better.
So, IOW, you're saying that the cost of hiring said teenagers is HIGHER than the cost of putting in self serve pumps and making drivers responsible for their own water, tires, and oil. That's the point, and the MW is part of that higher cost.
Baloney. Ever hear of weekends and summer?

Silly me......I forgot that demand for auto repairs was seasonal.....

But to demonstrate that it is "baloney", wouldn't it be helpful if you posted some evidence of the unchanging HS drop out rates and college entrance figures?

you know, like


HOLY CRAP! It has fallen by 66% in less than 20 years.

What about the percentage of HS kids going on to college?


Apparently the romance has gone out of spending a lifetime washing car windows....
Rein it in, Speedy. Remember, we're not talking about making a career out of pumping someone's gas. We're talking about a teenager looking to make a little money and get some valuable job skills as well as a work history. If he can do that, he'll be ahead of his classmates when it comes time to get that career started, whatever that may be. get out there and really sell it!
Don't have to, it sells itself.
Oh... ok. I thought you were referring to something more subtle. This really has nothing to do with minimum wage.

He's not being consistent. All he's arguing is for constipated socialism. He doesn't know what he's saying beyond that

I just notice his sig - WTF???

I guess that explains a lot.

Yep. He's a nut job. I think you and I are asking the same question. How do you underpay someone when they would quit working for them if they don't pay you what you're worth, i.e., market rates? You'd go take a better offer. He's not rational enough to address the question

"Assume a strong labor market."

I see that Kaz is back at work.....

Riddle me this, Kaz....

how would you characterize the Elasticity of Labor Supply?

That quote is a lie, I never said that.

And ask the question without the ad hominem and I'll answer it. Yes, you have always passed on that offer before knowing you can't back up your crap
That quote is a lie, I never said that.

Did I attribute it to you?

It is an allusion to a joke involving an engineer, a Buddhist and an economist, stranded on a deserted isle, contemplating their options relative to a can of the absence of a can opener...

The joke being that after the other two have floated solutions, the economist opens with

"Assume we have a can opener."

Will you require a moment to cauterize your butthurt?

How do you underpay someone when they would quit working for them if they don't pay you what you're worth, i.e., market rates? You'd go take a better offer.

For this worker to have such an option requires a healthy job such, labor enjoys bargaining leverage.

I'm thinking that the reason you don't have "teenagers running out to pump gas" is that

a) more teens are staying in school later

Baloney. Ever hear of weekends and summer?

b) they would do so as a complement to their principal function - as apprentice mechanics in the attached garage...

Nope, they would do it to earn some money, get valuable generic work skills and work history.

but few gas stations continue to operate full service who want to go into that business need more formal training and certification, and when done, go to dealers, where the money is much better.
So, IOW, you're saying that the cost of hiring said teenagers is HIGHER than the cost of putting in self serve pumps and making drivers responsible for their own water, tires, and oil. That's the point, and the MW is part of that higher cost.
Baloney. Ever hear of weekends and summer?

Silly me......I forgot that demand for auto repairs was seasonal.....

But to demonstrate that it is "baloney", wouldn't it be helpful if you posted some evidence of the unchanging HS drop out rates and college entrance figures?

you know, like


HOLY CRAP! It has fallen by 66% in less than 20 years.

What about the percentage of HS kids going on to college?


Apparently the romance has gone out of spending a lifetime washing car windows....
Rein it in, Speedy. Remember, we're not talking about making a career out of pumping someone's gas. We're talking about a teenager looking to make a little money and get some valuable job skills as well as a work history. If he can do that, he'll be ahead of his classmates when it comes time to get that career started, whatever that may be. get out there and really sell it!
Don't have to, it sells itself.
Apparently not so much.....I've been washing my own windshields for 35 years.
He's not being consistent. All he's arguing is for constipated socialism. He doesn't know what he's saying beyond that

I just notice his sig - WTF???

I guess that explains a lot.

Yep. He's a nut job. I think you and I are asking the same question. How do you underpay someone when they would quit working for them if they don't pay you what you're worth, i.e., market rates? You'd go take a better offer. He's not rational enough to address the question

"Assume a strong labor market."

I see that Kaz is back at work.....

Riddle me this, Kaz....

how would you characterize the Elasticity of Labor Supply?

That quote is a lie, I never said that.

And ask the question without the ad hominem and I'll answer it. Yes, you have always passed on that offer before knowing you can't back up your crap
That quote is a lie, I never said that.

Did I attribute it to you?

It is an allusion to a joke involving an engineer, a Buddhist and an economist, stranded on a deserted isle, contemplating their options relative to a can of the absence of a can opener...

