The looney left won't like this

Taking a knee with ice skates on is uncomfortable anyway I'm sure, but Hockey has always been patriotic. We used to even stand for the Canadian Anthem out of respect, something bed wetters are bankrupt of.

People are free to do as they wish. Has anyone called for them to be fired yet?
People are free to do as they wish. Has anyone called for them to be fired yet?

Why would anybody want people who respect our flag and anthem fired? The other way around, that's understandable.
These are bed wetters we're talking about, you can bet enough of them are pissed, sending hate mail, asserting hockey is racist and calling for boycotts. It's not like these are rational, cognizant adults or anything though. In fact many of them are downright insane, so most of us can never understand why they react to things the way they do. It's not really worth the time anyway, I'd rather find out why monkeys throw their shit at each other. I have more respect for primates than I have for sniveling pathetic liberals.

People are free to do as they wish. Has anyone called for them to be fired yet?

Why would anybody want people who respect our flag and anthem fired? The other way around, that's understandable.
These are bed wetters we're talking about, you can bet enough of them are pissed, sending hate mail, asserting hockey is racist and calling for boycotts. It's not like these are rational, cognizant adults or anything though. In fact many of them are downright insane, so most of us can never understand why they react to things the way they do. It's not really worth the time anyway, I'd rather find out why monkeys throw their shit at each other. I have more respect for primates than I have for sniveling pathetic liberals.


Do you have any links for calls for a boycott?
Watched part of a hockey game while ago; there is a banner saying 'We Play For Black Lives' displayed where the cameras have to pan right over it every time it moves from on end of the ice to the other. I changed channels. Fuck hockey. No support for racist commie faggot traitors and street criminal scum or those who pander to them.

ALL players stood for the anthem.

Kaepernick made his choice to kneel, and crazy right wingers went nuts. If a few athletes don't care to kneel, that doesn't mean the country didn't embrace those that do kneel.

According to their television ratings, it doesn't show that. Any entertainer that takes a political stance at their art is a total idiot.

About one-third will probably agree with their stance. Another third probably don't care either way. But you totally piss off the last third, who also make your paycheck.

Keep your mouth shut, play your guitar, throw your football, or put the ball in the hoop, and you piss off nobody in your audience.
People are free to do as they wish. Has anyone called for them to be fired yet?

Why would anybody want people who respect our flag and anthem fired? The other way around, that's understandable.
These are bed wetters we're talking about, you can bet enough of them are pissed, sending hate mail, asserting hockey is racist and calling for boycotts. It's not like these are rational, cognizant adults or anything though. In fact many of them are downright insane, so most of us can never understand why they react to things the way they do. It's not really worth the time anyway, I'd rather find out why monkeys throw their shit at each other. I have more respect for primates than I have for sniveling pathetic liberals.


Do you have any links for calls for a boycott?
I was wondering the same thing.
People are free to do as they wish. Has anyone called for them to be fired yet?

People are free to do as their wish, on their own time.

When you're on the clock, in the public eye, serving as a public representative of your employer, you're obligated to represent your employer in a positive way. Using that pulpit to engage in an offensive, anti-patriotic protest that casts your employer in a bad light is malfeasance, and is entirely just cause for being fired.
I'm sure you also support players expressing their right to free speech when they disagree with your views.

Personally, I find sports to be of no interest at all.

But anyone, on his own time, regardless of profession,is entitled to express whatever opinion he will, regardless of how much I may agree or disagree with it.

When one is in the public eye, acting as a paid representative of one's employer, then that's a completely different story. Especially in a business where public perception is so important. It's very bad business in sports or other entertainment industries, to offend the fans that you are hoping will pay to see whatever content is being produced and offered.

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