The lines between liberals and leftist are disappearing. There is now little difference between the two.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
Many times on this forum I have said there is a clear difference between liberals and leftist.
Liberals want America to succeed, continue to improve itself and be a strong union. They just differ in how to get there from conservatives. But are still reasonable people who support freedoms and liberty.
Leftist - do not.
This statement over the past year, is no longer true. Average liberals are becoming leftist. People who do not support our country. People who are perfectly willing to accept totalitarian and fascism as long as they agree with the principles of that rule.
They are perfectly okay to not only silence opposing speech, but to punish and even ruin the person who said it. This is known as sedition. And they support that practice. You can openly see that every single day now. Public figures and those in the public view are forever ruined and banished for simply saying something the left doesn't support. Question or speak against Black Lives Matter? You will be vilified and publicly eviscerated for making that comment.
And they will turn on their own on a dime.
Take last week when a VERY liberal mayor in Minneapolis refused to tow the leftist demand to abolish the police force. The very same people who minutes before admired him and voted for him - booed and shouted him down. And screamed at him while he was trying to leave the podium.
Difference of opinion will not be tolerated. And today - liberals are openly engaging in that process.

Who knew that in a movie about a far right fascist government.... it is the left that are quickly becoming that very government...

Many times on this forum I have said there is a clear difference between liberals and leftist.
Liberals want America to succeed, continue to improve itself and be a strong union. They just differ in how to get there from conservatives. But are still reasonable people who support freedoms and liberty.
Leftist - do not.
This statement over the past year, is no longer true. Average liberals are becoming leftist. People who do not support our country. People who are perfectly willing to accept totalitarian and fascism as long as they agree with the principles of that rule.
They are perfectly okay to not only silence opposing speech, but to punish and even ruin the person who said it. This is known as sedition. And they support that practice. You can openly see that every single day now. Public figures and those in the public view are forever ruined and banished for simply saying something the left doesn't support. Question or speak against Black Lives Matter? You will be vilified and publicly eviscerated for making that comment.
And they will turn on their own on a dime.
Take last week when a VERY liberal mayor in Minneapolis refused to tow the leftist demand to abolish the police force. The very same people who minutes before admired him and voted for him - booed and shouted him down. And screamed at him while he was trying to leave the podium.
Difference of opinion will not be tolerated. And today - liberals are openly engaging in that process.

Who knew that in a movie about a far right fascist government.... it is the left that are quickly becoming that very government...

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The few reasonable 50s style libs are being shouted down and run off by the mob too....I give you Joe Lieberman.
Many times on this forum I have said there is a clear difference between liberals and leftist.
Liberals want America to succeed, continue to improve itself and be a strong union. They just differ in how to get there from conservatives. But are still reasonable people who support freedoms and liberty.
Leftist - do not.
This statement over the past year, is no longer true. Average liberals are becoming leftist. People who do not support our country. People who are perfectly willing to accept totalitarian and fascism as long as they agree with the principles of that rule.
They are perfectly okay to not only silence opposing speech, but to punish and even ruin the person who said it. This is known as sedition. And they support that practice. You can openly see that every single day now. Public figures and those in the public view are forever ruined and banished for simply saying something the left doesn't support. Question or speak against Black Lives Matter? You will be vilified and publicly eviscerated for making that comment.
And they will turn on their own on a dime.
Take last week when a VERY liberal mayor in Minneapolis refused to tow the leftist demand to abolish the police force. The very same people who minutes before admired him and voted for him - booed and shouted him down. And screamed at him while he was trying to leave the podium.
Difference of opinion will not be tolerated. And today - liberals are openly engaging in that process.

Who knew that in a movie about a far right fascist government.... it is the left that are quickly becoming that very government...

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Remember, remember the third of November.

Time to put a stop to this mad nonsense.
"Left" is a generalized nomenclature to not describe but to pigeonhole.

People understood very well what he meant by left.

I mean if you prefer, he could have used communist, is that a less derogatory term?

It doesn't make one bit of difference, what he said is completely true.
It would be nice for specifics and less shit thrown to see where it sticks.
"Centrist" democrats did nothing but knuckle under to republicans while being slandered as commie socialists. I can see why some republicans miss being able to run roughshod all over a bunch of milquetoasts who kept bringing couch cushions to the republican knifefight.
"Left" is a generalized nomenclature to not describe but to pigeonhole.

People understood very well what he meant by left.

I mean if you prefer, he could have used communist, is that a less derogatory term?

It doesn't make one bit of difference, what he said is completely true.
It would be nice for specifics and less shit thrown to see where it sticks.

