The Lies from Democrats on Biden’s Forced Vaccine Mandates

I'm not the Jezebel whore trying to murder babies in the womb because you couldn't keep your legs closed.
True, you're not, nor am I..... But you, you are just the Devil's spawn....your spiritual father is the creator of all lies.... You speak in your father's natural tongue, the language is called Lies....

All liars are thrown in to the Lake of Fire in the end, so says the Bible! Be careful! Or keep being yourself, a basket of lies, and see what happens!
True, you're not, nor am I..... But you, you are just the Devil's spawn....your spiritual father is the creator of all lies.... You speak in your father's natural tongue, the language is called Lies....

All liars are thrown in to the Lake of Fire in the end, so says the Bible! Be careful! Or keep being yourself, a basket of lies, and see what happens!
We'll see about that. How many sexes are there "Care4all"?

Even your handle is a lie. You care for no one but yourself.
True, you're not, nor am I..... But you, you are just the Devil's spawn....your spiritual father is the creator of all lies.... You speak in your father's natural tongue, the language is called Lies....

All liars are thrown in to the Lake of Fire in the end, so says the Bible! Be careful! Or keep being yourself, a basket of lies, and see what happens!

It's because of Trump you got the very vaccine you're trying to force people to take. The very vaccine Biden and Harris said they did not trust.

As usual you take her out of context. She said she would take the vaccine if it was recommended by doctors and other health care practitioners. What she was talking about was Trump forcing a untested vaccine on her.
What's not honest about that....? It's my opinion of you...And believe me it was honest.
Lol. Like I said, you started it. Not me. Now you're lying about it, not me.

Are we about done here? Haven't you embarrassed yourself enough yet?
As usual you take her out of context. She said she would take the vaccine if it was recommended by doctors and other health care practitioners. What she was talking about was Trump forcing a untested vaccine on her.
Like you loons are trying to do to me now? Different boss Different attitude. I wouldn't take it when Trump wanted me to. I be damned if I take it from the same people that wouldn't take it while Trump was president.
Irreconcilably broken.
A divorce is needed.
The last one took place in 1861

"The Union will never survive a divided house"........

Abraham Lincoln
Nice try...

Sorry but Trump has his foundation in lies... We have shown it time and time again...

Trump admitted to lying to the US people about a virus that went on to kill 600,000 people...

He has multiple ones...
Trump, Trump, Trump….you’d think he was still president or something…
I spend my life spreading the good news, in Word and by actions.

The 670,000 plus deaths are ADDITIONAL DEATHS, all ADDED to the death tolls of other recorded deaths from heart disease, cancers, respiratory infections, asthma etc etc. In a year and a hall's time period.... It would take 10 to 20 years to add that many deaths to any one of those averages on causes of deaths above....!!!! Can you even comprehend this? Do a search on excess deaths, 2020, USA.... The charts will show the yearly deaths for all recorded deaths by disease and ailments for the past 5 years....

God expects us, to do everything Earthly possible to save people's lives on Earth.... When Jesus was on the road, a messenger/person came to Him, telling him that Lazarus was deathly ill...He asked them, Well did you annoint him with oil...? He sends them back to Lazarus and kept on preaching and teaching...for a bit.

What's not understood by many is that annointing with oil, was a MEDICAL treatment during that time.... Jesus was saying, BEFORE you expect a miracle from me, do everything medically and humanly possible to save him....

Not to throw up our hands and do nothing, and then make claims that it was God's will.

Please, you have to know better, as a Christian..... :(
The 670,000 plus deaths are ADDITIONAL DEATHS, all ADDED to the death tolls of other recorded deaths from heart disease, cancers, respiratory infections, asthma etc etc. In a year and a hall's time period....

You have absolutely no way of knowing that at all, most of the people that died were elderly and already at death's door, it may have shortened their life span by weeks or months, to me it's more horrifying that those elderly and sick people had to die alone with strangers because their loved ones weren't allowed anywhere near them, talk about cold and evil, that's the epitome of both. And was it or was it not God's will to call those people home when He was ready to? Do you have faith in God's plans or don't you?

Jesus was saying, BEFORE you expect a miracle from me, do everything medically and humanly possible to save him....

