The Lies from Democrats on Biden’s Forced Vaccine Mandates

No you moron. You accused me of being a womanizer and I just went with it.

God you're such a fuckin' idiot.
No one knows what you are. We just perceive your overall creepiness.
That's not your's just the vibe you throw hair sniffing and scrawny tooth pick hairy legs and kids at the pool kind of creepy.
No one knows what you are. We just perceive your overall creepiness.
That's not your's just the vibe you throw hair sniffing and scrawny tooth pick hairy legs and kids at the pool kind of creepy.
Feeling your oats this morning, Stumpy?
Feeling your oats this morning, Stumpy?
Well, I guess that is better than creepy Joe feeling up little kids.



And again, why aren't people who have had covid and have antibodies not excluded from the vaccine mandate? You haven't answered that at all. They don't even mention it, like the millions that have had covid just don't exist. Why???
You don't know that they aren't..... the rules are not written yet.... They say it would take about 2 weeks before we get the rule specifics.

I personally think if they have an antibody test for covid that shows their antibodies present, the vaccine or the testing for covid weekly, is not necessary.
You don't know that they aren't..... the rules are not written yet.... They say it would take about 2 weeks before we get the rule specifics.

I personally think if they have an antibody test for covid that shows their antibodies present, the vaccine or the testing for covid weekly, is not necessary.
We are a nation of laws, not arbitrary rules that circumvent our legislatures via unconstitutional powers falsely granted to people claiming we are in a health care crisis for obvious self serving purposes.
Again, it's clear that you don't disapprove of Joe's predatory behavior. that says more about you than your deflections do.
If you need to fantasize about such things, you may as well fantasize that the 80 million Americans who elected Biden President must share you delusion and enjoy it as well.

Do you like to imagine such things, or are there voices telling you them?
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If you need to fantasize about such things, you may as well fantasize that the 80 million Americans who elected Biden President must share you delusion and enjoy it as well.

Do you like to imagine such things, or are there voices telling you them?
It's obvious you do not disapprove of Joe's hair sniffing and kid fondling, and obvious that you are trying to divert the discussion to one of trying to validate and invalid and illegitimate election.

You wouldn't also be a hair sniffer like Joe, would you? Are you outing yourself in this very thread?
The Faux Pandemic is about one thing.....circumventing Constitutions and Legislatures to enact illegal laws, and mandates without the consent of the governed under the guise of emergency powers.....
You might consider cultivating more salubrious fantasies with which to pleasure yourself.
We condemn people for things that are miniscule compared to that evidence on Biden. If he does this in public, then he is experienced behind the walls. This is violating children in a pure physical way. The elites are dead inside. They do not care for they have been given everything they want and it is not enough. They have the vote on life and death.
I didn't dismiss anything, that's what you have to imply in order to assert your strawman to paint me as evil and cold... lol You also didn't post any of the numbers I asked of you, how many people die every year in automobile accidents, from smoking, over eating, where does covid fall on the mortality list against all other causes of death? And it lands there even with falsely labeling people as dying with covid, not from it, so it doesn't even belong where it's listed since the data was manipulated to make it look worse than it actually is. It DOES NOT warrant the response that we have taken with locking society down and mandating an experimental drug on the entire population of the country, stripping freedoms and rights from everyone. People die, the minute you're born the clock is ticking down, there are all kinds of disease, along with self inflicted health problems, and nothing you can do will stop it from happening. You could take each human being after birth, place them in lockdown in the perfect environment to live the longest life, the perfect combo of foods, water, air, exercise, they could be protected from disease, live in a perfect bubble and everyone live to 100 and be 'safe' for their entire existence. Is that what you want? What kind of life is that? Where do you draw the line? You seem to have no line, you feel that everyone should live as you expect, that your will should be the one imposed on everyone else's life. As a supposed Christian, you should know that's not the life God wants for us, you should know that people go home to God when He determines it's their time, not us. Where is your supposed faith in this? The 'caring' mother can smother a child and ruin his/her life trying to keep them 'safe', keeping them from experiencing the life that God meant for us to have here. As a Christian, maybe you should be focusing more of your time being a disciple and making sure people know about God? Maybe you 'care' just a little too much, to the point of trying to control what everyone else does? Is it really 'caring' at that point, I don't think it is.
I spend my life spreading the good news, in Word and by actions.

The 670,000 plus deaths are ADDITIONAL DEATHS, all ADDED to the death tolls of other recorded deaths from heart disease, cancers, respiratory infections, asthma etc etc. In a year and a hall's time period.... It would take 10 to 20 years to add that many deaths to any one of those averages on causes of deaths above....!!!! Can you even comprehend this? Do a search on excess deaths, 2020, USA.... The charts will show the yearly deaths for all recorded deaths by disease and ailments for the past 5 years....

God expects us, to do everything Earthly possible to save people's lives on Earth.... When Jesus was on the road, a messenger/person came to Him, telling him that Lazarus was deathly ill...He asked them, Well did you annoint him with oil...? He sends them back to Lazarus and kept on preaching and teaching...for a bit.

What's not understood by many is that annointing with oil, was a MEDICAL treatment during that time.... Jesus was saying, BEFORE you expect a miracle from me, do everything medically and humanly possible to save him....

Not to throw up our hands and do nothing, and then make claims that it was God's will.

Please, you have to know better, as a Christian..... :(

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