The Lies from Democrats on Biden’s Forced Vaccine Mandates

It was a horrible lonely death because the state kept their loved ones from seeing them, talk about selfish and unnecessary an cold. My mother in law passed away in April of this year, not from Covid, and she was in a nursing home and we were kept from seeing her for over a year and she was terribly lonely and cried on the phone when we talked to her. We missed her last year of life thank to you selfish bastards that only care about your own 'safety', and it's not even about 'safety' it was/is about political control and making the drug company and those who invest in them billions
Why didn’t you guys just bring her home?
Comply or we put a gun to your head.

No guns involved at all. Just a lot of hands in your pocket.

Aren't you the ones who keep saying "Let the free market decide"? Well the free market has decided. They don't want to re-open anything without vaccine mandates, and proof of vaccine requirements. And if you persist, you're going to have to pay extra to exercise your "freedoms". Freedom, in this case really does have a cost you can measure.

You'll be hard pressed to find a job, eat in a restaurant or attend a concert or public event. The choice is yours. I've had the jab and to me "freedom" is being able to live my life without concern about how to live normally without a vaccine. I have a child who is being driven crazy by having to determine vaccine requirements everywhere she goes. It's not a problem I ever have to deal with.

As a consumer, I want to make sure that if you're unvaccinated, you're segregated with the rest of those who choose to stand on their definition of "freedom". There are more people who prefer my "freedoms" to yours.
It was a horrible lonely death because the state kept their loved ones from seeing them, talk about selfish and unnecessary an cold. My mother in law passed away in April of this year, not from Covid, and she was in a nursing home and we were kept from seeing her for over a year and she was terribly lonely and cried on the phone when we talked to her. We missed her last year of life thank to you selfish bastards that only care about your own 'safety', and it's not even about 'safety' it was/is about political control and making the drug company and those who invest in them billions. So you were and are willing to sacrifice precious time with your loved ones to enrich the heathens that are manipulating you for their gain. You also completely ignored any comment about long term injuries and side effects due to the vaccines, you better pray that nothing like that occurs in the future, cause if it does you only have yourself and others like you to blame. Tell me, where does 'safety' no longer become a reason for taking rights and liberties away? Will you get behind every 'cause' that removes freedoms and liberties for the guise of 'safety', is there any tyranny you wouldn't support if it meant just one life saved? How long are you willing to along with the covid scam, 1 more year, 5, 10? What arrogance to think that you should be able to control others lives and decisions, nothing Christian like about that at all. Again, you apparently have no faith in God's will at all, you think you can control everything and everyone. Where is your outrage regarding China and what they have done, where do you call for them to be held accountable? There is someone to blame, but it's not Americans that refuse to give up their freedoms from something that has a 99.4% survival rate. I bet you called Trump a racist when he shut down travel from China. People like you wouldn't know what opinion to give if there wasn't a 'D' or an 'R' behind the name.

My friend brought her elderly mother-in-law home, even though she's divorced from her husband, and damn good thing too. Her very expensive memory care institution had a serious outbreak at the beginning of the pandemic and 74 residents died. Mom recently returned to the home when my friend returned to work this summer.
No guns involved at all. Just a lot of hands in your pocket.

Aren't you the ones who keep saying "Let the free market decide"? Well the free market has decided. They don't want to re-open anything without vaccine mandates, and proof of vaccine requirements. And if you persist, you're going to have to pay extra to exercise your "freedoms". Freedom, in this case really does have a cost you can measure.

You'll be hard pressed to find a job, eat in a restaurant or attend a concert or public event. The choice is yours. I've had the jab and to me "freedom" is being able to live my life without concern about how to live normally without a vaccine. I have a child who is being driven crazy by having to determine vaccine requirements everywhere she goes. It's not a problem I ever have to deal with.

As a consumer, I want to make sure that if you're unvaccinated, you're segregated with the rest of those who choose to stand on their definition of "freedom". There are more people who prefer my "freedoms" to yours.
government forcing companies to do things to its employees is not free market.
The fact you even think such thing shows how deranged you are.
No guns involved at all. Just a lot of hands in your pocket.

Aren't you the ones who keep saying "Let the free market decide"? Well the free market has decided. They don't want to re-open anything without vaccine mandates, and proof of vaccine requirements. And if you persist, you're going to have to pay extra to exercise your "freedoms". Freedom, in this case really does have a cost you can measure.

You'll be hard pressed to find a job, eat in a restaurant or attend a concert or public event. The choice is yours. I've had the jab and to me "freedom" is being able to live my life without concern about how to live normally without a vaccine. I have a child who is being driven crazy by having to determine vaccine requirements everywhere she goes. It's not a problem I ever have to deal with.

As a consumer, I want to make sure that if you're unvaccinated, you're segregated with the rest of those who choose to stand on their definition of "freedom". There are more people who prefer my "freedoms" to yours.
Fascists are horrible people. I don’t find any redeeming quality in you.

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