The Lies from Democrats on Biden’s Forced Vaccine Mandates

There are also studies out of 3 othe nations that show it isn't providing the protection to the elderly that was initially thought.

And on the same subject this is one of what many talked about when they said the long term effects are an unknown factor

Your claim:

New studied show that the elderly are given no more protection from being hospitalized after receiving the shot than those who are unvaccinated.

The reality from the study you posted:

The CDC identified infections among 19 percent of the unvaccinated and 3 percent among the fully vaccinated. Vaccine efficacy was “significantly lower” among adults aged 75 and older at 76 precent, the study said. Efficacy was higher among Moderna vaccine recipients at 95 percent than among Pfizer-BioNTech at 80 percent or Johnson & Johnson at 60 percent.

Why is absolutely no one going to be surprised that you were wrong?
Dunno who is saying it but it’s not correct.

It prevents the majority, perhaps vast majority of cases of COVID. It’s effective at attenuating the rest.

That’s what the data shows.

It’s too early for the CDC to reach the conclusions they’ve come to. There’s no way of knowing at this point that, for example, those who’ve been vaccinated would have died had they been infected or even that they would have required hospitalization. In addition, most of the unvaccinated recover just fine or don’t get infected at all.

As for the mandates, I’m betting they haven’t even taken into consideration those unvaccinated who were infected and thus developed antibodies. I’ll bet they will require even these people to get the shot which will make no sense at all.
You are looking for excuses to believe what you want.

I’m not looking for excuses, I’m telling you what the current narrative is and what people on the left have said.
I’m bringing light to the hysteria that was present in the other poster’s message.

Y’all used to be big proponents of compliance.
I didn’t see hysteria and I am a proponent of compliance that is Constitutional.
Thanks for acknowledgment that Democrats hate freedom of Americans.

There is no freedom, that I can think of, anywhere in the world, that allows you to spread a potentially deadly virus to numerous ppl and endanger citizens and potentially even national security. You're not looking for freedom sir, you're looking for anarchy and chaos.
Still no answer, I wonder why??

For all of you feverishly in favor of draconian government mandates to inject an untested drug into you very own body, why is there no consideration of the large number of people that have had covid and already have better antibodies than what the 'vaccines' are supposed to produce?
Strategies change when the circumstances change. The delta variant has changed the rules of the game. The refusal of Trump supporters to get vaccinated has changed the rules. Americans are dying because ICU beds are taken up by the unvaccinated. It is a shame Republicans didn't put enough this much energy into stopping the coronavirus and getting people vaccinated.

Recall the history of Hong Kong flu hitting America. For SARS-CoV-2’s closest ancestor, Chinese communists knew what they had when they pulled it from a copper mine. Lab manipulation was not necessary.
Still no answer, I wonder why??

For all of you feverishly in favor of draconian government mandates to inject an untested drug into you very own body, why is there no consideration of the large number of people that have had covid and already have better antibodies than what the 'vaccines' are supposed to produce?

The mandate on large businesses gives an OUT for anyone refusing to get vaccinated....they can be tested for covid once a week.... to avoid vaccination mandate.

Big Whoopdeedo!


Those with antibodies who were previously infected, should be allowed to present an antibody test, showing they've had it and are protected as much or more than the vaccinated.
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There is no freedom, that I can think of, anywhere in the world, that allows you to spread a potentially deadly virus to numerous ppl and endanger citizens and potentially even national security. You're not looking for freedom sir, you're looking for anarchy and chaos.
The Covid issue has been handled like a subversive activity. Since we live with a media who are politically corrupted shills of Progressive Socialist government, what did you expect? For many years this has been going on. Keep bullying a good percentage of the population and this is the result. There are many people who have been fired or destroyed for making benign statements that most people would say because of the woke society we live in. They even sacrifice a Prog here and there for going to far in the spouts as we are not there yet.
Still no answer, I wonder why??

For all of you feverishly in favor of draconian government mandates to inject an untested drug into you very own body, why is there no consideration of the large number of people that have had covid and already have better antibodies than what the 'vaccines' are supposed to produce?

The mandate on large businesses gives an OUT for anyone refusing to get vaccinated....they can be tested for covid once a week.... to avoid vaccination mandate.

Big Whoopdeedo!


Those with antibodies who were previously infected, should be allowed to present an antibody test, showing they've had it and are protected as much or more than the vaccinated.
A problem may be to define which antibodies are doing the protecting as the virus may evolve. The commie virus has become a different commie virus.
A problem may be to define which antibodies are doing the protecting as the virus may evolve. The commie virus has become a different commie virus.
So far, it hasn't happened.... The vaccination and previous infection, has protected the individual from hospitalization and death, for the most of them.... Which is all we can hope bring us back to a new normal.

Making it to where most people are not getting really sick needing hospitalization and avoiding death, is the new normal we need for the continued future of a healthy and prosperous America....the land of the free!
Still no answer, I wonder why??

For all of you feverishly in favor of draconian government mandates to inject an untested drug into you very own body, why is there no consideration of the large number of people that have had covid and already have better antibodies than what the 'vaccines' are supposed to produce?
yes, anti-bodies for the whole virus, not just the spike protien.
but at what risk of death or long term problems.

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