The joke being that after the other two have floated solutions, the economist opens with

"Assume we have a can opener."

Will you require a moment to cauterize your butthurt?

How do you underpay someone when they would quit working for them if they don't pay you what you're worth, i.e., market rates? You'd go take a better offer.

For this worker to have such an option requires a healthy job such, labor enjoys bargaining leverage.

Ouch, got under your skin. Calm down, dude, it's just an Internet discussion.

You never get tired of arguing eight year old, do you?
'The lie that when wages go up,jobs go down'


Minimum Wage goes up
McDonald's Jobs go down
Self-Serve Kiosks go up.
Oh... ok. I thought you were referring to something more subtle. This really has nothing to do with minimum wage.

He's not being consistent. All he's arguing is for constipated socialism. He doesn't know what he's saying beyond that
Oh geez, Kazinator.......

So you're with the white supremacist, huh. Color me surprised, not
Why get pissy with me because you are unfamiliar with the results of recent studies on the matter...

Shit, I'd be shocked if you weren't.

Have you asked OD where it stands on the Gold Fetish?

No idea what you're talking about. I said ask your question without the ad hominem and I'll answer it. Obviously when you ask a question dripping with ad hominem, you're not interested in an actual discussion. I have two modes, serious and fun. They are mutually exclusive. You picked fun.

I'm offering you are free to undo that choice, and it is simple to do that. Ask the question without ad hominem. What are you, chicken?

Have you asked Odorum if it shares your passion for the gold standard?

Any chance you might take a minute from your filibuster to address that Elasticity of Labor Supply question?
He's not being consistent. All he's arguing is for constipated socialism. He doesn't know what he's saying beyond that
Oh geez, Kazinator.......

So you're with the white supremacist, huh. Color me surprised, not
Why get pissy with me because you are unfamiliar with the results of recent studies on the matter...

Shit, I'd be shocked if you weren't.

Have you asked OD where it stands on the Gold Fetish?

No idea what you're talking about. I said ask your question without the ad hominem and I'll answer it. Obviously when you ask a question dripping with ad hominem, you're not interested in an actual discussion. I have two modes, serious and fun. They are mutually exclusive. You picked fun.

I'm offering you are free to undo that choice, and it is simple to do that. Ask the question without ad hominem. What are you, chicken?

Have you asked Odorum if it shares your passion for the gold standard?

Any chance you might take a minute from your filibuster to address that Elasticity of Labor Supply question?

Sure, I'd be glad to. As I said, ask without the ad hominem
I just notice his sig - WTF???

I guess that explains a lot.

Yep. He's a nut job. I think you and I are asking the same question. How do you underpay someone when they would quit working for them if they don't pay you what you're worth, i.e., market rates? You'd go take a better offer. He's not rational enough to address the question

"Assume a strong labor market."

I see that Kaz is back at work.....

Riddle me this, Kaz....

how would you characterize the Elasticity of Labor Supply?

That quote is a lie, I never said that.

And ask the question without the ad hominem and I'll answer it. Yes, you have always passed on that offer before knowing you can't back up your crap
That quote is a lie, I never said that.

Did I attribute it to you?

It is an allusion to a joke involving an engineer, a Buddhist and an economist, stranded on a deserted isle, contemplating their options relative to a can of the absence of a can opener...

The joke being that after the other two have floated solutions, the economist opens with

"Assume we have a can opener."

Will you require a moment to cauterize your butthurt?

How do you underpay someone when they would quit working for them if they don't pay you what you're worth, i.e., market rates? You'd go take a better offer.

For this worker to have such an option requires a healthy job such, labor enjoys bargaining leverage.

Ouch, got under your skin. Calm down, dude, it's just an Internet discussion.

You never get tired of arguing eight year old, do you?
Uh.....I was responding to your whinge....perhaps you should read your posts...
Oh geez, Kazinator.......

So you're with the white supremacist, huh. Color me surprised, not
Why get pissy with me because you are unfamiliar with the results of recent studies on the matter...

Shit, I'd be shocked if you weren't.

Have you asked OD where it stands on the Gold Fetish?

No idea what you're talking about. I said ask your question without the ad hominem and I'll answer it. Obviously when you ask a question dripping with ad hominem, you're not interested in an actual discussion. I have two modes, serious and fun. They are mutually exclusive. You picked fun.

I'm offering you are free to undo that choice, and it is simple to do that. Ask the question without ad hominem. What are you, chicken?

Have you asked Odorum if it shares your passion for the gold standard?

Any chance you might take a minute from your filibuster to address that Elasticity of Labor Supply question?