Well I'd say that's a huge stretch on interpreting what He meant, who has powers greater than He to heal? Babies and children die horrible deaths from horrible diseases every day that we are not capable of healing no matter how hard we try. God had a reason for calling them home even though we may not understand what they are. For you to try to institute your will on everyone else in society out of supposedly 'caring' for them is evil, I think people are smart enough to make their own determinations as to what is right and correct for their situation. What happens if several months or years down the road horrible injuries start to appear from these vaccines given that we know nothing about the long term consequences of them? Even being remorseful and sorry will not be good enough for the people who have participated and pushed to have them forced onto everyone. The mortality rate is not nearly high enough to validate stripping individual health choices from people or to quarantine them and shut down their businesses and freedom of movement, let alone force an untested medical treatment on the entire population. A 'treatment', I might add, that does not even work.
The 670,000 plus deaths are ADDITIONAL DEATHS, all ADDED to the death tolls of other recorded deaths from heart disease, cancers, respiratory infections, asthma etc etc. In a year and a hall's time period....

You have absolutely no way of knowing that at all, most of the people that died were elderly and already at death's door, it may have shortened their life span by weeks or months, to me it's more horrifying that those elderly and sick people had to die alone with strangers because their loved ones weren't allowed anywhere near them, talk about cold and evil, that's the epitome of both. And was it or was it not God's will to call those people home when He was ready to? Do you have faith in God's plans or don't you?

Jesus was saying, BEFORE you expect a miracle from me, do everything medically and humanly possible to save him....

Well I'd say that's a huge stretch on interpreting what He meant, who has powers greater than He to heal? Babies and children die horrible deaths from horrible diseases every day that we are not capable of healing no matter how hard we try. God had a reason for calling them home even though we may not understand what they are. For you to try to institute your will on everyone else in society out of supposedly 'caring' for them is evil, I think people are smart enough to make their own determinations as to what is right and correct for their situation. What happens if several months or years down the road horrible injuries start to appear from these vaccines given that we know nothing about the long term consequences of them? Even being remorseful and sorry will not be good enough for the people who have participated and pushed to have them forced onto everyone. The mortality rate is not nearly high enough to validate stripping individual health choices from people or to quarantine them and shut down their businesses and freedom of movement, let alone force an untested medical treatment on the entire population. A 'treatment', I might add, that does not even work.
It's a horrible, lonely death... Been saying that all along.... It means nothing to right wingers....if it did, you all would have done everything possible in your own power to stop the spread of it before vaccines, stay apart, wear masks, etc, don't participate in crowded super spreader events, etc....but instead you cold bastards did nothing but bitch about, me, me, me attitudes in the guise of freedom... So Christian like... Cut me a break.... And now, when there is a vaccine that is 11 times more likely to save the life of a covid person sick from the disease ravaging them you once again only speak about your selfish, self centered, cold,me,me,me!!!!

God expects you to take care of yourself, AND your neighbor n times like these....
It's a horrible, lonely death... Been saying that all along.... It means nothing to right wingers....if it did, you all would have done everything possible in your own power to stop the spread of it before vaccines, stay apart, wear masks, etc, don't participate in crowded super spreader events, etc....but instead you cold bastards did nothing but bitch about, me, me, me attitudes in the guise of freedom... So Christian like... Cut me a break.... And now, when there is a vaccine that is 11 times more likely to save the life of a covid person sick from the disease ravaging them you once again only speak about your selfish, self centered, cold,me,me,me!!!!

God expects you to take care of yourself, AND your neighbor n times like these....
It was a horrible lonely death because the state kept their loved ones from seeing them, talk about selfish and unnecessary an cold. My mother in law passed away in April of this year, not from Covid, and she was in a nursing home and we were kept from seeing her for over a year and she was terribly lonely and cried on the phone when we talked to her. We missed her last year of life thank to you selfish bastards that only care about your own 'safety', and it's not even about 'safety' it was/is about political control and making the drug company and those who invest in them billions. So you were and are willing to sacrifice precious time with your loved ones to enrich the heathens that are manipulating you for their gain. You also completely ignored any comment about long term injuries and side effects due to the vaccines, you better pray that nothing like that occurs in the future, cause if it does you only have yourself and others like you to blame. Tell me, where does 'safety' no longer become a reason for taking rights and liberties away? Will you get behind every 'cause' that removes freedoms and liberties for the guise of 'safety', is there any tyranny you wouldn't support if it meant just one life saved? How long are you willing to along with the covid scam, 1 more year, 5, 10? What arrogance to think that you should be able to control others lives and decisions, nothing Christian like about that at all. Again, you apparently have no faith in God's will at all, you think you can control everything and everyone. Where is your outrage regarding China and what they have done, where do you call for them to be held accountable? There is someone to blame, but it's not Americans that refuse to give up their freedoms from something that has a 99.4% survival rate. I bet you called Trump a racist when he shut down travel from China. People like you wouldn't know what opinion to give if there wasn't a 'D' or an 'R' behind the name.
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