The Lincoln Project

"A small group of President Donald Trump’s fiercest conservative critics, including the husband of the president’s own chief adviser, is launching a super PAC designed to fight Trump’s reelection and punish congressional Republicans deemed his “enablers.”

"The new organization, known as the Lincoln Project, represents a formal step forward for the so-called Never Trump movement, which has been limited largely to social media commentary and cable news attacks through the first three years of Trump’s presidency. Organizers report fundraising commitments exceeding $1 million to begin, although they hope to raise and spend much more to fund a months-long advertising campaign in a handful of 2020 battleground states to persuade disaffected Republican voters to break from Trump’s GOP."


Conservative Trump critics launch PAC to fight reelection

Trump conservative critics launch PAC to fight reelection

I expect the faux conservatives including trump will now begin to attack the character of the members of this new and very patriotic group of citizens.

What makes them "real conservatives"?
A legit question....what makes trump a con-servative?

Nothing. I have never considered Trump a conservative, ever.

Now he has governed rather conservatively, and I was wager that is only because he has conservative people around him, giving him conservative advice.

But Trump as a person, has never been conservative. He has never tried or advocated lowering government spending, and I wager he would support gun-confiscation, abortion, national health care, and many other pro-left-wing policies if he was not a Republican.

The upside to Trump, is that he prevented Hillary from being president, and he rubs the left-wing's face in it. Both of which are fantastic.
"A small group of President Donald Trump’s fiercest conservative critics, including the husband of the president’s own chief adviser, is launching a super PAC designed to fight Trump’s reelection and punish congressional Republicans deemed his “enablers.”

"The new organization, known as the Lincoln Project, represents a formal step forward for the so-called Never Trump movement, which has been limited largely to social media commentary and cable news attacks through the first three years of Trump’s presidency. Organizers report fundraising commitments exceeding $1 million to begin, although they hope to raise and spend much more to fund a months-long advertising campaign in a handful of 2020 battleground states to persuade disaffected Republican voters to break from Trump’s GOP."


Conservative Trump critics launch PAC to fight reelection

Trump conservative critics launch PAC to fight reelection

I expect the faux conservatives including trump will now begin to attack the character of the members of this new and very patriotic group of citizens.

What makes them "real conservatives"?
A legit question....what makes trump a con-servative?

Nothing. I have never considered Trump a conservative, ever.

Now he has governed rather conservatively, and I was wager that is only because he has conservative people around him, giving him conservative advice.

But Trump as a person, has never been conservative. He has never tried or advocated lowering government spending, and I wager he would support gun-confiscation, abortion, national health care, and many other pro-left-wing policies if he was not a Republican.

The upside to Trump, is that he prevented Hillary from being president, and he rubs the left-wing's face in it. Both of which are fantastic.
That the Democrats are nominally "worse than Trump" is no excuse for not holding Trump accountable.

No excuse at all.

That's the argument of a submissive, weak-minded cuck.
Is this The Geigh Thread? Cuz it’s awfully full
Of Twinkle Toed Fairies Who are still butt hurt after three years of Bleeding from the ass, and by Ass I mean your flapping Trap.

These are republicans I can support.

We Are Republicans, and We Want Trump Defeated
The president and his enablers have replaced conservatism with an empty faith led by a bogus prophet.
By George T. Conway III, Steve Schmidt, John Weaver and Rick Wilson
The authors have worked for and supported Republican campaigns.
Dec. 17, 2019

Patriotism and the survival of our nation in the face of the crimes, corruption and corrosive nature of Donald Trump are a higher calling than mere politics. As Americans, we must stem the damage he and his followers are doing to the rule of law, the Constitution and the American character.

That’s why we are announcing the Lincoln Project, an effort to highlight our country’s story and values, and its people’s sacrifices and obligations. This effort transcends partisanship and is dedicated to nothing less than preservation of the principles that so many have fought for, on battlefields far from home and within their own communities.

This effort asks all Americans of all places, creeds and ways of life to join in the seminal task of our generation: restoring to this nation leadership and governance that respects the rule of law, recognizes the dignity of all people and defends the Constitution and American values at home and abroad.