Sure, I'd be glad to. As I said, ask without the ad hominem

What ruffled your feathers this time, princess?

Where, in that post, did you see "ad hominem"?

Just answer the question.....
Yep. He's a nut job. I think you and I are asking the same question. How do you underpay someone when they would quit working for them if they don't pay you what you're worth, i.e., market rates? You'd go take a better offer. He's not rational enough to address the question

"Assume a strong labor market."

I see that Kaz is back at work.....

Riddle me this, Kaz....

how would you characterize the Elasticity of Labor Supply?

That quote is a lie, I never said that.

And ask the question without the ad hominem and I'll answer it. Yes, you have always passed on that offer before knowing you can't back up your crap
That quote is a lie, I never said that.

Did I attribute it to you?

It is an allusion to a joke involving an engineer, a Buddhist and an economist, stranded on a deserted isle, contemplating their options relative to a can of the absence of a can opener...

The joke being that after the other two have floated solutions, the economist opens with

"Assume we have a can opener."

Will you require a moment to cauterize your butthurt?

How do you underpay someone when they would quit working for them if they don't pay you what you're worth, i.e., market rates? You'd go take a better offer.

For this worker to have such an option requires a healthy job such, labor enjoys bargaining leverage.

Ouch, got under your skin. Calm down, dude, it's just an Internet discussion.

You never get tired of arguing eight year old, do you?
Uh.....I was responding to your whinge....perhaps you should read your posts...

Yes, you were all worried about how I feel, gay boy. If I want someone to hold hands with, tell sad stories and cry with I'll keep you in mind. Don't hold your breath.

Perhaps you should read your posts...
So you're with the white supremacist, huh. Color me surprised, not
Why get pissy with me because you are unfamiliar with the results of recent studies on the matter...

Shit, I'd be shocked if you weren't.

Have you asked OD where it stands on the Gold Fetish?

No idea what you're talking about. I said ask your question without the ad hominem and I'll answer it. Obviously when you ask a question dripping with ad hominem, you're not interested in an actual discussion. I have two modes, serious and fun. They are mutually exclusive. You picked fun.

I'm offering you are free to undo that choice, and it is simple to do that. Ask the question without ad hominem. What are you, chicken?

Have you asked Odorum if it shares your passion for the gold standard?

Any chance you might take a minute from your filibuster to address that Elasticity of Labor Supply question?

Sure, I'd be glad to. As I said, ask without the ad hominem

What ruffled your feathers this time, princess?

Where, in that post, did you see "ad hominem"?

Just answer the question.....

I'll pass on that, your gayness. Google what ad hominem means. I'm not a dictionary
Column: The claim that if wages go up, jobs will go down is not a theory -- it's a scam

The results were clear: Of the nearly two dozen federal minimum wage hikes since 1938, total year-over-year employment actually increased 68 percent of the time.

Simple facts folks....its just MORE scare tactics by the RICH and regurgitated by their simpletons on the right.

People like you are retarded

First wages going good, but only if it's market.driven

Second, you are using these studies scientifically lf so is the only variable a min wage hike? I really doubt it.
Can't figure out what 1) has to do with the availability of jobs

2) Between Feb 2001 and Feb 2009 private sector CONTRACTED by more than 1 million, while the labor force expanded by more than 8

3) Pretty much the story since 2011.....accelerating in 2014...

Why are you Communists so fucking dishonest?

No, the private sector did not contract between Feb 2001, and Feb 2009.

In fact, between Feb 2001, and Feb 2007, it vastly EXPANDED.

But you seek to paint this as if there was a recession all along. Sigh, the next time a Communist tells the truth will be the first time.
Why get pissy with me because you are unfamiliar with the results of recent studies on the matter...

Shit, I'd be shocked if you weren't.

Have you asked OD where it stands on the Gold Fetish?

No idea what you're talking about. I said ask your question without the ad hominem and I'll answer it. Obviously when you ask a question dripping with ad hominem, you're not interested in an actual discussion. I have two modes, serious and fun. They are mutually exclusive. You picked fun.

I'm offering you are free to undo that choice, and it is simple to do that. Ask the question without ad hominem. What are you, chicken?

Have you asked Odorum if it shares your passion for the gold standard?

Any chance you might take a minute from your filibuster to address that Elasticity of Labor Supply question?

Sure, I'd be glad to. As I said, ask without the ad hominem

What ruffled your feathers this time, princess?

Where, in that post, did you see "ad hominem"?

Just answer the question.....

I'll pass on that, your gayness. Google what ad hominem means. I'm not a dictionary're more of a brick.

How will doing so shed light on what, in my post, provoked your hysteria?

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