Then stop slinging shit and start providing specifics.
We have totalism, corporatism and emerging fascism already in the US but you want to claim that it is just the Democrats doing it you better open yer eyes when the gentrification via state capitalism again throws out truckloads of cash to so called capitalist who live on taxpayer dough.
Many times on this forum I have said there is a clear difference between liberals and leftist.
Liberals want America to succeed, continue to improve itself and be a strong union. They just differ in how to get there from conservatives. But are still reasonable people who support freedoms and liberty.
Leftist - do not.
This statement over the past year, is no longer true. Average liberals are becoming leftist. People who do not support our country. People who are perfectly willing to accept totalitarian and fascism as long as they agree with the principles of that rule.
They are perfectly okay to not only silence opposing speech, but to punish and even ruin the person who said it. This is known as sedition. And they support that practice. You can openly see that every single day now. Public figures and those in the public view are forever ruined and banished for simply saying something the left doesn't support. Question or speak against Black Lives Matter? You will be vilified and publicly eviscerated for making that comment.
And they will turn on their own on a dime.
Take last week when a VERY liberal mayor in Minneapolis refused to tow the leftist demand to abolish the police force. The very same people who minutes before admired him and voted for him - booed and shouted him down. And screamed at him while he was trying to leave the podium.
Difference of opinion will not be tolerated. And today - liberals are openly engaging in that process.

Who knew that in a movie about a far right fascist government.... it is the left that are quickly becoming that very government...

View attachment 350159

Reality Challenged ^^^.
"Left" is a generalized nomenclature to not describe but to pigeonhole.

People understood very well what he meant by left.

I mean if you prefer, he could have used communist, is that a less derogatory term?

It doesn't make one bit of difference, what he said is completely true.
It would be nice for specifics and less shit thrown to see where it sticks.

Then stop slinging shit and start providing specifics.
When will yous?
Many times on this forum I have said there is a clear difference between liberals and leftist.
Liberals want America to succeed, continue to improve itself and be a strong union. They just differ in how to get there from conservatives. But are still reasonable people who support freedoms and liberty.
Leftist - do not.
This statement over the past year, is no longer true. Average liberals are becoming leftist. People who do not support our country. People who are perfectly willing to accept totalitarian and fascism as long as they agree with the principles of that rule.
They are perfectly okay to not only silence opposing speech, but to punish and even ruin the person who said it. This is known as sedition. And they support that practice. You can openly see that every single day now. Public figures and those in the public view are forever ruined and banished for simply saying something the left doesn't support. Question or speak against Black Lives Matter? You will be vilified and publicly eviscerated for making that comment.
And they will turn on their own on a dime.
Take last week when a VERY liberal mayor in Minneapolis refused to tow the leftist demand to abolish the police force. The very same people who minutes before admired him and voted for him - booed and shouted him down. And screamed at him while he was trying to leave the podium.
Difference of opinion will not be tolerated. And today - liberals are openly engaging in that process.

Who knew that in a movie about a far right fascist government.... it is the left that are quickly becoming that very government...

View attachment 350159
BS. The liberals are shouted down by the extreme left. They are not the same as the extreme left. No matter how you look at it, both extreme left and extreme right will end in the place for this country. Living on the extreme is living on the edge. The edge of extinction.
It only seems that way because we’re on the internet a lot. There’s a subsection of people that Identify as liberals that have become larger, more vocal, and more radical. Bernie Sanders‘s rise in the last couple of elections is proof of that. In the past no one like him would have won a single primary. Anyway he didn’t win, and Biden is still looking to win some of the far left voters over, but I be you that as we get closer to the election Biden will make a significant move to the right.
Many times on this forum I have said there is a clear difference between liberals and leftist.
Liberals want America to succeed, continue to improve itself and be a strong union. They just differ in how to get there from conservatives. But are still reasonable people who support freedoms and liberty.
Leftist - do not.
This statement over the past year, is no longer true. Average liberals are becoming leftist. People who do not support our country. People who are perfectly willing to accept totalitarian and fascism as long as they agree with the principles of that rule.
They are perfectly okay to not only silence opposing speech, but to punish and even ruin the person who said it. This is known as sedition. And they support that practice. You can openly see that every single day now. Public figures and those in the public view are forever ruined and banished for simply saying something the left doesn't support. Question or speak against Black Lives Matter? You will be vilified and publicly eviscerated for making that comment.
And they will turn on their own on a dime.
Take last week when a VERY liberal mayor in Minneapolis refused to tow the leftist demand to abolish the police force. The very same people who minutes before admired him and voted for him - booed and shouted him down. And screamed at him while he was trying to leave the podium.
Difference of opinion will not be tolerated. And today - liberals are openly engaging in that process.

Who knew that in a movie about a far right fascist government.... it is the left that are quickly becoming that very government...

View attachment 350159
The Demoncrap party for the longest time was able to hide their Communist face, behind the facade of liberal compassion, which you couldnt complain about, or you were called names. Now after all those years, it isnt that they have changed, just the face has now been recognized for the EVIL that they do to this country. Even the History channel, a left wing station dared to expose the truth about the liberals Messiah.
When he taught the Rules for Radicals, he was teaching EVIL.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
The history channel depicted Lucifer as looking like this.


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