Over these next 11 months, our efforts will be dedicated to defeating President Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box and to elect those patriots who will hold the line. We do not undertake this task lightly, nor from ideological preference. We have been, and remain, broadly conservative (or classically liberal) in our politics and outlooks. Our many policy differences with national Democrats remain, but our shared fidelity to the Constitution dictates a common effort.

Opinion | We Are Republicans, and We Want Trump Defeated action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage

View attachment 295248

The Lincoln Project | The Lincoln Project
How's the weather in Moscow, Comrade.....getting any snow yet?
And you would know a cuck when you suck a cuck, wouldn’t you?
"A small group of President Donald Trump’s fiercest conservative critics, including the husband of the president’s own chief adviser, is launching a super PAC designed to fight Trump’s reelection and punish congressional Republicans deemed his “enablers.”

"The new organization, known as the Lincoln Project, represents a formal step forward for the so-called Never Trump movement, which has been limited largely to social media commentary and cable news attacks through the first three years of Trump’s presidency. Organizers report fundraising commitments exceeding $1 million to begin, although they hope to raise and spend much more to fund a months-long advertising campaign in a handful of 2020 battleground states to persuade disaffected Republican voters to break from Trump’s GOP."


Conservative Trump critics launch PAC to fight reelection

Trump conservative critics launch PAC to fight reelection

I expect the faux conservatives including trump will now begin to attack the character of the members of this new and very patriotic group of citizens.

What makes them "real conservatives"?
A legit question....what makes trump a con-servative?

Nothing. I have never considered Trump a conservative, ever.

Now he has governed rather conservatively, and I was wager that is only because he has conservative people around him, giving him conservative advice.

But Trump as a person, has never been conservative. He has never tried or advocated lowering government spending, and I wager he would support gun-confiscation, abortion, national health care, and many other pro-left-wing policies if he was not a Republican.

The upside to Trump, is that he prevented Hillary from being president, and he rubs the left-wing's face in it. Both of which are fantastic.
That the Democrats are nominally "worse than Trump" is no excuse for not holding Trump accountable.

No excuse at all.

That's the argument of a submissive, weak-minded cuck.
"A small group of President Donald Trump’s fiercest conservative critics, including the husband of the president’s own chief adviser, is launching a super PAC designed to fight Trump’s reelection and punish congressional Republicans deemed his “enablers.”

"The new organization, known as the Lincoln Project, represents a formal step forward for the so-called Never Trump movement, which has been limited largely to social media commentary and cable news attacks through the first three years of Trump’s presidency. Organizers report fundraising commitments exceeding $1 million to begin, although they hope to raise and spend much more to fund a months-long advertising campaign in a handful of 2020 battleground states to persuade disaffected Republican voters to break from Trump’s GOP."


Conservative Trump critics launch PAC to fight reelection

Trump conservative critics launch PAC to fight reelection

I expect the faux conservatives including trump will now begin to attack the character of the members of this new and very patriotic group of citizens.
why are they patriotic?....just because they are against trump?...
Yes. Because trump is damaging our republic.
he might be doing damage,but there a hell of a lot of people who dont agree with you.....and thats the sad part about this....we are on a thousand different pages......
"A small group of President Donald Trump’s fiercest conservative critics, including the husband of the president’s own chief adviser, is launching a super PAC designed to fight Trump’s reelection and punish congressional Republicans deemed his “enablers.”

"The new organization, known as the Lincoln Project, represents a formal step forward for the so-called Never Trump movement, which has been limited largely to social media commentary and cable news attacks through the first three years of Trump’s presidency. Organizers report fundraising commitments exceeding $1 million to begin, although they hope to raise and spend much more to fund a months-long advertising campaign in a handful of 2020 battleground states to persuade disaffected Republican voters to break from Trump’s GOP."


Conservative Trump critics launch PAC to fight reelection

Trump conservative critics launch PAC to fight reelection

I expect the faux conservatives including trump will now begin to attack the character of the members of this new and very patriotic group of citizens.
why are they patriotic?....just because they are against trump?...

Read the links, they expressed their reasons to attempt to oust Trump in the next election, as well as those Republican Members of both the Senate and House who have are supporting the President.
so because they agree with you they are now patriots?.....i bet before they said this you thought they sucked...

You'd lose that bet. I completely disagreed with the military actions in Vietnam (not at first when I enlisted) but I realized by time and experience that every military action since has been fruitless. We left 58,000 dead Americans for their Domino Theory and countless dollars to invade Grenada, Panama, Afghanistan and Iraq. Too much blood and treasure expended and too little concern for our on going domestic problems.
"A small group of President Donald Trump’s fiercest conservative critics, including the husband of the president’s own chief adviser, is launching a super PAC designed to fight Trump’s reelection and punish congressional Republicans deemed his “enablers.”

"The new organization, known as the Lincoln Project, represents a formal step forward for the so-called Never Trump movement, which has been limited largely to social media commentary and cable news attacks through the first three years of Trump’s presidency. Organizers report fundraising commitments exceeding $1 million to begin, although they hope to raise and spend much more to fund a months-long advertising campaign in a handful of 2020 battleground states to persuade disaffected Republican voters to break from Trump’s GOP."


Conservative Trump critics launch PAC to fight reelection

Trump conservative critics launch PAC to fight reelection

I expect the faux conservatives including trump will now begin to attack the character of the members of this new and very patriotic group of citizens.

What makes them "real conservatives"?
A legit question....what makes trump a con-servative?

Nothing. I have never considered Trump a conservative, ever.

Now he has governed rather conservatively, and I was wager that is only because he has conservative people around him, giving him conservative advice.

But Trump as a person, has never been conservative. He has never tried or advocated lowering government spending, and I wager he would support gun-confiscation, abortion, national health care, and many other pro-left-wing policies if he was not a Republican.

The upside to Trump, is that he prevented Hillary from being president, and he rubs the left-wing's face in it. Both of which are fantastic.
That the Democrats are nominally "worse than Trump" is no excuse for not holding Trump accountable.

No excuse at all.

That's the argument of a submissive, weak-minded cuck.

Accountable for.... what?

Trump is not damaging The Republic Leftist assholes.

The only people Proven to have attacked The Republic, Due Process and The Rule of Law, are The FBI, FISA Court, Adolph Schiffler, Nazi Nadler, Nasty Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and The Biden Family.
"A small group of President Donald Trump’s fiercest conservative critics, including the husband of the president’s own chief adviser, is launching a super PAC designed to fight Trump’s reelection and punish congressional Republicans deemed his “enablers.”

"The new organization, known as the Lincoln Project, represents a formal step forward for the so-called Never Trump movement, which has been limited largely to social media commentary and cable news attacks through the first three years of Trump’s presidency. Organizers report fundraising commitments exceeding $1 million to begin, although they hope to raise and spend much more to fund a months-long advertising campaign in a handful of 2020 battleground states to persuade disaffected Republican voters to break from Trump’s GOP."


Conservative Trump critics launch PAC to fight reelection

Trump conservative critics launch PAC to fight reelection

I expect the faux conservatives including trump will now begin to attack the character of the members of this new and very patriotic group of citizens.
why are they patriotic?....just because they are against trump?...

Read the links, they expressed their reasons to attempt to oust Trump in the next election, as well as those Republican Members of both the Senate and House who have are supporting the President.
so because they agree with you they are now patriots?.....i bet before they said this you thought they sucked...

You'd lose that bet. I completely disagreed with the military actions in Vietnam (not at first when I enlisted) but I realized by time and experience that every military action since has been fruitless. We left 58,000 dead Americans for their Domino Theory and countless dollars to invade Grenada, Panama, Afghanistan and Iraq. Too much blood and treasure expended and too little concern for our on going domestic problems.
are we talking about the same thing?....
"A small group of President Donald Trump’s fiercest conservative critics, including the husband of the president’s own chief adviser, is launching a super PAC designed to fight Trump’s reelection and punish congressional Republicans deemed his “enablers.”

"The new organization, known as the Lincoln Project, represents a formal step forward for the so-called Never Trump movement, which has been limited largely to social media commentary and cable news attacks through the first three years of Trump’s presidency. Organizers report fundraising commitments exceeding $1 million to begin, although they hope to raise and spend much more to fund a months-long advertising campaign in a handful of 2020 battleground states to persuade disaffected Republican voters to break from Trump’s GOP."


Conservative Trump critics launch PAC to fight reelection

Trump conservative critics launch PAC to fight reelection

I expect the faux conservatives including trump will now begin to attack the character of the members of this new and very patriotic group of citizens.
why are they patriotic?....just because they are against trump?...
Yes. Because trump is damaging our republic.
he might be doing damage,but there a hell of a lot of people who dont agree with you.....and thats the sad part about this....we are on a thousand different pages......

There are a hell of a lot more who agree with me. 65 million plus voted against trump. That was 3 million more than voted for trump.
"A small group of President Donald Trump’s fiercest conservative critics, including the husband of the president’s own chief adviser, is launching a super PAC designed to fight Trump’s reelection and punish congressional Republicans deemed his “enablers.”

"The new organization, known as the Lincoln Project, represents a formal step forward for the so-called Never Trump movement, which has been limited largely to social media commentary and cable news attacks through the first three years of Trump’s presidency. Organizers report fundraising commitments exceeding $1 million to begin, although they hope to raise and spend much more to fund a months-long advertising campaign in a handful of 2020 battleground states to persuade disaffected Republican voters to break from Trump’s GOP."


Conservative Trump critics launch PAC to fight reelection

Trump conservative critics launch PAC to fight reelection

I expect the faux conservatives including trump will now begin to attack the character of the members of this new and very patriotic group of citizens.

What makes them "real conservatives"?
A legit question....what makes trump a con-servative?

Nothing. I have never considered Trump a conservative, ever.

Now he has governed rather conservatively, and I was wager that is only because he has conservative people around him, giving him conservative advice.

But Trump as a person, has never been conservative. He has never tried or advocated lowering government spending, and I wager he would support gun-confiscation, abortion, national health care, and many other pro-left-wing policies if he was not a Republican.

The upside to Trump, is that he prevented Hillary from being president, and he rubs the left-wing's face in it. Both of which are fantastic.
That the Democrats are nominally "worse than Trump" is no excuse for not holding Trump accountable.

No excuse at all.

That's the argument of a submissive, weak-minded cuck.

Accountable for.... what?

View attachment 295264

Trump is not damaging The Republic Leftist assholes.

The only people Proven to have attacked The Republic, Due Process and The Rule of Law, are The FBI, FISA Court, Adolph Schiffler, Nazi Nadler, Nasty Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and The Biden Family.

The FISA court was duped.
The FISA Court is a secret Unconstitutional Court with secret Judges, and suspended Civil Rights and Zero Accountability!

They won’t do dick about this because they were in on The Fraud Themselves.

They need Abolished Yesterday!

Trump is not damaging The Republic Leftist assholes.

The only people Proven to have attacked The Republic, Due Process and The Rule of Law, are The FBI, FISA Court, Adolph Schiffler, Nazi Nadler, Nasty Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and The Biden Family.

The FISA court was duped.
If we dumped you and the rest of your illegals over the wall, Trump wins the popular vote by 22 Million.
"A small group of President Donald Trump’s fiercest conservative critics, including the husband of the president’s own chief adviser, is launching a super PAC designed to fight Trump’s reelection and punish congressional Republicans deemed his “enablers.”

"The new organization, known as the Lincoln Project, represents a formal step forward for the so-called Never Trump movement, which has been limited largely to social media commentary and cable news attacks through the first three years of Trump’s presidency. Organizers report fundraising commitments exceeding $1 million to begin, although they hope to raise and spend much more to fund a months-long advertising campaign in a handful of 2020 battleground states to persuade disaffected Republican voters to break from Trump’s GOP."


Conservative Trump critics launch PAC to fight reelection

Trump conservative critics launch PAC to fight reelection

I expect the faux conservatives including trump will now begin to attack the character of the members of this new and very patriotic group of citizens.
why are they patriotic?....just because they are against trump?...
Yes. Because trump is damaging our republic.
he might be doing damage,but there a hell of a lot of people who dont agree with you.....and thats the sad part about this....we are on a thousand different pages......

There are a hell of a lot more who agree with me. 65 million plus voted against trump. That was 3 million more than voted for trump.

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